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Corona-resouces collection (last updated: 3. Dec. 2021) - Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Bitte beachten Sie unsere regelmäßig aktualisierte Sammlung "Free and useful resources on Corona" (letztes Update: 3. Dez. 2021, 18 Seiten) in Aktuelles (19.Newspost)

Please be also aware of our regularly updated collection "Free and useful resources on Corona" (last update: 3. Dec. 2021, 18 pages) in  News (19. Newspost)

Info and contact

Media centre/Library


HZI, Inhoffenstr.7, 38124 Braunschweig

Room W0.40: plant layout
Video (by OCLC, ger. ) on HZI Library

The HZI-library is open 24/7.
inside HZI Library

Service hours (information desk, office):

Mo - Fr 09:00am - 04:30pm

(+49)0531/6181-1164 (+49)0531/6181-1160





christmas season and new year greeting




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Welcome to the web portal of HZI Library!

Beside the inventory evidence you can find information regarding more services that we offer for you:

  • HZI-Labjournals (HZI rules have to be followed, see Links 1b) Citing, copyright, labbooks): are issued and archived by us and the archived ones (e.g. from previous staff members) are referenced in the catalog -incl. scanned Table of Contents
  • Library catalogue: more than 8000 text and scientific books, about 8000 printed journal volumes and over 2300 (book-) series (see media areas and collections) are referenced and searchable. (library catalogue offers search suggestions/ word completion while typing a query, recent search queries in tagcloud at the left, in book details alternative book suggestions via Bibtip, linked & navigable metadata..)

This web portal (incl. Website-search) has many more additional functions: For having a look into your library account, prolonging your media or using several other functions please log in with your personal library user ID.


If you have any question don't hesitate to contact us.

We hope you enjoy our webportal and catalogue and you find what you're looking for -please let us know your opinion in this little Survey we also look forward to your suggestions and ideas: give us  feedback (via feedback form) or write us via bibliothek(at)helmholtz-hzi.de

Your library team                                                                     (last update: 02. Nov. 2020)



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