Info and contact

Medienzentrum / Bibliothek

HZI, Inhoffenstr.7, 38124 Braunschweig

Raum W0.40: Gebäudeplan

Unsere Bibliothek steht den Mitarbeitern immer offen und ist auch am Wochenende zugänglich.

Service hours (information desk, office):

Mo      - Fr 09:00am - 04:30pm

(+49)0531/6181-1164 (+49)0531/6181-1160


bibliothek(at)helmholtz-hzi.de or via Form

=> available also via Intranet: http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/News%20Bibliothek/Forms/AllItems.aspx

NEW: Good news zu ACS Publications! - Montag, 13. Februar 2023

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

seit diesem Jahr gibt es einen neuen Konsortialvertrag mit dem Verlag "ACS". Die Bibliothek hat zusammen mit den anderen HGF-Zentren einen sogenannten Publish & Read-Vertrag abgeschlossen.

Was bedeutet das für Sie als verlegerische Korrespondenzautoren?

Sie müssen die Publikationskosten nicht mehr selbst tragen, sie sind bereits durch den Vertrag abgedeckt und werden somit von der Bibliothek bezahlt. Sie müssen auch nicht mehr über CC-Lizenzen nachdenken und möglicherweise eine Lizenz wählen, die die Wiederverwendbarkeit Ihrer Ergebnisse stark einschränkt (CC-BY-NC-ND), sondern veröffentlichen standardmäßig unter der CC-BY-Lizenz! Der Workflow für die Veröffentlichung ändert sich leicht. ACS stellt Ihnen dazu folgendes Material zur Verfügung: https://acsopenscience.org/institutions/read-and-publish/#publish

Sollten Sie als HZI-zugehöriger korrespondierender Autor fälschlicherweise eine Rechnung erhalten, informieren Sie uns bitte, damit wir die Rechnung über unseren Konsortialführer stornieren können.

Bei Fragen steht Ihnen die Bibliothek jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Bibliotheksteam


--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,

since this year there is a new consortium agreement with the publisher "ACS". The library, together with the other HGF centers, has concluded a so-called Publish & Read contract.

What does this mean for you as a publishing corresponding author?

You no longer have to bear the publication costs yourself, they are already covered by the contract and thus paid by the library. You also no longer have to ponder over CC licenses and possibly choose a license that severely limits the reusability of your results (CC-BY-NC-ND), but publish under the CC-BY license by default! The workflow for publishing changes slightly. ACS provides you with the following material for this purpose: https://acsopenscience.org/institutions/read-and-publish/#publish

If you as an HZI-affiliated corresponding author receive wrongly an invoice, please notify us so that we can cancel the invoice via our consortium leader.


If you have any questions, please contact the library at any time!

With best regards

your library team


Endnote Q&A session am 21. Apr. 2022 & Alfasoft Demo Days (26.-28. Apr. 2022) - Mittwoch, 20. April 2022


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

seit Januar ist die Endnote-Version 20.2 im SoftwareCenter verfügbar (siehe Newsmeldung (Intranet) vom 21. Januar 2022, bzw. auch weiter unten in Aktuelles).


  1. Endnote Q&A Session (21. April 2022, 10-11 Uhr)

Die aktuelle Endnote Frage- und Antwortstunde fürs HZI findet am 21. April in der Zeit von 10 – 11 Uhr (CET) statt. Sie wird von Herrn Peter Masurat auf Englisch gehalten.

Agenda 2022-04-21 (Herr Masurat):

  1. Groups
  2. How to label references when doing massive literature search (Library>change/move/copy fields)
  3. How to send PDFs, where are PDFs stored, rename PFDs
  4. EndNoteOnline – Manuscript matcher
  5. How to handle doc created without support for EndNote
  6. Time for all further questions


Gerne können Sie sich für eine der einzigartigen Live-Fragestunden von Alfasoft anmelden, die speziell fürs HZI angeboten wird. Klicken Sie dazu einfach auf den obigen Link.

Die Sessions sind für Sie kostenlos, da sie bereits vom HZI durch die Lizensierung des Endnote Trainingsportal (lizensiert bis 31.August 2022) übernommen werden. Während jeder Sitzung können die EndNote-Experten von Alfasoft Ihre Fragen zu EndNote beantworten.

PS: Wir haben das Endnote Trainings-Portal (https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us Erstaufruf via „English“)  bis 31. August 2022 für Sie lizensiert.  

Die Endnote-Intranetseite wurde dementsprechend aktualisiert & auch Bibliotheksportal-Seite „Focus: Endnote“ und außerdem wurde das Endnote Training Portal in der Liste der von uns lizensierten "Datenbanken & Tools" hinzugefügt.


  1. Alfasoft Online Demo Days (26.-28. April 2022) https://start.alfasoft.com/pre-odd

Die Agenda für die Alfasoft Online Demo Days (26.-28. April) wird bald veröffentlicht.

Themen sind: EndNote, NVivo, Citavi, Statistik & Datenanalyse, Chemie & Labor, Klinische Studien, Math & Engineering, Development tools & Datenbanken, Simulation & Design.


Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---


Dear colleagues,

since January is the Endnote-version 20.2 in SoftwareCenter available (see Newsposting of 21. January 2022, also below in News).

  1. Endnote Q&A Session (21. April 2022, 10-11 Uhr)

The current Endnote question and answer session for the HZI will take place on 21 April from 10 - 11 am (CET). It will be held by Mr. Peter Masurat in English.

Agenda 2022-04-21 (Herr Masurat):

  1. Groups
  2. How to label references when doing massive literature search (Library>change/move/copy fields)
  3. How to send PDFs, where are PDFs stored, rename PFDs
  4. EndNoteOnline – Manuscript matcher
  5. How to handle doc created without support for EndNote
  6. Time for all further questions



Please feel free to register for any of those unique live question and answers sessions that are offered by Alfasoft for HZI. All you have to do is click on the link above. The sessions are free for you as those are already covered by HZI via the subscription to the Endnote Training portal (subscribed until 31. August 2022). During each session, the EndNote expert staff at Alfasoft will be able to address any EndNote questions you have.

We have licenced the Endnote Training portal (https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us*initially via „English“) until 31. August 2022. The Endnote-Intranet page has been updated accordingly as well as the library portal-page “Focus Endnote” and Endnote Training Portal is also listed at “Databases & Tools”.


  1. Alfasoft Online Demo Days (26.-28. April 2022) https://start.alfasoft.com/pre-odd

Agenda for April 26-28 will be announced soon. EndNote, NVivo, Citavi, Statistics and Data Analysis, Chemistry and Lab, Clinical studies, Math and Engineering, Development tools and Databases, Simulation and Design.

Best regards,

your library team

 weiter ...

NEU Dictionary of Natural Products als Online-Datenbank verfügbar - Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

seit 2022 haben wir die Datenbank Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP auf die Online-Version umgestellt, da der Anbieter die DVD-Version nicht mehr produziert. Der Zugang ist jetzt per IP-Freischaltung der IP-Adressen des HZI geregelt, wodurch Sie über Geräte die den IP-Adressbereichen des HZI angehören auf die Datenbank Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP https://dnp.chemnetbase.com zugreifen können.

In unserer Datenbank-Übersicht der von uns lizensierten Datenbanken und Tools ist diese Datenbank DNP nun auch enthalten:

  • Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP ( enthält als einzige umfassende und vollständig redigierte Datenbank über Naturprodukte die Eigenschaften von über 328.000 Naturstoffen und eine vollständige Liste der relevanten Literatur. (DNP wird 2x järlich aktualisiert, mit ca. 10.000 neuen Einträgen pro Jahr auf dem neuesten Stand, was die zuletzt isolierten und identifizierten natürlich vorkommenden Chemikalien betrifft.) Mehr Infos in der "Tour durch DNP", im Video und in der "DNP Introduction")

Bibliotheksportal > Datenbanken: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Datenbanken

Intranet > Wissenschaft > Bibliothek > Datenbanken & Tools (linkes Menü): http://hzi-bssp2019/I/W/BIB/Seiten/DBIS.aspx

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---


Dear colleagues,

Since 2022 we have switched the Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP database to the online version, as the provider no longer produces the DVD version. Access is now regulated by IP activation of the HZI’s IP-addresses, allowing you to access the Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP database (https://dnp.chemnetbase.com) via devices belonging to the HZI IP address ranges.

This database is now also included in our database overview of our licenced databases & tools:

  • Dictionary of Natural Products/ DNP (contains as the only comprehensive and fully edited database on natural products the properties of over 328,000 natural products and a complete list of relevant literature (DNP is updated 2x per year, with approximately 10,000 new entries per year up to date on the latest naturally occurring chemicals isolated and identified). More info at the "Tour of DNP", in video and in the "DNP Introduction")

Bibliotheksportal > Databases: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Databases

Intranet > Wissenschaft > Bibliothek > Datenbanken & Tools (left menu): http://hzi-bssp2019/I/W/BIB/Seiten/DBIS.aspx


Best regards,

your library team


 weiter ...

Endnote20 nun im SoftwareCenter & Endnote Q&A session am 27. Jan.2022 - Freitag, 21. Januar 2022


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie nun die neueste Version von Endnote, Endnote 20 (Version: Endnote 20.2.1) nutzen können. Das Rechenzentrum hat diese Version nun dankenswerterweise ins SoftwareCenter integriert.

Installieren können Sie diese Version Endnote 20 ganz einfach vom SoftwareCenter Ihres HZI-Gerätes: Gehen Sie einfach über Start bzw. die Suche und wählen Sie Software Center: SoftwareCenter via Start/ search

Im SoftwareCenter (Applications) finden Sie alle installierbare Software. Hier können Sie Endnote durch Anklicken auswählen und anschließend „Install“ wählen (ungeachtet einer früher installierten älteren Version).

Zu Endnote 20.2: Anfang November ist das Update auf EndNote 20.2 erschienen, das nicht nur einige Fehlerkorrekturen, sondern auch interessante neue Funktionen bietet:

Eine Funktion sind die nun integrierten Retraction alerts: EndNote weist Sie jetzt darauf hin, wenn Publikationen in Ihrer EndNote Library inzwischen zurückgezogen wurden. Nähere Infos zu dieser neuen Funktion finden sich in dieser Webinaraufzeichnung https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3067425655435164941, fürs Ansehen der Webinaraufzeichnung einfach Ihren Namen eintragen und dann startet die Webinaraufzeichnung.

Neben diesen sogenannten Retractions Alerts beinhaltet das Update auf EndNote 20.2 noch Folgendes:

  • Eine Möglichkeit, im Groups Panel Gruppen zu filtern
  • Cite While You Write kann jetzt in Inhaltssteuerelemente in Word eingefügt werden (content control boxes)
  • Ihre EndNote Library können Sie jetzt mit bis zu 400 Personen teilen
  • Die Datensätze sind jetzt mit dem NVDA Screenreader lesbar
  • Im Groups Panel können Sie jetzt störungsfrei mittels Tastatur navigieren
  • Wie immer einige weitere kleine Fehlerkorrekturen und Anzeigeoptimierungen

Nächste Woche findet wieder eine Endnote Frage- und Antwortstunde statt und in den folgenden Monaten noch 2 weitere:

EndNote Frage- und Antwortstunde (deutsch) am 27.1.2022 von 10 bis 11 Uhr

  • EndNote 20 - Änderungen in Oberfläche und Menüs im Vergleich zu X9
  • EndNote 20.2 – Retraction Alerts und sonstige Neuerungen
  • Cite While You Write in Word – Feldfunktionen und was man in diesem Kontext beachten sollte
  • Synchronisation in EndNote Online
  • Zeit für alle weiteren Fragen

Infos & Anmeldung: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/5844941555512745743

Weitere Termine der Frage- und Antwortstunde in Englisch finden an folgenden Terminen statt: Falls Sie diese in Englisch benötigen, bitte einen der beiden folgenden Termine via Drop-Down wählen:

21. April 2022, 10-11Uhr (English)

18. August 2022, 10-11 Uhr (English)

https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/5844941555512745743 (passendes Datum via Dropdown wählen)

Gerne können Sie sich für eine der einzigartigen Live-Fragestunden von Alfasoft anmelden, die speziell fürs HZI angeboten wird. Klicken Sie dazu einfach auf den obigen Link. Die Sessions sind für Sie kostenlos, da sie bereits vom HZI durch die Lizensierung des Endnote Trainingsportal (lizensiert bis 31.August 2022) übernommen werden. Während jeder Sitzung können die EndNote-Experten von Alfasoft Ihre Fragen zu EndNote beantworten.

PS: Wir haben das Endnote Trainings-Portal (https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us*Erstaufruf via „English“)   bis 31. August 2022 für Sie lizensiert.  Die Endnote-Intranetseite wurde dementsprechend aktualisiert & auch Bibliotheksportal-Seite „Focus: Endnote“ und außerdem wurde das Endnote Training Portal in der Liste der von uns lizensierten „Datenbanken & Tools“ hinzugefügt.

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that you can now use the latest version of Endnote, Endnote 20 (version: Endnote 20.2.1). The Computing Center has now integrated this version into the SoftwareCenter, thankfully.

You can easily install this version Endnote 20 from the SoftwareCenter of your HZI device: Just go to Start or Search and select Software Center:

SoftwareCenter via Start/ searchIn the SoftwareCenter (Applications) you will find all installable software.

Here you can select Endnote by clicking on Endnote20 and then select "Install" (no matter if you have already installed an older version).

Regarding EndNote 20.2: At the beginning of November, the update to EndNote 20.2 was released, which not only offers some bug fixes, but also interesting new features:

One feature is the now integrated Retraction alerts: EndNote now alerts you when publications in your EndNote Library have been retracted in the meantime. More information about this new feature can be found in this webinar recording https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3067425655435164941, to view the webinar recording just enter your name and the webinar recording will start.

Besides these so called Retractions Alerts, the update to EndNote 20.2 also includes the following:

  • A way to filter groups in the Groups panel.
  • Cite While You Write can now be inserted into content control boxes in Word
  • You can now share your EndNote Library with up to 400 people
  • Records are now readable with the NVDA screen reader
  • In the Groups Panel you can now navigate without problems using the keyboard
  • As always, some other small bug fixes and display optimizations


Next week there will be another EndNote question and answer session:

EndNote Question and Answer Hour (German) on Jan. 27, 2022 from 10 to 11 a.m.

  • EndNote 20 - Changes in interface and menus compared to X9
  • EndNote 20.2 - Retraction Alerts and other new features
  • Cite While You Write in Word - field functions and what to consider in this context
  • Synchronization in EndNote Online
  • Time for all other questions

Info & registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/5844941555512745743  

Additional Q&A sessions in English will be held on the following dates: If you need this in English, please select one of the following two dates via drop-down:

April 21, 2022, 10-11am (English)

August 18, 2022, 10-11am (English)

https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/5844941555512745743 (just choose the date via dropdown)

Please feel free to register for any of those unique live question and answers sessions that are offered by Alfasoft for HZI. All you have to do is click on the link above. The sessions are free for you as those are already covered by HZI via the subscription to the Endnote Training portal (subscribed until 31. August 2022). During each session, the EndNote expert staff at Alfasoft will be able to address any EndNote questions you have.

We have licenced the Endnote Training portal (https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us*initially via „English“) until 31. August 2022. The Endnote-Intranet page has been updated accordingly as well as the library portal-page “Focus Endnote” and Endnote Training Portal is also listed at “Databases & Tools”.

Best regards,

your library team


 weiter ...

RADAR for research data and RADAR Newsletter - Dienstag, 16. November 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,RADAR-logo

wir haben seit ein paar Jahren RADAR lizensiert, welches Sie zur Hinterlegung Ihrer Forschungsdaten nutzen können.

Mit RADAR können Sie als Wissenschaftler*innen Forschungsdaten aus abgeschlossenen wissenschaftlichen Studien und Projekten über ein Webportal hochladen, zu Datenpaketen zusammenstellen, diese mit Metadaten beschreiben, begutachten lassen, dauerhaft archivieren oder öffentlich zugänglich machen.
Die HZI-Bibliothek verwaltet RADAR, was den Wissenschaftler*innen und Doktorand*innen des HZI und seiner An-Institute eine professionelle Veröffentlichung und Archivierung von Forschungsdaten bietet.
RADAR ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Forschungsdaten sicher zu speichern und sie in zitierfähiger und gut sichtbarer Form zu veröffentlichen.
RADAR erfüllt die FAIR-Prinzipien für die Wiederverwendung von Forschungsdaten, nach denen gespeicherte Datensätze auffindbar, zugänglich, interoperabel und wiederverwendbar sein müssen - d.h. mit klaren Nutzungsbedingungen.
Erfahren Sie mehr auf unserer Intranetseite zu RADAR (verlinkt im Bibliotheksportal: “Datenbanken”)

--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,
we have licensed the RADAR portal for a few years now which you can use for archiving and publishing your research data.
With RADAR, you can upload research data from completed scientific studies and projects via a web portal, compile them into data packages, describe them with metadata, have them peer-reviewed, permanently archive them, or make them publicly accessible.
HZI Library administers the RADAR platform, providing scientists and graduate students of the HZI and its affiliated institutes to facilitate the professional publication and archiving of research data.
The RADAR platform allows you to safely store your research data and publish them in a citable and highly visible form.
RADAR meets the FAIR principles for the reuse of research data, according to which stored datasets must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable – i.e. having clear terms of use.
Learn more on our RADAR intranet page (linked also in library portal’s page “Databases”)

Best regards,
your library team


RADAR  NEWSLETTER              [LATEST ISSUE :]  05. AUG. 2021

Der RADAR Newsletter informiert Sie in unregelmäßigen Abständen über alle Neuigkeiten zu RADAR. Alle bisherigen Newsletter finden Sie HIER.



Seit 20. Juli 2021 steht RADAR in der neuen Software Version v1.10 zur Verfügung. Hierbei wurde das RADAR-Portal grundlegendüberarbeitet. Alle bisher auf dem RADAR-Portal vorhandenen Informationen zu bzw. über RADAR stehen nun auf einer neuen, eigenständigen RADAR-Website zur Verfügung. Das umgestaltete RADAR-Portal und die neue RADAR-Website sind im Layout aufeinander abgestimmt und untereinander durch Schaltflächen und Menüs verlinkt.

Beim Relaunch des RADAR-Portals https://www.radar-service.eu wurde auf eine verbesserte Übersichtlichkeit, Lesbarkeit und Usability Wert gelegt. Bei Aufruf des Portals erscheint unmittelbar die Liste der neuesten Datenpublikationen, die weiteres Suchen, Facettieren, Sortieren, Blättern sowie den Zugriff auf einzelne Datensätze erlaubt. Über die optimierte Kopfleiste gelangen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer auf die RADAR-Anmeldeseite, daneben sind dort die Sprachwahl, die Suchfunktion nach Datensätzen sowie Verlinkungen zur RADAR-Website verfügbar.

Die neue RADAR-Website https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de erlaubt Zugriff auf alle relevanten Informationen und Dokumente zu RADAR wie etwa zu Features, Betriebsvarianten, Verträgen und Preisen sowie zu unserem Support. Die Startseite enthält zudem die neuesten RADAR-Nachrichten sowie den aktuellen RADAR-Tweet auf unserem Twitter Account. Über die Schaltflächen "ANMELDEN" und "IN DATEN SUCHEN" in der Kopfleiste gelangen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer bequem auf das RADAR-Portal.

Im Zuge des Relaunches des RADAR-Portals haben wir gleichzeitig die Barrierefreiheit der RADAR-Software weiter optimiert und den aktuellen Stand erstmalig in einer Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit dokumentiert, die Sie hier finden. Derzeitig haben wir uns vor allem auf die barrierearme Zugänglichkeit der öffentlich verfügbaren Seiten des Portals fokussiert. In kommenden Releases werden wir auch die erst nach Anmeldung erreichbaren Seiten schrittweise barrierearm gestalten.

Wir hoffen, dass all diese Aspekte die Nutzungsfreundlichkeit von RADAR weiter verbessern - sei es z. B. beim Zugriff auf Datenpublikationen auf dem RADAR-Portal oder bei der Suche nach den gewünschten Informationen auf der RADAR-Website! Möchten Sie sich selbst überzeugen? RADAR kann unverbindlich getestet werden. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie hier.



“Veränderung als Konstante: RADAR etabliert sich als flexibler Baustein im Forschungsdatenmanagementin unserem Fachbeitrag stellen wir dar, wie wir RADAR für die Zukunft positionieren. Zusammenfassung und vollständiger Artikel (vorerst nur für Abonnenten) sind verfügbar unter: https://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2021-02/fachbeitrag-soltau.pdf

Soltau K, Razum M (2021)Veränderung als Konstante: RADAR etabliert sich als flexibler Baustein im Forschungsdatenmanagement. In: Ball R (Ed.) b.i.t. online Heft 2/2021, b.i.t.online -Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, S. 152-162



"Lokal betrieben, remote gepflegt Software für ein Datenrepositorium in Kooperation implementieren"so lautete der Titel des gemeinsamen Tandem-Talks von Universität Konstanz (KIM) und FIZ Karlsruhe zur neuen Betriebsvariante RADAR Local am 05. März 2021. Die Vortragsfolien sind nun auf unserer Website als lokale Kopie (PDF) verfügbar. Alle Informationen zu den drei RADAR Betriebsvarianten RADAR Cloud, RADAR Hybrid und RADAR Local finden Sie auf unserer neuen Website unter dem Menüpunkt BETRIEBSVARIANTEN.



Internationale "OpenAccess Week" (25.10.-31.10.2021): Veranstaltungen - Freitag, 22. Oktober 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen / Dear colleagues

auch in diesem Jahr findet vom 25. bis 31. Oktober 2021 die jährliche internationale Open Access Week statt, dieses Mal unter dem Motto „It matters how we open knowledge“. /Also this year, the annual international Open Access Week will take place from October 25 to 31, 2021, this time under the motto "It matters how we open knowledge".


Wir haben Ihnen hier eine Auswahl an Veranstaltungen zusammengestellt /    We have put together a selection of events for you here:

Helmholtz Open Science Office https://os.helmholtz.de/open-science-realisieren/veranstaltungen/helmholtz-open-science-online-seminare/61-online-seminar

“Open Access Publishing – Zooming in on Copyright and CC Licenses” (Sprache: Englisch)

Termin: 27. Oktober 2021, Zeit: 15:00-16:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie hier/ register here (kostenfrei/ for free) |  Mehr Infos/ more details @Helmholtz OS Office | Ihre Fragen/ Your questions via OnlinePad


TIB Hannover https://open-access.network/fortbilden/open-access-talk/open-access-talk-am-28-oktober-2021  

“Preprints: Forschungsergebnisse schnell und offen kommunizieren”, Referent: Dr. Stefan Schmeja, Technische Informationsbibliothek

Termin: 28.10.2021, 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr

Ort: Online (Big Blue Button)


Charité Lightning talks https://bibliothek.charite.de/publizieren/open_access/open_access_week_2021/

  1. Scientific publishing in the life sciences: The dawn of a new era? (Sprache: Englisch, Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Dirnagl, BIH @Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Termin: 25.10.2021, Zeit: 10:00 - 10:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Peer Review Verfahren im Vergleich: wieviel Qualität muss sein? (Sprache: Deutsch, Referentin: PD Dr. rer. medic. Friederike Kendel, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Termin: 26.10.2021, Zeit: 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register  | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Data availability statements and data citation: Best practices (Sprache: Englisch, Referent: Dr. Evgeny Bobrov, BIH @Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Termin: 26.10.2021, Zeit: 15:30 - 16:00 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Open Access bleibt bezahlbar: Der grüne Weg über OA-Repositorien (Sprache: Deutsch, Referentin: PD Dr. med. Anne Berghöfer, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Termin: 27.10.2021, Zeit: 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Open Science and Digital Literacy in the Life Sciences (Sprache: Englisch, Referent: Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner, ZB MED & TH Köln)

Termin: 27.10.2021, Zeit: 15:00 - 15:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen / more details | Teilnahme Link / participate


  1. Relevanz von Open Access in der globalen Gesundheitsforschung (Sprache: Deutsch, Referentin: Dr. Amrei Krings, Robert Koch Institut)

Termin: 28.10.2021, Zeit: 10:00 - 10:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Building trust in clinical preprints: eLife & refereed preprints (Sprache: Englisch, Referent: Mone Zaidi, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai & Deputy Editor @eLife, Sprache: Englisch

Termin: 28.10.2021, Zeit: 16:00 - 16:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt / register | Mehr Informationen/ more details  | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Research funders and open access: the European Commission (Sprache: Englisch, Referentin: Alea López de San Román González

Termin: 29.10.2021, Zeit: 10:00 - 10:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


  1. Engaging with preprints: a practical guide (Sprache: Englisch, Referentin: Jessica Polka, PhD, Executive Director of ASAPbio)

Termin: 29.10.2021, Zeit: 15:00 - 15:30 Uhr

Buchen Sie jetzt/ register | Mehr Informationen/ more details | Teilnahme Link/ participate


HU Berlin Coffee lectures https://www.ub.hu-berlin.de/de/forschen-publizieren/open-access/open-access-week  


  1. ‚Ich will doch nur das PDF‘ – hilfreiche Werkzeuge für die Suche nach wissenschaftlicher Literatur

Termin: 25.10.2021, Zeit: 15:00 – 15:15 Uhr

Zugang hier/ access here (Zoom)


  1. Finanzierung und Förderung von Open Access

Termin: 26.10.2021, Zeit: 13:00 – 13:15

Zugang hier/ access here (Zoom)


  1. Open Access und Creative-Commons-Lizenzen

Termin: 27.10.2021, Zeit: 13:00 – 13:15

Zugang hier/ access here (Zoom)


  1. Open up the Past – veröffentlichte Publikationen nachträglich frei zugänglich machen

Termin: 28.10.2021, Zeit: 13:00 – 13:15

Zugang hier/ access here (Zoom)


  1. ORCID iD – Ihre digitale Identität in der Wissenschaft

Termin: 29.10.2021, Zeit: 13:00 – 13:15

Zugang hier/ access here (Zoom)


NEU: Endnote Training Portal für 1 Jahr lizensiert/ Endnote Training Portal licenced for 1 year - Donnerstag, 23. September 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
wir haben das Endnote Training Portal für 1 Jahr für Sie lizensiert.

Alfasoft bietet seit einigen Monaten ein Endnote Training Portal an, dass Sie bei der Nutzung von Endnote via Lernvideos, Manual, Mindmap etc. unterstützt.

  • Im Bereich „Basic training videos (English)“ bzw. „Basic training videos (Deutsch)“ gibt es eine Liste an verfügbaren Videos. Bei längeren Videos gibt es Unterabschnitte, die gezielt aufgerufen werden können.
  • Die KnowledgeBase ist genauso durchsuchbar (Filter: Endnote) wie das Endnote Manual oder die Endnote videos (Filter: Endnote Training).
  • Endnote Manual: übersichtlich strukturierte Kapitel (ink. Aktualisierungsdatum) mit Screenshots und Querverweisen zu verwandten Themen sowie Verlaufshistorie
  • Kurzvorstellung des Endnote Training portals: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal

Zur Nutzung des Endnote Training Portals brauchen Sie sich nur mit Ihrer institutionellen Mailadresse (@helmholtz-hzi.de, @helmholtz-hips.de, @helmholtz-hiri.de, @theoretical-biology.de) anmelden, siehe unten im Anschluss der Newsmeldung unter blau gestrichelter Linie. Bitte testen Sie dieses Angebot und geben Sie uns als Bibliothek bitte eine Rückmeldung.

Zusätzlich bietet Alfasoft 2x/ Jahr eine Live Q&A session for EndNote an:

• 21. Mai 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr (Aufzeichnung während Testphase): https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8779190645079845378 (Aufzeichnung größtenteils in Deutsch/ recording mainly in German)

Frau Höfling hält die folgenden Frage- und Antwortstunden (wahlweise auf Englisch oder Deutsch):
• 21. Oktober 2021
• 27. Januar 2022

Peter Masurat (PhD in Mikrobiologie) hält die Frage- und Antwortstunden (auf Englisch):
• 21. April 2022
• 18. August 2022


PS: Bei technischen Problemen mit Endnote ist nicht Alfasoft, sondern Endnote Support zu kontaktieren.


--- ENGLISH ---

Endnote Training Portal licenced for 1 year
Dear colleagues,
We have licenced the Endnote Training portal for 1 year.
Alfasoft launched a few months ago an Endnote Training portal that supports you in using Endnote via training videos, manual, mindmap etc.

  • Endnote videos: In the section "Basic training videos (English)" resp. "Basic training videos (Deutsch)" you will find a list of available videos. For longer videos, there are subsections that can be accessed specifically.
  • KnowledgeBase is searchable (Filter: Endnote) as well as the Endnote Manual or the Endnote videos (Filter: Endnote Training).
  • Endnote Manual (Deutsch/ English): well-structured chapters (with update date) with screenshots and cross-references to related topics as well as recently visited topics
  • A short introduction of the Endnote Training portal can be found here: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal 

To use the Endnote Training portal you only need to register with your institutional mail address (@helmholtz-hzi.de, @helmholtz-hips.de, @helmholtz-hiri.de, @theoretical-biology.de), see below after blue-dotted line. Please test this platform and please give feedback to us, HZI library.
Additionally, Alfasoft offers 2 times per year a live Q&A session for EndNote:
• 21. Mai 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr (recording during test period): https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8779190645079845378 (recording mainly in German)

Frau Höfling gives the following Q&A session (either in English or German):
• 21. October 2021
• 27. January 2022

Peter Masurat (PhD in Mikrobiology) gives the following Q&A session (in English):
• 21. April 2022
• 18. August 2022

PS: In case of technical problems with Endnote, please contact Endnote Support, not Alfasoft.

Alfasoft has updated the layout of the Endnote Training portal:

Please have a look and let us (bibliothek@hel...) know what you think.
Platform instructions
Find video with introduction to the platform here: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal

Create an account based on your institutional email (must be one of the domains defined below). Once you log into this account you will have access to the “EndNote 20 training” section with all the below
content. Follow the instruction in the picture to create an account at address https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us
Common training access:
• Training manual (English)
• Training Manual (Deutsch)
• Basic training videos (English)
• Basic training videos (Deutsch)
• Mindmap: Interactive mindmap with main topics of the EndNote training (English)

Helmholtz-specific offers:
• De-duplication of references in EndNote 20
• Live Q&A session: Live Q&A session for EndNote (21. Oktober 2021, 27. Januar 2022, 21. April 2022, 18. August 2022)

Viable domains for access:
• @helmholtz-hzi.de
• @helmholtz-hips.de
• @helmholtz-hiri.de
• @theoretical-biology.de

siehe gesamte Newsmeldung unter blau gestrichelter Linie im Intranet / see whole Newsposting below after blue-dotted line im Intranet (bzw. more)

 weiter ...

DEAL-Vertrag mit Wiley bis 31. Dezember 2022 verlängert/ DEAL-agreement with Wiley extendid until 31. December 2022 - Donnerstag, 9. September 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, das der DEAL-Vertrag mit Wiley bis 31. Dezember 2022 verlängert wurde.

Die Verängerung um 1 Jahr ist Anfang September 2021 entschieden worden (siehe HRK-RS 23_2021 Sachstand Projekt DEAL_Verlängerung des Wiley-Vertrags bis Ende 2022.pdf, HRK-Rundschreiben Nr. 23). Somit läuft der WileyDEAL-Vertrag bis Ende 2022.


Herzliche Grüße,

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,

we are happy to announce that the DEAL-agreement with Wiley has been ectendid until 31. December 2022

The extension by 1 year has been decided in September 2021 (see HRK Circular No. 23 HRK-RS 23_2021 Sachstand Projekt DEAL_Verlängerung des Wiley-Vertrags bis Ende 2022.pdf, only in German, in Intranet). Thus, the WileyDEAL contract runs until the end of 2022.

Best regards,

your library


NEU: Endnote Training Portal (Testphase bis Ende Mai: bitte testen/ please participate in testing!) - Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Alfasoft bietet seit kurzem ein Endnote Training Portal an, dass Sie bei der Nutzung von Endnote via Lernvideos, Manual, Mindmap etc. unterstützt. Im Bereich Basic training videos (English)“ bzw. „Basic training videos (Deutsch)“ gibt es eine Liste an verfügbaren Videos. Bei längeren Videos gibt es Unterabschnitte, die gezielt aufgerufen werden können. Die KnowledgeBase ist genauso durchsuchbar (Filter: Endnote) wie das Endnote Manual oder die Endnote videos (Filter: Endnote Training). Eine Kurzvorstellung des Endnote Training portals gibt es hier: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal

Zur Nutzung des Endnote Training Portals brauchen Sie sich nur mit Ihrer institutionellen Mailadresse anmelden (siehe unten). Die Testphase für das Endnote Training portal dauert bis Ende Mai. Bitte testen Sie dieses Angebot und geben Sie uns als HZI-Bibliothek bitte bis Ende Mai eine Rückmeldung zu diesem Angebot, damit wir als HZI-Bibliothek einschätzen können, ob eine Lizenzierung Sinn macht.

Zusätzlich bietet Alfasoft eine Live Q&A session for EndNote (21. Mai 2021, 10-11 Uhr) an.


PS: Bei technischen Problemen mit Endnote ist nicht Alfasoft, sondern Endnote Support zu kontaktieren.


--- ENGLISH ---


Dear colleagues,

Alfasoft recently launched an Endnote Training portal that supports you in using Endnote via training videos, manual, mindmap etc. In the section "Basic training videos (English)" resp. "Basic training videos (Deutsch)" you will find a list of available videos. For longer videos, there are subsections that can be accessed specifically. The KnowledgeBase is searchable (Filter: Endnote) as well as the Endnote Manual or the Endnote videos (Filter: Endnote Training). A short introduction of the Endnote Training portal can be found here: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal

To use the Endnote Training portal you only need to register with your institutional mail address (see below). The trial period for the Endnote Training portal will last until the end of May. Please test this offer and give us as HZI-library feedback on it until the end of May, so that we as the HZI library can assess whether licensing makes sense.

Additionally, Alfasoft offers a live Q&A session for EndNote (May 21, 2021, 10-11 am).


PS: In case of technical problems with Endnote, please contact Endnote Support, not Alfasoft.





Alfasoft has updated the layout of the Endnote Training portal:


Please have a look and let us know what you think.


Platform instructions

Find video with introduction to the platform here: https://www.alfasoft.link/training-portal



Create an account based on your institutional email (must be one of the domains defined below). Once you log into this account you will have access to the “EndNote training” section with all the below content. Follow the instruction in the picture to create an account at address https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us (sometimes a Browser notification pops up above login window that cookies have to be allowed, click on "Weiter"/ "next" and the sign-up resp. login should work)

Common training access:

  • Training manual (English)
  • Training Manual (Deutsch)
  • Basic training videos (English)
  • Basic training videos (Deutsch)
  • Mindmap: Interactive mindmap with main topics of the EndNote training (English)


Helmholtz-specific offers:

  • De-duplication of references in EndNote 20
  • Live Q&A session: Live Q&A session for EndNote (May 21, 10a.m.-11 a.m.)


Viable domains for access:

  • @helmholtz-hzi.de
  • @helmholtz-hips.de
  • @helmholtz-hiri.de
  • @theoreticalbiology.de



SciFlow-Webinar am 4. Mai, 10-11 Uhr (Englisch) - Donnerstag, 29. April 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

auch in diesem Jahr gibt es wieder ein SciFlow-Webinar:


Webinar am 04.05.; 10:00-11:00 Uhr auf Englisch – Registrieren Sie sich hier: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ow0myDe7RyuZ4TRqIq6eCA

(das Webinar wird auch aufgezeichnet und nach der Veranstaltung zur Verfügung gestellt)

SciFlow ist eine Webplattform für das gemeinsame Verfassen von wissenschaftlichen (und auch sonstigen) Texten.

Größte Vorteile:

  • Journal-Templates: Nutzen Sie einfach das vordefinierte Journal-Template für die Erstellung Ihres Manuskripts: https://sciflow.net/de/hzi/templates/journals (für andere Dokumentarten wie Abschlussarbeiten, Berichte etc. nutzen Sie ein Standardtemplate: https://sciflow.net/de/hzi/templates/theses PS: zuerst Zitierstil wählen)
  • DSGVO-konform: Das Berliner Startup hostet seine Server sicher in Deutschland. Die DSGVO-Konformität unterscheidet SciFlow in positivem Sinne von internationalen Mitbewerbern wie Authorea oder GoogleDocs.
  • unkompliziertes, gemeinsames, simultanes Schreiben an einem speziellen Dokument


SciFlow-Infos https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Datenbanken/SciFlow bzw.

http://hzi-bssp2019/I/W/BIB/Seiten/SciFlow.aspx (Intranet)


SciFlow-Portal für das HZIhttps://sciflow.net/hzi  

(via SciFlow-Portal können Sie Ihr SciFlow-Konto mit institutioneller Mailadresse erstellen)


Das HZI ist Teilnehmer an einem HGF-Konsortium mit SciFlow und bietet damit erweiterten Support und Schulungen an. SciFlow richtet sich an Alle, die mit mehreren Personen an einem Dokument arbeiten wollen, vornehmlich jedoch an Wissenschaftler. Diese können den Text über Templates automatisch für die vorgesehene Zeitschrift formatieren lassen und eigene Literaturverwaltungen können eingebunden werden. Weiterhin können mit SciFlow aber auch Berichte, Protokolle und Datenmanagementpläne erstellt werden.

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---


Dear colleagues,

also in this year a SciFlow-webinar is offered:

Webinar on May, 04th., 10- 11 a.m  in English: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ow0myDe7RyuZ4TRqIq6eCA (register here)

(the webinar will be recorded and will be made available soon after the event)


SciFlow is a web platform for the joint writing of scientific (and other) texts.

Biggest benefits:

  • Journal Templates: Just use the predefined journal template to create your manuscript: https://www.sciflow.net/en/hzi/templates/journals (for other document types like theses, reports etc. use a default template: https://www.sciflow.net/en/hzi/templates/theses PS: choose citation style first).
  • GDPR-compliant: The Berlin startup securely hosts its servers in Germany. The GDPR conformity distinguishes SciFlow positively from international competitors such as Authorea or GoogleDocs.
  • uncomplicated, collaborative, simultaneous writing on one specific document


SciFlow-details: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Databases/SciFlow resp. http://hzi-bssp2019/I/W/BIB/Seiten/SciFlow.aspx (Intranet)


SciFlow-Portal for HZI-membershttps://sciflow.net/hzi

(via  SciFlow-portal you can create your SciFlow-account with your institutional mail address)


The HZI is a participant in an HGF consortium with SciFlow and thus offers extended support and training. SciFlow is aimed at anyone who wants to work on a document with several people, but primarily at scientists. These can automatically format the text for the intended journal using templates, and their own reference management systems can be integrated. Furthermore, reports, meeting notes and data management plans can also be created with SciFlow.


Best regards,

your library team



Die Spreu (Predatory Journals/Conf., Fake news...) vom Weizen trennen - Freitag, 16. April 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

gerade in Zeiten von Phänomenen wie Predatory Journals/Conferences, Fake news etc. ist es wichtig, die „Spreu vom Weizen trennen“ zu können. Diese Fähigkeit, auch Informations-kompetenz genannt, kann mittels kritischem Hinterfragen und Erfahrung trainiert werden.

Wahr oder Fake news?

In Bezug auf das Einschätzen von Informationen bzw. das Erkennen von „Fake news“ existiert ein interessantes Quiz, mit dem die eigene Fähigkeit getestet werden kann: https://der-newstest.de/

Nach Abschluss des Tests wird aufgeschlüsselt, in welchen Bereichen gut abgeschnitten wurde und in welchen Bereichen weniger gut. PS: Auch erfahrene, informationskompetente Menschen liegen nicht immer 100%ig richtig  ;-) so, wie es auch die Studie „Quelle Internet?“ der Stiftung Neue Verantwortung ergab. Also einfach mal das eigene Wissen ausprobieren :-)

Die TIB Hannover erstellte übrigens einen Blogbeitrag „Fake news erkennen und bewerten“, in dem auch ein paar Tools vorgestellt werden.


Gutes Publikationsorgan oder „schwarzes Schaf“?

Das Einschätzen der Qualität von Journals, Publishern oder Konferenzen bzw. Konferenzanbietern ist manchmal nicht einfach, da es oft auch Grauzonen gibt und die Qualität nicht prozentual errechnet werden kann. Beispielsweise schwierig wird es beim Ermitteln, ob Prozesse der Publizier-Ethik seitens der Publikationsorgane durchgeführt werden. Deren Reviewprozesse, Plagiarismuskontrollen etc. sind ja eher eine Blackbox für Außenstehende (einen kleinen Einblick bezüglich Retractions gibt jedoch die RetractionWatch Database). Trotzdem gibt es auch hierfür Anhaltspunkte:

  1. Ist der Publisher/Konferenzanbieter COPE-Mitglied? (COPE: Committee of Publication Ethics)
  2. Wird nur auf die COPE-Principles/ COPE-Prinziples Poster verwiesen? (diesen Anschein guter Publizierethik wollen natürlich auch Predatory Journals/ Predatory Publishers/ Predatory Conferences geben) Oder werden die COPE-Principles konkret beschrieben und diese auf deren Prozesse angepasst? (Tipp: Um kopierte Textpassagen zu ermitteln, hilft eine Suchanfrage mit einem Textauszug)
  3. ...

Kritisches Hinterfragen und Gegenchecken -auch durch Fragen der Kollegen nach Erfahrungswerten - hilft jedenfalls sehr beim Einschätzen. Als Instrumentarium gibt es die Fragen bei https://thinkchecksubmit.org (für Journals/ Publisher) bzw. http://thinkcheckattend.org (für Konferenzen/ Konferenzanbieter).

Basierend auf https://thinkchecksubmit.org wurde von uns (im Auftrag der Geschäftsführung) die einseitige Anlage zu den Publication Rules samt Nennung einiger Warnzeichen entwickelt.

Auf der Intranetseite „Predatory Publishers vermeiden“ bzw. auf Helmholtz OpenScience-office "FAQ zum Thema Predatory Publishing" gibt es weiterführende Infos.

Sollten Sie unsicher bei einem konkreten Fall sein, können Sie uns gern kontaktieren! :-) PS: Bei Nennung des Publikationsorgans -andernfalls folgt Nachfrage ;-) - beim Manuskriptversand via Publizier-Workflow (siehe HZI Publication Rules (Intranet)), wird dieses seitens der Bibliothek mit geprüft.

Kommen Sie gut durch die nächsten Wochen und bleiben sie gesund.

Ihre Bibliothek

--- ENGLISH ---

Separating the chaff (Predatory Journals/Conf., Fake news...) from the wheat

Dear colleagues,

Especially in times of phenomena like Predatory Journals/Conferences, Fake news etc. it is important to be able to "separate the wheat from the chaff". This ability, also called information literacy, can be trained by means of critical questioning and experience.

True or fake news?

With regard to assessing information and recognizing "fake news," there is an interesting quiz that can be used to test your own ability: https://der-newstest.de/ (in German only).

After completion of the test, a breakdown is provided of the areas in which the test taker did well and those in which he did less well. PS: Even experienced, information-literate people are not always 100% correct ;-) as the study "Source Internet?" by the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung also showed. So just try out your own knowledge :-)

By the way, the TIB Hannover created a blog post "Recognizing and evaluating fake news" (Original in deutsch: „Fake news erkennen und bewerten“), which also presents a few tools.

Good publication organ or "black sheep"?

Assessing the quality of journals, publishers or conferences or conference providers is sometimes not easy, because there are often gray areas and the quality cannot be calculated as a percentage. For example, it is difficult to determine whether processes of publishing ethics are carried out by the publishing bodies. Their review processes, plagiarism controls etc. are rather a black box for outsiders (a small insight regarding retractions might give RetractionWatch Database). Nevertheless, there are clues for this as well:

a) Is the publisher/conference provider a COPE member? (COPE: Committee of Publication Ethics)

b) Do they only refer to the COPE principles / COPE principles  poster? (Also Predatory Journals/ Predatory Publishers/Predatory Conferences want to appear as ensuring good publication ethics.) Or are the COPE principles specifically described and adapted to their processes? (Tip: To identify copied text passages, a search query with a text excerpt will help).

c) ...

In any case, critical questioning and cross-checking - also via asking colleagues for their experiences - helps a lot regarding the evaluation. As instruments there are the questions at https://thinkchecksubmit.org  (for journals/publishers) or http://thinkcheckattend.org  (for conferences/conference providers).

Based on https://thinkchecksubmit.org  we developed (on behalf of the management) the one-page Supplement to the Publication Rules including some warning signs.

On the intranet page "Avoid Predatory Publishers" you can find further information.

If you are unsure about a specific case, please feel free to contact us! :-) PS: If you indicate the publication organ - otherwise it will be requested ;-) - when sending the manuscript via the publishing workflow (see HZI Publication Rules), it will be checked by the library.

Get well through the next weeks and stay healthy.

Your library


Top tips and mistakes to avoid when submitting your article - Freitag, 19. Februar 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Dear colleagues

Check out Wiley’s top tips and tools to help you through submission, including:

  • 8 common mistakes to avoid when submitting your paper: You’ve put a great deal of time and effort into your manuscript, so you want to make sure that it stands the best possible chance of getting accepted into the journal of your choice. However, too many manuscripts are rejected because of easy to avoid errors or oversights. This infographic from Editage Insights (DOI: 10.34193/EI-IG-6036) lists some of the most common reasons for rejection, and offers some quick tips on how you can avoid making these mistakes.
  • Advice for surviving peer review and getting published:
  1. Review & follow Manuscript preparation Guideline: Each journal has a set of individual author guidelines which provide advice on how to prepare your paper for submission.


  1. Follow Publishing Ethics Guidelines/ Wiley’s top 10 publishing ethics tips for authors
  1. Declare to your chosen journal that your manuscript is not published elsewhere
  2. Declare any conflicts of interest
  3. Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript
  4. Include appropriate funding statements in the manuscript
  5. Show informed consent and provide assurances that participants’ rights are protected*
  6. Register clinical trials*
  7. Explain how research using animals is conducted responsibly*
  8. Be alert to bias and follow guidelines for accurate and complete reporting of research
  9. Inform the journal if you subsequently find errors in your research
  10. Sign a copyright agreement                                                                                      *where appropriate

For more in-depth or specific information on ethics view Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics or Committee on Publication Ethics/COPE-Guideline, created by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)

Also, as you think about what journal is best for you, remember your open access options. Researchers from Projekt DEAL institutions can now read Wiley journals and publish their own primary research and review articles open access, retaining copyright of their work.

See Wiley’s original mail that takes you to “Your publishing journey: explorer recources to support you along your publishing journey”

 weiter ...

Elsevier's solution updates on Sciencedirect & Mendeley - Freitag, 19. Februar 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Elsevier hat einige Updates bei Sciencedirect und Mendeley gemeldet (siehe Elsevier's Original-Announcement "Symposia, webinars, solution updates and more" ) bzw. Kurzinfo in Englisch.

--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,

Elsevier announced some solution updates on Sciencedirect and Mendeley:

see Elsevier's original announcement resp. archived version (via Internet archive's Wayback machine, links might not work)

 weiter ...

NEU: ZBMED bietet deutschlandweiten Fernzugriff auf ihre Lizenzen - Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Die Zentralbibliothek Medizin (ZB MED) bietet nun auch deutschlandweiten Fernzugriff auf ihre lizensierten Inhalte. Der Auftrag der ZB MED liegt in der überregionalen Literaturversorgung. Um dem gerecht zu werden, erwirbt die ZB MED als eine der ersten Bibliotheken in Deutschland ausgewählte lebenswissenschaftliche elektronische Fachliteratur auch für den überregionalen Fernzugriff, den Remote Access.

Ganz neu bietet ZB MED jetzt allen für den Fernzugriff registrierten Nutzer:innen ein erweitertes Angebot an: E-Books auf der Plattform ProQuest EbookCentral (das auch wir als HZI für Sie lizensiert haben siehe „Ebooks“) aus den Fachgebieten Agrarwissenschaften, Ernährung, Gesundheit, Medizin, Umwelt und angrenzenden Gebieten zum "Kauf auf Wunsch" (DDA - Demand Driven Acquisition). Den dort bereits lizenzierten E-Books wurden fast 4.300 neue Titel hinzugefügt. Nutzer/innen können diese Titel direkt auf dem EbookCentral Portal auswählen und zum Kauf vorschlagen; sie müssen sich dafür lediglich zusätzlich bei ProQuest Ebook Central registrieren. Die Auswahl auf dem Portal wird kontinuierlich erweitert.

Die Fernzugriff-Nutzung bei ZB MED steht allen frei, deren Wohnort in Deutschland liegt. Für die Registrierung wird ein "virtueller" Bibliotheksausweis beantragt - kostenfrei und online. Dafür ist nur  ein ausgefüllter Antrag mit Scan/Foto des Personalausweises oder entsprechender Dokumente per E-Mail an ausleihe(at)zbmed.de zu senden.

Der Remote Access per EZProxy ist sehr einfach und selbsterklärend; zum Einloggen müssen lediglich Bibliotheksausweis-Nummer und Passwort eingegeben werden:


Die ZBMED bietet darüber hinaus im Fernzugriff:
E-Book-Sammlungen (über den jeweiligen Direktlink der ZB MED-Seite Fernzugriff zugänglich)
Access Medicine (McGraw-Hill) inkl. eHarrison
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), 1995-2006
Karger eBook Collection + Archive (1890-2020)
ProQuest EbookCentral (fast 9.000 aktuelle eBooks verschiedener Verlage plus DDA-Angebot)
2016 LWW Classic Book Collection (Ovid)

E-Journals  (über den jeweiligen Direktlink der ZB MED-Seite Fernzugriff zugänglich)
APS Journal Legacy Content (1898-1997)
Journal of Clinical Oncology Legacy Archive (1983-1998)
Journal of Medical Microbiology (2019-)
Karger eJournal Collection ZB MED (1998-)
Karger Journals Archive (1998-2016)
LWW Legacy Archive (1860-2004, teilweise aktueller)
Mary Ann Liebert (7 Journals, die letzten 6 Jahrgänge)
Oxford Journals Digital Archive (1849-2017)
Sage Journals Online Deep Backfile (1879-2016)
Thieme (5 Journals ab 2000 -)
Wageningen Academic Publishers (4 Journals) Datenbank
CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1989)

Mehr Infos gibt es auf der ZBMED-Webseite "Fernzugriff" https://www.zbmed.de/recherchieren/e-books-und-e-journals/fernzugriff
Haben Sie weitere Fragen? Sie erreichen das ZBMED-Team unter fernzugriff(at)zbmed.de

--- ENGLISH ---

NEW: ZB MED now offers Germany-wide remote access to its licenced content

The German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) now also offers Germany-wide remote access to its licensed content. The mission of the ZB MED is to provide supra-regional literature. In order to do  this the ZB MED is one of the first libraries in Germany to acquire selected electronic specialized literature in Life Sciences for supra-regional remote access.

ZB MED is now offering all users registered for remote access an extended range: e-books on the ProQuest EbookCentral platform (which we at the HZI have also licensed for you, see "Ebooks") from the subject areas of agricultural sciences, nutrition, health, medicine, the environment and related areas for "purchase on demand" (DDA - Demand Driven Acquisition). Almost 4,300 new titles have been added to the e-books already licensed there. Users can select these titles directly on the EbookCentral portal and suggest them for purchase; all they have to do is register with ProQuest Ebook Central. The selection on the portal will be continuously expanded.

Remote access to ZB MED is available to anyone whose place of residence is in Germany. A "virtual" library card can be requested via registration form - free of charge and online. All you need to do is send a filled out application form with a scan/photo of your ID card or corresponding documents by e-mail to ausleihe(at)zbmed.de.

Remote access via EZProxy is very simple and self-explanatory; all you need to do to log in is enter your library card number and password: http://livivo.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/zbmed-ebooks/

The ZBMED also offers remote access:

E-book collections (accessible remotely via the respective direct link on the ZB MED-page “remote access).

Access Medicine (McGraw-Hill) incl. eHarrison

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), 1995-2006

Karger eBook Collection + Archive (1890-2020)

ProQuest EbookCentral (nearly 9,000 current eBooks from various publishers plus DDA/ demand driven acquisitions).

2016 LWW Classic Book Collection (Ovid)


E-journals (accessible remotely via the respective direct link on the ZB MED-page “remote access”)

APS Journal Legacy Content (1898-1997)
Journal of Clinical Oncology Legacy Archive (1983-1998)
Journal of Medical Microbiology (2019-)
Karger eJournal Collection ZB MED (1998-)
Karger Journals Archive (1998-2016)
LWW Legacy Archive (1860-2004, partly more current but older than the last 2 years)
Mary Ann Liebert (7 Journals, the last recent 6 volumes)
Oxford Journals Digital Archive (1849-2017)
Sage Journals Online Deep Backfile (1879-2016)
Thieme (5 Journals ab 2000 -)
Wageningen Academic Publishers (4 Journals) Database
CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1989)


More information can be found on the ZBMED website "Remote access" https://www.zbmed.de/en/search-find/e-books-and-e-journals/remote-access/ .

Do you have further questions? You can reach the ZBMED team at fernzugriff(at)zbmed.de


Start der Zeitschrift & OA-Plattform “Open Research Europe“ der Europäischen Kommission - Freitag, 27. November 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,  [aktualisiert: 21. Jul. 2022]

wir freuen uns, Sie über den Start von  „Open Research Europe (ISSN: 2732-5121) informieren zu können: „Open Research Europe” ist der wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungsdienst der Europäischen Kommission, der den Begünstigten von Horizon 2020 und Horizon Europe einen Ort bietet, an dem sie ihre Ergebnisse in voller Übereinstimmung mit der Open-Access-Politik der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlichen können. Der formelle Start der Plattform wird Anfang 2021 stattfinden, aber die Einreichungen beginnen bereits jetzt, so dass wir uns alle im Voraus darauf vorbereiten müssen. Aus diesem Grund möchten wir Sie bitten, Ihren Kollegen und Mitarbeitern die untenstehenden Informationen zu übermitteln.

„Open Research Europe“ wird allen Nutznießern von Horizon 2020 und Horizon Europe und ihren Forschern einen einfachen, qualitativ hochwertigen und von Fachkollegen begutachteten Ort zur Verfügung stellen, an dem sie ihre Ergebnisse im Open Access, ohne Kosten für sie und in voller Übereinstimmung mit den Open-Access-Grundsätzen der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlichen können. Die Gebühren für die Bearbeitung der Artikel werden über einen Beschaffungsvertrag für Veröffentlichungs- und Technologiedienstleistungen mit F1000 Research gezahlt, der von uns verwaltet wird. Der Dienst wird auch nach Ablauf der Zuschüsse zur Verfügung stehen.

Die Plattform wird Veröffentlichungen in allen Bereichen der Wissenschaft annehmen. Die Forschung sollte originell sein und aus einem Horizon 2020-Stipendium (und später Horizon Europe) stammen, an dem mindestens einer der Autoren beteiligt ist. Die Richtlinien für die Veröffentlichung von Artikeln in der Plattform wurden soeben veröffentlicht, und Einreichungen werden ab Anfang Dezember 2020 möglich sein.

Update (21. Juli 2022): Open Research Europe ist nun auch indexiert durch Scopus und ist somit nun Teil der POF-Kennzahlen siehe https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/blog/scopus-indexation-announcement*


Die Auswahlkriterien für die Veröffentlichung bei „Open Research Europe“ sind:

Mindestens ein Autor muss an einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Projekt von Horizon 2020 (oder später Horizon Europe) der Europäischen Kommission beteiligt sein und der Artikel muss ein Ergebnis dieses Projekts sein. Eine eineindeutige ORCID iD muss zumindest vom einreichenden Autor mit der Einreichung zur Verfügung gestellt werden, und der Beitrag jedes Autors muss durch die Auswahl der CRediT-Rollen auf dem Formular zur Einreichung des Artikels detailliert beschrieben werden (siehe  3. Autorenschaft der Richtlinien).

Die Plattform verwendet ein Modell der sofortigen Veröffentlichung von Einreichungen, gefolgt von einer transparenten, eingeladenen und offenen Begutachtung (Open Peer Review) durch Fachkollegen unter Einbeziehung aller unterstützenden Daten. Die Namen der Gutachter werden offen sein, ebenso wie ihre Begutachtungen, die ebenfalls zitierfähig sind.

Die Plattform verfügt über einen starken internationalen wissenschaftlichen Beirat, der die Kommission in strategischen wissenschaftlichen Fragen berät.

Einige Anmerkungen (in Anlehnung an die Erläuterungen des Helmholtz OpenScience Office):

*Diese Zeitschrift/ dieser Veröffentlichungsdienst war bis Juli 2022 nicht in SCOPUS indexiert und ist derzeit noch nicht im Web of Science. Dieser Prozess geschieht in Abhängigkeit der Indexierungsrichtlinen der jeweiligen Datenbank [1].

Das Model Grant Agreement für Horizon Europe wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht. Aber der folgende Foliensatz (ab Folie 11) gibt einen ersten Einblick über die Open-Science-Förderbedingungen:



[1] https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus/how-scopus-works/content/content-policy-and-selection


--- ENGLISH ---

Introducing the European Commission’s journal & OA-platform “Open Research Europe”


Dear colleagues,

we pleased to inform you about the launch of Open Research Europe (ISSN: 2732-5121), the European Commission scientific publishing service, which will provide Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries with a venue to publish their results in full compliance with their open access policies. The formal launch of the platform will take place in early 2021, but submissions are already starting now, so we all need to prepare in advance. This is why we would like to ask you to convey the information below to your colleagues and collaborators.

Open Research Europe will provide all Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries and their researchers with an easy, high quality peer-reviewed venue to publish their results in open access, at no cost to them, and in full compliance with their open access policies. The article processing charges will be paid through a procurement contract for publishing and technology services with F1000 Research managed by us. The service will be available also after the end of the grants.

The platform will accept publications in all fields of science. Research should be original and stem from a Horizon 2020 grant (and later Horizon Europe) in which at least one of the authors is involved. The article guidelines for publishing in the platform have just been released and submissions will be possible as of early December 2020.

* Update (21. Juli 2022): Open Research Europe is now indexed by Scopus and thus part of POF-metrics see https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/blog/scopus-indexation-announcement


Selection criteria for publication at Open Research Europe are: At least one author must be involved in an ongoing or completed Horizon 2020 (or later Horizon Europe) project of the European Commission and the article must be a result of this project. An unique ORCID iD must be provided with the submission at least by the submitting author and each author’s contribution must be detailed by selecting CRediT roles on the article submission form (see 3. Authorship in policies).

The platform will use a model of immediate publication of submissions followed by transparent, invited and open peer review with inclusion of all supporting data. The names of the reviewers will be open, as well as their reviews, which will also be citeable.

The platform boasts a strong international Scientific Advisory Board that advises the Commission on strategic scientific issues.


Some remarks (based on the explanations of the Helmholtz OpenScience Office):

*This journal/ publishing platform was not indexed until July 2022 in SCOPUS and is not yet indexed in the Web of Science. This process depends on the indexing guidelines of the respective database [1].

The Model Grant Agreement for Horizon Europe has not yet been published. However the following set of slides (from slide 11) gives a first insight into the Open Science funding conditions:



[1] https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus/how-scopus-works/content/content-policy-and-selection



Wiley-Newsletter mit HZI als BestPractice-Beispiel bezüglich OpenAccess-Infos und autorenrelevante Inhalte - Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020

Pünktlich zum Start der OpenAccessWeek 2020 erscheint die Oktober-Ausgabe des Wiley-Newsletters. Diese Ausgabe des Wiley-Newsletters präsentiert einerseits interessante Angebote für Autoren und hebt darüber hinaus das HZI als 2. BestPractice-Beispiel bezüglich der OpenAccess-Infos hervor. Diese seit neuestem regelmäßig präsentierten Best-Practice-Beispiele zeigen, wie die Kommunikation mit AutorInnen zu Open Access erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann. Besonders gelobt wird die Abgrenzung des DEAL-Hybridmodells zum herkömmlichen Hybridmodell bei traditionellen Subskriptionszeitschriften:

„Auf der Open Access-Webseite der HZI-Bibliothek wurde ein wichtiger Hinweis bezüglich der Open Access-Publikation in hybriden Zeitschriften im Rahmen derProjekt DEAL-Verträge hinzugefügt:

*Bitte beachten Sie: in DEAL-Verträgen ist das dortige Hybridmodell im Wiley-DEAL und SpringerNature-DEAL ein vollwertiges OpenAccess und deren Kosten sind gedeckt durch die DEAL-Vereinbarungen, somit entstehen KEINE zusätzlichen OpenAccess-Gebühren für OpenAccess, also bitte wählen Sie immer die OpenAccess-Option, die als default angeboten wird ! siehe DEAL explained: A-Z, unsere Seiten Open Access in Wiley / OpenAccess in SpringerNature und DEAL-FAQ for authors (Will the publisher charge open access publication fees to authors?)


Da Bibliotheken aufgrund der „double dipping“-Thematik* AutorInnen normalerweise keine Open Access-Publikationen in hybriden Zeitschriften empfehlen, ist ein solcher Hinweis wichtig, um sicherzustellen, dass AutorInnen von der Möglichkeit, Open Access in hybriden Zeitschriften unter Projekt DEAL zu publizieren, auch Gebrauch machen. [* „double dipping“/ Doppelbelastung: im herkömmlichen Hybridmodell der Subskriptionszeitschriften entstehen den Institutionen doppelt Kosten: Subskriptionskosten + APC + zusätzliche Freischaltungsgebühr]

Eine solche Zusatzinformation kann dazu beiträgen, dass AutorInnen nicht aus den falschen Gründen einen so genannten OpenAccess Opt-Out im Rahmen des Publikationsprozesses wählen.

Darüber hinaus bietet die Open Access-Webseite des HZI viele weitere ansprechende Informationsquellen und -formate, um AutorInnen zu informieren. Hierzu gehören u.a.:

  • Ein „Open Acces Explained“-Video für AutorInnen
  • Eine Infografik zu den Vorteilen von Open Access
  • Eine Infografik, die den Unterschied zwischen Gold Open Access und Green Open Access erklärt
  • Weiterführende Informationen und Links rund um Open Access


Den Link zur Open Access-Webseite der HZI-Bibliothek finden Sie hier.“

Das komplette Best-Practice-Beispiel zum HZI des Wiley-Newsletters (Okt.) finden Sie hier.


Für Sie als Wissenschaftler ist vom Wiley-Newsletter Oktober noch besonders empfehlenswert:

  • Video zur Auswahl der passenden cc-Lizenz: Wiley’s neuer Videoclip “Projekt DEAL: Selecting the best license for your open access publishing (Wiley) erklärt kurz und bündig,  welche Nutzungsrechte die AutorIn bei  der Vergabe von verschiedenen CC-Lizenztypen einräumt  und welchen Workflow sie in der Author Service Plattform folgen muss.  Damit hilft der Clip den WissenschaftlerInnen, die richtige Wahl der für sie richtigen Lizenz zu treffen, wobei die „CC BY“ als bevorzugte Option herausgestellt wird.
  • 24/7 Live-Chat für Wiley-Autoren: Wiley‘s Kundenservice hat sich durch die kürzliche Einführung einer Chat-Funktion entscheidend verbessert. Unser globales Customer Support Team steht AutorInnen rund um die Uhr, sieben Tage die Woche im Live-Chat zur Verfügung: der Chat kann über eine Hilfetaste, die auf allen Author Services-Webseiten zu finden ist, initiiert werden (z.B. hier).
  • Autoren-Ressourcen bei Wiley im Überblick: In einer kurzen Präsentation finden Sie eine Liste der Wiley Service-Angebote für AutorInnen im Überblick (alternativ: dauerhaft archivierte Version –ohne funktionierende Links - via Wayback Machine hier).

Hier geht’s zum kompletten Wiley-Newsletter, Oktober 2020 (alternativ: dauerhaft archivierte Version –ohne funktionierende Links - via Wayback Machine)

Sie können sich wie gewohnt bei Fragen an uns wenden.

Herzliche Grüße

Ihr Bibliotheksteam

--- English ---

The October issue of the Wiley-Newsletter has been shared in time during the start of OpenAccessWeek 2020. This issue of the Wiley-Newsletter presents interesting offers for authors and highlights the HZI as a best practice example of OpenAccess information. These best-practice examples, with which Wiley started recently, show how communication with authors on Open Access can be successfully organised. The differentiation of the DEAL hybrid model from the conventional hybrid model of traditional subscription journals is particularly highlighted:

“On the Open Access website-of HZI library, an important notice regarding Open Access publication in hybrid journals within the framework of the project DEAL contracts has been added:

*Please note: in DEAL-contracts the so-called hybrid model in Wiley-DEAL and SpringerNature-DEAL are full OpenAccess-articles and those fees are covered thus there are no additional fees for OpenAccess there, so please always vote the OpenAccess-option as default there! see also DEAL explained: A-Z, our pages Open Access in Wiley / OpenAccess in SpringerNature and DEAL-FAQ for authors (Will the publisher charge open access publication fees to authors?)


Since libraries do not normally recommend authors to publish Open Access in hybrid journals due to the "double dipping" issue*, such a notice is important to ensure that authors make use of the possibility to publish Open Access in hybrid journals under project DEAL. [* "double dipping"/ double burden: in the traditional hybrid model of subscription journals, institutions incur double costs: subscription costs + APC + additional fee to give access to all only for this article].

Such additional information can help to ensure that authors do not, choose a so-called OpenAccess Opt-Out during the publication process for wrong reasons based on the traditional hybrid publishing.

In addition, the HZI's Open Access website offers many other attractive resources and formats for informing authors. These include, among others:

  • an „Open Acces Explained“-Video for Authors
  • an Infographic on the benefits of Open Access
  • an Infographic, which explains the difference between Gold Open Access and Green Open Access
  • additional information and Links on Open Access

The link to the Open Access-Webseite of HZI-Library you will find here.“


For you as a scientist, the following parts of the Wiley Newsletter (October) are highly recommended:

Click here for the current Wiley newsletter, October 2020 (alternatively: permanently archived version -without working links- via Wayback Machine).

You can contact us as usual in case of questions.

Best regards,

Your library team


Online-Seminare der Open Access Week (19.-25. Oktober 2020) - Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2020

Sehr geehrte Damen & Herren, liebe Kolleg*innen,

anlässlich der International Open Access Week 2020 finden in der Woche vom 19. bis zum 25. Oktober 2020 mehrere Aktivitäten (u.a. des Projektes open-access.network und des Helmholtz Open Science Office) statt.
Auf diese Online-Angebote möchten wir Sie gern hinweisen:


  • Am Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020, um 10 Uhr setzt sich Dr. Stefan Schmeja, Open-Access-Experte der Technischen Informationsbibliothek, in seinem Vortrag "Der Open-Access-Regenbogen - welche Farben hat er und brauchen wir sie wirklich?" kritisch mit dem Farbcode auseinander. Eingeladen sind alle Interessierte. Sie können über folgenden Link teilnehmen: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/jes-dwc-6zq
    Für mehr Infos zu diesem Online-Seminar bitte hier klicken.



Für mehr Infos zu diesem Online-Seminar bitte hier klicken


  • Am Dienstag, 20. Oktober, 17-19.30 gibt es außerdem die Veranstaltung “Europe's Road towards Open Science and Open Access - where do Plan S and Projekt DEAL lead us?” (English) Initiativen für Open-Access-Publikationen wie Plan S - unterstützt von cOAlition S, einem internationalen Konsortium von Forschungsförderern - oder transformative Vereinbarungen wie das deutsche Projekt DEAL, die versuchen, Open Access zum Standard für wissenschaftliches Publizieren zu machen. Gleichzeitig haben die Hauptakteure - Forscher, Verlage, Bibliotheken und Forschungsförderer - nach wie vor sehr unterschiedliche Ansichten darüber, wie das Ziel des Open Access erreicht werden kann. Anlässlich der diesjährigen Open-Access-Woche diskutieren renommierte Vertreter aus Wissenschaft, Verlagen und Bibliotheken die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Europa anhand der konkreten Beispiele von Plan S und Projekt DEAL. Bei der gemeinsamen Veranstaltung von EMBL Szilárd Library und EMBO press diskutieren Dr. Ralf Schimmer, stellvertretender Direktor der Max Planck Digital Library, Dr. Guido F. Herrmann, Geschäftsführender Direktor Deutschland und Vizepräsident bei John Wiley & Sons, und Prof. Dr. Maria Leptin, Direktorin von EMBO, über das Thema Europas Weg zu Open Science und Open Access - wohin führen Plan S und Projekt DEAL? - Sie können über folgenden Link teilnehmen: https://embl.mediasite.com/Mediasite/Play/1f05493eeecc4e8fb286cd2e9f4b525e1d  Für mehr Infos bitte hier klicken.


  • Am Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2020, um 14 Uhr spricht Dirk Pieper, stellvertretender Direktor der Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, über das "Kostenmonitoring von Open-Access-Publikationen: Chancen und Herausforderung für Bibliotheken" (Deutsch). Eingeladen sind insbesondere Bibliothekar*innen sowie alle Interessierte. Sie können über folgenden Link teilnehmen: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/hel-gak-at3
    Für mehr Infos zu diesem Online-Seminar bitte hier klicken.



  • Am Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020 um 14 Uhr bietet Dr. Ulrike Kändler von der Technischen Informationsbibliothek allen Interessierten die Möglichkeit während der Veranstaltung "Open Access finanzieren – Ihre Fragen & Probleme" (Deutsch) Fragen zur Finanzierung von Open-Access-Publikationen zu stellen. Ihre mitgebrachten Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt. Alle Interessierten sind eingeladen im Vorfeld Fragen und Anregungen, die sie gerne am 22.10. besprechen möchten, uns bis zum Dienstag, 20. Oktober per E-Mail zuzuschicken (jessika.ruecknagel@tib.eu). Sie können über folgenden Link teilnehmen: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/jes-dwc-6zq
    Für mehr Infos zu diesem Online-Seminar bitte hier klicken.


  • Vom Projekt open-access.network gibt es auch die Aktion "The Expert is in" mit zwei Live-Sprechstunden unseres Open-Access-Helpdesks an. Unsere Experten, die Sie gewöhnlich unter der E-Mail-Adresse help@open-access.network erreichen, stehen dann im Live-Chat zur Verfügung, um Ihre individuellen Fragen zum Thema Open Access direkt und unmittelbar zu beantworten.

Die OpenAccess-Sprechstunden finden am Dienstag, 20. Oktober, von 14 bis 16 Uhr und am Donnerstag, 22. Oktober, von 10 bis 12 Uhr statt. Den Chat-Raum können Sie unter folgendem Link betreten: https://tlk.io/open-access-network_helpdesk. Zur Teilnahme müssen Sie lediglich einen Namen eintragen. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht nötig.


Die Veranstaltungs-Räume werden kurz vor Beginn der jeweiligen Veranstaltung geöffnet. Eine Anmeldung für die Vorträge ist nicht erforderlich.



--- ENGLISH ---

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues,

On the occassion of International Open Access Week 2020, several activities (including those of the open-access.network project and the Helmholtz Open Science Office) will take place in the week from 19 to 25 October 2020.

We would like to draw your attention to these online offerings:


  • On Tuesday, 20 October at 10 a.m. Dr. Stefan Schmeja, an Open Access expert at the German National Library of Science and Technology, will take a critical look at the color code in his lecture "The Open Access Rainbow - what colors does it have and do we really need them? (German) All interested parties are invited to attend. You can participate via the following link: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/jes-dwc-6zq

For more information about this online seminar please click here



  • On Tuesday, October 20, 4-5 p.m., the Helmholtz OpenScience office will offer the following webinar: "Open Access Publishing for Early Career Researchers at Helmholtz"(English). The one-hour, English-language event will focus on Open Access publishing for early career researchers*, doctoral students and postdocs. Questions can be submitted in advance using the following (anonymized) cryptpad: https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/mJvmseWMzAp-P1XH7jZBGOPN/ . You can participate in the online seminar without registration and free of charge at the following zoom link: https://gfz-potsdam-de.zoom.us/j/92121077126?pwd=ZnVoSlU5QUpzbHJLcFg4WWZEUlNVdz09 .             
    For more information about this online seminar please click here
  • On Tuesday, October 20, 5-7.30 p.m. there is the discussion “Europe's Road towards Open Science and Open Access - where do Plan S and Projekt DEAL lead us?” (English).  Initiatives for Open Access publishing like Plan S - supported by cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders – or transformative agreements like the German Projekt DEAL try to turn Open Access into the standard for scientific publishing. At the same time, the main actors - researchers, publishers, libraries and research funders - continue to have very different views on how to achieve the goal of open access. On the occassion of this year's Open Access week, renowned representatives from science, publishers and libraries will discuss the current developments in Europe based on the concrete examples of Plan S and Projekt DEAL. At the joint event organized by EMBL Szilárd Library and EMBO press, Dr. Ralf Schimmer, deputy director of the Max Planck Digital Library, Dr. Guido F. Herrmann, Managing Director of Germany and Vice President at John Wiley & Sons, and Prof. Dr. Maria Leptin, Director of EMBO, discuss the topic of Europe's Road towards Open Science and Open Access - where do Plan S and Projekt DEAL lead us? – You can participate via the following link https://embl.mediasite.com/Mediasite/Play/1f05493eeecc4e8fb286cd2e9f4b525e1d  For more information please click here.


  • On Wednesday, October 21, at 2 p.m., Dirk Pieper, Deputy Director of Bielefeld University Library, will speak about "Cost Monitoring of Open Access Publications: Opportunities and challenges for libraries"(German). Librarians and all other interested persons are particularly invited to attend. You can participate via the following link: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/hel-gak-at3
    For more information about this online seminar please click here.



  • On Thursday, 22 October 2020 at 2 p.m., Dr. Ulrike Kändler of the German National Library of Science and Technology will offer all interested parties the opportunity to ask questions about the financing of Open Access publications during the event "Financing Open Access - Your Questions & Problems" (German). The focus will be on the questions you have brought with you. All interested persons are invited to send us questions and suggestions in advance, which they would like to discuss on 22 October, via e-mail by Tuesday, 20 October (jessika.ruecknagel@tib.eu). You can participate via the following link: https://meet.gwdg.de/b/jes-dwc-6zq
    For more information about this online seminar please click here.
  • The open-access.network project also offers the campaign "The Expert is in" with two live consultation hours of our open-access helpdesk. Our experts, who can usually be contacted at help@open-access.network , are then available in a live chat to answer your individual questions on the topic of Open Access directly and immediately.
    The Open Access Consultation Hours will take place on Tuesday, 20 October from 2 to 4 p.m. and on Thursday, 22 October from 10 to 12 a.m. You can access the chat room via the following link: https://tlk.io/open-access-network_helpdesk . All you need to do to participate is enter a name. Registration is not necessary.
  • Directly after Open Access Week, the Open Access Talk will continue as usual on Thursday, 29 October at 2 p.m. Johan Rooryck will give a talk on "Plan S and funding - what is going to change?.


Herzliche Grüße /                               Best regards

Ihr Bibliotheksteam /                         Your Library Team


NEW: Labfolder: HZI-eigenes Labfolder-Portal und Webinare/ Labfolder-portal (HZI) and webinars - Freitag, 25. September 2020

Neu für alle Labfolder-NutzerInnen und am Labfolder-Einsatz interessierte!

Von Labfolder gibt es jetzt für das HZI ein eigenes Webportal


Dort finden Sie neben den Links zu den lokalen Installationen des HZI und des HIPS viele weitere Informationen. So bietet Labfolder für den Herbst eine Reihe von Webinaren zu allgemeinen und spezielleren Fragen an.

Die Webinar-Reihe beginnt am 30.09.2020 um 13 Uhr mit dem Webinar

  • Verwenden Sie Ihr ELN zur Erstellung und gemeinsamen Nutzung von Protokollen

Weitere angebotene Themen sind:

  • Vom Design bis zur Analyse eines Hochdurchsatzexperiments
  • Finden Sie Ihre Daten in sekundenschnelle
  • Profitieren Sie von unserem integrierten Inventarsystem

Bitte melden Sie sich bei Interesse an diesen Webinaren auf der Website an! Alle Webinare werden mit Alternativterminen angeboten!

Weiterhin finden Sie hier auch Videostreams zur allgemeinen Einführung in Labfolder und zu speziellen Themen wie

  • Labfolder’s Well Plate Template App
  • Labfolder’s Material Database

Bitte nutzen Sie unsere Labfolder Website, um sich über Webinare und Videostreams zu informieren. Sie können hier auch spezielle Online-Trainings für Ihre Gruppe buchen. Nehmen Sie einfach über die Website Kontakt mit unserer Kundenbetreuerin Frances Spiller auf.

Viel Erfolg mit Ihrem Labfolder-ELN-System wünscht


Axel Plähn im Namen der ELN AG des HZI


New for all Labfolder users those interested

Labfolder has launched a brandnew webportal for users at HZI


Besides the links to the local clients of HZI and HIPS there are many more informations here. So Labfolder announces a new series of webinars for you during this autumn.

The webinar series starts on 30.09.2020 at 1 PM

  • Use your ELN to create and share protocols and SOPs

Other webinar topics include:

  • From plate design to analysis in one closed-loop workflow
  • Find your data in seconds using the Search options of your ELN
  • Benefit from our built-in inventory system

Please register on the webportal for these webinars. They are all offered with alternative dates, so there are better chances for you to find the right webinar at a date you can participate.

You’ll also find introductory videos to Labfolder as well as videos on special topics like

  • Labfolder’s Well Plate Template App
  • Labfolder’s Material Database

Please use this new website to stay informed about webinars and videos on Labfolder. You also can get in contact with Frances Spiller, who is responsible for the customer support. Here you can also register for a special training webinar for group.

We wish you good luck with your work with the Labfolder ELN system

Axel Plähn for the ELN AG of HZI


NEU: SciFlow : Schreiben Sie im Team ein Manuskript oder Report - Freitag, 4. September 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Der SciFlow-Texteditor, ein kollaborativer Online-Editor, wurde speziell für Wissenschaftler entwickelt und bietet spezielle Journal-Templates, die das Manuskript-Layout automatisch auf die gewählte Zeitschrift anpassen. Mit dem jeweils gewählten Template können Sie sich auf den Inhalt konzentrieren, sodass der Formatierungsaufwand sehr niedrig ist.

Die HZI-Bibliothek hat für SciFlow eine institutionelle Lizenz erwprben, damit die benötigten Journal-Templates bei Bedarf via Anfrage an SciFlow realisiert werden können (nach Prüfung der Journal-Liste im SciFlow(HZI)-Portal via Button „Template anfragen“). Da die HZI-Bibliothek jedes Jahr eine Analyse aller HZI-Publikationen zu den OpenAccess-Anteilen und den genutzten Publisher/Journals durchführt, konnten wir den SciFlow-Entwicklern schon die 30 meistgenutzten Journals nennen, damit diese Journal-Templates bald allen zur Verfügung stehen. Die bereits existierenden Templates finden Sie im SciFlow-Portal für das HZI:  https://sciflow.net/hzi

(Allgemeinere wissenschaftliche Templates für wissenschaftliche Berichte, Förderanträge etc werden demnächst im SciFlow(HZI)-Portal in einer eigenen Rubrik verfügbar sein, derzeit gibt es einige allgemeine Templates in der Rubrik „Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten“ sowie die Templates Meetingprotokoll (de, en), Bericht (de), Datenmanagementplan (Horizon 2020, DFG, BMBF))

Das Schreiben in SciFlow ist grundsätzlich kostenlos möglich und jede/r kann sich dort anmelden und das Portal ausprobieren und nutzen. Der Vorteil einer institutionellen Lizenz liegt darin, dass auf Anfrage Templates für die benötigten Zeitschriften, die noch nicht verfügbar sind, kostenlos innerhalb von 2 – 3 Wochen erstellt werden und dass es Webinarschulungen und direkten Support gibt.

Lernen Sie SciFlow (https://sciflow.net/hzi) kennen in diesen SciFlow-Webinaren:

(Nähere Infos erhalten Sie zusätzlich separat via Mailingliste „Vortragsankuendigung“)

Demo (©OVGU): SciFlow- kollaboratives Wissenschaftl. Arbeiten /SciFlow-connecting scientific writers

Die SciFlow-Features:

  • Online-Texteditor (an GoogleDocs angelehnt, aber DSGVO-konform und sicher) mit Bild-, Formel- und Zitateinbindung
  • Zusammenarbeit mit beliebig vielen AutorInnen (auch außerhalb der Institution)
  • Formatierung und Export via Templates am Ende des Schreibprozesses für fertig zur Einreichung formatierte Texte (zur Mitnahme von Kommentaren bei der Template-Suche „comments“ eingeben)
  • Einbindung der Literaturverwaltungen Zotero, Mendeley und BibTex (Citavi ist in Arbeit, ein HGF-Konsortium wird sich für die Einbindung von RIS/EndNote einsetzen).
  • Da die Nutzung des Grundsystems für jedermann kostenfrei ist, können Sie auch mit KollegInnen außerhalb der HGF problemlos zusammenarbeiten und –schreiben.
  • Die Server stehen in Deutschland (DSGVO-konform); SciFlow ist ein StartUp aus Magdeburg.
  • Noch fehlende Journal-Templates werden für lizenzierende Institute kostenlos innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen erstellt (nach Prüfung der Journal-Liste im SciFlow(HZI)-Portal via Button „Template anfragen“), ohne Lizenzvertrag nur kostenpflichtig gegen Einzel-Berechnung.


PS: Ähnliche Tools wie Authorea oder Overleaf sind als institutionelle Version deutlich teurer und kommen aus dem angloamerikanischen Bereich, sind also nicht DSGVO-konform. Das FZ Jülich hat sich alle 3 Tools angesehen und kam zu der Überzeugung, dass nur SciFlow DSGVO-konform und damit institutionell lizenzierbar ist.

Viele Grüße,

Ihr Bibliotheksteam

--- ENGLISH ----

Dear colleagues/ Dear Sir or Madam,

The SciFlow text editor, a collaborative online editor, was developed especially for scientists and offers journal-specific templates that automatically adapt the manuscript layout to the selected journal. The selected template allows you to concentrate on the content, so that the formatting effort is very low.

The HZI library has acquired an institutional license for SciFlow, so that the required journal templates can be realized via request to SciFlow if required (after checking the Journal-list in SciFlow(HZI)-Portal via Button „Template anfragen“). Since the HZI library conducts an annual analysis of all HZI publications regarding the OpenAccess parts and the used publishers/journals, we could already tell the SciFlow developers about the 30 most used journals, so that these journal templates will soon be available to everyone. The already existing templates can be found in SciFlow-portal for HZI: https://sciflow.net/hzi

(More general scientific templates for scientific reports, grant applications etc. will soon be available in the SciFlow(HZI) portal in a separate section, currently there are some general templates in the section "Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten/”(term papers and theses) and the templates Meeting minutes (de, en), report (de), Data management plan (Horizon 2020, DFG, BMBF)

Get to know SciFlow in this SciFlow-webinars:

(further details we send via mailing list „Vortragsankuendigung“)


Demo (©OVGU): SciFlow- kollaboratives Wissenschaftl. Arbeiten /SciFlow-connecting scientific writers


The SciFlow features:

  • Online text editor (similar to GoogleDocs, but DSGVO compliant and secure) with image, formula and citation integration
  • Cooperation with any number of authors (also outside the institution) possible
  • Formatting and export via templates at the end of the writing process for texts formatted ready for submission (to include comments into the export enter "comments" in the template search)
  • Involvement of the literature administrations Zotero, Mendeley and BibTex (Citavi is in work, a HGF consortium will work for the integration of RIS/EndNote).
  • Since the use of the basic system is free of charge for everyone, you can also work and write with colleagues outside the HGF without any problems.
  • The servers are located in Germany (DSGVO compliant); SciFlow is a start-up from Magdeburg.
  • Still missing journal templates will be created free of charge for licensing institutes (after checking the Journal-list in SciFlow(HZI)-Portal via Button „Template anfragen“) within 2-3 weeks, without a license agreement only via individual invoice fee.


PS: Similar tools like Authorea or Overleaf are much more expensive as institutional version and come from the Anglo-American area, so they are not DSGVO-compliant. The FZ Jülich looked at all 3 tools and came to the conclusion that only SciFlow is DSGVO-compliant and thus institutionally licensable.

Best regards,

HZI library team



SpringerNature: GoldOA-Komponente seit 1.8.2020 freigeschaltet / GoldOA-component in SpringerNatureDEAL activated since 1. Aug. 2020 - Montag, 3. August 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen Folgendes mitteilen zu können:

Die GoldOA-Komponente bei den FullyOpen-Zeitschriften im SpringerNature-DEAL ist seit 1. August 2020 freigeschaltet (OnlineOpen im SpringerNatureDEAL ist ja seit 1. Jan. 2020 nutzbar, siehe Tabelle auf der Seite DEAL allgemein) - darunter fallen die SpringerOpen-,  die zwei Nature-Titel Nature Communications und Scientific Reports und die BMC-Titel. Bei den SpringerOPEN-Titeln und den BMC-Titeln gibt es auf den Listenpreis einen zusätzlichen Rabatt von 20% für DEAL-Einrichtungen, siehe auch OpenAccess in SpringerNature und DEAL allgemein

01.08.2020     Publikationen berechtigter Autor*innen in aktuell rund 600 Springer Nature-Open-Access-Zeitschriften = Fully Open Access (inkl. Scientific Reports und Nature Communications) werden ab dem 1.8.2020 vom Vertrag abgedeckt. Auf die APC-Listenpreise aller Springer-Open und BMC-Titel wird ein Nachlass von 20% gewährt, siehe SpringerNature-DEAL-Vertrag
"For BMC and certain other Springer titles which are included in the Open Access Journals, Publisher will apply in addition to the Cap a 20% discount, the journals being eligible for such discount will be identified accordingly in the DEAL Journal List."

Alle zur Publikation angenommenen Manuskripte (Stichtag 01.08.2019) mit einem corresponding author aus den Teilnehmereinrichtungen werden sofort und kostenlos Open Access veröffentlicht und freigeschaltet (mit CC-BY 4.0, nur bei wenigen Zeitschriften mit CC-BY-NC), siehe SpringerNature-DEAL-Vertrag.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Artikel für BMC- und bisherigen SpringerOpen-Zeitschriften weiterhin über das Altsystem eingereicht werden. Dies bedeutet, dass die Autor*innen bereits bei der Einreichung aufgefordert werden, eine Zahlungsoption anzukreuzen. Um den DEAL-Autor*innen die Arbeit zu erleichtern, empfiehlt SpringerNature an der Stelle "I agree to pay the APC" anzukreuzen, siehe   BMC-SpringerOpen-Workflow. Die eigentliche Identifizierung und Zuordnung des Artikels zur jeweiligen DEAL-Einrichtung erfolgt erst nachdem der Artikel für die Publikation angenommen wurde (als Teil des "MyPublication"-Workflows, den der/die Autor*in nach der "Acceptance" anstößt). Aus dem Grund sollten alle Artikel, die zwischenzeitlich mit dem alten BMC-Mitgliedscode eingereicht wurden, korrekt prozessiert und dem jeweiligen DEAL AAS-Accounts zugeordnet werden.

Im SpringerNature-DEAL nicht enthalten sind:
alle Nature-Zeitschriften (bis auf die im DEAL enthaltenen Zeitschriften Nature Communications & Scientific Reports), Magazine (z.B. Scientific American, Spektrum der Wissenschaft), technische Fachzeitschriften (z.B. ATZ, MTZ).

Um Sie beim Publizieren in SpringerNature und in Wiley zu unterstützen, haben wir unsere Seiten erweitert: 
•   DEAL allgemein: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Zeitschriften/OpenAccess/DEAL-allgemein
•   OpenAccess in SpringerNature: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Zeitschriften/OpenAccess-in-SpringerNature 
•   OpenAccess in Wiley: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Zeitschriften/OpenAccess/OpenAccess-in-Wiley 

(PS: Unsere Webseiten werden im nächsten Wiley-Newsletter der September-Ausgabe als BestPractice vorgestellt.)

Bei Fragen können Sie sich gern an uns wenden.


Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the GoldOA-component of the FullyOpen-journals in the SpringerNatureDEAL is available since August 1, 2020 (OnlineOpen in the SpringerNatureDEAL has been available since January 1, 2020, see table on page DEAL in general) - this includes the SpringerOpen, the two Nature titles Nature Communications and Scientific Reports and BMC titles. For the SpringerOPEN titles and the BMC titles there is an additional discount of 20% on the list price for DEAL facilities, see also page OpenAccess in SpringerNature and DEAL in general.

01.08.2020        Publications by authorized authors in currently around 600 SpringerNature pure OpenAccess-journals = Fully Open Access (including Scientific Reports and Nature Communications) will be covered by the contract from 1.8.2020. A discount of 20% will be granted on the APC list prices of all Springer Open Access and BMC titles, see SpringerNature-DEAL-contract
"For BMC and certain other Springer titles which are included in the Open Access Journals, Publisher will apply in addition to the Cap a 20% discount, the journals being eligible for such discount will be identified accordingly in the DEAL Journal List."

All manuscripts accepted for publication (due date: 01.08.2019) with corresponding authors from the participating institutions will be published and activated immediately and free of charge (with CC-BY 4.0, only for a few journals with CC-BY-NC), see SpringerNature-DEAL-contract.

Please note that articles for BMC and the previous SpringerOPEN-journals will still be submitted via the previous legacy system. This means that authors will be asked to choose a payment option when submitting their articles. To make it easier for DEAL authors, SpringerNature recommends to choose  "I agree to pay the APC", see BMC-SpringerOpen-Workflow. The actual identification and assignment of the article to the respective DEAL facility is carried out after the article has been accepted for publication (as part of the "MyPublication"-workflow, which the author* initiates after "Acceptance"). For this reason, all articles submitted in the meantime with the old BMC member code will be processed correctly and assigned to the respective DEAL AAS account.

Not included in the SpringerNature-DEAL:
all Nature-branded journals (except those 2 Nature-journals included in the DEAL: Nature Communications & Scientific Reports), magazines (e.g. Scientific American, Spektrum der Wissenschaft), technical journals (e.g. ATZ, MTZ).

To support you in publishing in SpringerNature and in Wiley, we have expanded our pages: 
•  DEAL in general: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess/DEAL-in-general 
•  OpenAccess in SpringerNature: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess/OpenAccess-in-SpringerNature 
•  OpenAccess in Wiley: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess/OpenAccess-in-Wiley

(PS: Our webpages will be presented in the next Wiley newsletter in September as BestPractice.)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Your library team

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Lessons from Covid-19 & first living search strategy for Covid-19 resources - Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2020

Dear colleagues,

Many of you are busy with doing research on Covid-19 and related topics. We would therefore like to draw your attention to the following publication if you have not yet discovered it:


Shokraneh, Farhad, and Tony Russell-Rose. 2020. “Lessons from COVID-19 to Future Evidence Synthesis Efforts: First Living Search Strategy and out of Date Scientific Publishing and Indexing Industry.” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 123 (July): 171-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.04.014.


In this letter to the editor Shokraneh et al. describe the lessons learned from Covid-19. One of the most important challenge is that a variety of terms were used and also are still being used to describe the concept of Covid-19. Furthermore, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) – which supports the researcher in finding synonyms and refining their search strategy – were updated regarding Covid-19 related terms so frequently that it was hard to keep up:

Apart from the fact that designing search strategies can be subjective and strategies may vary from one search expert to another, terminology is changing rapidly and search strategies that were accurate when first pub-lished can become unreliable and unable to retrieve relevant literature in a consistent manner.”[1]  

Shokraneh et al. intend to solve this problem via their creation of the first living search strategy on Covid-19 for which they used the 2Dsearch platform. This living search strategy is being constantly updated and curated as the Covid-19 concept develops and new terminology appears in MESH –the permanent link to it is: https://app.2dsearch.com/new-query/5e8072c5e0b7360004cd2b74.

At that 2Dsearch platform you can directly get the results from Pubmed via the top-right link “Open Pubmed results”. (BTW: within only 4 hours the Pubmed results for this Covid-19 search strategy were rising from 37.400 to 37.529 hits.) Moreover, via “Tree view” (middle of the top-menu) you can display the search terms as a tree map. You can also adapt and refine the search strategy and export it. For more details see How to use/ Help (in left menu): https://www.2dsearch.com/help  

Shokraneh et al. also suggest to use additionally preprint servers for searching on Covid-19 and other rapidly growing topics: “…at the time of writing, more than a quarter of studies on COVID-19 are not published in any journal and are not indexed in MEDLINE or Embase. This means that any evidence synthesis effort must consider searching preprint servers such as medRxiv and bioRxiv etc. in addition to ClinicalTrials.Gov (for more details see Shokraneh’s publication“Keeping up with studies on COVID-19: systematic search strategies and resources[2])

Regarding searching Covid-19 related preprints there exist some meta-search tools:

  • PreVIEW: COVID-19 (ZB Med/ nfdi4health Task Force COVID-19):  includes all COVID-19 related preprints from medRxiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, arXiv & Preprints.org, updated daily, extended search and filter functions for abstracts, direct links to the full texts and export functions for retrieved results. To improve retrieval functionality, concepts from standardized disease and symptom vocabularies are marked in the abstracts. Additional terminology for the search for transmission and seroprevalence information has been added.
  • Outbreak Science Rapid PREreview: aims to centralize reviews from different preprint server
  • Integrated search of preprints from medRxiv & bioRxiv
  • Collabovid (created by TU-BS students during “Code vs Covid-Hackaton”): Collabovid helps researchers to identify the most relevant information by using Natural Language Processing. Search for any topic you want. Visit search to review all articles or browse a list of predefined topics. For additional help visit the frequently asked questions.

(Those and additional tools are part of our regularly updated collection "Free and useful resources on Corona", last update: 28. July 2020, 13 pages)


Beside ignoring Preprints it is also not advisable to ignore non-English publications as Nussbaumer-Streit et al. argue: “Ignoring Chinese language publications for any evidence synthesis during the early phase of the outbreak would have meant ignoring the bulk of the evidence. We would even argue that including the Chinese language in searches of English-speaking databases (e.g., PubMed or Embase) is not enough—a situation such as the COVID-19 pandemic requires searches in Chinese databases.”[3]

This conclusion is based on a study whose result Nussbaumer-Streit et al. describe as follows: “From 29 included studies, six were published in the Chinese language and listed in Chinese literature databases.”[4] The results complement the guidance in the new edition of the Cochrane Handbook[5] .




[1] Shokraneh, F. and Russell-Rose, T. (2020): “Lessons from COVID-19 to Future Evidence Synthesis Efforts: First Living Search Strategy and out of Date Scientific Publishing and Indexing Industry.” – In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (2020) Vol. 123 (July): 171-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.04.014

[2] Shokraneh, F. (2020): Keeping up with studies on covid-19: systematic search strategies and resources. In: BMJ (2020); Vol. 369 : m1601. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m1601

[3] Nussbaumer-Streit et al. (2020): Reply to letter to the editor “Lessons from COVID-19 to future evidence synthesis efforts: first living search strategy and out of date scientific publishing and indexing industry”. In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 123 (July): 173-174, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.04.013)

[4] ibid.

[5] C. Lefebvre et al.: Searching for and selecting studies. – In: (Eds.), Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (2nd ed.), Chichester: Wiley, 2019, pp. 67-107. DOI: 10.1002/9781119536604.ch4)

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Free and useful resources and news on Corona (letztes Update: 19. Apr. 2021) - Mittwoch, 25. März 2020

Dear colleagues/ Dear Sir or Madam,

[PS: Be aware that we together with several publishers/ providers set up institutional login via Shibboleth see Journals resp. Downloads (section Remote access)

As our country is battling the Coronavirus libraries, publishers and course platforms are there to give fast access to the resources you need. Here is a collection of resources (last updated: 19. Apr. 21), subdivided in the following sections:

a. die wichtigsten Übersichtsseiten/ the most important overview websites

b. die wichtigsten Verlage und Suchtools, die Corona-bezogene Inhalte z.Z. kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen/ main publishers currently providing Corona-related content free of charge

c. die wichtigsten sonstigen Quellen/ most important additional resources

d. Program tools, technological services, methods and standard development, datasets of genome sequences, antiviral target candidates etc.

e. eBooks, Online courses

  1. die wichtigsten Übersichtsseiten/ the most important overview websites



  1. die wichtigsten Verlage und Suchtools, die Corona-bezogene Inhalte z.Z. kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen/ main publishers currently providing Corona-related content free of charge (following Creative Commons‘ call for OpenAccess Policies )

Completed reviews are located on the homepage’s whole collection (extracted from the following sources: LitCovid, COVID-19 Portfolio Search (NIH iCite), WHO COVID database, CEBM Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service, Cochrane, ECRI COVID-19 Center, National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools, McMaster University, INHATA member organizations). Reviews in progress can be found on “Evidence Reviews in Progress” (populated by searching PROSPERO (NIHR), CEBM Questions Under Review, and the Cochrane COVID Rapid Reviews and question bank). We also add reviews in progress as we hear of them from you – scientists & experts.

Other rapid reviews collections: Joanna Briggs Institute’s COVID-19 Special Collection, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine’s Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s Coronavirus (COVID-19), Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux : COVID-19, CADTH: CADTH and COVID-19

* However, such temporary offers by traditional publishers are not sustainable (except those that are permanently OpenAccess) – as those temporary offers are not permanently accessible.


  1. die wichtigsten sonstigen Quellen/ most important additional resources
  1. priorities for new syntheses and guidelines so you can fill an important gap in what’s known and don’t contribute to unnecessary duplication (coming soon)
  2. resources for those considering and conducting COVID-19 evidence syntheses so what you prepare has a good change of making it into our inventory of best evidence syntheses and being used to support decision-making
  3. resources for those considering and developing COVID-19 guidelines so what you develop addresses a need and is of high quality (coming soon).


  1. Program tools, technological services, methods and standard development, datasets of genome sequences, antiviral target candidates etc.
    • COVIDGraph: The COVID❋GRAPH project builds a knowledge graph on COVID-19 from various public sources. It combines publications, case statistics, genes, molecular data, and many more entities in a Neo4j database. Currently, more data sources are integrated, e.g. clinical trials, and connecting entities from potentially related diseases like diabetes, cancer or lung diseases. Other action points are running pattern finding algorithms to find new patterns or relationships, and working more on the GUI and user experience side. Use COVID Graph Explorer to interactively explore the database. Start by searching for entities in the database. Select an entity type and enter a query in the toolbar. If there are multiple matches for your query, you can preview and filter the results in a table. From there you can load them into the diagram. The visualizations have been created with yFiles for HTML. The actions in the context menu and in the details view help exploring the database by loading connected entities and clearly arranging the graph
    • ISARIC: COVID-19 Clinical Research Resources: the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) has developed a portfolio of resources to accelerate outbreak research and response.
    • Clinical Characterisation Protocol (CCP)
      A standardised protocol designed for any severe or potentially severe acute infection of public health interest. The CCP enables the collection of data and biological samples in a globally harmonised manner. This protocol can be used for the rapid, coordinated clinical investigation of confirmed cases of COVID-19.
    • ISARIC Data Platform
      'For rapid, secure recording of high-quality data'
      This is an electronic data capture system and repository that standardises and secures global data on COVID-19. All systems are free to use and supported by data management specialists at the University of Oxford. You can find more information here. Please contact the ISARIC Global Support Centre at ncov@isaric.org to obtain access.
    • COVID-19 Case Record Forms (CRF)
      For the collection of standardised clinical data to inform the public health response. Should be used to collect data on suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. A brief of the nCoV (COVID-19) CRF is available here.
      Individual CRFs English | 中文 | Español | Française | Japanese | Portuguese
    • LSHTM COVID-19 vaccine development tracker: This tracker (regularly updated), developed by the Vaccine Centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, will follow COVID-19 vaccine candidates as they progress through the development pipeline. An overview of the different vaccine types as well as the phases of clinical development is provided in the Summary tab.
    • ZB Med’s Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees: ZB Med is constantly generating full genome sequence alignments (here) of all available genomes sequences and create phylogenetic trees (here) based on them.
    • PreVIEW: COVID-19 (ZB Med/ nfdi4health Task Force COVID-19):  includes all COVID-19 related preprints from medRxiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, arXiv & Preprints.org, updated daily, extended search and filter functions for abstracts, direct links to the full texts and export functions for retrieved results. To improve retrieval functionality, concepts from standardized disease and symptom vocabularies are marked in the abstracts. Additional terminology for the search for transmission and seroprevalence information has been added
    • See also NFDI4Microbiota consortium (helps scientists with information services and analyzing tools that do research on SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses):, e.g.:
    • Detection of amino acid changes providing selective benefit to rapidly evolving viruses. This method, applied to SARS-CoV-2, suggests changes linked to adaptation to the human host since the introduction of this virus into a human population (HZI)
    • Reconstruction of geographic spread paths and putative outbreak source of RNA viruses (HZI)
    • Benchmarking overview and workflow (QuasiModo) of tools for analyzing whole genome sequencing data from clinical samples with mixed strain infections of large viruses (HZI)
    • Virome analysis within the MGX software platform (JLU Giessen)


  1. eBooks, Online courses

(Learn more: ZB MED COVID-19 Hub, Overview of the events & other resources)


  • 09-10: NVivo - Qualitative Datenanalyse leicht gemacht
  • 10-11: EndNote – Starten Sie Ihre Literaturverwaltung mit EndNote 20
  • 12-13: Statistical Thinking: statistische Ergebnisse richtig verstehen

Anmeldung & Erhalt der Aufzeichnung im Anschluss des Event-Tages hier

Aufzeichnungen der deutschen Webinare (22. Oktober 2020)



  • 09-10: EndNote - How to get started with EndNote 20 and reference management
  • 10-11: NVivo - Enhance qualitative data analysis and unlock new insights with NVivo
  • 11-12: ChemDraw & Signals: Communicate and share scientific experiments more easily than ever
  • 12-13: MathType & WirisQuizzes: Transition to remote math assessments with WirisQuizzes and MathType
  • 13-14: Simuliaworks: A SIMULIAworks showcase of simulations harnessing the Abaqus solvers
  • 14-15: PTC Mathcad: Introduction to PTC Mathcad and the new features in Mathcad Prime 7.0
  • 15-16: Embarcadero Delphi: From Data Scientists to Chief Technical Officers choosing Delphi
  • 16-17: StatEase Design-Expert: Design of Experiments (DOE) made easy with Design-Expert

Register & receive recordings afterwards here

Recordings of the English webinars (20. & 21. Oktober 2020)


- Recherche mit Suchstrings für lizensierte Zeitschriftenpakete von Verlagen

- Verfügbarmachung der "Holdings" der jeweiligen Einrichtung in Scopus (Link Resolver)

- Fachspezifische Suchanfragen und Keywords: Mesh-Integration, Suche nach chemischen Strukturen und Stoffnamen etc.

- Zitationsanalysen (Related Records)

- Suche nach Verlag/ Affiliation/ Corresponding Author


Suggested search string (should contain (nearly) each possible synonym):

("COVID-19" OR Coronavirus OR "Corona virus" OR "2019-nCoV" OR "SARS-CoV" OR "MERS-CoV" OR “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome” OR “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome” OR coronavirus OR coronavirinae OR coronaviridae OR betacoronavirus OR covid19 OR “covid 19” OR nCoV OR “CoV 2” OR CoV2 OR sarscov2 OR 2019nCoV OR  “novel CoV” OR “wuhan virus”) OR ((wuhan OR hubei OR huanan) AND (“severe acute respiratory” OR pneumonia) AND (outbreak)) OR “Coronavirus”[Mesh] OR “Coronavirus Infections”[Mesh] OR “COVID-19” [Supplementary Concept] OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” [Supplementary Concept] OR “Betacoronavirus”[Mesh] e.g. in search database Dimensions (which is sometimes even more comprehensive than Scopus) or

Search strategy according to the first living COVID19 search strategy via 2dsearch (as of 24.11.20):

(Betacoronavirus[MH:NoExp] OR "Coronavirus Infections"[MH:NoExp] OR "Coronaviridae Infections"[MH:NoExp] OR "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2"[NM] OR "COVID-19 Serotherapy"[NM] OR "COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing"[NM] OR Coronavirus[MH:NoExp] OR "COVID-19 Vaccine"[NM] OR "COVID-19 Drug Treatment"[NM] OR "Papain-Like Protease, Coronavirus"[NM] OR "Nidoviral Uridylate-Specific Endoribonuclease"[NM] OR "Nucleocapsid Protein, Coronavirus"[NM] OR COVID-19[NM] OR Coronavirus*[ALL] OR Coronovirus*[ALL] OR CoV2[ALL] OR nCoV[ALL] OR "SARS CoV 2"[ALL] OR SARS2[ALL] OR Corona Virus*[ALL] OR Corona Infect*[ALL] OR SARS-CoV[ALL] OR 2019nCoV[ALL] OR SARS-CoV-2[ALL] OR CoV[ALL] OR COVID19[ALL] OR COVID[ALL] OR COVID-19[ALL] OR Betacoronavirus*[ALL] OR SARSCoV*[ALL] OR HCoV-19[ALL] OR Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV*[ALL] OR "ORF1ab Polyprotein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "ORF8 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "ORF7a Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "ORF7b Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "ORF6 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "ORF3a Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase, Coronavirus"[NM] OR "Membrane Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "Envelope Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "Spike Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP2 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP7 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP8 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP9 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP6 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP10 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP1 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP3 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP4 Protein, SARS-CoV-2"[NM] OR "NSP5A Protein, SARS-Cov-2"[NM] OR "NSP5B Protein, SARS-Cov-2"[NM] OR "Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Disease, COVID-19 Related"[NM]) AND ((2019/11/17[EDAT] : 3000[EDAT]) OR (2019/11/17[PDAT] : 3000[PDAT])) e.g. in Scopus or PubPharm

Related topics (as PubMed searches) collected by ALIA/Australian Library Association

Controlled Terms and Classification Codes (e.g. for Search strings)

additional and more detailed search strings (BMI/Biomedische Informatie)

additional and more detailed search strings (CADTH)

additional expert search strings, also related topics (Ovid) – click “view strategy” and copy& paste it to other databases/ search portals e.g. Scopus, Pubmed, Dimensions


PS: für ergänzende Hinweise sind wir dankbar, allerdings werden wir aus Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit eine Auswahl treffen. / We are grateful for any additional suggestion, but for the sake of clarity we will do a selection.

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Stabstelle Bibliothek ab 23.3. im HomeOffice/ Library at homeoffice from 23.03.2020 on - Freitag, 20. März 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

auch die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Stabsstelle Bibliothek verabschieden sich vom Montag den 23.03.2020 an bis zur Aufhebung der Basisstufe 4 ins HomeOffice.

Wir sind aber weiterhin für sie erreichbar. Per Email erreichen Sie uns über bibliothek[@]helmholtz-hzi.de und telefonisch über die gewohnten Rufnummern; Weiterleitungen ins HomeOffice sind aktiviert.


Sie finden nun auch eine Liste von Verlagen von elektronischen Journals und Datenbanken, mit denen wir ein institutionelles Login via Shibboleth einrichten konnten:

http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/Seiten/Downloads.aspx (Kategorie: Zugang außerhalb des Campus)

[Update: 25.3.2020: Die Liste der instutional login-Möglichkeit je Anbieter via Shibboleth ist nun auch öffentlich im Bibliotheksportal >Zeitschriften bzw. >Downloads zugänglich]

Sie können sich somit, ohne den Connect-VPN-Tunnel nutzen zu müssen, direkt auf den Verlagsseiten mit ihrem institutionellen Login anmelden. Wir werden die Liste laufend aktuell halten.


Weiterhin stehen wir Ihnen für Fragen zu Lizenzen, für Artikelanfragen, zu Open Access-Publikation, und zu Predatory Journals gerne zur Verfügung.

--- ENGLISH ---

Dear Colleagues,

The library staff is going to work from homeoffice from Monday 23.03.2020 until Basisstufe 4 is lifted.

But we are still available for you. You can reach us by email at bibliothek[@]helmholtz-hzi.de and by telephone using the usual numbers; Forwardings to the home office are activated.


On our intranet page you will find a list of publishers of electronic journals and databases with which we were able to set up an institutional login.

http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/Seiten/Downloads.aspx (Remote Access)

You can register here directly on the publisher's website with your institutional login without having to use the Connect VPN tunnel. We will keep the list up to date.

We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about licenses, article inquiries, open access publications and predatory journals. Our HGF search robot FATER unfortunately does not work via the Connect VPN tunnel and there are problems with Labfolder ELN too.


If you urgently need to borrow textbooks or method books from the library, please use our self-service station (you will need your library card). We have set up a return box for urgent book returns or laboratory books.


We are happy to place orders for books, but it is not possible to receive and process physical media until the home office is closed.


Get through the next few weeks well and stay healthy

A. Plähn and the library team

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NEW UWEB-Kurs Librarys Services for your Scientific Work and Good Scientific Practice - Mittwoch, 11. März 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

ab sofort gibt es in UWEB die englischsprachige UWEB-Schulung “Library‘s Services for your Scientific Work & Good Scientific Practice: Supporting services along the Research Life Cycle” (21 Inhalts-Folien).


Zu UWEB2000  https://uweb2000.helmholtz-hzi.de  gelangen Sie mit Ihrem Nutzerkürzel und Ihrem Kennwort ...



Dear colleagues,

from tomorrow onwards there is the English UWEB training "Library's Services for your Scientific Work: Supporting services along the Research Life Cycle" (21 content slides) available in UWEB:


You can access UWEB2000 https://uweb2000.helmholtz-hzi.de with your user abbreviation and your password (analogous to the PC-login / mail access via web). Alternatively, you can access via connect-VPN

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NEW: SciFinder-n - Donnerstag, 26. September 2019

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Am 20. September fand (kurzfristig organisiert) die Präsentation der SciFinder-Alternative, der weiterentwickelten Datenbank SciFindern, statt. Der Mitschnitt der Vorstellung von SciFindern ist im Intranet in der gleichnamigen Newsmeldung zu finden bzw. im Intranet unter >Wissenschaft > Bibliothek > Datenbanken > SciFinder

(Dieser Mitschnitt der Vorstellung von SciFindern ist in deutscher Sprache.)


Darüber hinaus gibt es englische Trainings, die uns die SciFinder-Trainerin dankenswerterweise mit zur Verfügung stellt (siehe Intranet)

(die Beschreibungen der Sessions sind in Deutsch aber die Sessions selbst sind in Englisch.)

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Bei Wiley OpenAccess publizieren_Publish OpenAccess with Wiley - Mittwoch, 14. August 2019

Dear colleagues / Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Seit 15.1. ist der Wiley-DEAL-Vetrag in Kraft getreten mit all den teilnahmeberechtigten Institutionen, die am WileyDEAL-Vertrag teilnehmen wollten (siehe HRK-Rundschreiben Nr.2).

[ https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess/OpenAccess-in-Wiley (Bibliotheksportal), http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/Seiten/OpenAccess-in-Wiley.aspx (Intranet) ]

Der Vertrag läuft vom 15.01.2019 bis zum 31.12.2021.

Wichtige Eckpunkte samt (Start)Daten:

22.01.2019 Freischaltung aller berechtigten Teilnehmereinrichtungen für alle WILEY-Zeitschriften (ca. 1.700 Titel), mit Archivzugriff zurück bis 1997!

31.03.2019 Einrichtungen die teilnehmen wollen müssen bis zu diesem Termin ihre Beitrittserklärungen bei der MPDL Service GmbH und WILEY abgegeben haben, ansonsten wird die Einrichtung vom freien Zugriff abgeklemmt.

01.07.2019 Alle zur Publikation angenommenen Manuskripte (Stichtag 01.07.2019) mit corresponding authors aus den Teilnehmereinrichtungen werden sofort und kostenlos Open Access veröffentlicht und freigeschaltet (mit CC-BY, nur bei wenigen Zeitschriften mit CC-BY-NC-ND).

Publikationen in WILEY-Gold-OA-Zeitschriften (WileyOPEN) werden weiterhin individuell abgerechnet, allerdings mit 20% Rabatt auf die Publikationsgebühren. Aufgrund unseres Rahmenvertrages mit WILEY werden diese Gold-OA-Publikationen auch weiterhin aus dem OA-Publikationsfond der Bibliothek bezahlt!

Den Autoren entstehen hier also ebenfalls keine Kosten, wie ja bislang auch schon gehandhabt.

Was ist zu beachten beim Wiley-OpenAccess? 1) OpenAccess-Publizieren bei Wiley

Es gibt 2 Arten des OpenAccess-Publizierens bei Wiley

a) OnlineOpen ohne zusätzliche Kosten als default in den vormals subskriptionsbasierten Journals bei Manuskriptannahme ab dem 1. Juli 2019 ...


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EndNote X9-Intensiv-Schulung_3x_jeweils 1 Tag_28.8.-29.8.-30.8 - Mittwoch, 7. August 2019

There are still some seats free at our EndNote Training. So this is a short reminder.

We would like to invite participants from the other locations in Saarbrücken, Würzburg, Hannover or Hamburg. It is possible to attend the training by DFNconf Meeting. So you don’t have to travel to Braunschweig.

Please register until 12th August on our registration site. Later registering is possible but then you wan’t get a printed certificate, but only a standard form.

We offer a full-day on-site training course for the reference management software EndNote X9 with support from HZI human resource development. In addition to an introduction on working with the database there will be also more advanced topics in the training such as

- Working with term lists

- Creation of bibliographies in MS Word

- Editing output styles

If you have specific thematic wishes for the trainer, you are welcome to contact me in advance.

The training days are the 28th to the 30th of August. On August 30, the training will be held in English. The training takes place in the IT training room of the RZ at HZI. You can use 10 training terminals there. Another 5 participants can use their own notebooks with pre-installed EndNote software. The number of seats is limited to 15 per day.

Please register with our appointment planner. Also indicate whether you want to work with your own notebook or use a training terminal. Further information for participants will follow in August.

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FP7 Post-Grant-Fund des BMBF auch für Open-Access-Bücher_FP7-post frant fund of BMBF also for OA Books - Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019



Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

viele von Ihnen wissen das bestimmt schon, für andere wird es neu sein:

Mit den Fördermitteln aus dem BMBF-Post-Grant-Fund lassen sich auch Open-Access-Gebühren für Buchpublikationen finanzieren.


(Wie Sie generell OpenAccess-Publizieren können - beispielsweise OpenAccess bei Wiley , finden Sie auf https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess )

The funds from the BMBF Post-Grant Fund can also finance open access fees for book publications.

english: https://oa2020-de.org/en/blog/2019/07/31/BMBF-postgrantfund-openaccess

(For general information about OpenAccess publishing - for example, OpenAccess on Wiley, see https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals/OpenAccess)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best regards

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Scopus-Webinar How Scopus can help address researchers’ most pressing questions - Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2019


How Scopus can help address researchers’ most pressing questions

Join us for a webinar on Thursday, June 6th as we discuss how Scopus can assist librarians in addressing researchers’ top priorities and questions, such as: •Where do I publish? •How can I make sure my research is novel? •How can I easily maintain my researcher profile and showcase my impact?

Recording of this webinar


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Mendeley and JCR-news - Freitag, 15. März 2019


Here are some news:

Mendeley : Mendeley Institutional Edition expires on 4th of May

Mendeley Institional Edition expires on 4th of May but you can still use Mendeley Basic (see original mail by Mendeley):

?We noticed that you have not signed in to Mendeley from your institution in the last 11 months. Your alumni access to premium benefits associated with the Mendeley Institutional Edition will expire on 05/04/2019.

If you are still connected with Librarian Certification Program, please sign into your Mendeley account within the next month from your institution's IP range. This will enable you to retain the premium benefits associated with the Mendeley Institutional Edition which include:

 100 GB of personal storage

 100 GB of shared storage

 up to 100 collaborators in private groups

 unlimited private groups

If you no longer belong to Librarian Certification Program, you can still use Mendeley for free including:

 2 GB of personal storage

 100 MB of shared storage

 up to 25 collaborators in private groups

 up to 5 private groups

If you now belong to a different institution with a Mendeley Institutional Edition subscription and have signed in to Mendeley within this institution?s IP range, you will continue to keep your premium benefits.?

Thanks to the one who asked regarding Mendeley Institional Edition which reminded me again to send this Mendeley notification ;) So just ask us anything which can be a benefit for other colleagues as well ;)

JCR/Incites (new URL)

JCR/Incites for comparing journals and checking the validity of Impact factors has a new URL: https://jcr.clarivate.com (the old URL https://jcr.incites.thomsonreuters.com was only working until 18.3.2019).

Addendum: A mentioned Impact Factor on a Journal?s page might be false as this is a common practice of predatory publishers (see http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/Seiten/PredatoryPublishers.aspx ). Therefore, if you want to submit a paper a check of the specific journal?s quality / Publisher?s quality is necessary (see Publishing approach http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/Seiten/Ihre%20OA-Vorgehensweise.aspx) which is now also part of the current publication rules.

Feel free to contact us in case of questions. 

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NEW_Dokumentation zum Helmholtz OS-Workshop Elektronische Laborbücher - Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2019

Im September 2018 fand am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI) in Braunschweig der Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Elektronische Laborbücher“ statt, bei dem über aktuelle Möglichkeiten zum Umstieg von traditionellen Laborbüchern aus Papier auf elektronische Geräte diskutiert wurde (siehe OpenScience-Newsletter 70). Die Veranstaltung beschäftigte sich nicht nur während der Vorträge mit Fragen rund um die Einführung von elektronischen Laborbüchern in wissenschaftlichen Laboren und Institutionen:

Am ersten Tag des Workshops konnten die Teilnehmer/-innen während einer Demosession mit verschiedenen Anbietern elektronische Laborbücher am Rechner testen und Hilfestellung bei der Entscheidung zur Einführung und Auswahl einer Open-Source-Software oder eines kommerziellen Produkts erhalten. Während des gesamten Workshops gab es einen regen Austausch und spannende Vernetzungen zwischen Teilnehmer/-innen aus unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebieten und Funktionsbereichen.


Als Nachtrag zum Workshop ist nun für alle Interessierten aus Wissenschaft und deren Verwaltung (Bibliotheken, Rechen- und Datenzentren…) eine Dokumentation mit Abstracts und Vortragsfolien der Beiträge erschienen:

Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Elektronische Laborbücher“, Braunschweig, 13.-14. September 2018. Dokumentation. Herausg. von Paul Schultze-Motel, 2019. Potsdam: Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ. https://doi.org/10.2312/os.helmholtz.001

Wir danken den Herausgebern der Dokumentation für die Zusammenstellung und die gelungene Gestaltung der Dokumentation und dessen Erwähnung im aktuellen OS-Newsletter 72. Wir danken nochmals den Speakern und Softwareanbietern für Ihre Unterstützung!

Der Workshop „Elektronische Laborbücher“  wurde in Zusammenarbeit von Helmholtz-OpenScience Koordinationsbüro und der Bibliothek des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung (HZI) vom 13.09. bis 14.09.2018 im HZI (Forum) in Braunschweig durchgeführt (siehe https://os.helmholtz.de/de/bewusstsein-schaerfen/workshops/helmholtz-open-science-workshop-elektronische-laborbuecher/ )

--- ENGLISH ---

Documentation on the Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Elektronic Labbook Notebooks (ELN)“

In September 2018, the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig hosted the Helmholtz Open Science Workshop "Electronic Laboratory Books", in which current opportunities for switching from traditional laboratory paper books to electronic devices were discussed (see OpenScience Newsletter 70). But the event did not only deal with questions about the introduction of electronic lab books in scientific laboratories and institutions during the lectures:
On the first day of the workshop, during a demo session with various vendors, the participants were able to test electronic laboratory books on the computer and obtain help in deciding to introduce and select open source software or a commercial product. Throughout the workshop there was a lively exchange and exciting networking between participants from different fields of research and functional areas.

As follow-up to the workshop, an interesting documentation with the abstracts and presentation slides of the contributions is now available (mainly in German) for all interested persons of the Scientific Community and their administration (libraries, computing and data centers ...):
Helmholtz Open Science Workshop "Electronic Laboratory Books", Braunschweig, 13.-14. September 2018. Documentation. Ed. by Paul Schultze-Motel, 2019. Potsdam: Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam German Research Center for Geosciences - GFZ. https://doi.org/10.2312/os.helmholtz.001

We thank the editors of the documentation for the compilation and the successful design of the documentation and thanks for including it in the current OS-Newsletter 72. We also thank again the speakers and software providers for their support!

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Alfasoft-Webinare (Endnote, ChemDraw, SPSS etc.: Recordings and details - Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2019


Hallo liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

falls Sie die Alfasoft-Webinare (Endnote, ChemDraw, SPSS etc.) nicht wahrnehmen konnten und trotzdem gern die Webinare ansehen wollen, finden Sie alle Aufzeichnungen hier (darunter finden Sie die Original-Mail mit weiteren Schulungsterminen):

Dear colleagues,

if you missed the Alfasoft-Webinars (Endnote, ChemDraw, SPSS etc.) and still want to watch the webinars, you will find all the recordings here (below those recordings you will find the original mail with further training dates):

https://www.alfasoft.com/en/methodentag (May 16, German - On Demand):

09-10: EndNote: Mit Volltexten arbeiten in EndNote More info...

10-11: NVivo: Qualitative Daten transkribieren, analysieren und visualisieren! More info...

11-12: Scientific Writing leicht gemacht More info...

12-13: IBM - SPSS Campus Paket: Die Roadmap zur Künstlichen Intelligenz More info...

13-14: Scientific Writing in English More info... 14-15: Article Galaxy - Volltextbeschaffung mit 2 Clicks More info...

Aufzeichnungen und weiterführende Materialien des Methodentags:

https://www.alfasoft.com/de/methodentag (deutsch)

https://www.alfasoft.com/en/odd2019recordings (English)


https://www.alfasoft.com/en/developer-day.html (May 10):

09-10: Developing with Delphi for Windows 10 and Cross-Platform - Embarcadero. More info...


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DEAL-Vertrag mit Wiley unterzeichnet - Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2019


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

zunächst wünschen wir Ihnen ein gutes und gesundes Jahr 2019!

Hier kommt die erste Erfolgsmeldung des Jahres:


Heute wird im Rahmen der Konferenz „Academic Publishing Europe“ in Berlin der 1. DEAL-Vertrag mit WILEY unterzeichnet! Der Vertrag läuft vom 15.01.2019 bis zum 31.12.2021.

„Nach einer intensiven Verhandlungsphase über den Jahreswechsel ist es mir eine große Freude, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass im Rahmen des Projekts DEAL ein erster Vertragsabschluss für ein bundesweites Publish&Read-Modell mit dem Verlag Wiley ab 15. Januar 2019 erzielt werden konnte.“ (Prof. Dr. Hippler im HRK-Rundschreiben 2/2019)

Wichtige zugesicherte Eckpunkte samt (Start-)Daten sind:

  • Ab 22.01.2019:     Freischaltung aller berechtigten Teilnehmereinrichtungen für alle WILEY-Zeitschriften (ca. 1.700 Titel), mit Archivzugriff zurück bis 1997!


  • 31.03.2019:     Einrichtungen, die teilnehmen wollen, müssen bis zu diesem Termin ihre Beitrittserklärungen bei der MPDL Service GmbH und WILEY abgegeben haben, ansonsten wird die Einrichtung vom freien Zugriff abgeklemmt.


  • Ab 01.07.2019:     Alle zur Publikation angenommenen Manuskripte (Stichtag 01.07.2019) mit corresponding authors aus den Teilnehmereinrichtungen werden sofort und kostenlos Open Access veröffentlicht und freigeschaltet (mit CC-BY, nur bei wenigen Zeitschriften mit CC-BY-NC-ND).


  • Publikationen in WILEY-Gold-OA-Zeitschriften (WileyOPEN) werden weiterhin individuell abgerechnet, allerdings mit 20% Rabatt auf die Publikationsgebühren. Aufgrund unseres Rahmenvertrages mit WILEY werden diese Gold-OA-Publikationen auch weiterhin aus dem OA-Publikationsfond der Bibliothek bezahlt! Den Autoren entstehen hier also ebenfalls keine Kosten, wie ja bislang auch schon gehandhabt.

Weitere Details können Sie im HRK-Rundschreiben 2/2019 in den FAQ´s zum Vertrag Projekt DEAL/Wiley 2019-2021 finden.

Prof. Dr. Hippler betont: „Wir haben ein Kernziel erreicht: ein faires Preismodell, das es uns ermöglicht, Forschung bezahlbar und nachhaltig zugänglich zu machen. Es ist revolutionär, dass wir diesen Weg zu einer Open-Access-Publikationspraxis gemeinsam mit Wiley gehen. Ich möchte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft für ihre Unterstützung bei der endgültigen Vertragsunterzeichnung danken.“ (hrk-Pressemitteilung „Wiley und Projekt DEAL unterzeichnen Einigung“, 15.01.2019)

--- ENGLISH ---


DEAL-contract signed with Wiley


Dear colleagues,


First of all, we wish you a happy and healthy year 2019!


Here comes the first success story of the year:



Today, the 1st DEAL-contract with WILEY is signed in the context of the conference "Academic Publishing Europe" in Berlin! (The DEAL-contract runs from 15.01.2019 to 31.12.2021.)

"After an intensive negotiation phase at the turn of the year, it is a great pleasure for me to inform you that the DEAL project was able to conclude a first contract for a nationwide Publish & Read model with Wiley as of 15 January 2019." (Prof. Dr. Hippler in HRK Circular letter 2/2019)


Important assured key points together with start dates are:


  • From 22.01.2019 on: Activation of all authorized participant facilities for all WILEY magazines (about 1.700 titles), with archive access back to 1997!


  • 31.03.2019: Institutions wishing to participate must have submitted their membership declarations to MPDL Service GmbH and WILEY by that date, otherwise the institution will be disconnected from free access.


  • From 01.07.2019 all manuscripts accepted for publication (deadline 01.07.2019) with corresponding authors from participating institutions will be published immediately and free of charge in Open Access (with CC-BY, only for a few journals with CC-BY-NC-ND).


  • Publications in WILEY Gold OA journals (WileyOPEN) will continue to be billed individually, but with a 20% discount on publication fees. Due to our framework agreement with WILEY, these Gold OA publications will continue to be paid out of the library's OA publication fund! The authors are therefore also no costs, as so far already been handled.


Further details can be found in the HRK-Rundschreiben 2/2019 in FAQ´s zum Vertrag Projekt DEAL/Wiley 2019-2021 (german).


Prof. Dr. Hippler emphasizes: "We have achieved a core goal: a fair pricing model that enables us to make research affordable and sustainable. It's revolutionary that we're joining this path to an open access publishing practice with Wiley. I would like to thank the Max Planck Society for their support in the final signing of the contract.” (hrk-press release “Wiley and Projekt DEAL partner to enhance the future of scholarly research and publishing in Germany“, 15.01.2019)


Short presentation on Predatory Publishing (7.11. Friday Lunch) and Intranet page on Predatory Publ. - Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2018


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

es wird die HZI-Bibliothek hat am 7.11. einen Kurzvortrag zu „Predatory Journals & Conferences“ gegeben : die Folien des Kurzvortrags finden Sie im Intranet)


Im Anschluss folgt dann das Friday Lunch Seminar mit Herrn Guzmán.

Zu unserer Newsmeldung zu "Predatory Journals – Predatory Publishers – Predatory Conferences" vom 20.7.2018 haben wir viele positive Rückmeldungen (auch durch Kollegen anderer Institutionen) erhalten. Vielen Dank dafür!

Um Sie besser bei der Einschätzung eines Journals oder einer Konferenz zu unterstützen, gibt es Infos, Checklisten und weitere Materialien auf der neu geschaffenen Intranetseite „Predatory Publishers“.

Natürlich können Sie sich auch gern bei Fragen oder bestimmten Fällen an uns wenden. Auch wir und Kollegen profitieren davon: wir können dadurch unsere Expertise vertiefen und andere Kollegen informieren und beraten.

Herzliche Grüße,

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,

on 7.11. we will the HZI-Library held a short presentation on "Predatory Journals & Conferences":

You will find the slides of the presentation on "Predatory Publishers - Predatory Journals - Predatory Conferences" in Intranet.


We received a lot of positive feedback on our newsposting on "Predatory Journals - Predatory Publishers - Predatory Conferences" of 20.7.2018 (also from colleagues of other institutions). Thanks a lot for this!

To help you with evaluating the quality of a journal or conference, there are info, checklists, and other materials on the newly created intranet page Predatory Publishers.

Of course, you are also welcome to contact us with any questions or specific cases. We and other colleagues will also benefit from this: we can thus deepen our expertise and inform and advise other colleagues.

Best regards,
Your library


Ebooks von Herdt “All you can read” - Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018


Der umfangreiche Ebook-Bestand „All you can read“ des Herdt-Verlags ist ab sofort (bis 31.12.2019) für unsere IP-Adressen freigeschalten und ohne Anmeldung/Registrierung nutzbar.

Der Aufruf von „All You Can Read“ ist vom Campusnetz auf die Webseite www.herdt-campus.de möglich, wodurch alle Ebooks kostenfrei genutzt werden können. Ihnen wird dann dies angezeigt:https://cms.herdt.com/de/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/06/AYCR_fuerCampus.png

Professionelles IT-Wissen für Forschung & Lehre

Der HERDT-Verlag ist einer der führenden Anbieter von IT-Bildungsmedien. Die Lernmedien decken mehr als 500 IT-Themen von Microsoft-Office-Anwendungen über Datenbanksysteme bis hin zu Netzwerktechniken und den neuesten Designprogrammen ab. Auch zu Windows 10 und den Umstieg auf Windows 10 gibt es einige Ebooks.

Mit dem Angebot ALL YOU CAN READ haben alle Studierenden, MitarbeiterInnen und Lehrende die Möglichkeit, die bewährten HERDT-Lernunterlagen als PDF-Download, inklusive aller digitalen Zusatzmedien zu nutzen.

Daher schauen Sie auf www.herdt-campus.de vorbei.

--- ENGLISH ---


The extensive ebook collection "All you can read" of the Herdt-Verlag is now available (until 31.12.2019) for our IP addresses and can be used without login/ registration.

The access on "All You Can Read" is possible from the campus network via the website www.herdt-campus.de , where all Ebooks can be used free of charge. The following notification will pop-up: https://cms.herdt.com/de/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/06/AYCR_fuerCampus.png

Professional IT knowledge for research and teaching

HERDT-Verlag is one of the leading providers of IT educational media. The learning media covers more than 500 IT topics, from Microsoft Office applications to database systems, networking techniques and the latest design programs. Also for Windows 10 and the transition to Windows 10, there are some ebooks.

With the ALL YOU CAN READ offer, all students, staff and teachers have the opportunity to use the proven HERDT learning documents as a PDF download, including all digital additional media.
Therefore, visit www.herdt-campus.de .


OpenAccess-Veranstaltungen in der Open Access Week (22. Bis 26. Oktober) - Freitag, 19. Oktober 2018


Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

nächste Woche (22. bis 26. Oktober 2018) findet wieder die internationale Open Access Week mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen statt (wo auch immer Sie sich aufhalten, wahrscheinlich gibt es auch lokale Veranstaltungen in Ihrer Nähe). Alle Events und weitere Informationen zur Open Access Week sind zu finden auf der gleichnamigen Website: http://openaccessweek.org/events/event/listUpcoming


OpenAccess-Veranstaltungen von OpenAire /FOSTER:

Auch in diesem Jahr veranstalten OpenAIRE und FOSTER eine Reihe von interessanten Webinaren und Q&A-Sessions zu verschiedenen Themen.
Auf der folgenden OpenAire-Webseite finden Sie alle Angebote und Termine sowie ein ständig aktualisiertes iCal-Download:

In diesem Jahr verfolgen OpenAire und FOSTER einen interaktiven, gemischten Ansatz:

„Sie haben die Möglichkeit, spezielle "Tracks" (Track 1-5 mit zahlreichen Angeboten) zu abonnieren, die jeweils ein oder zwei kurze Online-Tutorials mit einigen unterstützenden Informationen enthalten. Wir werden sogar ein altmodisches Webinar hier und da einwerfen! Sie können einen (oder alle!) Dieser Tracks abonnieren und wir werden Ihnen alle relevanten Informationen, die Sie in der Woche ab dem 15. Oktober benötigen, zur Verfügung stellen. Sie können die Tutorials und Lernmaterialien in Ihrem eigenen Tempo durchsuchen und dann Fragen stellen könnte während der Open-Access-Woche spezielle Fragerunden haben. Wir werden eine Reihe von Open-Science-Experten zur Verfügung haben, die Ihnen bei der Beantwortung Ihrer Fragen zur Seite stehen.“


OpenAccess-Veranstaltungen von Helmholtz-Instituten:

Auch an Helmholtz-Einrichtungen wird es Veranstaltungen rund um Open Access geben. So wird neben Informationsveranstaltungen (z. B. Webinare und Coffee Lectures) unter anderem auch der Film „Paywall - The Business of Scholarship“ [1] an verschiedenen Zentren gezeigt und diskutiert.


Im Folgenden finden Sie die von uns gesammelten Aktivitäten der Helmholtz-Zentren:


Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY:

                - Filmvorführungen „Paywall - The Business of Scholarship“ [2]


Forschungszentrum Jülich:

                - Webinare "Einführung – Open Access am Forschungszentrum Jülich“ [3]


Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ [4]

                - Brettspiel-Session: "The Publishing Trap"

                - Filmvorführung „Paywall - The Business of Scholarship“

                - Coffee Lecture: "DEAL - What is it about and what are the perspectives“

                - Offene Fragestunde: "Open Access - Your questions, our answers"


[1] https://paywallthemovie.com

[2] http://www.desy.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/index_ger.html/@@events-view?id=45427&lang=ger



[3] http://www.fz-juelich.de/SharedDocs/Termine/ZB/DE/open_access_week_einfuehrung_oa_fzj_2018_10_24_w.htm


[4] http://bib.telegrafenberg.de/publizieren/open-access/open-access-week/




Ein weiterer OpenAccess-Kurs mit einer Reihe von Tweets wird ein Schlüsselelement der International Open Access Week sein. Eine Reihe von Tweets wird Ihnen Einblicke in die Mechanismen des Open Access geben, Sie über gute Praktiken informieren und Ratschläge geben, wie Sie OpenAccess-Publizieren starten und optimieren können. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist dem @moocmicro-Konto und dem Hashtag #OAMOOC18 zu folgen. Der Inhalt wird täglich von Montag bis Freitag (22-26 Oktober) um 12 Uhr mittags (GMT +1) getwittert. Sie können Kommentare twittern oder Fragen senden, die von den Organisatoren mit demselben Hashtag beantwortet werden. Diese Initiative ist zwar besonders nützlich für Forscher und Universitätsstudenten, steht aber allen offen, die sich für diesen Bereich interessieren.
Der Kurs läuft zum zweiten Mal und hat bereits über 600 Follower. Ziel ist es, die grundlegenden Ideen und Konzepte im Bereich des offenen Zugangs zu teilen, die Dinge in einfachen Worten zu erklären und einen Überblick über bewährte Praktiken, Initiativen, Standards und Werkzeuge für folgende Bereiche zu geben: Einführung in Open Access, RRI und Open Science, Veröffentlichung im Open Access, Forschungsdaten, Lizenzveröffentlichungen und Autorenrechte sowie Sichtbarkeit und Wirkung. Die freigegebenen Ressourcen umfassen Artikel, Bilder und Videos und Sie können den Kurs in Katalanisch und Englisch durchführen.

“Make a date with #OAMOOC18 @moocmicro every day at 12 am from 22 to 26 October. #OAMOOC18 is a micro-MOOC on #openaccess run by 11 universities to mark #OAWEEK. It’s a course run entirely on Twitter and covers the basic concepts and notions relating to #openaccess.”


Wir laden Sie ein, diese Gelegenheiten zu nutzen, neue Impulse zu erhalten und lang gehegte Fragen zu stellen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best regards

Ihre HZI-Bibliothek

--- ENGLISH ---

Dear colleagues,
Next week (October 22nd to 26th, 2018) the international Open Access Week will take place with numerous events (wherever you are there are probably local events in your region). All events and further information on Open Access Week can be found on the website of the same name: http://openaccessweek.org/events/event/listUpcoming

OpenAccess events from OpenAire / FOSTER:
Once again this year, OpenAIRE and FOSTER are hosting a series of interesting webinars and Q & A sessions on a variety of topics.
On the following OpenAire website you will find all offers and dates as well as a constantly updated iCal download: https://www.openaire.eu/open-access-week-2018


This year, OpenAIRE and FOSTER going for an interactive, mixed approach:

 You’ll have the chance to subscribe to dedicated ‘tracks’, each of which involves reviewing 1 or 2 short online tutorials along with some supporting information. We will even throw in an old-fashioned webinar here and there! You can subscribe to one (or all!) of these tracks and we’ll provide you with all relevant information you need the week starting October 15. You can browse the tutorials and learning materials at your own pace, and then bring any questions you might have to dedicated Q&A sessions during Open Access Week. We'll have a range of Open Science experts on hand to help answer your questions.

OpenAccess events by Helmholtz Institutes:
Also at Helmholtz facilities there will be events around open access. In addition to information events (e.g. webinars and coffee lectures), the film "Paywall - The Business of Scholarship" [1] is shown and discussed at various centers.

Below you will find the activities of the Helmholtz centers we have collected:

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY:

                - Movie screening „Paywall - The Business of Scholarship“ [2]


Forschungszentrum Jülich:

                - Webinars "Einführung – Open Access am Forschungszentrum Jülich“ [3]


Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ [4]

                - Board game Session: "The Publishing Trap"

                - Movie „Paywall - The Business of Scholarship“

                - Coffee Lecture: "DEAL - What is it about and what are the perspectives“

                - time for questions: "Open Access - Your questions, our answers"


[1] https://paywallthemovie.com

[2] http://www.desy.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/index_ger.html/@@events-view?id=45427&lang=ger



[3] http://www.fz-juelich.de/SharedDocs/Termine/ZB/DE/open_access_week_einfuehrung_oa_fzj_2018_10_24_w.htm


[4] http://bib.telegrafenberg.de/publizieren/open-access/open-access-week/




Another course on OpenAccess with a series of tweets is set to be a key feature of International Open Access Week, which runs from 22 to 28 October. A series of tweets will be offering you insights into the mechanisms involved in open access, teaching you about good practices, and offering advice on how to optimize this type of publication. All you have to do is follow the @moocmicro account and the #OAMOOC18 hashtag. The content will be tweeted daily from Monday to Friday (22–26 October) at 12 noon (GMT +1). You can tweet comments or send questions to be answered by the organizers using the same hashtag. This initiative, while particularly useful for researchers and university students, is open to anyone with an interest in this area.

The course will be running for its second time and already has over 600 followers. Its aim is to share the basic ideas and concepts relating to open access, explaining things in straightforward terms and providing an overview of good practices, initiatives, standards and tools for use in the following areas: introduction to open access, RRI and open science, publishing in open access, research data, publishing licences and authors’ rights, and visibility and impact. Resources shared include articles, images and videos, and you can do the course in both Catalan and English.

“Make a date with #OAMOOC18 @moocmicro every day at 12 am from 22 to 26 October. #OAMOOC18 is a micro-MOOC on #openaccess run by 11 universities to mark #OAWEEK. It’s a course run entirely on Twitter and covers the basic concepts and notions relating to #openaccess.”


We invite you to take advantage of these opportunities to get new impulses and ask long-held questions.

Best regards

Your HZI-Library


Endnote & Co. Demo-Workshops (Alfasoft) - Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2018


Wir freuen uns, Sie zu den Alfasoft Online Demo Days 2018 einzuladen.

Im Stundentakt präsentieren wir Ihnen am 24. und 25. Oktober in unseren Mini-Kursen live unsere beliebtesten Produkte und Schulungsformate.

Lassen Sie sich die kostenlose Teilnahme daran nicht entgehen. Abgesehen von den EndNote, NVivo und Scientific Writing Präsentationen am 25. Oktober sind alle Kurse in englischer Sprache. Registrieren Sie sich gerne für die Kurse Ihrer Wahl, auch wenn Ihnen der Termin nicht passt, denn wir versenden die Aufzeichnungen der Webinare an alle, die sich registriert haben.

Die folgenden Produkte und Kurse werden wir live präsentieren:

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober (Englisch)
09-10: EndNote - Learn EndNote in 30 minutes
10-11: NVivo: Transcribe, analyse and visualize qualitative data
11-12: Sharpen up your scientific paper - From good to excellent
12-13: How to analyse data with IBM SPSS Statistics and Modeler
13-14: MindManager - For research and information management
14-15: MathType Everywhere
15-16: EndNote - Learn EndNote in 30 minutes

Hier können Sie sich registrieren und einen Platz reservieren für Mittwoch

Donnerstag, 25. Oktober (Englisch und Deutsch)
09-10: Mathcad Prime 5 - Learn Mathcad Prime in 30 minutes
10-11: solidThinking - Introduction to Activate, Compose, and Embed
11-12: EndNote - Von der Quellenangabe im Internet zur Publikation (Deutsch)
12-13: NVivo: Qualitative Daten transkribieren, analysieren und visualisieren (Deutsch)
13-14: Scientific Writing – Research Paper (Deutsch)

14-15: Embarcadero - Take advantage of the latest features within RAD Studio 10.3
15-16: ChemDraw - Time is Chemistry

Hier können Sie sich registrieren und einen Platz reservieren für Donnerstag

Wir hoffen, Sie online begrüßen zu dürfen!

Herzliche Grüße

Ihr Alfasoft Team

--- ENGLISH ---

Also this year Alfasoft offers free online courses (in German & English) for Endnote & Co.:

“We are pleased to invite you to the Alfasoft Online Demo Days 2018.


On an hourly basis, we will be presenting our most popular products and training formats live on 24 and 25 October in our mini-courses.
Do not miss the free participation. Apart from the EndNote, NVivo and Scientific Writing presentations on October 25, all courses are in English. Register for the courses of your choice, even if you do not like the appointment, because we send the webinars to all who have registered.

We will present the following products and courses live:

Wednesday, October 24 (English)
09-10: EndNote - Learn EndNote in 30 minutes
10-11: NVivo: Transcribe, analyze and visualize qualitative data
11-12: Sharpen up your scientific paper - From good to excellent
12-13: How to analyze data with SPSS Statistics and Modeler
13-14: MindManager - For research and information management
14-15: MathType Everywhere
15-16: EndNote - Learn EndNote in 30 minutes

Here you can register and reserve a seat for Wednesday

Thursday, October 25 (English and German)
09-10: Mathcad Prime 5 - Learn Mathcad Prime in 30 minutes
10-11: solidThinking - Introduction to Activate, Compose, and Embed
11-12: EndNote - From the source on the Internet to the publication (German)
12-13: NVivo: Transcribing, Analyzing and Visualizing Qualitative Data (German)
13-14: Scientific Writing - Research Paper (German)
14-15: Embarcadero - Take advantage of the latest features in RAD Studio 10.3
15-16: ChemDraw - Time is Chemistry

Here you can register and reserve a place for Thursday
We hope to welcome you online!

Best regards

Your Alfasoft Team


Please register: Helmholtz Open Science Workshop “Elektronische Laborbücher/ Electr. Lab NotebooELN" - Montag, 6. August 2018

Please register @Helmholtz OpenScience


Das Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüro und die HZI-Bibliothek freut sich, den Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Elektronische Laborbücher“ anzukündigen. Der Workshop wird in Zusammenarbeit von Helmholtz-OpenScience Koordinationsbüro und der Bibliothek des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung (HZI) vom 13.09. bis 14.09.2018 im HZI (Forum) in Braunschweig stattfinden:

Gebäude X, Raum X0.13 - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI), Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig (Anfahrtsinfos, Eingang/Einfahrt siehe roter Punkt auf Karte Karte @openstreetmap)

Die Veranstaltung bietet einen Überblick zu Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Einführung von elektronischen Laborbüchern in wissenschaftlichen Laboren und Institutionen. Dabei können die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aktiv mit Expertinnen und Experten diskutieren und Erfahrungen austauschen. Zielgruppe dieses Workshops sind Interessierte aus der Wissenschaft und aus Bibliotheken, Rechen- und Datenzentren.

Registrierung und nähere Infos zur Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der Website des Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüros:


Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Wir danken den Kollegen vom OpenScience-Koordinationsbüro, den Speakern und Softwareanbietern für ihre Unterstützung!

--- ENGLISH ---

Registration open: Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Elektronic Labbook Notebooks (ELN)“

The Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office and HZI Library is pleased to announce the Helmholtz Open Science Workshop "Electronic Laboratory Books". The workshop will be held in cooperation of Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office (many thanks for the support) and the library of the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) from 13.09. to 14.09.2018 at the HZI in Braunschweig / Brunswick:

Building X, Room X0.13, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI), Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig (travelling details, entrance see red dot @openstreetmap)

The event will provide an overview of issues related to the introduction of electronic lab books in scientific laboratories and institutions. The participants can actively discuss with experts and exchange experiences. The target group of this workshop are those interested in science and libraries, computing and data centers.
Further information on the program and the registration are available on the website of the Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office:


We look forward to your participation!

Many thanks to the colleagues of Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office, to the speakers and software provider!

Best regards

Your library team


please register: SCOPUS: Einführung & neue Funktionen (@HZI: 15.8.2018, 13-14Uhr, D2: 1.21) - Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2018


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

SCOPUS (scopus.com) ist für die Forschungsschwerpunkte des HZI die größte und umfangreichste Literaturdatenbank und besitzt einige interessante Funktionen).

Wenn Sie SCOPUS genauer kennenlernen und Ihr wissenschaftliches Arbeiten verschlanken möchten, nehmen Sie an unserer kostenlosen Infoveranstaltung teil


SCOPUS : Einführung & neue Funktionen  / SCOPUS : Introduction & new features

15.8.2018, 13-14Uhr

D2: Raum 1.21

Eine Software-Trainerin von Elsevier wird die Inhaltstypen, die Eckdaten, die Funktionalitäten, die Suchfunktionen, gegenwärtige und neue Features und mögliche Anwendungsgebiete und Tips and Tricks zu SCOPUS präsentieren.


Bitte anmelden via Mail: sch13@...


 siehe auch: Bibliothek > Services >Aktuelles  (Poster als Bild unten)

-----------------------English ---------------------------

Dear colleagues,

SCOPUS (scopus.com) is the largest citation database and most comprehensive regarding the research targets of HZI and offeres interesting features.
If you want to learn more about SCOPUS, the scientific citation database, and its functionalities and recent features in order to streamline your scientific work you can attend:

SCOPUS : Introduction & new features

15. August 2018, 1-2 p.m.

D2: Raum 1.21


A software trainer from Elsevier will present the content types, the functionalities, the search functions, current features and possible fields of application and will provide tips and tricks on SCOPUS.


Please register via mail: sch13@...

Als Poster:

Scopus-Workshop 2018 Poster


Predatory Journals – Predatory Publishers – Predatory Conferences - Freitag, 20. Juli 2018

... seien Sie aufmerksam und lassen Sie sich von uns oder anderen Experten beraten


Liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,

seit einigen Jahren gibt es im wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesen verstärkt unseriöse Geschäftspraktiken (siehe 1.), wovon sich „die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft [klar] distanziert [...]. Eine aktuelle Recherche von Journalistinnen und Journalisten hat ergeben, dass dennoch einige wenige Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in solchen "Raubzeitschriften" veröffentlicht haben. [Die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft] ha[t] dieses Ergebnis gegenrecherchiert, wodurch sich die Zahl der Fälle deutlich reduziert hat. Insgesamt sind nach den Recherchen in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft [...] im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2018 [...] 14 Publikationen in solchen "Zeitschriften" veröffentlicht.“[1]

Die Ergebnisse der Recherche der Recherchekooperation von NDR, WDR und Süddeutsche Zeitung sind seit gestern veröffentlicht (siehe Berichterstattung unten und Doku „Fake Science: Die Lügenmacher“, Montag, 23.07.18, 21:45 Uhr auf ARD), wozu die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft mit einem Standpunkt des Helmholtz-Präsidenten Professor Otmar D. Wiestler und mit den FAQ zum Thema „predatory publishing“ (Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüro) Stellung nimmt.

1. Was bedeutet „predatory publishing“?

„Predatory Journals“ und „Predatory Conference Organisers“ sind negative Erscheinungen des wissenschaftlichen Publikations- und Kommunikationssystems, die in den letzten Jahren zugenommen haben:

Bei „Predatory Journals“/ „fraudulent journals“/ „Raubjournale“ von sogenannten „Predatory Publishers“ handelt es sich um Zeitschriften, die Forschende mit aggressiver Werbung und dem Anschein eines professionellen Auftretens zur Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen gegen Zahlung einer Publikationsgebühr auffordern, jedoch keinerlei oder völlig unzureichende Maßnahmen der Qualitätssicherung organisieren. Diese „Predatory Journals“ wenden zudem unlautere Methoden an, beispielsweise folgende:

  1. die Autoren werden gebeten, die Zeitschriftenartikel des eigenen Journals zu zitieren, um den Impact-Faktor zu erhöhen2

  2. Bezahlung durch den Autor im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung des Artikels, während ein, vom Predatory Publisher erwähntes Peer Review nicht existiert (Artikel werden ohne Änderungen angenommen) 3

  3. Verwendung gefälschter LinkedIn-Identitäten (o.ä.), um Einreichungen zu gewinnen 4

  4. Sogenannte “special” issues / Sonderhefte: Wissenschaftler werden eingeladen, als Gast-Editor zu fungieren, der gewöhnlich Kollegen einlädt, sich mit Beiträge für diese spezielle Ausgabe beizuteiligen, und alle von ihnen müssen Autorengebühren bezahlen à So fungiert der Gast-Editor als Agent des Verlages, während der Verlag von den professionellen Beziehungen des Gast-Editor profitiert. 5

  5. Manipulation der Zitierstatistiken: Ein fiktiver Autor hat eine Veröffentlichung auf einer institutionellen Webseite hochgeladen, die alle Publikationen einer Forschungsgruppe auflistet, welche dann von GoogleScholar indiziert und somit in GoogleMetrics hinzugefügt wurden, was zu einem bemerkenswerten Anstieg von Zitaten führte6

  6. "kostenloses Mitgliedschaftsmodell" für Institutionen und Nutzung des Namens und Rufs der Institution, um andere anzulocken 7

*Referenzen am Ende der „English Version“, diese Methoden wurden auch schon 2015 in der Newsmeldung „Hijacked Journals and Predatory Publishers“ erwähnt

Ähnliche Aktivitäten verfolgen „Predatory Conference Organisers“, die unseriöse Konferenzen organisieren und Forschende zur Beteiligung und Teilnahme an diesen Veranstaltungen auffordern.


Bezüglich der Opfer der unseriösen Geschäftspraktiken mahnt Prof. Wiestler, „[…] dass die Qualität eines wissenschaftlichen Beitrages immer nur auf der Ebene einer einzelnen Publikation bewertet werden kann. Allein die Tatsache, dass ein Beitrag ohne Qualitätssicherung veröffentlicht wurde, heißt noch nicht, dass es sich um einen unwissenschaftlichen Beitrag handelt.“ [1]


2. Wie kann man sich gegen das „predatory publishing“ schützen?

Eine Publikationsentscheidung sollte immer eine überlegte und informierte Entscheidung sein. Die Initiative „Think Check Submit“, die durch Verlags- und Bibliotheksverbände unterstützt wird, gibt jedem/r Wissenschaftler/-in eine hilfreiche Checkliste an die Hand (u.a. auch in Deutsch übersetzt). Zentrale Prüfkriterien der Initiative sind beispielsweise:

  • „Kennen Sie oder Ihre Kolleg/innen die Zeitschrift?“

    • „Haben Sie in der Vergangenheit Artikel in der Zeitschrift gelesen?“
      • „Können Sie die aktuellsten Artikel in der Zeitschrift einfach finden?“
    • „Können Sie den Verlag einfach identifizieren und kontaktieren?“
      • „Wird der Verlagsname deutlich auf der Homepage der Zeitschrift angegeben?“
      • „Können Sie den Verlag per Telefon, E-Mail oder Post kontaktieren?“
    • „Macht die Zeitschrift klare Angaben zu ihrem Peer-Review-Verfahren?“
    • „Werden die Artikel in Datenbanken indiziert, die Sie selber nutzen?“
    • „Ist klar, welche Kosten anfallen werden?“
      • „Erläutert die Webseite der Zeitschrift, wofür Zahlungen anfallen und wann diese in Rechnung gestellt werden?“
    • „Erkennen Sie das Editorial Board?“
      • „Haben Sie von den Mitgliedern des Editorial Boards schon einmal gehört?“
      • „Geben die Mitglieder des Boards die Tätigkeit für die Zeitschrift auf ihren eigenen Webseiten an?“
    • „Ist der Verlag Mitglied einer anerkannten Initiative?“
      • „Gehört er dem Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) an?“
      • „Wenn die Zeitschrift Open Access ist: Ist sie im Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) gelistet?“
      • „Wenn die Zeitschrift Open Access ist: Gehört der Verlag der Open Access Scholarly Publishers’ Association (OASPA) an?“
    • Eine vollständigere und kürzlich aktualisierte Checkliste bieten auch wir Ihnen:

      Clues to quality of journals [HZI Library, 2018]


      Für Rückfragen und Beratung stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung: bibliothek(@)helmholtz-hzi.de.

3. Was unternehmen wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen gegen das „predatory publishing“?

Viele wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen, so auch die Zentren der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, haben Publikationsrichtlinien erlassen. In diesen sind Standards wie z. B. Freigabeprozesse für Publikationen festgelegt. Darüber hinaus geben die „Empfehlungen zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis“ Leitlinien vor, die sich auch auf den Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Publikationen erstrecken. Im Kontext von Open Access sind an vielen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen, so auch an den Helmholtz-Zentren, sogenannte Open-Access-Publikationsfonds entstanden. Diese Fonds liegen in der Verantwortung von Bibliotheken und dienen, über die Mittelverwaltung hinaus, der Steuerung der Transformation hin zu Open Access. Als Leitlinien für den Betrieb dieser Publikationsfonds wurden in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft „Kriterien zum Betrieb von Open-Access-Publikationsfonds“ formuliert. In diesen wird das Thema der Qualitätssicherung an mehreren Stellen adressiert. Unter anderem heißt es dort:

  • „Die Qualität der Zeitschrift muss durch die im jeweiligen Fach anerkannten Qualitätssicherungsverfahren gesichert sein.“

  • „Die Zeitschrift sollte im Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) gelistet sein.“
  • „Falls die Publikation in einem kommerziell arbeitenden Verlag erscheint, sollte dieser Mitglied in der Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) sein und deren Kriterien entsprechen.“


Werden diese Leitlinien berücksichtigt, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit das eine Täuschung durch ein „predatory journal“ eintritt, sehr gering ist. (Weitere Maßnahmen sowie weitere Details in den lesenswerten FAQ zum Thema „predatory publishing“ )


Sollten Sie zu einem konkreten Fall Fragen haben, können Sie sich wie gewohnt an uns (bibliothek(@)helmholtz-hzi.de) oder an das OpenScience-Koordinationsbüro wenden.


Berichterstattungen (Auswahl):


http://www.daserste.de/information/reportage-dokumentation/dokus/exclusiv-im-ersten-fake-science-die-luegenmacher-102.html (Doku „Fake Science: Die Lügenmacher“, Montag, 23.07.18, 21:45 Uhr auf ARD)

NDR-Dossier: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/investigation/Dossier-Fake-Science-Die-Luegenmacher,fakesciencedossier100.html

NDR-Podcastreihe: https://www.ndr.de/info/podcast4406.html

Weitere: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/wissenschaft-tausende-forscher-publizieren-in-pseudo-journalen-1.4061005



Google-Newsübersicht: https://bit.ly/2L4MvPX


------ English version  ------

Predatory Journals – Predatory Publishers – Predatory Conferences: be aware and consult us or other experts


Dear colleagues,

For some years there has been an increase in dubious business practices in scientific publishing (see 1.), from which "the Helmholtz Association [clearly] distances itself [...]. A recent research by journalists has revealed that nevertheless a few scientists from the Helmholtz Association have published in such "predatory journals". [The Helmholtz Association] has checked the validity of the journalists’ results, which has significantly reduced the number of cases. Altogether, according to the research in the Helmholtz Association [...] in the period from 2014 to 2018, 14 publications in such "journals" have been published. "1

The journalists’ results of the research conducted by a cooperation of NDR, WDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung are published since yesterday (see press coverage below and documentary "Fake Science: The Lie-makers", Monday, 23rd of July, 9.45pm), to which the Helmholtz Association reacted with a statement from Helmholtz President Professor Otmar D. Wiestler and with the FAQ on "Predatory publishing" (Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office).


1. What means „predatory publishing“?

"Predatory Journals" and "Predatory Conference Organizers" are negative phenomena of the scientific publication and communication system, which have increased in recent years:

"Predatory Journals" resp. "fraudulent journals" of “predatory publishers” are journals which encourage researchers with aggressive advertising and an apparently professional appearance to submit papers in exchange for a publication fee, but do not have or only have completely inadequate quality assurance measures. Those predatory journals also apply dishonest methods such as

  1. asking authors to cite the journal articles belonging to the own journal in order to boost its impact factor[1]

  2. payment of the author up front for a paper whereas peer review mentioned by the publisher does not exist (articles will be accepted without any changes)[2]

  3. using faked LinkedIn identities to attract submissions[3]

  4. So-called “special” issues of journals: scientists are invited to act as a guest editor who usually invites colleagues to contribute papers for this special issue, and all of them have to pay author fees à thus the guest editor acts as the publisher’s agent whereas the publisher benefits from the guest editor’s professional relationships.[4]

  5. manipulation of citation statistics: a fictive author did upload a paper referencing all publications of a research group on an institutional website which then was indexed by GoogleScholar and those citations were added by GoogleMetrics that lead to a remarkable rise of citations[5]

  6. “free membership scheme” for institutions and using the name and reputation of the institution to attract others[6]

*References at the end of the "English Version", these methods were already mentioned in 2015 in the newsposting „Hijacked Journals and Predatory Publishers“


Similar activities are pursued by "Predatory Conference Organizers" who organize dubious conferences and invite researchers to contribute and participate in these events.


Regarding the victims of the dubious business practices, Prof. Wiestler warns, "[...] that the quality of a scientific contribution can only be assessed at the level of a single publication. The mere fact that a contribution was published without quality assurance does not mean that it is an unscientific contribution. " [1]


2. How to protect oneself against "predatory publishing"?

A publication decision should always be a deliberate and informed decision. The initiative "Think Check Submit", which is supported by publishing and library associations, provides each scientist with a helpful checklist (as default in English, also translated in German). Key criteria of this initiative include:

  • "Do you or your colleagues know the journal?"

  • "Have you read articles in the journal in the past?"

  • "Can you easily discover the recent articles in the journal?"

  • "Can you easily identify and contact the publisher?"

  • "Is the publisher's name clearly stated on the homepage of the journal?"

  • "Can you contact the publisher by phone, e-mail or post?"

  • "Does the journal provide clear information on its peer review process?"

  • "Are the articles indexed in databases that you use yourself?"

  • "Is it clear what fees will be charged?"

    • "Does the journal site explain what these fees are made for and when they will be charged?"

  • "Do you recognize the Editorial Board?"

    • "Have you ever heard of the Editorial Board members?"

    • "Do the members of the board indicate the activity for the journal on their own websites?"

  • "Is the publisher member of a recognized initiative?"

    • "Does he belong to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)?"

    • "If the journal is Open Access, is it listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)?"

"If the journal is Open Access, does the publisher belong to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers' Association (OASPA)?"


We also offer you a more complete and recently updated checklist:

Clues to quality of journals [HZI Library, 2018]


For further questions and support don’t hesitate to contact us: bibliothek(@)helmholtz-hzi.de.


3. What do scientific institutions do against "predatory publishing"?

Many scientific institutions, including the centers of the Helmholtz Association, have issued publication rules. These define standards such as release processes for publications. In addition, the "Recommendations for Securing Good Scientific Practice" provide guidelines that also cover the handling of scientific publications. In the context of open access, so-called open access publication funds have been set up at many scientific institutions, including the Helmholtz Centers. These funds are maintained by libraries and serve - beside the financial administration - to steer the transformation towards open access. As guidelines for the operation of these publication funds, the Helmholtz Association formulated "Criteria for the Operation of Open Access Publication Funds" . In these, the topic of quality assurance is addressed in several places. Among other things it says:

  • "The quality of the journal must be ensured by the quality assurance procedures recognized in the respective field.”

  • "The journal should be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)."

"If the publication appears in a commercial publishing house, that member should be in the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and meet their criteria."


If these guidelines are taken into account, it can be assumed that the likelihood of being deceived by a "predatory journal" is very low. (Further measures as well as further details in the readable FAQ on "predatory publishing")


If you have any questions about a specific case, you can contact us (bibliothek(@)helmholtz-hzi.de) as usual or the OpenScience coordination office.


Media coverage (selection):


http://www.daserste.de/information/reportage-dokumentation/dokus/exclusiv-im-ersten-fake-science-die-luegenmacher-102.html (documentary "Fake Science: The Lie-makers", Monday, 23rd of July, 9.45pm)

NDR-Dossier: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/investigation/Dossier-Fake-Science-Die-Luegenmacher,fakesciencedossier100.html

NDR-Podcastreihe: https://www.ndr.de/info/podcast4406.html

Weitere: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/wissenschaft-tausende-forscher-publizieren-in-pseudo-journalen-1.4061005



Google-Newsübersicht: https://bit.ly/2L4MvPX




[1] Standpunkt des Helmholtz-Präsidenten Professor Otmar D. Wiestler zu sogenannten Predatory Journals / Predatory Publishers (Stand: 19.07.2018): „Unseriöse Angebote, die der gesamten Wissenschaft schaden“/

Statement of Helmholtz President Professor Otmar D. Wiestler on so-called Predatory Journals / Predatory Publishers (as of 19.07.2018): "Dubious offers that harm the entire science": https://www.helmholtz.de/ueber_uns/die_gemeinschaft/standpunkte/predatory_journals_predatory_publishers/

[2] Ferguson, Cat: Refreshing honesty? Journal asks authors to help game its impact factor – In: Retraction Watch – URL: http://retractionwatch.com/2015/02/09/refreshing-honesty-journal-asks-authors-help-game-impact-factor/

[3] Bowland, John D.: Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences – In: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (2014), 10. – p. 1 – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315198/pdf/ajpe7810176.pdf

[4] Beall, Jeffrey: Publisher Uses Fake LinkedIn Identities to Attract Submissions – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/10/publisher-uses-fake-linkedin-identities-to-attract-submissions/

[5] Beall, Jeffrey: So-Called “Special” Issues of Journals: Big Money for Gold OA Publishers – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/24/so-called-special-issues-of-journals-big-money-for-gold-oa-publishers/#more-5004

[6] Bowland, John D.: Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences – In: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (2014), 10. – p. 4 – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315198/pdf/ajpe7810176.pdf

[7] Beall, Jeffrey: So-Called “Special” Issues of Journals: Big Money for Gold OA Publishers – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/24/so-called-special-issues-of-journals-big-money-for-gold-oa-publishers/#more-5004


Elsevier: Zugriff auf Zeitschriftenartikel des Jahrgangs 2018 abgeschaltet seitens Elsevier - Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018


Liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,

der Verlag Elsevier hat im Laufe der letzten Woche die Zugriffe für den IP-Bereich des HZI auf Zeitschriftenartikel des Jahrgangs 2018 auf der ScienceDirect-Plattform blockiert.

Diese Zugangsblockade erfolgte bei allen Universitäts- und Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland, die sich dem Projekt DEAL angeschlossen haben, also z.B. auch bei der UB der TU Braunschweig. Ursache sind die stagnierenden Verhandlungen zwischen Projekt DEAL und Elsevier. Nähere Informationen zum Verhandlungsstand finden Sie hier.


Von dieser Blockade sind nicht betroffen:

1. lizenzierte Zeitschriftenartikel bis Ende 2017

2. Artikel aus lizenzierten Buchserien (z.B. Methods in enzymology) oder Büchern.


Wie kommen Sie weiterhin an aktuelle Elsevier-Artikel?

Das erfahren Sie in der detailiierteren Newsmeldung im Intranet.

Für Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung.


---- ENGLISH ---


Dear colleagues,

During the last week Elsevier has been blocking access to the 2018th journal articles on ScienceDirect for the HZI IP range.

The blocking is relevant for all German university and special libraries who are involved in the DEAL consortium because of the stagnation of the negotiations. For more information about these negotiations please click here.


Which material has not been blocked?

1. Licensed journal articles with publications years until 2017

2. Articles from licensed book series or book chapters


How can you get further access to Elsevier journal articles?

Learn how to access those Elsevier articles (and others) in the more detailed newsposting in Intranet.


For your further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.


FAQ zum Zweitverwertungsrecht/ZVR - UrhG § 38 Abs. 4 (= Open Access Grüner Weg/ GreenOA) - Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018


„Der Urheber eines wissenschaftlichen Beitrags, der im Rahmen einer mindestens zur Hälfte mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderten Forschungstätigkeit entstanden und in einer periodisch mindestens zweimal jährlich erscheinenden Sammlung erschienen ist, hat auch dann, wenn er dem Verleger oder Herausgeber ein ausschließliches Nutzungsrecht eingeräumt hat, das Recht, den Beitrag nach Ablauf von zwölf Monaten seit der Erstveröffentlichung in der akzeptierten Manuskriptversion öffentlich zugänglich zu machen, soweit dies keinem gewerblichen Zweck dient. Die Quelle der Erstveröffentlichung ist anzugeben. Eine zum Nachteil des Urhebers abweichende Vereinbarung ist unwirksam.“ § 38 Absatz 4 UrhG


Das Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht greift im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Interesse der Verlage an einer Erstveröffentlichung und den Bedürfnissen der Wissenschaft die Interessen der Wissenschaftler auf: Für Wissenschaftler ist der Informationsaustausch ein elementarerer Bestandteil der Forschung. Um den fachlichen Diskurs aufrecht zu erhalten und (Weiter-)Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen, ist der Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen notwendig. In diesem Rahmen ist es von immenser Bedeutung, dass Forschungsergebnisse neben der meist kostenpflichtigen Original(Erst-)Veröffentlichung (meist nur mittels Subskription/Lizenz zugänglich) zudem kostenfrei elektronisch zugänglich sind. Nutzen Sie daher Ihr Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht, indem Sie Ihre Publikationen auf http://hzi.openrepository.com/  archivieren lassen und somit international bereitstellen! (nähere Infos auf der Seite „OpenAccess“)


Was umfasst das ZVR?

Forschungspublikationen, die mindestens zur Hälfte mit öffentlichen Drittmitteln finanziert sind (Bsp.: DFG- / BMBF-Projekte an Hochschulen & außieruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen).

Strittig: Forschungspublikationen,die aus den öffentlichen Grundetats finanziert werden (Bsp. ordentliche Professuren, wissenschaftliches Personal der Lehrstühle und Institute).

Dafür: Bundesrat (Entschließung BR-Drs. 643/13, 5. 2)

        Dagegen: Bundestag (Gesetzesbegründung BT-Drs. 17/13423, S. 14

Welche Publikationen sind genau umfasst?

Aufsätze und wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus Periodika und Sammlungen (z.B. Zeitschriften), die mindestens zweimal jährlich erscheinen.

Wozu bereitstellen nach ZVR? (Verwendungszweck)   

Zu nichtgewerblichen Zwecken.

Verlagsvertrag bindend?

Davon abweichende Vereinbarungen über ausschließliche Nutzungsrechte für Verlage sind nicht wirksam, wenn die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen des ZVR erfüllt sind: „...Eine zum Nachteil des Urhebers abweichende Vereinbarung ist unwirksam.“ (UrhG § 38 Abs. 4)


1 Jahr ab Erstveröffentlichung.

Wie bereitzustellen?

In akzeptierter Manuskriptversion (accepted manuscript), nicht im Verlagslayout. Zusätzlich muss die Quelle der Erstveröffentlichung angegeben werden.


Die wissenschaftlichen Autorinnen und Autoren erhalten ein einfaches Nutzungsrecht zur

Zweitveröffentlichung ihres Beitrags im Internet (in Repository z.B. http://hzi.openrepository.com/, Bibliothek, Instituts-Homepage).


Prinzipiell gilt für Autoren = Urheber:
Ihr Werk als „persönliche geistige Schöpfung“ (UrhG § 2) ist durch das Urheberrecht geschützt.                    

Dies bedeutet für Sie:

  • Nicht übertragbare Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte
    insbesondere das Veröffentlichungsrecht (wann und in welcher Form) und ein Namensnennungsrecht stehen Ihnen immer zu.
  • Übertragbare Verwertungs- /Nutzungsrechte
    wie das Vervielfältigungsrecht, Verbreitungsrecht und das Recht der öffentlichen Wiedergabe können weitergegeben werden. Zur Sicherstellung eigener Rechte an online angebotenen Dokumenten können Lizenzmodelle von Creative Commonsgenutzt werden (siehe auch Sciencetools).

Tipp: Es bietet sich an, sog. „einfache“ Nutzungsrechte zu übertragen, dann können Sie parallel dazu selbst das Werk veröffentlichen. (Übertragen Sie „ausschließliche“ Nutzungsrechte an einen Verlag, so darf der Verlag allein darüber verfügen.)

  • Frei verwendbar
    aus Ihrem Werk sind in der Regel Allgemeinwissen, Formeln & Fachbegriffe. Amtliche Werke sowie Werke mit abgelaufener Schutzfrist (in Deutschland 70 Jahre nach Tod des Urhebers) sind grundsätzlich frei.
  • Zitate (UrhG § 51)
    sind als zustimmungsfreies Vervielfältigen, Verbreiten und öffentliches Wiedergeben eines Werkes in einem eigenen Werk in einem durch den Zweck gebotenen Umfang erlaubt (Erläuterung, Veranschaulichung oder Untermauerung, nicht zur reinen Illustration!). Zitate sind zu kennzeichnen und mit einer genauen Quellenabgabe zu versehen, siehe Voraussetzungen-eines-Zitats
  • Kopien (UrhG § 53)
    für den eigenen privaten Gebrauch sind in der Regel zulässig, dürfen aber nicht digital der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.
  • Eigene wissenschaftliche Forschung (§ 60c Abs. 2 UrhG)                                                                                            für die eigene wissenschaftliche Forschung dürfen bis zu 75% eines Werkes vervielfältigt werden. Die Weitergabe ist nicht zulässig. Die kommerzielle Nutzung ist ausgeschlossen. à Übersicht zu Nutzungshandlungen im Rahmen des § 60c UrhG

Inkrafttreten der neuen Regelung?

Die Regelung ist am 01.01. 2014 in Kraft getreten.

Wissenschaftliche Autorinnen und Autoren können ihr Zweitverwertungsrecht  dann ab 01. 01. 2015

ausüben (siehe oben "Wartefrist?"), wenn die übrigenVoraussetzungen vorliegen.

Im Übrigen besteht (weiterhin) die Auslegungsregel des § 38 Abs. 1 und 2 UrhG.


Weitere Quellen:

FAQ zum Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht / ZVR (UrhG § 38 Abs. 4)

Neues gesetzliches Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht von Thomas Hartmann (Max Planck Digital Library, München), Vortrag anlässlich der Open-Access-Tage 2013, 02.10.2013 Hamburg

Urheberrecht im Alltag / Wissen und Eigentum: Bücher der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung online zum Download unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz

Skriptum Internet-Recht Thomas Hoeren (Stand April 2016)

„Autorenrechte“-Blogbeitrag der TUB, TUHH

OpenAccess“-Seite [HZI-Bibliothek]

Infograph "OpenAccess-Benefits" [HZI Library, 2018]

Infograph "OpenAccess-Benefits" explained [HZI-Bibliothek]

Gerade in Zweifelsfällen des Urheberrechts ist eine Rechtsauskunft einzuholen! Eine Haftung ist grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen.

--- ENGLISH ---


FAQ  for the secondary publication (Zweitverwertungsrecht/ZVR) - UrhG § 38 Abs. 4 (=GreenOA)

"The author of a scholarly contribution, that was created within an at least half publicly funded research and published in a periodical or series appearing at least twice a year, has the right - even if he granted the publisher an exclusive right of use - to make the article publicly available after the expiry of twelve months from the date of its first publication in the accepted version of the manuscript, unless this serves a commercial purpose. The source of the first publication must be indicated. A deviating agreement to the detriment of the author is ineffective. " (unofficial translation of § 38 Absatz 4 UrhG)


The secondary publication law intervenes in the field of tension between the publishers' interest in a first publication and the needs of science, the interests of scientists: For scientists, the exchange of information is a more fundamental part of research. In order to maintain the professional discourse and to enable (further) developments, access to scientific results is necessary. In this context, it is of immense importance that research results in addition to the usually paid original (first) publication (accessible usually only by subscription / license) is also accessible electronically free of charge. Use your secondary publishing right by archiving your publications on http://hzi.openrepository.com/ and making them available internationally! (more details on page „OpenAccess“)


What does the ZVR include?
Research publications, which are funded at least half by public funding (e.g.: DFG / BMBF projects at universities and non-university research institutions).

Disputed: Research publications that are financed from a public basic budget (e.g. full professorships, academic staff of the chairs and institutes).

For: Bundesrat (Entschließung BR-Drs. 643/13, 5. 2)

Against: Bundestag (Gesetzesbegründung BT-Drs. 17/13423, S. 14)


Which publications exactly are included?

Essays and scholarly contributions from periodicals and collections (e.g., journals) appearing at least twice a year.

Why provide after ZVR? (intended use)
For non-commercial purposes.

Binding publishing contract?
Deviating agreements on exclusive rights of use for publishers are not effective if the legal requirements of the ZVR are met: “…A deviating agreement to the detriment of the author is ineffective." (§ 38 Absatz 4 UrhG)

Waiting period?
1 year from first publication.

How to provide?
In accepted manuscript version, not in publisher layout. In addition, the source of the first publication must be specified.

Legal consequence?
The scientific authors are granted a simple right to use the secondary publication of their contribution on the Internet (in repository for example http://hzi.openrepository.com, library, institutional homepage).

In principle the following is true for authors = creators:

Your work as "personal intellectual creation" (UrhG § 2) is protected by copyright.

This means for you:

  • Non-transferable originator's personal rights

in particular the right to publish (when and in what form) and a right of naming the creator

  • Transferable rights of exploitation / use
    such as the reproduction right, distribution right and the right of public communication can be passed on. To secure your own rights to online documents, you can use a Creative Commons license model (see also Science-Tools).
    Tip: It makes sense to transfer a so-called "simple" right of use, then you can publish the work by yourself in parallel. (If you transfer "exclusive" rights of use to a publisher, the publisher has this right alone.)
  • Freely usable
    are generally knowledge, formulas & technical terms from an author’s work. Also official works as well as works with expired protection period (in Germany 70 years after death of the author) are basically free.
  • Quotations (UrhG § 51)
    are permitted as a permission-free reproduction, distribution and public reproduction of a work in a separate work to an extent provided by the purpose (explanation, illustration or underpinning, not for the sake of illustration!). Quotations are to be marked and provided with an exact source tax, see Conditions-to-quote (German)
  • Copies (UrhG § 53)
    for your own private use are generally permitted, but may not be made digitally accessible to the general public.
  • Own scientific research (§ 60c Abs. 2 UrhG)
    for your own scientific research, up to 75% of a work may be reproduced. The transfer is not permitted. Commercial use is excluded. à Overview of uses in the context of § 60c UrhG (German)


Effictive date for the new regulation?
The regulation is in force  since 01.01. 2014.
Thus, scientific authors can use their secondary exploitation rights from 01. 01. 2015 on (see above "Waiting period?"), if the other conditions are met.
Incidentally, the interpretation rule of Section 38 (1) and (2) UrhG continues to apply.


Additional sources (see German section “Weitere Quellen”)


Especially in cases of doubt of copyright law legal advice has to be obtained ! Liability is excluded.




Leitlinien zur Affiliationsangabe bei Publikationen zwecks institutioneller Zurechnung - Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2018


Welcher Institution wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen zugeordnet werden, hat Einfluss auf:

  1. die Position der Institution in internationalen Rankings und
  2. die institutionelle Forschungsleistung (Publikationsleistung wird beispielsweise bei Fördermittelgebern als mess- und vergleichbarer Indikator der Forschungsleistung eingesetzt.[1]) und
  3. ggf. die leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe bei fehlerhafter oder unvollständiger Affiliations- und/ oder Autorenangabe


Deshalb ist es für Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen wichtig, dass die Zugehörigkeit („Affiliation“) zur jeweiligen Einrichtung von den Autorinnen und Autoren bei einer Publikation korrekt angegeben wird. Die Mitgliederversammlung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) hat hierzu Ende April 2018 eine Empfehlung mit entsprechenden Leitlinien verabschiedet:


  • Eine zu benennende institutionelle Zugehörigkeit entsteht grundsätzlich durch ein Arbeitsverhältnis bzw. eine Berufung oder Ernennung – auch als außerplanmäßige/r Professor/in – die Zulassung zu einem Studium sowie durch die Annahme als Doktorand/-in an einer Hochschule.
  • Liegt dauerhaft mehr als eine Affiliation vor, beispielsweise durch eine gemeinsame Berufung oder institutionsübergreifende Promotionsprogramme, sind bei Publikationen und Personenidentifikatoren der Autoren alle entsprechenden Einrichtungen anzugeben.
  • Bei Lehrbeauftragten sowie Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten ist die aufnehmende Institution ebenfalls zu nennen, sofern die Publikation mit der Tätigkeit an dieser Einrichtung in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang steht.
  • Bei temporärer Zugehörigkeit zu einer weiteren Institution neben der/den Heimateinrichtung/en kann diese als zusätzliche Affiliation genannt werden, sofern dort substanzielle Forschungsleistungen erbracht wurden. Dies gilt beispielsweise für einen längeren, aber zeitlich begrenzten Forschungsaufenthalt an einer Gastinstitution.
  • Im Falle eines Institutionenwechsels während des Forschungs- und Publikationsprozesses ist in jedem Fall die Einrichtung zu nennen, an der die Forschungsleistung primär erbracht wurde. Fand die Forschungstätigkeit an beiden Einrichtungen zu relevanten Teilen statt, sind beide Einrichtungen zu nennen.
  • Jede Hochschule legt ihre Bezeichnung in deutscher und englischer Sprache eindeutig fest.[2]


Hintergrund der Empfehlung ist, dass die Institution durch Autoren häufig nicht benannt wird, wenn Wissenschaftler(innen) mehreren Institutionen angehören. HRK-Präsident Prof. Dr. Hippler erläutert die Problematik folgendermaßen: „Wissenschaftler wechseln während eines Forschungsprojekts die Stelle oder forschen für einen längeren Zeitraum als Gast an einer anderen Einrichtung. Außerdem gehören einige Wissenschaftler dauerhaft mehr als einer Einrichtung an, etwa wenn Hochschulen und außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen gemeinsam auf eine Professur berufen. Ein anderes Beispiel sind Promotionen, in die neben der promotionsberechtigten Hochschule [/Forschungs-einrichtung] ein weiterer Partner eingebunden ist. Es darf dann nicht passieren, dass die Nennung der Hochschule [/Forschungseinrichtung ...] unter den Tisch fällt.[3] In solchen Fällen sind alle Einrichtungen – korrekt – anzugeben (siehe Empfehlungen oben).


Bei einer Analyse von Eva Bunge kam beispielsweise heraus, dass Erst- und Korrespondenz-autorschaft zu zwei Dritteln übereinstimmen, andernfalls aber divergieren oder fehlen, sodass es zu einer Fehlerrate von ca. 5 % kommen kann, wenn in Ermangelung einer Angabe zur Korrespondenzautorschaft die Affiliation der Erstautorschaft ausgewertet wird.[4]


Als Autor können Sie sich an den Spezifikationen der Affiliationsangabe am Beispiel der FAU orientieren: https://www.fau.de/files/2013/09/FAU-K-P_Affiliation_Online.pdf

Die HRK-Empfehlung ist im Original zu finden (auch als PDF-Download) auf:



[4] Vgl. Voigt, Michaela et al. (2018): Open-Access-Anteil bei Zeitschriftenartikeln von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern an Einrichtungen des Landes Berlin : Datenauswertung für das Jahr 20186, S. 8, Fußnote 19 (https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/bitstream/11303/7682/3/OABerlin_2016_report.pdf ) – Original: Bunge, Eva. (2017). Ermittlung von Open-Access-Kennzahlen – Ein Bericht aus der Praxis. Open-Access-Tage 2017. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.999482 (S. 9)


------ ENGLISH ------

Guidelines for attributing the Affiliation in Publications to allocate Institutional Publications

Which institution is associated with scientific publications has an impact on

  1. the position of the institution in international rankings and
  2. Institutional research performance (Publication performance is used, for example, by grant providers as a measurable and comparable indicator of research performance1) and
  3. maybe the performance-related bonuses (leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe) in case of incorrect or incomplete affiliation and / or author information


Therefore, it is important for universities and research institutions that the affiliation (institution’s name) of the author(s)’s institution(s) is (/are) correctly stated by the author(s) in a publication. At the end of April 2018, the General Assembly of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) adopted a recommendation with corresponding guidelines:

  • An institutional affiliation (to be attributed) basically arises through an employment relationship or a nomination or appointment - also as an associate professor - admission to a degree course as well as acceptance as a doctoral candidate at a university.
  • If there exist more than one permanent affiliation, such as by a common appeal or cross-institutional doctoral programs then all the relevant institutions have to be stated in publications and the author(s)’s personal identifiers.
  • In case of assistant lecturers and scholarship holders, the host institution must also be mentioned if the publication is directly related to the activity at this institution.
  • If there is a temporary affiliation to another institution besides the home institution(s), this can be cited as additional affiliation, provided substantial research has been done there. This applies, for example, to a longer but limited research stay at a host institution.
  • In case of an institutional change during the research and publication process, the institution in which the research work was primarily performed must always be mentioned. If the research activities at both institutions were to take place in relevant parts, both institutions should be mentioned.
  • Each university clearly defines its name in German and English.2

This recommendation has been developed in the light of the case that the institution is not indicated by authors when they belong to several institutions. HRK President Prof. Dr. med. Hippler explains the problem as follows: "Scientists change positions during a research project or perform research for a longer period as a guest at another institution. In addition, some researchers permanently belong to more than one institution, for example when universities and non-university research institutions jointly call for a professorship. Another example is doctoral theses, in which, in addition to the doctorate-entitled university [/ research institution], another partner is also involved. Then It should not happen that the name of the university [/ research institution ...] is going by the board.”3 In such cases, all facilities must be indicated - correctly (see recommendations above).

For example, via an analysis by Eva Bunge it emerged that first author and correspondence author corresponds to two-thirds, but in other cases were diverging or missing, which might lead to an error rate of approximately 5% if, when in case of the absence of a corresponce author the first author’s affiliation is used in the evaluation.4

As an author you can follow the specifications of the affiliation statement using the example of the FAU: https://www.fau.de/files/2013/09/FAU-K-P_Affiliation_Online.pdf

The original HRK-recommendation is accessible (also as PDF) at:



[1] See https://www.graduiertenakademie.uni-hannover.de/en/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/leitlinien-und-stellungnahmen/

[2] See https://www.hrk.de/positionen/beschluss/detail/leitlinien-zur-nennung-von-affiliationen-bei-publikationen/ (also PDF)

[3] See https://www.vbio.de/bayern/news-aus-bayern/hrk-leitlinien-zur-institutionellen-zurechnung-wissenschaftlicher-publikationen/

[4] Cf. Voigt, Michaela et al. (2018): Open-Access-Anteil bei Zeitschriftenartikeln von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern an Einrichtungen des Landes Berlin : Datenauswertung für das Jahr 2016, p. 8, Footnote 19 (https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/bitstream/11303/7682/3/OABerlin_2016_report.pdf ) – Original: Bunge, Eva. (2017). Ermittlung von Open-Access-Kennzahlen – Ein Bericht aus der Praxis. Open-Access-Tage 2017. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.999482 (p. 9)


Reminder: Discover and read Journals/ Journal articles everywhere via BrowZine - Dienstag, 13. März 2018


Dear colleagues,

there's an easy way to access and read subscribed journals: BrowZine. It works on mobile devices (via App) or on Laptop/ PC (via Browser). More details at https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/Journals and in the Browzine-Video https://vimeo.com/52663192

When you want to access journals and articles off-campus you normally have to a) authentificate your device as belonging to an HZI member via VPN/connect so that HZI-subscribed content is accessible. Then you have to b) go to EZB Electroniic Journals' Library and choose the journal where the desired article is contained.

(How to use VPN/ connect is described in the guide "connect_remote access to journals and library resources frome off-campus" - available in Intranet > Wissenschaft > Bibliothek > Downloads)

If you open an article off-campus via Pubmed, Google etc. the desired content is blocked - see the difference here:

Article-access via connect as HZI-member vs. as normal internet user




Thus BrowZine is a lot easier. Try Browzine and give feedback on look&feel, usability etc. to us (sch13@...) and spread the word!

To promote BrowZine further the PuK announced it on the HZI-twitter-account @Helmholtz-HZI : https://twitter.com/Helmholtz_HZI/status/973187304977260546

As there is currently running a Thirdiron/ Browzine-campaign we might also win the contest with a bit luck: https://pr.easypromosapp.com/promotions/entries/822445/ So keep the fingers crossed ;-)


NEW: SpringerNature Experiments : Discover relevant protocols and methods - Freitag, 2. März 2018


Springer Nature has launched a new, free-to-use platform, Springer Nature Experiments to help researchers in the life sciences by accessing the relevant protocols and methods to support their research projects.

  1. Content source(s)

Springer Nature publishes one of the largest available collection of protocols and methods for the life sciences with content from SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and Protocol Exchange (the free repository for scientists to share protocols with the scientific community). Springer Nature Experiments provides access to all of these through a single easy-to-use platform, designed to save researchers’ time.


  1. Protocols and methods explained

Protocols are “recipes” used in laboratory research to support the design and implementation of reproducible experiments. The step-by-step instruction helps you to recreate an experiment by typically including information on the materials required, equipment and set-up. Methods are new scientific procedures for solving existing problems. Together, these two different types of content are the cornerstone for scientists to successfully conduct their research.


  1. Content structure explained

The summary page (e.g. https://experiments.springernature.com/articles/10.1038/nmeth.4104 ) for each protocol and method provides an abstract, version history, figures and videos from the article, and the number of citations the article has received. This information helps you choose the best protocol or method for your work without scanning multiple articles on different sites. When you find one that meet your needs, then click through to the full text, available through HZI Library (if it’s not available via our subscriptions please ask us to get it).

You can evaluate and compare protocols prior to accessing the full-text with the help of protocol landing pages. These summarize key information (e.g. keywords mentioned, article history and citations) which gives you an indication of whether the protocol has been used successfully in other research projects.


  1. Artificial Intelligence and text mining technologies for better results

By unique indexing you can quickly find protocols and methods for a particular organism, common and emerging techniques, or videos. The platform uses advanced knowledge models to categorise content based on techniques and organisms – the two most commonly used search categories identified in user research. With the help of artificial intelligence and text mining technologies, these terms are recognised and extracted from the content, enabling you to perform searches and narrow down the results quickly and easily.


This announcement is based on https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/lib-science/2017/10/27/springer-nature-experiments/ & https://sites.tufts.edu/hhslnews/2018/01/02/looking-for-protocols-and-methods-try-springer-nature-experiments/


Protocols.io for sharing and discovering science methods - Montag, 29. Januar 2018


Dear colleagues,

one of the Sciencetools we recently discovered is protocols.io, an open access platform for sharing and discovering science methods:

  • An open access repository for research protocols
  • A protocol editor featuring a rich set of components such as reagents, timers, software packages, datasets and more
  • A collaborative working environment for research groups
  • A platform for running protocols and recording your progress step by step

The key benefits for researchers are:

  • Enter a new protocol or fork an existing protocol
  • Share protocols privately with colleagues or reviewers
  • Get a DOI for your protocol
  • Publish your protocol to make it easily discoverable

We think it's worth to try it out and spread the word ;-)


The CEO and co-founder Lenny Teytelman shared more details and his experiences on http://www.zbw-mediatalk.eu, the blog of ZBW Kiel (shared here with friendly permission under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0
Creative Commons License ).


How does protocols.io and its mobile apps work?

Every protocol starts out privately and can be shared with individual collaborators or groups/organizations. When ready, with a click of a button, the author can make the protocol public and share with everyone. The iOS and Android native apps are particularly useful for laboratory hands-on protocols as they make it possible to “run” any private or public protocol, following the instructions step-by-step and keeping track of any changes in the experiment.



Many of the public protocols are shared when researchers publish research papers, with links to the detailed recipes on protocols.io from the materials and methods sections of their manuscripts. This helps to increase the reproducibility of the published research, reducing the common but unhelpful “contact author for details” or “we used a slightly modified version of the protocol reported in paper XYZ”.

The platform is open access and is both free to read and free to publish. Our business model is based on charging for non-academic private groups and on charging subscriptions to aggregated and anonymized analytics around the use of protocols and reagents inside them.


Who (institutes, researchers) does already take part in protocols.io with her or his science methods?

There are 20,000 – 30,000 scientists viewing the public protocols every month, with traffic from 160-170 different countries according to Google Analytics. We have over 2,000 public and 5,000 private protocols, growing at 400-500 new monthly protocols, thanks to the hundreds of journals that now have protocols.io in the author instructions.


Out of the 500 groups on protocols.io, some of the most active communities are marine viral and protist researchers, genomics researchers, plant biologists, and recently researchers participating in the Human Cell Atlas consortium.


The story behind protocols.io

Did a repository similar to protocols.io exist before?

The quest for up-to-date research methods resource is at least several decades old. In 1999, Chris Yoo and co-founders started bioprotocol.com with a million-dollar venture capital investment. Unfortunately, that was just before the dot-com bubble burst and the investors liquidated the company. A few years later, researchers created OpenWetWare which is a predecessor to protocols.io, but was also ahead of its time and too hard for non-computational researchers to use. In 2006, Nature Publishing Group launched Protocol Exchange as an open access repository for science methods.

We got started on protocols.io in 2012, learning from the gaps and mistakes of the previous efforts and taking advantage of the new technology of the web and mobile.


Who is behind protocols.io?

The co-founders are myself, Alexei Stoliartchouk (CTO), and Irina Makkaveeva (CFO) who have been very close friends since 2003. Part of the seed for the platform is my experience as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT in 2009. I spent the first year and a half, correcting a single step of a previously published protocol in Nature Methods. The crazy part is that this was not a new method/paper but a correction of something previously published. Hence, I had no way of getting credit for my work and everyone else using the technique would either get misleading results or have to waste one-two years rediscovering the correction.

In addition to the founders, there is a team of engineers, designers, outreach, scientists and business professionals helping to improve and grow protocols.io. The funding comes from a core of 10 private angel investors, support from foundations (Moore Foundation, OPP, CZI) and half a thousand backers who believed in us back in 2014 and contributed to our Kickstarter.


What barriers do you or the researchers experience?

One of the biggest challenges for any startup like ours is simply lack of awareness about our existence. You can build the most beautiful and free resource for scientists, but if they don’t know about it, it is useless. So outreach and partnerships are critical for increasing visibility and helping scientists to discover protocols.io.

An even bigger barrier is lack of time. Scientists are some of the busiest people on the planet, and finding 20 minutes to enter a protocol from their notebook or MS Word into protocols.io is not trivial for most. This means that there must be clear and strong benefits for researchers to take the time to explore protocols.io and use it to share their knowledge.


What will be your next steps?

There are countless aspects of protocols.io that we are eager to improve and many requests from our users are in our development queue. Listening to our users and delivering the features and improvements that they need is one of the most important goals for this and next year.

We are also eager to start on connecting the protocols directly to the devices that the scientists use. Imagine you need to spin your cells for 30 seconds, but the centrifuge is accidentally set for 3 minutes. Our app should be able to connect to the equipment and alert the researcher to the wrong setting, asking if they are sure they want to proceed.


WICHTIG: Projekt DEAL und Stand der Verhandlungen mit Elsevier für 2018/ DEAL-project & Elsevier - Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

gestern hat Axel Plähn, Bibliotheksleiter und OpenAccess-Beauftragter des HZI, via HZI-Mailverteiler folgende Bekanntgabe an Sie gesandt:
„Projekt DEAL und Stand der Verhandlungen mit Elsevier für 2018 / DEAL project and negotiations with Elsevier“.
Diese Bekanntgabe beinhaltet Infos zur Lizensierung & zum Zugriff auf lizensierte (Zeitschriften-)Inhalte und betrifft daher jeden von Ihnen, der/ die gern Artikel einsehen, lesen oder herunterladen möchte. Nähere Infos zum DEAL-Projekt finden Sie auf www.projekt-deal.de/.

Da es einige institutsbezogene Details enthält, ist unsere Bekanntgabe „Projekt DEAL und Stand der Verhandlungen mit Elsevier für 2018 / DEAL project and negotiations with Elsevier“ in unserem Newsbereich im Intranet:

Direktlink: http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/News%20Bibliothek/Projekt%20DEAL%20und%20Stand%20der%20Verhandlungen%20mit%20Elsevier%20f%C3%BCr%202018_DEAL-project%20and%20negotiations%20with%20Elsevier.docx

Mit Ihrem persönlichen wissenschaftlichen Engagement können und sollten Sie das DEAL-Projekt unterstützen, um eine gerechte Wissenschaft - bezogen auf Finanzierung und gerechten Zugriff - zu ermöglichen (siehe Bekanntgabe letzter Abschnitt und https://www.projekt-deal.de/herausgeber_elsevier/).


Wir wünschen Ihnen noch eine schöne Advents- und Weihnachtszeit, guten Rutsch und einen guten Start ins Jahr 2018.


Mit feierlichen Grüßen,

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---

Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday, Axel Plähn, library director and OpenAccess representative of HZI, sent the following announcement to you via HZI mailing list:
"Project DEAL and status of negotiations with Elsevier for 2018 / DEAL project and negotiations with Elsevier".
This announcement includes information on licensing and access to licensed (journal) content, and therefore applies to any of you who likes to view, read, or download articles. More information about the DEAL project can be found at www.projekt-deal.de/.

As it contains some institutional details, our announcement "Project DEAL and Status of Negotiations with Elsevier for 2018 / DEAL project and negotiations with Elsevier" can be found in our intranet News-section:

Direct link: http://intranet-hzi/I/W/BIB/News%20Bibliothek/Projekt%20DEAL%20und%20Stand%20der%20Verhandlungen%20mit%20Elsevier%20f%C3%BCr%202018_DEAL-project%20and%20negotiations%20with%20Elsevier.docx


With your personal scientific commitment, you can and should support the DEAL project to enable equitable science in terms of funding and fair access (see announcement in last section and https://www.projekt-deal.de/herausgeber_elsevier/).

We wish you a nice Advent and Christmas season, a happy new year and a good start into the year 2018.


With solemn greetings,

Your library


Scopus PDF Download/ Document Download Manager is only working on IE 10 or IE 11 - Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2017


Dear colleagues,

please be aware that the PDF Download of articles with its so-called Document Download Manager - which is based on Java - is only possible via Internet Explorer 10 or IE 11 as Java is not supported any more by Firefox, Chrome etc.

The workaround is described in this guide "Scopus PDF Download: How to enable the document download in IE 11"(with screenshots)

There is also currently a minor bug in a recent Scopus update which impacts users with Windows 10 on Internet Explorer 11: the drop-down functions when clicking on the arrow icon (e.g. login) are not working:

Work around:

  • Click on the text, rather than the arrow.
  • Use an alternative browser, i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

Elsevier is working on it to fix it (see also https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22430/supporthub/scopus/)


Best regards

your library team


PNAS: Reduced APCs and reduced Open Access-fee for HZI staff members - Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2017


Wissenschaftler von Institutionen, die am DKFZ-PNAS-Konsortium teilnehmen, bekommen reduzierte APC’s (article processing charges) und eine reduzierte OpenAccess-Gebühr.

PNAS-logoAutoren, die in PNAS publizieren, können mittels einer OpenAccess-Gebühr ihren Artikel sofort allen Lesern frei zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ohne OpenAccess-Option gibt es eine 6-monatige Paywall, in der der Artikel nicht kostenfrei zugänglich ist. Der Standardpreis für das sofortige Open Access beträgt $ 1.450, während der ermäßigte Preis für Autoren von einer Institution mit einer aktiven Website-Lizenz $ 1.100 beträgt (was der Preis für HZI-Mitarbeiter wäre, da HZI ein institutionelles Mitglied des DKFZ-PNAS-Konsortiums ist. Aufgrund der institutionellen Mitgliedschaft hat jeder HZI-Mitarbeiter direkten Zugang zum PNAS-Journal und anderen PNAS-Inhalten.)

Wenn ein Artikel zur Veröffentlichung ausgewählt ist und die Autoren Open Access wählen, wird geprüft, ob die Institution in der Abonnentendatenbank enthalten ist. Ist dies der Fall, wird die reduzierte Open-Access-Gebühr angewendet.

Alle Autoren, unabhängig vom Abonnementstatus ihrer Institution, unterliegen den PNAS Standard-Veröffentlichungsgebühren, die je nach Artikelart, die sie bei der Einreichungsphase wählen, variieren.

Im Folgenden finden Sie einige Seiten, die ihre Möglichkeiten erklären:

Publication fees: http://www.pnas.org/site/authors/procedures.xhtml#fees

Open Access: http://www.pnas.org/site/subscriptions/open-access.xhtml

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


--- ENGLISH ---

Scientists from institutions participating in the DKFZ-PNAS consortium receive reduced APC's (article processing charges) and a reduced OpenAccess-fee.

Authors that publish with PNAS have the option of paying an Open Access fee to make their article immediately available to all readers. Otherwise, there is a 6 month paywall. The standard rate for immediate Open Access is $1,450 while the discounted rate for authors from an institution with an active site license is $1,100 (which would be the price for HZI staff members as HZI is an institutional member of the DKFZ-PNAS-Consortium. As institutional member each HZI staff member has access to the PNAS-journal and other PNAS content).

If an article is selected for publication and the authors add Open Access, the printer will cross reference their affiliations with the subscriber database. If they find a match, they’ll apply the discounted Open Access fee.

All authors, regardless of their institution’s subscription status, are subject to PNAS standard publication fees, which vary depending on the article type they choose at the submission stage. Below are some pages explaining their options.


Publication fees: http://www.pnas.org/site/authors/procedures.xhtml#fees

Open Access: http://www.pnas.org/site/subscriptions/open-access.xhtml


Best regards

your library team


Lesenswert: Laborjournal-Sommeressays/ worth to read: Laborjournal-summer essays - Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

die Sommerausgabe des Laborjournals umfasst lesenswerte Essays mit interessanten Ideen, kritischen Gedanken und guten Thesen rund um die Welt der biomedizinischen Forschungslandschaft und Wissenschaft allgemein. Auf einige ausgewählte Essays möchten wir nun kurz eingehen:

Stephan Feller eröffnet sein Essay „Jenseits des Hamsterrads“ mit den Worten:           „Was kommt heraus, wenn man mit der Schrotflinte in alle möglichen Ecken des Wissenschaftsbetriebs feuert? Ein Trümmerhaufen. Aber daraus erwachsen auch Verbesserungsvorschläge“. Feller kritisiert die Herangehensweise mancher Wissenschaftler, die kleinste veröffentlichbare Einheit neu zu definieren, um die Paperanzahl zu steigern und Impact-Punkte zu sammeln. Dies ist ein, von der Wissenschaftspolitik selbst geschaffenes Problem, da „leistungsorientierte“ Gehälter über das Einwerben von Fördermittel und ein möglichst hoher Impact definiert werden –ImpactFaktoren, z:b. Journal Impact Factor, CiteScore etc. sind übrigens „Messgrößen, die [..]  alle von kommerziellen Anbietern mit eigener Agenda in ziemlich intransparenter Weise generiert werden und durchaus fehlerbehaftet sind“. (Details in Casadevall A, Fang FC. 2014. Causes for the persistence of impact factor mania. - mBio 5(2):e00064-14. doi:10.1128/mBio.00064-14, Full text.) Feller kritisiert auch die Tendenz zum „Abkürzen“, also das Reduzieren von Kontrollen und das Weglassen relevanter experimenteller Details. Eine weitere Misere ist, dass viele veröffentlichte Forschungsarbeiten teilweise oder komplett unreproduzierbar sind.

Hanno Würbel vertieft in „Die Reproduzierbarkeitskrise und das Missverständnis von der Labormaus als Messinstrument“ das Thema der Reproduzierbarkeitskrise. Würbel betont „Je rigoroser die Versuchsbedingungen standardisiert werden, desto stärker fallen nicht-standardisierte Unterschiede zwischen Wiederholungsversuchen ins Gewicht.“ Weiterhin argumentiert Würbel und belegt dies anhand einer Studie, dass Multi-Labor Studien der unmittelbarste Test für Reproduzierbarkeit sind.

In Science, Fast and Slow beschreibt Ruth Müller, dass Forschung immer schneller neues Wissen publizieren soll und veranschaulicht, wie sich diese Beschleunigung auf das Arbeiten und Denken von Jungwissenschaftlern auswirkt. Beschleunigung  wird besonders im Kontext einer immer stärker an Impact-Metriken orientierten  Bewertungskultur in Forschung und Wissenschaft wahrgenommen. Wie sich dies suf die Arbeits- und Denkweise auswirkt, beschreibt Müller eindrucksvoll in Ihrem Essay, dass auf Ergebnisse einer durchgeführten Studie beruht.

Unser Potsdamer Kollege Heinz Pampel beschreibt in „Open Access – die Transformation gestalten“, wie die Transformation zu OpenAccess entwickelt werden sollten und welche Voraussetzungen innerhalb der Einrichtungen geschaffen werden müssen. Die von Pampel beschriebene OpenAccess-Transformation bringt vielfältige Herausforderungen mit sich, die tief in die institutseigenen Prozesse eingreifen, sodass OpenAccess von allen Beteiligten mitgestaltet werden und auch zur Chefsache werden muss: „So werden zum Beispiel in einem, durch das Geschäftsmodell der APCs [article processing charges] geprägten Open-Access-Publikationssystem die Ausgaben für publikationsstarke Institutionen höher sein als für Einrichtungen, bei denen wenig publiziert wird.“ Pampel beschreibt, welche Bedeutung eigenverlegerische Tätigkeiten zukünftig haben sollten und geht auf einige Praxisbeispiele, unter anderem auch Förderorganisationen, ein. Mit Blick auf das bald anlaufende europäische Forschungsrahmenprogramm FP9 wurde die Diskussion um „responsible metrics and evaluation for open science“ lebhafter und dynamischer: Eine, von der EU-Kommission geschaffene Expertengruppe schlägt vor, auf neue und offene Metriken zu fokussieren, um die Bedeutung des Journal Impact-Faktors zu reduzieren (Details zu Inhalten und Zielen der Expertengruppe hier,Final Report 2017 „Next-generation altmetrics: responsible metrics and evaluation for open science ) Dies verdeutlicht, dass der Wandel hin zu Open Science an immer stärker an Bedeutung gewinnt. Innerhalb der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft arbeitet eine Expertengruppe „Helmholtz Open Science“ an der Gestaltung dieses Prozesses. Die Vorteile von Open Science werden im Positionspapier der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft aufgezeigt: Der offene, das durch wenige finanzielle, technische und rechtliche Hürden behinderte Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen wie Publikationen, Forschungsdaten und wissenschaftlicher Software

[a]] erweitert die Transparenz,

[b)] verbessert die Verfahren der Qualitätssicherung und 

[c)] erhöht durch eine verbesserte Informationsversorgung die Leistungsfähigkeit der Wissenschaft.

Open Science dient somit auch der Verbesserung der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis. Darüber hinaus fördert Open Science den Wissenstransfer in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik.“

Dies ist nur ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die Essays (Gesamtübersicht aller deutschen Essays in Tabelle, Website-Übersetzung in Englisch z.B. via http://free-website-translation.com/?de möglich).

Wir wünschen Ihnen noch einen schönen Sommer und viel Spaß beim Lesen –online oder als Printjournal in unserer Zeitschriftenauslage/ Leselounge.  



Laborjournal „Sommeressays“ (Heft 7-8, 2017)

Stephan Feller:

Jenseits des Hamsterrads –
Unser Wissenschaftssystem ist ein Trümmerhaufen

Jürgen Mittelstraß:

Exzellenz und Mittelmaß –
Ohne breites Mittelmaß in der Forschung gibt es keine Exzellenz

Jürgen Mittelstraß:

Schaffen Forschungsverbünde besseres Wissen? –
Fünf flotte Thesen

Klement Tockner:

Wissenschaft in Umbruchszeiten –
Untergraben globale Veränderungen die wissenschaftliche Freiheit?

Hanno Würbel:

Die Reproduzierbarkeitskrise und das Missverständnis
von der Labormaus als Messinstrument

Hildegard Mack:

Forschungsaufenthalt im Ausland –
tatsächlich ein zwingendes Karrieresprungbrett?

Björn Brembs:

„Der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert…“ –
Das Prekariat der Befristeten an den Unis wächst. Neue Lösungen bitte!

Ruth Müller:

Science, Fast and Slow–
Wie die Beschleunigung der Wissenschaft deren Kultur verändert

Heinz Pampel:

Open Access – Die Transformation gestalten–
Wie der Wandel des wissenschaftlichen Publikationssystems gelingen könnte

Florian Markowetz:

„All Biology is Computational Biology“–
Computer-basierte Ansätze werden eine neue Synthese der Biologie auslösen

Jörg Hacker:

Genome Editing, die nächste Revolution der Biotechnologie–
Die Wissenschaft muss deren Chancen und Risiken differenziert darstellen

Martin Grube:

Einfach mal „ins Blaue" entdecken–
Wie planbar soll Grundlagenwissenschaft sein?

Ulrike Kaltenhauser:

Das Beziehungsgeheimnis–
Warum Netzwerke Leben und Karriere vereinfachen

Siegfried Bialojan:

Innovation als treibende Kraft–
Die Biotechbranche floriert, doch Angst vor Risiko behindert den Aufschwung

Markus Enzelberger:

Ohne langen Atem geht es nicht–
Warum Arzneimittel-Entwickler in 15-Jahres-Zeiträumen rechnen

Olaf Wolkenhauer:

Auf der Suche nach Regeln und Ausnahmen–
Die Komplexität biologischer Systeme zwingt Systembiologen zur Abstraktion

José Guzmán,
Gaston Sendin &
Peter Jonas:

Patch-Clamp 2.0–
Neue Patch-Clamp-Techniken verbinden molekulare Prozesse mit Verhalten

Detlef Weigel &
Patricia Lang:

Geneditierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung –
Welches Regelwerk soll für geneditierte Pflanzen gelten?



Dear Colleagues,

The summer edition of the Labor Journal includes essays worth reading with interesting ideas, critical thoughts and good theses concerning the world of biomedical research landscape and science in general. We would like to comment on some selected essays:


Stephan Feller opens his essay "Beyond the Hamster Wheel" with the words: "What comes out when one shoots with the shotgun in every possible corner of science? A pile of rubble. But this also leads to improvements." Feller criticizes the approach of some scientists to redefine the smallest published unit to increase the number of papers and collect impact points. This is a problem created by science policy itself, since "performance-oriented" salaries are defined by the acquisition of funding and the highest possible impact. Impact factors, e.g. Journal Impact Factor, CiteScore etc. incidentally "[...] are all generated by commercial vendors with their own agenda in a fairly non-transparent way and are quite fault-prone".(Details in Casadevall A, Fang FC. 2014. Causes for the persistence of impact factor mania. - mBio 5(2):e00064-14. doi:10.1128/mBio.00064-14,Full text.) Feller also criticizes the tendency to "cut short", i.e. to reduce control and to omit relevant experimental details. Another misery is that many published research papers are partially or completely unreproducible.


Hanno Würbel deepens this issue of the “reproducibility crisis” in "The reproducibility crisis and the misunderstanding of the laboratory mouse as a measuring instrument". Würbel emphasizes "The more rigorously the test conditions are standardized, the more non-standardized differences between repeat tests are important." Furthermore Würbel argues and demonstrates by means of a study that multi-laboratory studies are the most direct test for reproducibility.


In "Science, Fast and Slow", Ruth Müller describes that research is to publish new knowledge more and more quickly, and illustrates how this acceleration affects the working and thinking of young scientists. Acceleration is perceived particularly in the context of an evaluation culture increasingly oriented towards impact metrics in research and science. How this affects the working and the way of thinking, Müller describes impressively in her essay that is based on the results of a study carried out.


Our colleague in Potsdam, Heinz Pampel, describes in "Open Access - shaping the transformation" how the transformation to OpenAccess should be developed and what pre-conditions have be established within the institutions. The OpenAccess transformation described by Pampel brings with it a wide range of challenges, which deeply interfere with the institute's own processes, so that OpenAccess has to be co-designed by everyone involved and also become a top priority: "For example, in a business model developed by APCs [article Processing charges], the expenditures for institutions that are strong in publication can be higher than for institutions where little is published." Pampel describes the importance of future self-publishing activities and gives current Best practice-examples, including funding organizations. With a view to the upcoming European FP9 research program, the discussion about "responsible metrics and evaluation for open science" became more lively and dynamic. An expert group created by the EU Commission proposes to focus on new and open metrics to reduce the relevance of the Journal Impact Factor (details on the content and objectives of the expert group, Final Report 2017 here). This makes clear that the change to Open Science is ongoing and becomes more and more important. Within the Helmholtz Association an expert group "Helmholtz Open Science" is working on the design of this process. The benefits of Open Science are highlighted in the Helmholtz Association's position paper: "The open, restricted access to scientific results such as publications, research data and scientific software through a few financial, technical and legal hurdles
[a)] extends the transparency,
[b)] improves quality assurance procedures and
[c)] enhances the performance of science through improved information provision.
Open Science also serves to improve good scientific practice. In addition, Open Science promotes knowledge transfer in society, business and politics. "

This is only a small taste of the essays (overview of the essays in German above, in English here, translated by Free-website-translations, which you can also use to translate each essay)


We wish you a nice summer and enjoy reading -online or as a print journal in our journal display / reading area.


Best regards,

Your library team


NEW: Browsen durch die Online-Zeitschriften mit BrowZine / Browse e-Journals via BrowZine - Dienstag, 20. Juni 2017


NEU: Browsen durch eJournals mit BrowZine (auch auf Mobilgeräten via App) - Vorstellung am 26. 6. 2017 (10-11 Uhr, W.052 ) im App-Club Browzine-Geräteauswahl.png

BrowZine ist eine Anwendung für die komfortable Suche und Nutzung der eJournals (nutzbar auf Smartphone, Tablet, Kindle oder auch Laptop/ PC). BrowZine ermöglicht den schnellen Zugriff auf Tausende lizensierte Zeitschriften und das Suchen nach thematisch passenden Zeitschriften.

Mit BrowZine können Sie:
• Ihre Lieblingszeitschriften in Ihrem eigenen virtuellem Regal "My Bookshelf" ablegen (zuvor Browzine-Konto eröffnen),
• thematisch ähnliche Zeitschriften finden
• durch die neuesten Inhaltsverzeichnisse blättern und
• laden Sie sich interessante Artikel herunter.
• zahlreiche Zusatzfunktionen nutzen (siehe „Was bietet BrowZine?“)

Kurzvideo "Getting started with Browzine"

1. Download der App für Android, iOS oder Kindle Fire über Apple App Store, Google Play Store oder Amazon App Store oder öffnen Sie BrowZine im Browser am PC/Laptop.
2. Wählen Sie bei "CHOOSE MY LIBRARY" die Institution „Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH“ aus, damit Ihnen unsere lizenzierten Zeitschriften in Browzine angeboten werden
3. zur Nutzung der Funktionen "My Bookshelf" und "My Articles" können Sie ein persönliches BrowZine-Konto anlegen
4. Die eJournals können thematisch oder nach ImpactFaktor sortiert oder alphabetisch über den Titel gesucht werden.
5. Das Anklicken des Zeitschriften-Covers führt zu den aktuellen Inhaltsverzeichnissen und den jeweiligen pdf-Files einzelner Artikel.

Erfahren Sie mehr im App-Club, den wir am Montag, den 26. 6. 2017 mit der  Vorstellung der BrowZine-App starten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und Ihre Rückmeldungen sowie weitere Ideen und App-Vorschläge! :-)


Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


NEW: Browse eJournals via Browzine NEW: Browse e-Journals via BrowZine (for mobile devices via App)

- presented in App-Club on 26. June 2017 (10 a.m - 11 a.m., W0.52)


BrowZine Browzine-Geräteauswahl.pngis an Application for the convenient search and use of eJournals (usable on Smartphone, Tablet, Kindle & Laptop/ PC). Browzine enables a fast access to thousands of our licenced eJournals and shows related eJournals.

With BrowZine you can
• Place your favorite magazines in your own virtual shelf "My Bookshelf" (at first: register for an Browzine account),
• find thematically matching / related eJournals
• browse through the recent tables of content and
• download interesting articles.
• use numerous additional features

Introductional video "Getting started with Browzine"


  1. Download the free app for Android, iOS or Kindle Fire via the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Amazon App Store or open BrowZine in your Browser at PC/ Laptop.
  2. Please select from "CHOOSE MY LIBRARY" the institution "Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH" to get our licensed journals in Browzine displayed 
  3. To use the "My Bookshelf" and "My Articles" functions create a personal BrowZine-account.
  4. The eJournals can be sorted thematically or by ImpactFaktor or searched alphabetically for the title.
  5. Clicking on the journal cover leads you to the table of contents of the current issue and the respective pdf files of individual articles.


Learn more at the App-Club, which will be launched on Monday 26th June  2017 (10-11 a.m. in W0.52) with the introduction of the BrowZine app. We look forward to your participation and your feedback, as well as further ideas and app suggestions!  :-)


Best regards

your library team



NEW: Reaxys als Test-Abonnement bis 6. Juli 2017 - bitte testen! - Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Reaxys-WEBINAR (14. Jun 2017, 14-15Uhr/ 2-3 p.m. - Link in Einladungsmail/ Link in invitation mail & calendar details above)

The New Reaxys: Inspired by Customers, Technology and the Future   Ab sofort steht Ihnen im HZI-Netz (inkl. HIPS) die Datenbank       als Testzugang bis zum 6. Juli 2017 zur Verfügung.

Die Datenbank REAXYS ist für Wissenschaftler der Fachgebiete Chemie, Biologie, Pharmazie, Physik, Verfahrenstechnik, Biotechnologie, Materialwissenschaften und Mineralogie eine wichtige Informationsquelle.

Reaxys ermöglicht die Recherche von:

- mehr als 105 MILLIONEN organischen, anorganischen und metallorganischen Verbindungen (darunter auch Legierungen, Mischungen, Gläser, keramische Materialien und Minerale)
- mehr als 44 MILLIONEN chemischen Reaktionen
- mehr als 500 MILLIONEN publizierten experimentelle Eigenschaften.


Reaxys umfasst die (früheren) Datenbanken

  • Crossfire Beilstein (beinhaltet die Druckausgabe "Handbuch der organischen Chemie" von K. F. Beilstein)
  •  Crossfire Gmelin (beinhaltet die Daten des gedruckten Gmelin (Organometallchemie und anorganische Chemie) seit 1771) und
  •  Patent Chemistry Database.

Reaxys bietet Informationen über organische, anorganische und metallorganische Verbindungen mit Strukturen, physikalischen Daten und chemischen Eigenschaften (Reaktionen) sowie der zugehörigen Literatur ab 1771, ausserdem Patente (WO, EP, US) aus Life Sciences und organischer Chemie. Zu jeder Substanz können mehr als 400 verschiedene chemische Informationen oder physikalische Eigenschaften, sowie pharmakologische, toxikologische und ökologische Daten verzeichnet sein, die mit der entsprechenden Literatur verknüpft sind.

Sie erreichen Reaxys über die Homepage der HZI-Bibliothek (Webseite Datenbanken, 3. Reaxis)
oder über diesen Reaxys-Direktlink (Testzugang bis 6. Juli 2017).

Erfahren Sie mehr


Bitte testen Sie Reaxys (bis 6. Juli) : Wie finden Sie Reaxys?

Ob Reaxys nach dem 6. Juli 2017 weiter lizensiert wird, hängt von Ihrem Bedarf und den finanziellen Möglichkeiten ab, daher freuen wir uns auf Ihre Rückmeldung (auch im Vergleich zu SciFinder).


Reaxys as a Trial Subscription until 6th of July 2017

The New Reaxys: Inspired by Customers, Technology and the Future Dear colleagues,

From now on, Reaxys is available to you in the HZI network (including HIPS) as a test subscription until 6 July 2017.
The database REAXYS is an important source of information for scientists from the fields of chemistry, biology, pharmacy, physics, process engineering, biotechnology, materials science and mineralogy.


Reaxys  allows you to search for:
- more than 105 MILLIONS organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds (including alloys, mixtures, glasses, ceramic materials and minerals)
- more than 44 MILLION chemical reactions
- more than 500 million published experimental properties.

Reaxys comprises the (former) databases:

Crossfire Beilstein (contains the print edition "Handbuch der organischen Chemie" by K. F. Beilstein)
Crossfire Gmelin (contains data of the printed Gmelin (organometallic chemistry and inorganic chemistry) since 1771) and
Patent Chemistry Database.

Reaxys provides information on organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds with structures, physical data and chemical properties (reactions) as well as related literature since 1771, as well as patents (WO, EP, US) from life sciences and organic chemistry. For each substance, more than 400 different chemical information or physical properties, as well as pharmacological, toxicological and ecological data may be listed which are linked to related literature.

You can access Reaxys via the homepage of the HZI library (webpage “Databases”, 3. Reaxis) or via this Reaxys-direct link (test access until July 6, 2017).

Learn more on Reaxis:

Please test Reaxys (until July 6): How do you like Reaxys?
Whether or not Reaxys is licensed after July 6, 2017 depends on your needs and the financial possibilities, so we are looking forward to your feedback (also compared to SciFinder).


NEW: Learn more about Apps in the App-Club – Thursday, 11. May 2017 - Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017


Liebe Kolleg(inn)en,

wir möchten Sie zu folgender Veranstaltung einladen:

NEU: Erfahren Sie mehr über Apps im “App-Club”


Join the App-ClubSie können nicht ohne Smartphone/Tablet leben?

Würden Sie gern mehr darüber erfahren, wie Sie es für Ihre Arbeit nutzen können?
Die HZI-Bibliothek lädt Sie ein, über nützliche Apps für die wissenschaftliche oder administrative Arbeit zu diskutieren. Erfahren Sie mehr über Apps, die Ihre Forschung/ Arbeit mobil und flexibel gestaltet in einem neu gegründeten App Club*!


We plan to have a first meeting of the App-Club in approx. 2 weeks at 17.30 in W0.52.


Bevor  wir Termine festlegen, würden wir gern Ihr Feedback erhalten:

  • Würden Sie gern teilnehmen?
  • Wie oft sollen die Treffen sein?
  • Welcher Tage passt Ihnen am besten?

Bitte teilen Sie uns dies bis zum 15. Mai mit:



Kennen oder nutzen Sie eine bestimmte App oder haben Sie von einer gehört, die für Ihre Kollegen von Interesse sein könnte? Geben Sie es weiter! Lassen Sie es uns einfach wissen, indem Sie auf diese E-Mail antworten.


Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

(*ALLE Interessierte sind eingeladen, am App-Club teilzunehmen: Wissenschaftler/ Studenten/ Administration/…, Mobilgerät oder nicht)


Herzliche Grüße,

HZI Bibliothek

DO IT team

PS: Besonderen Dank an die DO-ITs für Ihre Ideen und Unterstützung und an Marius H. fürs Gestalten des App-Club-Logos!


NEW: Learn more about Apps in the “App-Club”

Can’t live without your smartphone/tablet?

Would you like to know more about how to use it for your work?
HZI library invites you to discuss useful Apps for scientific or administrative work. Learn more about Apps, which can keep your research/work mobile and flexible, in a newly-offered App Club*!


We plan to have a first meeting of the App-Club in approx. 2 weeks at 17.30 in W0.52.


Before we fix the dates we would like to have your feedback:

  • Would you like to join?
  • How often would you like to meet?
  • Which day would be the best for you?


Therefore, please fill in the short survey till 15th of May https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCzB_Xqx4j4z1R_yMcV6m5talaoL8tGo0Ohzm3WDwRLx6axg/viewform?usp=sf_link


Do you know or use a specific app or have you heard of one that can be useful for your colleagues? Feel free to share! Just let us know about it just by replying to this email.


We are looking forward to hearing from you!

(*ALL interested people are invited to join the App-Club: scientists/ students/ administration/…, mobile device or not.)



HZI Library

DO IT team

BTW: Special thanks to the DO-ITs for the ideas and support and to Marius H. for creating the App-Club-icon!



Mendeley Premium Seats ends (30.3.)-> to benefit from Mendeley Premium upgrade NOW ;-) - Mittwoch, 29. März 2017


Liebe Kolleg(inn)en,

Die Upgrademöglichkeit zu MendeleyPremium als Schnupperangebot endet am 30. März – mit dem Upgrade können Sie die Premium-Funktionen so lange nutzen bis Sie Ihre Mailadresse in Ihrem Mendeley-account verändern

Details auf https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/en-us/services/sciencetools/focusmendeley.aspx (Die Premium-Funktionen wie Speicherkapazität, Gruppengröße etc. sind kürzlich sogar noch erweitert worden, diese Angaben auf der Seite werden noch auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht)


-Wenn Sie Endnote favorisieren, können Sie natürlich auch Endnote via Campuslizenz nutzen, see https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/de-de/services/sciencetools/focusendnote.aspx, im Bereich „Sciencetools“


Wenn auch Sie noch upgraden möchten, antworten Sie bitte mit “Mendeley Premium Seats” im Mailbetreff und Sie erhalten weitere Infos zum Upgrade.


PS: Danke an alle, die heute an der Scopus-/Mendeley-Einführung teilgenommen haben und herzlichen Dank für Ihre Fragen, Kommentare und die angeregte Diskussion.

Die Quick Reference Guides für Mendeley und Scopus finden Sie in unserer Linksammlung https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/de-de/services/links.aspx , section “2)Hilfeseiten zu bestimmten Produkten / Help for specific products”


Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek



Dear colleagues,

the upgrade-option for Mendeley Premium is ending on 30th of March – if you have already upgraded or if you upgrade now, you can keep the Premium features as long as you don’t change your institutional mail address in your Mendeley account.

More details at https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/en-us/services/sciencetools/focusmendeley.aspx (the premium features such as storage space, group size etc. were enhanced recently, these details at page “Focus: Mendeley” will be updated soon)


- Of course, if you prefer Endnote you can also use Endnote via our campus licence, see https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/de-de/services/sciencetools/focusendnote.aspx, in the section Sciencetools)


If you want to upgrade just answer with “Mendeley Premium Seats” as mail subject and you get further instructions.



PS: Thanks to those who joint today our Scopus-/Mendeley-introduction and many thanks for your questions, comments and the fruitful discussion.

The quick reference guides for Mendeley and Scopus can be found in our link collection https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de/de-de/services/links.aspx , section “2)Hilfeseiten zu bestimmten Produkten / Help for specific products

Best regards,

your library team


Scopus & Mendeley-Einführung am 28. März 2017 /Scopus & Mendeley-introduction on 28. March 2017 - Dienstag, 7. März 2017


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

SCOPUS ist für die Forschungsschwerpunkte des HZI die größte und umfangreichste Literaturdatenbank und besitzt seit dem letzten Update einige interessante Funktionen (neu: CiteScore, überarbeitet: Search Analyzer).

Wenn Sie SCOPUS und die Literaturverwaltungssoftware MENDELEY genauer kennenlernen und Ihr wissenschaftliches Arbeiten verschlanken möchten, nehmen Sie an unserer kostenlosen Infoveranstaltung teil (siehe Poster-Ankündigung unten):

am 28. März 2017

von 10 Uhr bis 11.30 Uhr (HZI)

in X1.04 (Forum - Raumänderung!)


oder beim Twincore

am 28. März 2017

von 14 Uhr bis 15.30 Uhr (Twincore)

im Seminarraum 0.02


Eine Software-Trainerin von Elsevier wird die Inhalte, die Funktionsweise, die Recherche- und Einsatzmöglichkeiten vorstellen und Tipps und Tricks zu SCOPUS und MENDELEY verraten.

Zudem werden Ihre individuellen Fragen beantwortet.

Besonderer Appetizer: Nur noch bis zum 30. März 2017 ist ein Upgrade zu MENDELEY Premium möglich. Details hierzu erfahren Sie innerhalb der Veranstaltung oder auf „Focus Mendeley“.

Bitte registrieren Sie sich mit einer kurzen E-Mail (mit Nennung des Veranstaltungsortes) an mich, Steffi.Schulz@helmholtz-hzi.de, damit wir die Anzahl der Teilnehmer einschätzen können.

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Bibliothek


Dear colleagues,

Scopus is the largest publications database for the research targets of HZI and contains additional interesting features (new: CiteScore, improved: Search Analyzer) since the last update. If you want to get to know more about SCOPUS and MENDELEY (the free reference manager) in order to streamline your scientific work you can take part in this event (see Poster-announcement below):


on 28. March 2017

from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. (HZI)

in X1.04 (Forum - room changed)


or at Twincore:

on 28. March 2017

from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. (Twincore)

in Seminar room 0.02


A software trainer from Elsevier will present the content types, the functionalities, the search functions and possible fields of application and will provide tips and tricks on SCOPUS and MENDELEY.

Special appetizer: Only until 30. March 2017 an upgrade to MENDELEY Premium will be possible. Further details will be presented during the event or at „Focus Mendeley“.

Please register with a short E-Mail (with event place) to me, Steffi.Schulz@helmholtz-hzi.de so that we can estimate the number of participants

The lecture will be in German or English and the database interface is in English so it should be no problem for you to follow. Questions in English are also possible.


Best regards

Your library team

(see Poster-announcement below)

Poster-Announcement Scopus-Mendeley on 28th March 2017


Discover the elements - Montag, 6. März 2017


On February 8 was the 183rd birthday of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, the father of the Periodic Table of the chemical elements. To celebrate the anniversary TED-Ed launched 2014 a clickable periodic table with videos on every element.

This periodic videos contain facts on almost all chemical elements. Moreover, for each element exists a video lesson as well as questions, and additional resources and a discussion board. Thus, students will be able to watch the video and use the TED Ed platform to engage with its content.

The purpose of this period table is to provide students with both a refresher and a study aid to help them better understand the different chemical elements and their properties.”

This interactive periodic table is a fruit of a partnership between TED-Ed and Brady Haran, who is the creator of the YouTube channel Numberphile.

Other useful periodic tables that can be used as chrome extension are described at http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2016/02/3-handy-periodic-tables-for-science.html


Of course, we have also books on the elements – for example:

Gray, T.: Die Elemente : Bausteine unserer Welt (shelf number: AC-10 91) – read more on http://www.bausteine-unserer-welt.de/

Ternes, Waldemar: Biochemie der Elemente (shelf number: AC-20 18)


Original blogpostings:




Some tips regarding publishing a journal article - Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017


If you write your very first research paper:

If you write your first research paper this article "How to write your first research paper" (published 2011 in Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine) might be worth to read.


If you finished your paper manuscript:

We recommend the following procedure if you want to publish an article:


  • select the appropriate journal: 
    • regarding quality: Please check which journal is suitable for you/ your paper. You can select an appropriate journal according to quality criteria that indicate how good a journal is.

Please check if a journal is a high-quality journal and not a fraudulent journal/ hijacked journal - checklist "Clues to quality of journals"



  • Submit your article: Submit your publication to the journal of your choice. Please indicate in case of an institutional membership (see HZI and OpenAccess) the HZI as a member institution.


  • => find the whole recommended approach here


When you submitted a paper and got the reviewers' comments:

Almost certainly you'll be required to revise your manuscript at least once before your paper is published. Deborah Lupton - a Centenary Research Professor at University of Canberra - has compiled a list of tips for those of you who have been asked to revise the article: 

  1. Take a deep breath. No-one likes to have their precious writing critiqued, and it can be very easy to feel defensive and annoyed. But remember a condition of academic writing is that we expose ourselves to critique. We must learn to accept this and realise how the review process can help us.
  2. Feel gratitude for the work performed on your behalf by the reviewers and editors. Although you may not like some of their feedback, nearly all (and yes, there are some nasty exceptions) have reviewed your work in the spirit of academic generosity and have taken precious time from their own work to do this. If they have performed the review constructively, they deserve your thanks and appreciation.
  3. See the revision process as a way to make your work the best it can be, and a challenge to push yourself to improve it.
  4. If the editor has given you a decision of ‘revise and resubmit’, always attempt this, however extensive the work required of you. There is a very good chance that if you revise your article competently it will be accepted.
  5. If the editor has rejected your article, acknowledge your inevitable feelings of disappointment and frustration (or even murderous rage!) but then move on. Think about where else you can resubmit it. Consider first the comments made by the reviewers and decide whether you should address some of these before submitting elsewhere to enhance your chances of success next time around.
  6. Bite the bullet. Try not to leave the revisions or submission to another journal too long – it can be easy to keep putting this job off, but it must be done!
  7. If the article has been written with other authors, decide who will take leadership on the revisions. This should usually be the person who led the writing of the original manuscript. The lead author should take on as much of the revision work as they can, and then share the revised version with the other author/s for their contributions and feedback.
  8. Block out a good chunk of time in which you will be able to begin work on the revisions. Choose a time of day if possible at which you know you will be feeling the most mentally alert. There is no denying that you have a demanding task ahead of you.
  9. Don’t rush things. Take as much time as you need to complete it properly.
  10. Now that you are mentally prepared … go back and read your submitted manuscript. You will most likely have forgotten most of what you wrote and this is a good chance to read it with fresh eyes.
  11. Then go back to the email from the journal editors with the reviewers’ comments. Copy and paste the reviewers’ comments in to a new Word document. Then go through and isolate each comment which suggests or requests a revision. Then read each comment carefully.
  12. Start to go through your original manuscript and begin addressing those points you think require revisions. It is often easiest to address the minor revisions first. In your ‘response to reviewers’ document, write your responses under each separate point as you go. Your response should explain the changes you have made. If you disagree with a suggested change, you are entirely within your rights to state this and explain why.
  13. Highlight changes in your manuscript with bold or coloured highlighting so that the editor and reviewers can easily see where you added or significantly altered material. Don’t use the track changes function (unless this has been specifically requested by the editor), as track changes can leave the manuscript looking very messy and difficult to read.
  14. Once you think you have conducted the revisions to the best of your ability, put the revised version aside for at least a day. Come back to it and read it through again. Read your ‘response to reviewers’ document again. Make any further changes you deem necessary.
  15. Take another deep breath … and resubmit your article. Good luck!

("15 top tips for revising journal articles" was originally posted at: https://simplysociology.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/15-top-tips-for-revising-journal-articles/ )






Endnote.Kurse von Alfasoft (externes Angebot) - Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir wünschen Ihnen ein frohes neues Jahr, Gesundheit und Glück!

Für Endnote gibt es wieder externe Schulungen der Firma Alfasoft.

Alfasoft schreibt in deren Ankündigung:

„Sehr gerne möchten wir Sie auch 2017 bei Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit (mit und ohne EndNote) unterstützen.
Dies können Sie in unseren Kursen lernen:


  • Einführung in EndNote
  • Die EndNote-Datenbank
    • Anlegen einer Datenbank, Sortierung, Suche in der Datenbank
    • Eingabe neuer Daten, Bearbeitung von Daten
    • Online-Recherche in Fachdatenbanken und Bibliotheken
    • Umgang mit PDF-Dateien; Import und Weiterverarbeitung in EndNote
  • Cite While You Write in Word
    • Zitieren mit EndNote in Word
    • Termlisten
    • Bearbeitung von Output Styles
  • EndNote Preferences; Anpassung der Datenbankstruktur und weitere Einstellmöglichkeiten
  • Arbeiten im Team mit und ohne EndNote Online

EndNote für Mediziner:
In diesem Kurs werden alle notwendigen Kenntnisse zum Umgang mit EndNote vermittelt. Besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Nutzung von medizinischen Fachdatenbanken wie PubMed und der Vermittlung von Recherchestrategien mit EndNote.

Research Paper für Mediziner:
•    Wie finde ich das richtige Journal?
•    Welche Qualitätsstandards existieren für medizinisch/pharmazeutische Artikel?
•    Der Rohtext – die Struktur eines Papers
•    Das Abstrakt als die kürzeste und genaueste Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse
•    Wissenschaftliche Sprache

Die beschriebenen Schulungen sind für Februar und März in Frankfurt sowie als Onlinekurse geplant. In unseren Onlinekursen möchten wir Ihnen das nötige Wissen zu den genannten Themen komprimiert und kostengünstig (ab 100 Euro netto) vermitteln.

Alle Termine und Trainingsdetails unserer EndNote X8 Schulungen finden Sie hier.
Alle Termine und Trainingsdetails unserer Schulungen für Mediziner sind hier.
Unser gesamtes Angebot ist hier.

Sie[können] von Rabatten (für  Frühbucher oder Hochschulangehörige) profitieren [...].

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Antwort, Feedback und Fragen. Sehr gerne besprechen wir Ihren Schulungsbedarf persönlich unter Telefon 0049 (0) 69 967596 10.“

-----ENGLISH -----

Dear Colleagues,
We wish you a happy new year, health and happiness!

For Endnote, there are again external training courses offered by the company Alfasoft.
Alfasoft writes in their announcement:

"We would also like to support you in your scientific work (with and without EndNote).
You can learn this in our courses:
• Introduction to EndNote
• The EndNote database
O            - Create a database, sort, search in the database
O            Input new data, edit data
O            Online research in specialist databases and libraries
O            handling PDF files; Import and processing in EndNote
• Cite While You Write in Word
O            Quoting with EndNote in Word
O            Term lists
O            Editing output styles
• EndNote Preferences; Adapt the database structure and further settings
• Working on the team with and without EndNote Online

EndNote for Medical Professionals:
In this course all necessary knowledge about the handling of EndNote is taught. Special focus is on the use of medical specialist data bases such as PubMed and the provision of research strategies with EndNote.

Research Paper for Medical Professionals:
• How can I find the right journal?
• What quality standards exist for medical / pharmaceutical products?
• The raw text - the structure of a paper
• The abstract as the shortest and most accurate summary of the most important results
• Scientific language

The trainings described are planned for February and March in Frankfurt as well as online courses. In our online courses, we would like to provide you with the necessary knowledge about the topics mentioned above and to communicate them inexpensively (from 100 Euro netto onwards).

All dates and training details of our EndNote X8 training courses can be found here.
All dates and training details of our training courses for physicians are here.
Our whole offer is here.

You [...] can benefit from discounts (for early bookers or university students).
We look forward to your reply, feedback and questions. We would be happy to discuss your training needs personally by calling 0049 (0) 69 967596 10.



NEW: Portal Design + Britannica Academic + Mendeley Premium Seats - Freitag, 16. Dezember 2016


Dear colleagues,

it’s been a while… we were busy with several things:

  1. Library portal’s design

As you may have noticed the design of the library portal has changed: a new version of the portal has been delivered to us and the former layout could not be moved to the new version so that we had to adapt manually the stylesheet. - But hey, now we could integrate the cell of HZI’s Website :D



As Browsers like GoogleChrome block Flash elements we also had to adapt the TagCloud (recent search queries) and the 3D-Caroussel (new acquisitions) from Flash to HTML5:

3d-elements: flash to HTML5











  1. Britannica Academic Online now subscribed

Since last week we subscribed to Britannica Academic  Online. Britannica Academic is the most comprehensive English-language encyclopedia (more than 90,000 editorial-reviewed articles from all knowledge areas of 4,300 authors as well as - in the Academic version - access to 800.000 articles from more than 700 magazines and journals. Britannica Academic has various features (see the newsposting before : “NEW: Britannica Academic as the most-comprohensive encyclopedia now subscribed”) – to name one:

  • Britannica ImageQuest Online”, an image database with over 3 million royalty-free images, graphics and illustrations of all subject areas - for example "transgenic mouse" or "vaccine" - from more than 50 well-known sources ( Getty Images, National Geographic Society and Natural History Museumetc.)  - the images can be used for scientific purposes (see Terms of Use: “ImageQuest™ subscribers may use any image included on the ImageQuest™ Web site for non-commercial (not for sale), educational purposes only, and in accordance with these Terms of Use or as otherwise permitted in writing by Britannica. Educational purposes include: education, teaching, distance learning, private study, retrieving information and research.”)

Benefits of Britannica Academic:

Learn more about the features of Britannica Academic: https://vimeopro.com/britannicauk/fehe/video/176463588 (Video-Tutorial)

http://www.digento.de/zusatz/101194z01.pdf (Guided Tour/ PDF)

NEW: Britannica Academic as the most-comprohensive encyclopedia now subscribed” (previous newsposting in Aktuelles)



  1. Mendeley Premium Seats ends at 31st March 2017: upgrade now to get & hold enhanced features

The special offer of Mendeley Premium Seats with its enhanced features will expire at the end of March 2016.

The good thing is: You can still upgrade and benefit from the following Mendeley Premium Features (you will keep the premium features as long as you keep your current institutional email address):

  • Increase in personal storage for each user, from 2 GB to 5 GB
  • Increase in group storage, from 100 MB to 20 GB
  • Increase in private group size, from three to 25 members
  • Increase in number of private groups, from one to unlimited
  • Automatic literature recommendations (Mendeley Suggest)

Try this premium features. How to upgrade is described at “Focus: Mendeley.

Addendum: Mendeley is integrating ORCID, the Open Research Contributor ID non-profit, to bring your unique research identifier to your Mendeley profile.


Now we want to wish you a nice Christmas season and a Happy new year!

Best regards

your library team


NEW: Britannica Academic as the most-comprohensive encyclopedia now subscribed - Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,


seit letzter Woche wurde Britannica Academic Online von uns lizensiert. Britannica

Britannica Academic ist die umfangreichste englischsprachige Enzyklopädie  (über 90.000 redaktionell geprüfte Artikeln aus allen Wissensgebieten von 4.300 Autoren sowie in der Academic-Version Zugriff zu 800.000 Zeitschriftenartikel im Volltext)

Weiterhin enthalten:  

  • Weltatlas, zahlreiche interaktive Zeitleisten, 44.000 Abbildungen und Karten,
  • 2.500 Audio- und Videoclips sowie Animationen,
  • täglicher Newsticker mit Meldungen aus "The New York Times", "BBC News" und "SBS World News", über 114.000 redaktionell geprüften Links zu themenverwandten Websites
  • Wörterbücher "Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary", "Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus" sowie als mit-lizensiertem AddOn Merriam Webster Unabridged Online, das Wörterbuch des amerikanischen Englisch mit rund 260.000 Stichwörtern
  • "World Data Analyst Online", eine Sammlung von aktuellen und historischen statistischen Daten sowie Basisinformationen zu über 200 Ländern weltweit.
  • AddOn Britannica Image Quest Online, eine Bilddatenbank mit über 3 Millionen lizenzfreien Bilder, Grafiken und Illustrationen zu allen Themengebieten  - beispielsweise “transgenic mouse” or “vaccine” - aus über 50 namhaften Quellen, darunter u.a. Getty Images, National Geographic Society und Natural History Museum – die Bilder sind für wissenschaftliche Zwecke nachnutzbar (siehe Terms of Use: “ImageQuest™ subscribers may use any image included on the ImageQuest™ Web site for non-commercial (not for sale), educational purposes only, and in accordance with these Terms of Use or as otherwise permitted in writing by Britannica. Educational purposes include: education, teaching, distance learning, private study, retrieving information and research.”)


  • Britannica ist somit eine Alternative zu Wikipedia (siehe unten „Britannica vs. Wikipedia“), die geprüfte valide Informationen enthält
  • Britannica überall nutzbar (Remote access)
  • tägliche Updates
  • monatlich kostenfreie Online-Schulungen

Mehr zu Britannica Academic:

https://vimeopro.com/britannicauk/fehe/video/176463588 (Video-Tutorial)

http://www.digento.de/zusatz/101194z01.pdf (Guided Tour/ PDF)


Viel Spaß und Erfolg bei der Nutzung von Britannica! Über Ihre Rückmeldungen würden wir uns freuen.



Dear colleagues,

since last week we subscribed to Britannica Academic Online. Britannica Academic is the most comprehensive English-language encyclopedia (more than 90,000 editorial-reviewed articles from all knowledge areas of 4,300 authors as well as - in the Academic version - access to 800.000 articles from more than 700 magazines and journals, provided by Ebsco)

  • World Atlas, numerous interactive timelines, 44,000 illustrations and maps
  • 2.500 Audio- und Videoclips as well as animations,
  • daily Newsticker with news from "The New York Times", "BBC News" and "SBS World News", over 114,000 editorial links to related websites and full-text links
  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with over 550,000 entries including audio pronunciation guides, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus, and as an AddOn Merriam Webster's Unabridged Online, the English-language dictionary with around 260,000 keywords
  • “World Data Analyst Online”, a collection of current and historical statistical data as well as basic information on over 200 countries worldwide
  • AddOn “Britannica ImageQuest Online”, an image database with over 3 million royalty-free images, graphics and illustrations of all subject areas - for example "transgenic mouse" or "vaccine" - from more than 50 well-known sources ( Getty Images, National Geographic Society and Natural History Museumetc.)  - the images can be used for scientific purposes (see Terms of Use: “ImageQuest™ subscribers may use any image included on the ImageQuest™ Web site for non-commercial (not for sale), educational purposes only, and in accordance with these Terms of Use or as otherwise permitted in writing by Britannica. Educational purposes include: education, teaching, distance learning, private study, retrieving information and research.”)


  • Britannica is an alternative to Wikipedia which contains verified valid information (see below "Britannica vs. Wikipedia")
  • use Britannica from everywhere (Remote access)
  • updated daily
  • Free monthly online training sessions

Learn more about the features of Britannica Academic: https://vimeopro.com/britannicauk/fehe/video/176463588 (Video-Tutorial)

http://www.digento.de/zusatz/101194z01.pdf (Guided Tour/ PDF)


Have fun and success while using Britannica! We would like to have your feedback regarding Britannica.


Britannica vs. Wikipedia:

Some studies seem to show that Wikipedia is not as accurate as expert-based encyclopedia such as Britannica. For instance, Zhu and Greenstein found out that Wikipedia’s articles are more biased in political terms than Britannica —with 73 percent of them containing code words, compared to just 34 percent in Britannica. They also found out that the more times an article is revised on Wikipedia, the less bias it is likely to show. But that effect needs 2000 edits at least. Related to accuracy Holman Rector found out via content analysis that there are inaccuracies in nearly all Wikipedia studied articles (8 of the 9 selected) and exposed some major (in at least 2 of the 9 selected Wikipedia articles). Overall, Wikipedia's accuracy rate was 80 percent compared with 95‐96 percent accuracy within the other sources. The research history regarding the value of Wikipedia content is described by Niederer and van Dijck. In short, Wikipedia should not be the sole source of information and if Wikipedia content is used the exact version of the Wikipedia-article should be cited (via click on tab “Versionsgeschichte/ view history”, more at   “Zitieren von Internetquellen” current version dated 17. November 2016, visited at 13. December 2016).


Join the events of “OpenAccess Week 2016” (25.10.-27.10.2016) - jointly organized by HZI, TU... - Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016

---OA week-sticker

Anlässlich der diesjährigen International Open Access Week werden vom 25. bis 27. Oktober 2016 mehrere Veranstaltungen realisiert, zu denen wir Sie hiermit einladen:

Die Bibliotheken von drei Braunschweiger Forschungseinrichtungen, der Technischen Universität, dem Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung und dem Georg-Eckert-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, mit einer gemeinsam organisierten Veranstaltungsreihe verschiedene Aspekte von „Openness“ in der Forschung beleuchten (siehe Pressemitteilung).

Einige Veranstaltungen finden in der HZI-Bibliothek statt und einige in der Universitätsbibliothek der TU Braunschweig (siehe Terminübersicht und Programm).


Pressemitteilung “Gemeinsame Veranstaltungsreihe zur Open Access Week

Übrigens: Der KOBV führt ein "publishing event" durch und publiziert anlässlich der Open Access Week" täglich einen Newsletter zu einem bestimmten OpenAccess-Thema

-- English --

We are thrilled to put into action several events on the occasion of Open Access Week 2016 jointly organized by HZI, TU Braunschweig and Georg-Eckert-Institute. Several aspects of “Openness” in the context of research will be highlighted (see press release).

Some of the events will take place at HZI Library and some at TU Braunschweig:


Dienstag 25.10.2016

15:00 - 15:30

Science is open: an introduction to open access (@TU Library/ HZI Library, W0.52) - Webinar in english
Paul Schultze-Motel, Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüro (details at http://os.helmholtz.de/ )
Public Viewing im Erdgeschoss der Universitätsbibliothek und in den Räumen der Bibliothek des HZI.

15:45 - 16:15

Transformation von Subskription zu Open Access (@TU Library)




Mittwoch 26.10.2016

12:00 - 12:15

Creative Commons-Lizenzen (@TU Library)

12:30 - 12:45

How to ORCid? (@TU Library)

13:00 - 13:30

Der neue Publikationsserver der TU Braunschweig (@TU Library)

15:00 - 16:00

Das HZI Open Repository (@HZI Library, W0.52)




Donnerstag 27.10.2016

13:00 - 13:30

Der neue Publikationsserver der TU Braunschweig (@TU Library)

13:30 - 13:45

How to ORCiD? (@HZI Library, W0.52)

13:45 - 14:00

Creative Commons-Lizenzen (@TU Library)

14:15 - 14:30

How to ORCiD? (@TU Library)


More information regarding the OA week’s programme: http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de/open_access/oaweek2016/.


Press release “Gemeinsame Veranstaltungsreihe zur Open Access Week

Addendum: The KOBV organized a "publishing event" and publishes - on the occassion of Open Access Week - each day  a newsletter on a specific OpenAccess-topic


Digitale Forschungsdaten offen zugänglich machen (Presseinformation Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft) - Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2016


Die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft hat am 12.10.2016 folgende Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht:

Digitale Forschungsdaten offen zugänglich machen

Die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft legt ein Positionspapier zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten vor. Darüber hinaus fördert sie mit der Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) die Entwicklung einer international vernetzten Forschungsdateninfrastruktur und tritt der internationalen Initiative Research Data Alliance (RDA) bei.

Der offene Zugang zu Forschungsdaten eröffnet der Wissenschaft ein großes Potenzial. Die Vernetzung digitaler Datensammlungen ermöglicht neue Ansätze zur Beantwortung drängender Forschungsfragen. Um den „Datenschatz“ nutzen zu können, sind verlässliche und vertrauenswürdige Informationsinfrastrukturen für die längerfristige Speicherung und den Austausch der stetig wachsenden Datenmengen notwendig.

Unter dem Titel „Die Ressource Information besser nutzbar machen!“ hat die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft jetzt ein Positionspapier zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten verabschiedet. „Mit dem Positionspapier betonen die Helmholtz-Zentren ihre Bereitschaft, Forschungsdaten in geeigneten Dateninfrastrukturen langfristig zu bewahren und zur Nachnutzung für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft so offen wie möglich zugänglich zu machen“, sagt Otmar D. Wiestler, Präsident der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. Hierzu soll auch die Forschung im informationstechnischen Bereich vorangetrieben werden, um Informationsinfrastrukturen für das Forschungsdatenmanagement auszubauen und verstärkt zu betreiben.  

Mit dieser Positionierung unterstützt die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft auch die Entstehung einer Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI), wie sie der von Bund und Ländern eingesetzte Rat für Informationsinfrastrukturen (RfII) vorschlägt.

„Die Helmholtz-Zentren betreiben einzigartige und für die Forschung bedeutsame Informationsinfrastrukturen, die von Wissenschaftlern weltweit in ihren Arbeiten genutzt werden. Wir stehen nun vor der  Herausforderung, Forschungsdaten über Organisations- und Disziplinengrenzen hinweg problemorientiert zu aggregieren und übergreifend zu nutzen“, sagt Wolfgang Marquardt, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Forschungszentrums Jülich und Vizepräsident der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft.

Bereits jetzt wird mit der Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) unter der Koordination des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) eine Dateninfrastruktur aufgebaut, die das Forschungsdatenmanagement im Big-Data-Bereich verbessern wird. Die HDF stellt eine Keimzelle für eine nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) dar, die offen für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler im gesamten deutschen Wissenschaftssystem ist und kompatibel mit der zukünftigen European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) sein wird.

Um die Abstimmung auf internationaler Ebene weiter zu fördern, ist die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft nun der Research Data Alliance (RDA) beigetreten. Als internationales Forum für den Dialog über Archivierung, Standardisierung, Zugänglichmachung und Nutzung von Forschungsdaten bietet die RDA eine weltweit einmalige multidisziplinäre Plattform zur Abstimmung über den Aufbau einer international vernetzten Forschungsdateninfrastruktur. Bereits zum dritten Mal wird vom 28. bis 29. November 2016 am Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam – Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ die jährliche Konferenz der deutschen Sektion der RDA stattfinden. Ein klares Zeichen dafür, wie sehr sich die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in diesem Bereich engagiert.

Diese Aktivitäten entsprechen der wachsenden wissenschaftspolitischen Bedeutung von Open Science. Anliegen von Open Science ist es, den Informationsaustausch innerhalb der Wissenschaft und den Transfer der Ergebnisse in die Gesellschaft unter Nutzung des Internets zu fördern. „Wir begrüßen die jüngst vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung vorgelegte Open-Access-Strategie und werden unsere Aktivitäten zur Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit von Forschungsergebnissen weiter intensivieren“, sagt Wiestler.

Die Helmholtz Data Federation

Koordiniert durch das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) hat die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft mit der Realisierung der Forschungsdateninfrastruktur Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) begonnen. Durch den sicheren Zusammenschluss (Föderation) und Ausbau von multi-thematischen Datenzentren wird die HDF es daten-intensiven Wissenschafts-Communities ermöglichen, wissenschaftliche Daten zu finden, unter Beibehaltung der Datenhoheit zu teilen, über Disziplingrenzen hinweg zu nutzen und zuverlässig zu archivieren. Die Föderation basiert auf drei Kernelementen: innovative Software für das Forschungsdatenmanagement, exzellente Benutzerunterstützung und topaktuelle Speicher- und Analyse-Hardware. Partner in der ersten Phase sind 6 Zentren aus 5 Forschungsbereichen: Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (Erde und Umwelt), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY und GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (beide Materie), Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Gesundheit), Forschungszentrum Jülich und Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (beide Energie, Schlüsseltechnologien, Materie, Erde und Umwelt). Die HDF stellt eine Keimzelle für eine Wissenschaftsorganisationen-übergreifende nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) dar, die offen für Nutzer im gesamten deutschen Wissenschaftssystem ist und durch internationale Verbindungen kompatibel mit der zukünftigen European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) sein wird.“


Weitere Informationen:


-- English –


The Helmholtz Association published yesterday the following press release:


Open up digital research data

The Helmholtz Association provides a position paper on the handling of research data. Fuirthermore it supports the development of an internationally networked research data infrastructure with the Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) and contributes to the international Research Data Alliance (RDA) initiative.

Open access to research data opens up great potential for science. The networking of digital data collections allows new approaches to answer urgent research questions. In order to be able to use the "data treasure", reliable and trustworthy information infrastructures are necessary for the long-term storage and the exchange of the constantly growing data volumes.

The Helmholtz Association has now approved a position paper with the title "Make the resource more useful" on how to deal with research data. "With this position paper the Helmholtz Centers emphasize their willingness to preserve research data in suitable data infrastructures in the long term and to make them accessible to science and society as openly as possible," said Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association. To further this, research in the field of information technology is also to be pursued in order to expand and intensify information infrastructures for research data management.

With this positioning, the Helmholtz Association is also supporting the creation of a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), as proposed by the German Information and Infrastructure Council (RfII).

"The Helmholtz Centers operate unique and relevant information infrastructures that are used by scientists worldwide in their work. We are now faced with the challenge of aggregating and exploiting research data across organizational and discipline boundaries”, says Wolfgang Marquardt, Chairman of the Research Center at Jülich and vice-president of the Helmholtz Association.

With the Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) under the coordination of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a data infrastructure will be set up to improve research data management in the area of big data. The HDF is a germ cell for a national research data infrastructure (NFDI), which is open to scientists throughout the German scientific system and will be compatible with the future European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

In order to further promote international coordination, the Helmholtz Association has now joined the Research Data Alliance (RDA). As an international forum for dialogue on archiving, standardization, access and use of research data, RDA offers a multidisciplinary platform for the coordination of international networked research data infrastructure. The annual conference of the German section of the RDA will take place for the third time from 28 to 29 November 2016 at the Helmholtz Center Potsdam – GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ which is a clear indication of how much the Helmholtz Association is engaged in this area.

These activities correspond with the growing scientific-political significance of Open Science. OpenScience's mission is to promote the exchange of information within science and the transfer of results to society through the use of the Internet. "We welcome the recently presented open access strategy of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and will further intensify our activities to improve the accessibility of research results," says Wiestler.

The Helmholtz Data Federation
Coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Helmholtz Association has begun to implement the research data infrastructure Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF). Through the secure federation and expansion of multi-thematic data centers, the HDF will enable data-intensive communities to find scientific data, share data, maintain discretion, and reliably archive. The federation is based on three core elements: innovative software for research data management, excellent user support and state-of-the-art storage and analysis hardware. Partners in the first phase are 6 centers from five research areas: Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (Earth and Environment), German Electron Synchrotron DESY and GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research (both: matter), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) , Forschungszentrum Jülich and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (both energy, key technologies, matter, earth and environment). The HDF is a keystone for an across national research data infrastructure (NFDI), which is open to users across the entire German scientific system and will be compatible with the future European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) through international connections.


Further details:


OpenAire-Newsletter on Open Access Week 2016, Zenodo and more - Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016


OpenAire has published news on the yearly Open Access Week (24.-30. October 2016) – this year again with events also in HZI (announcement soon) – OpenAire’s improved open repository Zenodo, the role of repositories in general. Further topics are text and data mining and how to take full advantage of It, and new ways, indicators and tools in the review-disseminate-assess phases within the publishing process – enjoy OpenAire’s current newsletter.


Internet Archive turned 20 – its services and how it operates - Mittwoch, 21. September 2016


The Internet Archive was founded 20 years ago to permanently save to make available  web pages, text, pictures, audio and video, videogames and software.  The most helpful service in our opinion is the Wayback machine (also listed in Science-tools): The average lifespan of webpages is 100days before they change or disappear. So, if a URL doesn’t work or if you want to see a previous version you can enter the URL to view archived versions of webpages. The collection includes currently 505 billion web resources. To read iRights.info’s article in English please click on “translate” (top-right beside headline)

   i.Rights.info's article on Internet archive




Ebook Central with enhanced usage rights (DRM) & enriched Ebooks-page - Montag, 19. September 2016


As announced in April our licenced ebook platform EBL merged with Ebrary to Ebook Central. Ebook Central’s reader was redesigned, setting a new standard for operability for all users. It is device-neutral and offers a robust experience for online reading.

Annotated Screenshot of Ebook Central’s Reader (by Schweitzer Fachinformationen)

The usage rights are now more user-friendly and include the following aspects:

  • Personalized access directly in the user portal of Ebook Central

  • All Titles are available for Browsing up to 5 minutes (= in case of not acquired titles) and up to 10 minutes (= in case of acquired titles). Within this period, no usage will be charged.

  • Online reading, copying, printing, downloading, bookmark, coloured highlighting of text, adding notes: after User Authentication

  • 40% is printable per user / per Ebook (stock or STL). The print and copy quota will be reset every 24 hours.

  • 20% copy and paste per user / per Ebook (stock or STL). The copy quota will be reset every 24 hours.

  • Permanent download of a chapter or a specific page number (scope is defined by the publisher, not all publishers allow this kind of download). The quota will be reset for most releases every 24 hours

  • Complete download of the entire book: limited in time / depending on the library between 1 - 28 days. This process can be repeated as often as preferred.


Please find the bilingual (DE/ EN) Ebook Central guide on our library portal (available at the pages Ebooks, Downloads, Links, 2) Hilfeseiten zu bestimmten Produkten / Help for specific products) .

Furthermore, we updated and enriched the ebooks-page in Intranet and Internet:

  • Updated details on Ebook Central (including new Ebook Central guide)

  • 4th edition of Prokaryotes added

  • Unified layout (taken from the formerly more detailed Intranet –page Ebooks as the former list at the library portal's page Ebooks provided no option to add additional content such as links, screenshots etc.)

We hope, you enjoy the changes – any further suggestions? Tell us what you think of it.          


Best regards,

your library team



To meet a funder’s OA Policy put your papers in an OA repository rather than on a social network - Donnerstag, 11. August 2016


“I make my papers available in Researchgate: Is that enough to meet the funder’s OA policy?”

Such questions were asked more or less often over the past years. To better understand the differences of these platforms and when to use which one we want to clarify the differences and will summarize the advantages of Open Access repositories.

But first, here comes a short primer on what each service has to offer:

Social Networks (Researchgate, Mendeley..)

Open Access repositories


Social networks for scientists such as (Researchgate, Mendeley, Academia

  • connect researchers with common interests.
  • The researchers create profiles and are able
    • to list their publications and other scholarly activities,
    • upload copies of manuscripts they’ve authored (authors should check the publisher’s rules before doing that),
    • and build connections with scholars they work or co-author with.
  • Researchers can also discuss specific topics or publications.


  1. Institutional repositories (IRs): are generally library-run portals that enable authors to upload a version of their manuscripts for public “open access” display. UC’s is called eScholarship. The primary aim of institutional repositories is to make the scholarly outputs of the university as widely available as possible and to ensure long-term preservation of these outputs.
  2. Subject-based repositories:  are collecting publications in a particular discipline or a range of disciplines, so that authors in a field can share and solicit feedback on their work from colleagues in that research field (e.g. Genbank)


Now let’s take a closer look at some major differences between these two kinds of services:

Openness and interoperability:

Researchers already using ResearchGate or Academia.edu might ask why they should use a repository operated by the library instead (or as well), or alternatively: Why can’t the library just take the information from ResearchGate or Academia.edu and use that fill the institutional repository?

The answer is simple: ResearchGate and Academia.edu do not permit to take the own data and reuse it elsewhere, nor do their terms of service permit the library to extract that data on the authors’ behalf.

  • ResearchGate: “Users must not misuse the Service. Misuse of the Service includes, without limitation: … automated or massive manual retrieval of other Users’ profile data (‘data harvesting’).”
  • Academia.edu: “You agree not to do any of the following: … Attempt to access or search the Site, … through the use of any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like).”

Interestingly, ResearchGate permits you to import publications from other applications, but provides no method for exporting the same data out of  ResearchGate (well, not without some creative acrobatics). Similarly, Academia.edu previously supported import, but now makes it impossible to bring data in or out of their system.

In contrast, institutional repositories are largely committed to complete openness and re-use of data.

These kinds of activities make open access repositories good places for publications you want people to be able to find.

Some IRs also offer APIs that further expand what researchers can do with the publication data they provide. ResearchGate previously discussed offering an API so that the data they collect could help foster open science, but over two years after announcing this intention, no progress seems to have been made.


The University of California has published a table that summarizes the main differences:



What is important for you?

1)  Support for harvesting:

The content of our repository HZI Open Repository is harvested by several search engines which relates to:

Your publications can be found by search requests on Google scholar and other commonly used literature search plattforms.

Furthermore, you can easily export the publications of your working group or department to Mendeley or EndNote and other reference managing tools.


2) Long term preservation:

Open access repositories are usually managed by universities, government agencies, or nonprofit associations. Affiliation with a larger institution (with a public service mission) means that repositories are likely to be around for a long time. They often employ librarians and data specialists who specialize in ensuring long term archiving. In case of HZI OpenRepository the HZI Library makes sure that your publication and related content can still be found in it's place in the repository years after the archival. To meet specific repository standards we also created a Policy which begins with the following preamble:

“The  HZI OpenRepository is maintained by the HZI library to allow free access to publications of HZI to other scientists and the interested public worldwide. The HZI Library has undertaken the task of ingesting, indexing, enriching and making publications and its metadata available in collections related to each of the scientific groups of the centres.”

To ensure long-term preservation “… we include and meet quality standards e.g. via adding the publications in PDF/A-1. Furthermore HZI Library, the repository’s administrator, adds additional metadata (e.g. Pubmed-ID, author-ID) via a metadata entry mask and links the repository’s currently inserted item to the publisher via DOI and as well as to the research group. “

So, all in all, this is a non-profit service of your HZI library which will be permanently optimized.


3) Business model:

Social networks are mostly run by commercial enterprises. When they are bought by another company there is no warranty that your data and content stays where it currently is or even at all or whether service will be for free any longer.

  • Academia.edu “reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to discontinue or terminate the Site and Services and to terminate these Terms, at any time and without prior notice.”
  • ResearchGate “reserves the right to change, reduce, interrupt or discontinue the Service or parts of it at any time.”

4) Email advertisements:

Unlike from the commercial plattforms you will never get any unsolicited mails from the HZI Open Repository or another institutional or subject-based repository.


5) Addresses and contacts:

HZI Open Repository or another institutional or subject-based repository will never ask for your private address book or contacts (usually used to usher your friends/colleagues to sign up up to their service)


6) Compliance with Open Access Policies

In the table above the University of California is taken as one example for compliance with their Open Access Policy.

In addition to also being compliant with the Helmholtz Open Access strategy, the HZI Open Repository is complaint with Open Aire, hte EU's central registry of Open Access publications derived from European research funding.


Are your papers in HZI Open Repository? Not? Check out the services provided.

If you’re not already using HZI OpenRepository or another open access repository, take a few minutes to check out the services available to you, at no charge, from organizations who offer similar tools for broadening access to your publications, but who have no interest in making a profit from your work.


This announcement is based on the posting of University of California: “A social networking site is not an open access repository”


Pubmed now highlights retracted articles - Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016


Pubmed is now highlighting retracted articles via showing the notification “retracted article” – here is an example: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26955216 (further display changes are explained at https://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/mj16/mj16_pubmed_display_changes.html ) - Please find the news on "retracted articles" published by retraction watch:









GI identifiers + NCBl webinars on changes: GI identifierswill no longer appear in GenBank & Co. - Montag, 18. Juli 2016

Dear colleagues (to whom it may concern),

The integer sequence identifiers known as "GIs" will no longer be included - from September on - in the GenBank, GenPept, and FASTA formats supported by NCBI for sequence records. The FASTA header will be further simplified to report only the sequence accession.version and record title for accessions managed by the International Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) and NCBI’s Reference Sequence (RefSeq) project. As NCBI makes this transition, we encourage any users who have workflows that depend on GI's to begin planning to use accession.version identifiers instead. After September 2016, any processes solely dependent on GIs will no longer function as expected.
(More details can be found in NCBL’s announcement: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/news/03-02-2016-phase-out-of-GI-numbers/ )

**Note from the NCBI LinkOut team** - If you use in your LinkOut file for Nucleotide, EST, GSS and Protein, you should switch to use accession number with in your LinkOut files. Please send your question about this change in your LinkOut files to linkout@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

July 20th NCBI Minute: Important Changes Coming to Sequence Databases

In this Wednesday's NCBI Minute, NCBI staff will describe upcoming changes to sequence records. Starting this September, GI identifiers will no longer appear on GenBank and FASTA record views; we will discuss the details and consequences of this change, along with the future of existing GI identifiers.
Date and time: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:00 PM EDT
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6741098469079346177
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. After the live presentation, the webinar will be uploaded to the NCBI YouTube channel. Any related materials will be accessible on the Webinars and Courses page; you can also learn about future webinars on this page.

July 27th NCBI Minute: Important Changes to NCBI Web Protocols

In two weeks, we’ll discuss NCBI’s upcoming switch to the secure HTTPS protocol. Through this NCBI Minute, you’ll learn how this change will affect your access to NCBI pages and services and what you should do to have a smooth transition.

Date and time: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 12:00 PM EDT
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2000297899730334722


Preprints : publish your papers and search for preprints of others via search.bioPreprint - Dienstag, 28. Juni 2016


As stated in the Science-article “Preprints for the life sciences“ preprint servers such as arxiv.org and bioRxiv.org enable the direct and open delivery of new knowledge and concepts to the scientific community before traditional validation through peer review. For example, for physicians, mathematicians, and computer scientists the preprint server arXiv.org has been essential for over two decades whereas in biology preprints are currently used minimally - although there is the pendant bioRxiv.org which is structured by subject area (e.g. Cell Biology) and which you can also “view by month”.

Articles in bioRxiv.org are categorized (see “about bioRxiv”) as New Results (describe an advance in a field), Confirmatory Results (largely replicate and confirm previously published work), or Contradictory Results (largely replicate experimental approaches used in previously published work but the results contradict and/or do not support it). - Details regarding submission can be found here.

While the number of articles submitted to preprint serves are constantly rising it has not been easy to identify biomedical research published in preprint format as there are normally not indexed. That’s why the Health Sciences Library System at the University of Pittsburgh created search.bioPreprint which compiles preprint articles from disparate host repositories. Thus search.bioPreprint is a one-stop-shop for finding these types of articles because preprints are not indexed in Medline and therefore do not appear in Pubmed search results. Therefore, ”many timely and relevant research reports fall through the cracks, as the time it takes to traditionally publish a biomedical manuscript can take [months or] a few years.” (Iwema et al.)

Additionally to search.bioPreprint, a web application has been developed which bolsters the discovery of preprint articles by enabling each word or phrase appearing on any website to be integrated with articles from preprint servers.


Quality aspects of preprints

Although preprint manuscripts are not copyedited, a basic screening process is performed to check against plagiarism, offensiveness, and non-scientific content. Revisions by authors are possible at any point but all versions remain available.


Tools to search Preprint servers

Search.bioPreprint was created using IBM Watson Explorer to generate a meta search engine that compiles search term results from a pre-selected list of multiple sources into a single list ordered by the relevance of matching query terms. The following preprint servers are searched:

  • arxiv.org (funded by Cornell University Library, the Simons Foundation and member institutions): venerable preprint server  covering physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, statistics, and quantitative biology since 1991 - thus it has been essential for physicians, mathematicians, and computer scientists the preprint server arXiv.org for over two decades

  • bioRxiv.org (operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory): covers new, confirmatory or contradictory results in research ranging from Animal behavior and Cognition to Clinical Trials, Neuroscience to Zoology.
  • F1000Research (member of Science Navigation Group): provides an open science platform for the immediate publication of scientific communication. Articles with associated source data are published within a week and open for open peer review and user commenting (posters and slides receive a DOI/ digital object identifier (see above) and are instantly citable).
  • PeerJPreprints: the preprint server of the open access peer-reviewed scientific mega journal PeerJ covering research in biology, life sciences, medical sciences and computer sciences. Their aim is to reduce costs while still efficiently publishing innovative research. Submissions are free, can be a draft, incomplete, or the final version, and are typically online within a day after editorial approval.http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/052563).


Another tool for searching preprints is PrePubMed,

which despite appearances is not an official resource from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), or PubMed. We want to mention this resource, but search.bioPreprint offers not only full text searching, but also topical and source-based clustering of results.

However, as PrePubMed’s developer argues search.bioPreprintis limited in how many results they will return and don't sort the articles by date, which makes it difficult to identify the most recent work related to your query. Another problem is they don't auto-identify author names, so searching for an author with a common name will return a lot of spurious results” (Jordan, 2016).


Additional Literature

Iwema et al.(2016): ‘search.BioPreprint : a discovery tool for cutting edge, preprint biomedical research articles’ - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/052563

Berg et al. (2016): ‘Preprints for the life sciences’ - Science 352, (2016) 6288,
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf9133

‘bioRxiv : the preprint server for Biology’ [youtube-Video, 2014]

ASAPbio (Accelerating Science and Publication in biology) : ‘What are preprints?’ [youtube-Video, 2016]

Jordan (2016): PrePubMed: A PubMed for preprints ‚ http://www.omnesres.com/research/prepubmed/


Elsevier: verzichtet auf Anfrage auf Exklusivrechte (Abb.)/ waives exclusive rights (fig) on request - Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Elsevier ist auf Anfrage (beim Einreichen eines Papers) bereit, auf Exklusiv-Rechte bei Bildern oder Figures etc. zu verzichten.
Die, im Intranet angehangene "Short License" haben Autoren beispielsweise des DESY schon einige Male beim Einreichen ihres Manuskripts angefordert. Solch eine „Short Licence“ führt dazu, dass die Autoren die Rechte an "Figures und Pictures" dauerhaft behalten.
Elsevier erhält nur "non-exclusive licence to include the material ... in ...[the] Publications…". Andernfalls müssten Sie für jede spezielle Nachnutzung/ Wiederverwendung (in Präsentationen, auf Webseiten etc.) die Rechte –meist kostenpflichtig – für diese bestimmte Nutzung zurück erwerben. Diese Rechtelizenz und der Verwendungszweck wäre dann auch zu dokumentieren.

Falls Sie Abbildungen, Bilder etc. irgendwann wiederverwenden möchten, stellen Sie einen Antrag beim Einreichen des Manuskripts. Sinnvoll ist dies beispielsweise, wenn Sie neben dem Einstellen in die Publikationsdatenbank/ HZI OpenRepository nach Prüfung der Rechte via SHERPA/RoMEO-Liste die Abbildungen bzw. den Artikel in andere Portale wie beispielsweise Researchgate (Beispiel) einstellen wollen. Details zu den rechtlichen Aspekten finden Sie in den FAQ zum Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht / ZVR (UrhG § 38 Abs. 4), herausgegeben von der Schwerpunktinitiative „Digitale Information“ der Allianz der deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen.

Die Short license kann formlos über oxfordcopyrights@elsevier.com  angefordert werden. Ein Beispiel der "Short licence" können Sie in der gleichnamigen Newsmeldung im Intranet einsehen.

Dear colleagues,

Elsevier is up to waive exclusive rights for images or figures etc. on request (when submitting a paper).
For example, authors of DESY requested such a "Short License" (see attached in Intranet) when submitting a manuscript. Such a "Short Licence" means that the author retains permanently the rights to figures and pictures: Elsevier receives only "non-exclusive license to include the material in ... [the] Publication ...”. Otherwise, you are obliged to reacquire (mostly financially) the rights for any particular re-use (in presentations, on websites etc.). These rights license/ licence agreement and the specific re-use has to be documented.
If you want to reuse images etc. sometime, you should make at best a request when submitting the manuscript. This is useful, for example, if you - in addition to the integration into the publication database / HZI OpenRepository - want to include pictures and/ or the paper in other portals such as ResearchGate (example) Before, please check the rights via SHERPA / RoMEO list. Details on the legal aspect can be found in the FAQs about the so-called Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht / ZVR (UrhG § 38 Abs. 4) published by the focus initiative "Digitale Information".

The “short license” can be requested informally via oxfordcopyrights@elsevier.com. You can see an example of the "short licence" in Intranet attached to this news-posting of the title.

Weiterführende Literatur / additional literature: 

Best regards

your library team


WICHTIG: 13.6.-20.6. Unterbrechungen bei Bibliotheksportal (WWW), -Katalog sowie -account - Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016

(english below)File:Maintenance-time.svg

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

zwischen dem 13.6. und 20.6. wurde unsere Bibliothekssoftware auf einen anderen Server umgezogen und unser Bibliotheksportal hat nun folgende URL: https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de. (Geäußert hat sich das am Wochenende nur dadurch, dass der Bibliothekskatalog und die Kontofunktionen nicht zur Verfügung standen)

Ziel war eine verbesserte Performance, eine bessere Verfügbarkeit, mehr Sicherheit und zukünftig erweiterte Funktionen.

Zeitlicher Ablauf des Serverumzugs:

13.6. – 17.6. (12 Uhr): Die technische Bibliotheksinfrastruktur ist wie gewohnt nutzbar, kurzfristige Unterbrechungen sind möglich, da die Software-Produkte im Hintergrund umgezogen werden.

17.6. (12 Uhr) – 19.6.: Es ist kein Arbeiten mit den Produkten (Webseiten, Bibliothekskatalog + Bibliothekskonten) an diesem Wochenende möglich, da alle Produkte offline genommen werden und unser Provider alle Datenbanken umzieht.

20.6.(12 Uhr): Alle Systeme sind wieder online.


Bibliotheksportal/ Webseiten im WWW (inklusive Bibliothekskatalog):

Um mehr Sicherheit und Datenschutz zu erlangen, wurde ab dem 20.6. die komplette Kommunikation auf HTTPS umgestellt. Hierbei hat sich auch unsere URL verändert zu https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de. Als Alias-URL kann auch https://bibliothek.helmholtz-hzi.de genutzt werden.

Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, falls Verlinkungen ab dem 20.6. noch nicht aktualisiert sind.

Um den Ausfall gering zu halten, findet der eigentliche Serverumzug am Wochenende (17.6.-19.6.) statt. Aus diesem Grund steht am Wochenende der Bibliothekskatalog und die Katalogfunktionen nicht zur Verfügung

Bibliothek im Intranet (> Wissenschaft > Bibliothek)

Gespiegelte Webseiten vom Internet und Links zu Inhalten im Internet werden nicht zugänglich sein.

Wie Sie uns bei dem Serverumzug unterstützen können?

Bitte teilen Sie uns auftretende Probleme mit. Bezüglich Links zu unseren Seiten informieren Sie uns bitte ab dem 20.6., falls Verlinkungen noch nicht auf die neue URL https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de verweisen.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.

Herzliche Grüße,

Ihre Bibliothek


IMPORTANT: 13.6.-20.6. Interruptions in Library Portal (WWW) and the library catalog and user accounts due to server relocation

Dear colleagues,

between the 13.June and 20.June our library software moved to another server. The goals were enhanced performance, better availability, more security and more advanced features in the future. (The relocation was only noticible on that weekend as the library catalog and account features were not available)

Time schedule of the server relocation:

13.6. - 17.6. (12 p.m.): The technical library infrastructure is available as usual but short interruptions are possible because the software products are moved in the background.
17.6. (12 p.m.) - 19.6.: This weekend no usage of  the library products (library portal, library catalog + library accounts) this weekend possible, because all products are taken offline and our provider moves all databases.
20.6. (12 p.m.): All systems are back online.


Library Portal / websites on the internet (including the library catalog):

To gain more security and privacy, the complete web communication is converted from 20th June onwards to HTTPS. Hence, our URL will also change to https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de  (from 20.6. onwards). Alternatively, the alias-URL https://bibliothek.helmholtz-hzi.de  can also be used (from 20.6. onwards after we reconfigured the IP-addresses).
Please let us know if specific links from 20.6. onwards are not working.
To keep the shortfall low the actual server migration will be done on the weekend from 17.6. to 19.6.2016.

Library in Intranet (> Wissenschaft > Bibliothek)

Mirrored webpages from our internet pages and links to our web content won't be available as well.

How can you assist us during the server migration?

Please let us know when you are confronted with a specific problem.

Regarding links to our pages please inform us from the 20. June onwards if links do not point to the new URL https://helmholtz-hzi.bibliotheca-open.de (working from 20. June onwards).

Thank you for your support and your patience.


Best regards,

your library team


MSF Scientific Days (20. & 21. May) - register to watch online - Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016


Dear colleagues,
on 20th and 21st May the conference without borders, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Scientific Days takes place. The entire conference will be streamed live online in both English and French so that you are able to watch it after you registered for it.

Paul Simpson, Deputy of PLOS Medicine is looking forward to the conference and explains it as follows:

"The conference often serves as a bellwether and I’ve reflected many times over the last two years on a 2014 late-breaker talk by Armand Sprecher as I’ve followed the response, research and commentary that has followed the devastating West African Ebola epidemic. Dr Sprecher’s talk was entitled “The 2014 Guinea Ebola Outbreak – The Challenge of Complexity and Scale”. At the time of the 2014 conference the death toll was reported to be 182 and the talk was followed by an open discussion of why MSF devotes resources to Ebola over other diseases. By the end of 2014 the death toll had climbed over 7800 and an estimated €59 million had been spent by MSF on its response to Ebola. Unsurprisingly a substantial proportion of the 2015 conference was devoted to Ebola research, and the epidemic is now estimated to have killed in excess of 11,000 people wreaking havoc across the region.

What can we look forward to from talks on medical research presented at this year’s conference? As one might expect research on the day-to-day challenges faced by MSF care providers will be covered with sessions on HIV, infectious disease outbreaks, falsified medicines, and snakebites. However, the current migration crises affecting the Middle East and Europe will also be covered in detail with a session on the consequences of conflict on migration and mental health plus a keynote presentation from Zaher Sahloul, past-President and current Head of the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) Global Response. I’m also looking forward to a debate on whether the ethics overview system for research in emergencies is fit for purpose, an important opportunity for reflection on the challenge of conducting ethically and scientifically sound research in the midst of challenging circumstances." (from PLOS Medicine's blog)

MSF is committed to publishing their research open access and the content of the scientific days are shared in real time

This year, the conference will also deal with Ebola, research in emergencies and session 4 is on the topic Outbreaks – venom, Valium, and vaccination. Please find the whole agenda and the link for registration here.


This Friday (6. May) we are are out of office/ not in the library - Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016


Dear colleagues,

this Friday (6. May) we are out of office due to illness respectfully vacation. On Monday we are back and at your service.


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

diesen Freitag (6.5.) sind wir nicht im Büro bzw. in der Bibliothek aufgrund von Krankheit bzw. Urlaub.

Am Montag sind wir wieder für Sie da.


Herzliche Grüße/ Best regards,

your library team


Top tips for getting your scientific work noticed - Montag, 2. Mai 2016


It doesn’t matter which scientific tools and social media you are using: the following tips of the Royal Society apply to all the tools that help to improve the notification of your publication (e.g. Kudos see below or here). Also Elsevier published some tips that can be found here (also added to Links, section 4 “impact, research and research funding”).

Learn what you can do yourself to ensure that your article gets the attention it deserves:

Additional information:



Best regards

your library team




13 things authors hate about submitting manuscripts - Montag, 2. Mai 2016


Based on a non-standardized survey on twitter Chris Chambers (@chrisdc77 ) found out what authors hate most about submitting a paper:




Büchertausch-Station nun sortiert nach Genre/ Bookcrossing station now reorganized - Donnerstag, 28. April 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

seit Neuestem haben wir unsere Büchertausch-Station etwas umorganisiert.

Sie  können interessante Literatur jetzt nach Genre aussuchen: Wir haben Bücher im Büchertausch-Regal zu den Genres:

  • Krimi & Thriller, Kinder & Jugend, Romane, Klassik & Klassiker, Ratgeber & Reiseführer, Biografien & Historisch, Englische Literatur (crime novels, historical novels, novels, guides) sowie Französische Literatur…

- Kommen Sie vorbei und probieren Sie die Literaturhäppchen :-)

Aufgrund des Platzmangels im Regal und da wir Sie gern als Besucher begrüßen, würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie vorbeikommen, anlesen und einigen Büchern ein neues Zuhause geben :-)

Sie können uns auch Feedback geben (via ausgefülltem Feedbackzettel in unsere Feedback-Box, siehe Foto auf "Raum für..." ) –und/ oder anderen interessierten Lesern (via Hineinlegen eines ausgefüllten Feedbackzettels in ein, von Ihnen gelesenes Buch).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ihr Bibliotheksteam


Dear Colleagues,

we have lately reorganized our book exchange station.

You can fetch some interesting literature sorted by genres. Our book exchange station includes books from the following genres:

  • Krimi & Thriller, Kinder & Jugend (kids & teens), Romane (novels), Klassik & Klassiker (classics), Ratgeber & Reiseführer (guide books & travel guides), Biografien & Historisch (Biographies & historical), English Literature (crime novels, historical novels, novels, guides) sowie Französische Literatur (french literature)…
  • come and try the literature appetizer :-)

    Due to the limited space in the bookcrossing station and because we like to welcome you as a visitor we would be pleased if you come over to our library and spend some books a new home :-)

    You can also give us feedback (via giving a completed feedback form into the feedback box, see pic on "Raum für...") – and/ or other interested readers (via inserting a completed feedback form into a book that you read).

    Kind regards,

    Your Library Team


EBL Ebook Library merged with ebrary to Ebook Central - Montag, 18. April 2016


EBL merged with ebrary to Ebook Central, an ebook platform that integrates the strengths of EBL and ebrary, and adds new functionality for an unmatched, end-to-end ebook experience for librarians and researchers – your EBL login data should work also for Ebook Central.

EBL and ebrary merged to EBLProQuest signed 2013 an agreement to acquire Ebook Library (EBL) from Ebooks Corp. Ltd. After the completed transfer, Ebook Library (EBL) merged within the last weeks with ebrary (which was acquired by ProQuest in 2011). The aim of this merge was to build a “best-of-breed” ebook platform for libraries drawing on the best features of both services.

The patron interface for ProQuest Ebook Central will be based on ebrary’s fresh, modern reader. It will span the breadth of patron requirements, from discovery to reading to bookshelf. The reader was recently redesigned, setting a new standard for operability for all users. Device-neutral, the reader offers a robust experience for online reading.


Ebook Central offers:

  • Modern, user-centered design for researchers that spans the breadth of patrons’ research needs, from discovery to reading to sharing
  • Librarian acquisition & administration via ProQuest LibCentral: supports discovery, selection, acquisition, administration, and in-depth title, usage and expenditure analytics
  • Support for all access models available from ebrary and EBL on a single platform
  • 776.000 E-Books of 650 international or german publishers (47% STM,  53% Humanities/ Social Sciences)
  • Of which 603.000 E-Books are offered as Demand-Driven Acquisition

E-book usage (login with your former EBL login data possible)

• Up to 5 minutes "Browse" in not acquired item (without charging a usage)

• Up to 10 minutes "Browse" in already acquired titles (without charging a usage)

• Online reading, copying, printing, downloading, bookmarks, highlights, notes to user account

• 40% Print, 40% Chapter Download, 20% copy per user per session instance


Advantages in user portal: Ebook Central (after login)

• personalized Home ("bookshelf")

• View results by relevance

• text legibility optimized (text-only PDFs)

• Chapter Download

• marking function (in multiple colors)

• export option for sources


More on Ebook Central:

Ebook Central how-to videos (Youtube)

Ebook Central guide (LibGuide)      


Proquest’s original announcements: http://support.proquest.com/apex/homepage?id=kA140000000GxgkCAC&l=en_US



If you have any questions, please contact us.


Best regards,

Your library team


Sciencedirect offers new guides on how to get started - Donnerstag, 7. April 2016


ScienceDirect (belongs to Elsevier) offers convenient, easy, 24/7 access to eBooks, ejournals, articles etc.

For the usage exists no strict digital rights management, so you can download book chapters to read on the go on your device (including eReader device).

Some tutorials are featured below to help you get started in your search. Visit www.sciencedirect.com and take advantage of this content right away to deepen your knowledge in the scientific fields that interests you.

Some interesting tutorials are are featured below to help you get started in your search and other usage of Sciencedirect’s content:

You can find this little overview of tutorials also in the Links, section 2) Hilfeseiten zu bestimmten Produkten / Help for specific products





Principles for Article Sharing on Scholarly Collaboration Networks - Mittwoch, 30. März 2016


Dear colleagues,

the scientific community of researchers, librarians, publishers and scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs) needs to work in tandem to improve the article sharing experience. To this end, a working group of the International Association of STM Publishers has published — with community input — voluntary principles for article sharing on SCNs.

What are Scholarly collaboration networks?

Scholarly collaboration networks (= SCNs, also called scientific social networks) are used to to connect with colleagues, discuss specific topics or publications. The most popular scholarly collaboration networks are Researchgate (6 million members), Mendeley (5 million members) and Academia (30 million monthly visitors)- explained in brief on the page Science tools (http://www.bibliotheca-open.helmholtz-hzi.de/de-de/services/sciencetools.aspx)

These networks solicit researchers to establish collaboration networks and give users capabilities to upload versions of their articles to be shared with user-defined collaboration groups and, in some cases, members of the public. Regarding sharing common principles should be known and met.


Principles for article sharing on Scholarly collaboration networks

In February 2015, the working group posted a draft of voluntary principles for article sharing on SCNs and related FAQs concerning the use of these networks. STM asked the wider research community to consider the draft principles available on the STM website and actively sought commentary over a two-month consultation period that concluded in April 2015. 

This round of consultation resulted in a healthy debate across the stakeholders, including substantial library community comments. A revised set of voluntary principles was posted on the STM consultation web page in August 2015. The list of endorsing organizations can be found here.

The principles basically provide user guidelines for sharing articles among research collaborators and the FAQs address additional cases. Thus, have a look into these principles for article sharing. For example, one of the principle is:


“Public posting of journal article metadata and open access journal articles in scholarly collaboration networks should be encouraged” (see http://www.stm-assoc.org/2015_06_08_Voluntary_principles_for_article_sharing_on_scholarly_collaboration_networks.pdf)

Thus, the sharing of articles that are published under specific rules is not allowed.

That means, if you want to share an article check the conditions of the publisher / journal via SHERPA/RoMEO.


We recommend the following procedure:

  1. select the appropriate journal
    1. according to quality issues (checklist "Clues to quality of journals") and type of financing
    2. check via  SHERPA/RoMEO the conditions for re-use, sharing and postprint publication (e.g. deposit in our institutional repository HZI OpenRepository)
  2. submit your article
  3. Let your article be available in HZI OpenRepository


see http://www.bibliotheca-open.helmholtz-hzi.de/Zeitschriften/OpenAccess/IhreOA-Vorgehensweise.aspx

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

your library team


This announcement is based on Elsevier’s recent blogpost http://libraryconnect.elsevier.com/articles/article-sharing-scholarly-collaboration-networks


Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter - Donnerstag, 24. März 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir hoffen, dass Sie eine schöne Osterzeit erleben:

Das Bibliotheksteam wünscht Ihnen frohe Ostertage!


Dear colleagues,

we hope that you enjoy the Easter time:

the library team wishes Happy Easter!



Webinar "How to go OpenAccess" (23.03.2016) - Dienstag, 22. März 2016


Dear colleagues,

tomorrow will take place a free webinar „How to go Open Access“ (organized by ETH Zürich).

If you are interested,

a) please register via http://www.library.ethz.ch/de/wpeth/form/7?event=Webinar:%20How%20to%20go%20Open%20Access&date=23.03.2016


b) and click the access-URL tomorrow short before or at 11 a.m: https://collab.switch.ch/openaccess  

How to go Open Access


Schulungstermine Webinar






Mi, 23.03.2016



Anmelden/ register

im Kalender eintragen

Anmeldung erforderlich / registration necessary

Webinar (free online webinar)

Technische Voraussetzungen/ technical requirements:

Schulungsinhalte/ content:

  • Open-Access-Publizieren: Wie, wann, wo? / Publishing OpenAccess: how, when and where?
  • Verlagsvertrag und Autorenrechte / contract and author rights
  • Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten / financing possibilities
  • Open-Access-Vorgaben der Forschungsförderer und wie Sie diese erfüllen können / requirements and rules of funders and how to meet them

Zielpublikum/ target groups:

  • Doktorierende/ PhD-students
  • Angehörige der ETH Zürich / members of ETH Zürich (or external interested persons)
  • Studierende, die publizieren möchten/ students who want to publish
  • Wissenschaftlich Interessierte/ interested persons


Best regards,

your library team


Endnote-workshops for Health Professionals - Donnerstag, 10. März 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir freuen uns, Ihnen das Angebot (von Alfasoft) der Endnote-Workshops speziell für Mediziner weiterleiten zu können. Ergänzend zum Training „Recherchieren und Publizieren mit EndNote für Mediziner“ findet direkt im Anschluss der Kurs „Wie schreibe ich ein PAPER“ statt.

Sie haben so die Möglichkeit, am ersten Tag von der Recherche bis zur Publikation alle notwendigen Kenntnisse zum Umgang mit EndNote zu erlangen, am zweiten Tag lernen Sie Methoden kennen, die Ihnen das Schreiben eines Research Papers erleichtern. Am ersten Tag liegt der besondere Fokus auf der Nutzung von medizinischen Fachdatenbanken (PubMed, MedPilot, DIMDI) und der Vermittlung von Recherchestrategien mit EndNote. Am zweiten Tag durchläuft der Kurs alle Phasen des Schreibprozesses, so dass Sie am Ende des Tages in der Lage sind, Ihr Paper mit großem Elan und vertieftem Wissen selbstständig zu schreiben.

Alle Informationen zu den beiden Kursen finden Sie unter dem jeweiligen Datum:

Recherchieren und Publizieren mit EndNote für Mediziner
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 7. Mai 2016
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 18. Juni 2016

Wie schreibe ich ein PAPER?
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 8. Mai 2016
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 19. Juni 2016


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to forward to you the offer (by Alfasoft) of Endnote workshops specifically for health professionals. In addition to the training "Find and publish with EndNote for Health Professionals" after the course "How to Write a Paper" takes place directly afterwards.

Thus, you have the opportunity to gain all the necessary knowledge to deal with EndNote on the first day regarding the process from research to publication, on the second day you will learn methods to assist you in writing a Research Paper.

During the first day special focus is on the use of medical databases (PubMed, MedPilot, DIMDI) and on search strategies with EndNote. On the second day of the course goes through all the stages of the writing process, so that you are at the end of the day be able to operate it with alacrity and deepened knowledge to write your paper independently.

All information about the courses can be found under the respective date:

Find and publish with EndNote for Health Professionals for Health Professionals
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 7. Mai 2016
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 18. Juni 2016

How to Write a Paper
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 8. Mai 2016
Bad Hersfeld, Samstag, 19. Juni 2016

Best regards,

your library team


Next week: CeBIT 2016 (special topic in com!-professional, issue 4/2016) - Donnerstag, 10. März 2016


Dear colleagues,

next week will take place CeBIT in Hannover. Some of the hot topics are: BigData/ Analytics, Cloud, IT-Infrastructure, Business security and IT-Trends, of course

In the current issue of com!-professional is a special topic dealing with the highlights of CeBIT 2016 : you can find also find this issue in our journal display (see page Print-Zeitschriften).


FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot (webinar on Friday, 18. 3.) - Donnerstag, 10. März 2016


Dear colleagues,

last year we explained the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot (library news from 6. June 2015).

FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot in short:

The European Commission launched the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot last year, https://www.openaire.eu/postgrantoapilot, to fund Open Access publishing fees for publications arising from finished FP7 projects through the OpenAIRE project. This Pilot provides funding for Open Access Article and Book Processing Charges (APCs/BPCs) for FP7 projects up to two years after their end.

The webinar (a follow-up to the first held in October 2015) will be a led by Pablo de Castro, from LIBER, the coordinating institution for this FP7 Post-Grant OA Pilot, and will have two parts. The first part will address the following topics:

  • How the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot works;
  • How organizations are working with LIBER and OpenAIRE in order to support the Pilot implementation;
  • How to use the central service at https://postgrantoapilot.openaire.eu/ for collecting and processing funding requests for Open Access publishing fees;
  • What dissemination actions will be carried out next.

The second part of the webinar will be a Q&A session where any questions about this FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot and its progress will be answered.

The webinar will take place on:

Date: 18 March 2016
Time: 11:00 CET


More details and how to register you will find at OpenAire's page "FP7 post-grant OpenAccess publishing funds pilot (webinar)"

Best regards,

your library team


Unify Account data for Mendeley, Scopus, Sciencedirect and other Elsevier products - Dienstag, 1. März 2016


Dear colleagues,

you can unify account data for Mendeley, Scopus, Sciencedirect and other Elsevier products to unlock future features – when you are logging into your Mendeley account, for example, this suggestion pops up:

Screenshot of window regarding unifying account data when logging into Mendeley account












After renewing your account data for all those Elsevier products, the new account data also works for another Elsevier product (e.g. literature database Scopus / personalized account called “MyScopus”, where you can set up search alerts, author citation alerts or document citation alerts).

Furthermore, Mendeley now offers version 1.15.3, that contains some hot fixes for the integrated PDF reader and foundations for the upcoming coloured annotations – just install it when you open MendeleyDesktop the next time:












 Best regards,

Your library team


Scopus Document Download Manager - certificate notification error and how to reship it - Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016

Dear colleagues,

Scopus Users who are trying to use the Document Download Manager in Scopus have encountered a certification notification error that Scopus is trying to solve - in the meantime, please follow Scopus' instructions:


Scopus webinar, Scopus Tips and Tricks regarding author profile, OpenAccess indicatiors update etc. - Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016



Most interesting in our opinion are the tips and tricks regarding ORCID. That's why we integrated the announcement "What's on your profile page? A tip to check and correct your author details" and the Video "ORCID and Scopus: Manage your author profile" at the following pages:

If you have any questions regarding such aspects feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

your library



Webinar "Getting beyond the PDF with Sciencedirect" - Montag, 8. Februar 2016


Dear colleagues,

the free Webinar "Getting beyond the PDF" on 11th of February deals with

  • How 3 important steps can help you become a more effective and efficient searcher.
  • How the article of the future is more navigable.
  • How additional content puts research into context.

You can register at Sciencedirect for this webinar


Analysis on impact factor and rejection correlations - Montag, 1. Februar 2016


This commentary of Frontiers Communications shows that in most cases there is no correlation between high impact factor journals and a high rejection rate: http://blog.frontiersin.org/2016/01/27/high-impact-fast-decisions-and-reasonable-rejection-rates/



Please find the original data - which lead to the figure below - deposited here. If you want to find out which dot in the figure belongs to which journal: go to JCR, choose "view all journals", sort by Impact Factor and compare it : take a specific dot and compare the original data against the JCR list ranked by Impact Factor.

Hopefully, you can learn something new from the data.

Best regards,

your library team



The book exchange shelf/ bookcrossing station (W0.40, reading area) got a new design - Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

seit letztem Jahr gibt es bei uns in der HZI-Bibliothek ein Büchertauschregal in der Lese-Lounge vor der Zeitschriftenauslage (siehe Raumplan: Medienbereiche). Dieses hat nun ein neues Gewand bekommen (siehe Foto, das wir dankenswerterweise von der PuK erhalten haben).

Jeder der mag, kann eigene gegen andere interessante Bücher tauschen: Die Bücher sind nicht Teil des Bibliotheksbestandes, haben somit keine Leihfrist und können  ohne Bibliotheksausweis mitgenommen werden.

Bisher finden sich Bücher verschiedener Genre (Krimi, Reise, Romantik, Sciencefiction, Sachbuch, Thriller etc.) in Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch im Regal. Aber auch alle anderen Sprachen und Genre sind willkommen.

Das Beste ist: Die Bibliothek ist 24 Stunden am Tag geöffnet. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen von 9:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr gerne zur Verfügung (Rückmeldungen zu diesem Projekt sind auch sehr willkommen).

Viel Spaß beim Tauschen und Lesen!


Dear colleagues,

since last year HZI library offers a book exchange shelf in the reading area in front of the journal display (see room plan: media areas). The book exchange shelf got a new design (see photo which we got from PuK). Everybody can swap own books against other interesting books: The books are not part of the library collection, don't have a loan period and you can take books with you without library card.

Until now there are books from different genre (crime, Travel, Romantic, Sciencefiction, Non-fiction, Thriller etc.) in German, English, Spanish or French available, but all other genres and languages are welcome as well.

The best is: the library is open 24/7. We are happy to answer your questions on weekdays from 9 h – 16.30 h (feedback on this project is also welcome ;) ).

Happy swapping!


ORCID becomes mandatory for some publishers and funders - Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016


There are initiatives such as ORCID[1] (which is also mentioned in our overview of Sciencetools) where the working group of the European Science Foundation (ESF) agreed that it “…[i]s important for research organisations to support international efforts to uniquely identify researchers, and link this information to research output information.”[2] (Please also have look at our first news on ORCID.)


These publishers make or made ORCID mandatory: 

American Geophysical Union (AGU), eLife, EMBO, FrontiersHindawi, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), PLOS, Royal Society ((its publishing director is giving details in an interview) and Science - you can find all signatories in this open letter.


The Wellcome Trust made ORCID a mandatory requirement from August 2015 onwards and others (like in UK and other countries) will follow. Here is a list (taken from ORCID blog) of funders that made ORCID mandatory so far:

  • Autism Speaks, USA (2014)
  • FCT, Portugal (2014)
  • QNRF, Qatar (2014)
  • SRC, Sweden (2014)
  • Department of Transportation, US (2015)
  • NIHR, UK (2015)
  • Wellcome Trust, UK (2015)


The Royal society sums up the main benefits of ORCID:

  1. It’s a time saver:

ORCID provides a unique digital  identifier, which is the solution for the problem of name ambiguity (distinguishes you from other researchers with similar names and links you to your work regardless of any variant spellings of your name). It supports authentication across multiple journals, search engines and services, allowing you a single sign-on.                 

Up to now, each time you apply for a new grant, or register for a service (such as ResearchGate), you have had to re-enter all the same information in each system. Once you have created an ORCID identifier and connected it with your publications, grants, and affiliations, your details will automatically be entered when using any compatible system.


  1. It provides cross-platform compatibility

More and more systems are building in ORCID support, which means you can now easily connect your ORCID iD to your existing publications via interfaces with systems such as Crossref, EuropePMC, or Scopus (see Sciencetools). Furthermore publishers’ systems are now able to automatically update your ORCID record as you publish each new article, saving you the trouble of updating it manually.  A number of systems, including university profiles, library repositories, funder reporting, pull data from ORCID, meaning you will spend less time manually updating in these as well.


  1. Your privacy is protected

When you sign up for an ORCID iD you retain complete control and can set privacy settings on information in your record. For example, you can make some or all of your research works public whilst keeping other information (such as email addresses) private. You control which organizations have access to your record and which can add information.


  1. It helps to build reputations

Using an ORCID identifier helps to build your reputation by making research works much more visible to potential collaborators, funders and employers. Publication repositories are using ORCID iDs to enable search, and universities are using them to support updates of local profile systems. ORCID also enables connections with, datasets, grant applications, reviewer reports, etc., to build a complete picture of your research contribution.


That are the reasons why we suggest to join and use ORCID. The best is: ORCID is for free and neutral whereas ScopusID and ResearcherID are linked to the journal output[3]. How to link ORCID with your Scopus or researcherID profile we described in Sciencetools.

Best regards,

your library team

[1] ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in scholarly communications by creating a registry of persistent unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID, other ID schemes, and research objects such as publications, grants and patents: http://about.orcid.org/


Merry Christmas and highlights of this year - Freitag, 18. Dezember 2015


Dear colleagues,

different things happened this year

– a good time to look back at some highlights:


We want to wish Merry Christmas and created by David S. Hard, Flickra Happy New Year to all of you! :-)

Enjoy and celebrate with friends and/ or family – hopefully it is also relaxing.

Library’s service hours during the festive season and turn of the year:

21. - 23. Dec 2015 (out of office: 24. Dec to 1. Jan) We are there for you again from 04. Jan onwards

Are you well-provided with books for the festive season?

Come around and get some:

scientific literature at the information desk  or fiction at the book crossing station







How to identify key opinion leaders via Scopus - Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015


Dear colleagues,

in Scopus you have a variety of analytical tools for analyzing the output of specific scientists, institutions etc.

How to identify key opinion leaders (which was also described in our Scopus presentation) is explained in Scopus-Blog: http://blog.scopus.com/posts/how-to-use-scopus-to-identify-key-opinion-leaders-in-6-easy-steps:


  1. Perform a <Document Search> on your research topic
  2. Better <Limit> fior example to 2013-2015 to  get the most recent research
  3. Click above the results list on the button <Analyze search results> (check above the graph if the date fields are set to 2013-2015)
  4. Compare for each author the document counts in the table. Via clicking on the corresponding line in the chart (to the right of the table, arrow "step 4") you are able to have a closer look on individual publications

    Analyze authors (Screenshot by Scopus)

  5. Via clicking on the author name hyperlink (see arrow "step 5") you see the author details (author ID, the author's affiliation, citations etc.)

    Analyze authors (Screenshot by Scopus)

Addendum: If the author profile is yours and your ORCID is not shown in the author details you can click on <Add to ORCID> to integrate your ORCID id and details into Scopus.

Wanna try? Begin a search in Scopus. 

If any questions arise feel free to ask us.

Best regards

your library team


Watch free Endnote webinar @ Alfasoft Online Demo Day - Freitag, 27. November 2015


Dear colleagues,

recently, on the 12th of November, the Alfasoft Online Demo Day took place including a webinar on Endnote (the invitation was sent late afternoon the day before to chosen persons). With more than 1000 participants in 2014, and on user request, this event was offered again by Alfasoft. Now the recordings are available and fortunately particpants are allowed to share it: so don't miss this 30-minutes Endnote-webinar (questions and answers from chat are also summed up).


Perhaps you are also interested in the other tools then visit the recordings' entry page:

09:00 AM CET EndNote
10:00 AM CET NVivo 11
11:00 AM CET MindManager
12:00 PM CET Embarcadero
13:00 PM CET Mathcad Prime 3.1
14:00 PM CET SIMULIA - Dassault

We also added the Endnote-webinar to the link collection, section 3) Literaturverwaltung (literature management) & social bookmarking

Hopyfully you can learn something new - for Endnote I can say this webinar is worth to see.

Best regards,

your library team


How some journals are hijacked via snatching internet domains of academic publishers - Dienstag, 24. November 2015

Dear colleagues,

hijacked journals remain a hot topic - several different strategies exist regarding hijacking. One of them is snatching internet domains of academic publishers which Bohannon describes in detail in this article:

Some of the hijacked journals are also listed at Web of Science - please visit this additional page to learn about those hijacked journals, the investigational process and code.

As some of you were already confronted with paper submissions at or invitations for hijacked or weird looking journals we summarized criteria to check the quality of journals in the guide "Clues to journal quality" (those criteria should be common practice but perhaps you are not familiar with all of them (?) ).

If you have any questions - in general or regarding a specific journal - feel free to contact us: bibliothek (at) helmholtz-hzi.de

Best regards,

your library team



Mendeley now in Softwarecenter for installing it on your workstation - Montag, 9. November 2015


Dear colleagues,

after a hint of a staff member using Mendeley regularly we seeked to get Mendeley into the “Softwarecenter” so that staff members of HZI campus can add Mendeley to their workstation.

For adding Mendeley to your workstation at HZI go to:

Start > All programs > Microsoft System Center 2012 > Configuration Manager > Softwarecenter

Screenshot of the Softwarecenter on workstation

To learn the approximate need of staff members we checked the statistics of our recently created library portal’s page “Focus: Mendeley” which showed that there were more than 300 page views.

The  IT-Team/ Rechenzentrum checked the requirements before integrating Mendeley to the Softwarecenter.

If you use Mendeley don’t forget to join our institutional group  HZI (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research). You can also benefit from a free upgrade – learn more on Focus: Mendeley.

Have a nice week.

Best regards,

your library team


Mendeley offers new features - Mittwoch, 4. November 2015


Mendeley now offers new features (e.g. MendeleySuggest that is also available in the free premium version). The features are explained at MendeleyBlog:



You can also benefit from these enhanced features via upgrading to Mendeley Premium Seats:

-Increase in personal library size for each user, from 2 GB to 5 GB
-Increase in group storage, from 100 MB to 20 GB
-Increase in private group size, from three to 25 members
-Increase in number of private groups, from one to unlimited
-Automatic literature recommendations (Mendeley Suggest)

Learn more at http://www.bibliotheca-open.helmholtz-hzi.de/en-us/services/sciencetools/focusmendeley.aspx

Feel free to join our institutional group HZI (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) on Mendeley to benefit from getting to know current developments, tips and experiences from others. Of course, you can also join when you don't want to upgrade right now ;-)

Best regards,
your library team





Mendeley Premium Seats with enhanced features is now offered by HZI Library - Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015


From now on up to 500 institutional members are able to upgrade to Mendeley premium seats due to Steffis participation in the “Mendeley Certification Program for Librarians”. Once a librarian has completed all three levels of this certification program, their institution receives a free premium Mendeley upgrade for up to 500 of their users for the current calendar year. The upgrade includes:

  • Increase in personal library size for each user, from 2 GB to 5 GB
  • Increase in group storage, from 100 MB to 20 GB
  • Increase in private group size, from three to 25 members
  • Increase in number of private groups, from one to unlimited
  • Automatic literature recommendations (Mendeley Suggest)

We chose to combine the going-live of Mendeley Premium Seats at our institution with the presentation of Scopus and Mendeley at the 20th of October. We thank all attendees for participating and for sharing comments and experiences during this event. :-)

As this sharing of tips and experiences should go on we created an institutional group HZI (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) on Mendeley – so feel invited to join! :-)

We also created the page Focus: Mendeley (Library portal in Internet > Services > Sciencetools) to inform about Mendeley and Mendeley Premium Seats and how to upgrade to Mendeley Premium Seats – please follow the steps described there to ensure that the upgrade is successful.

 Just to give you a small impression how we planned to go on in the process of going live with “Mendeley Institutional Edition”:


  Mendeley Premium Seats -project plan




We hope that you benefit from this special offer and the enhanced Mendeley features. Please contact Mrs. Schulz (sch13) in case of questions or problems.

All the best,

your library team


Think. Check. Submit. (How to Have Trust in Your Publisher.) - Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015


"Think. Check. Submit." is a new campaign to help researchers in identifying who they can trust when they are seeking to publish their work. The campaign is co-ordinated by ALPSP, DOAJ, INASP, ISSN, LIBER, OASPA, STM, UKSG, and several publishers including BioMed Central, Springer Nature and Ubiquity Press.

The campaign provides a checklist for researchers - a shorter version of our guide "Clues to quality of journals" (which will soon be updated by us - in cooperation with the members of Bibliotheksausschuss, Intranet-page Bibliotheksausschuss).

The blog Scholarlykitchen published an article on this campaign in which the background and key facts are explained:


Peer Review Week and free webinar "Trust and Transparency in Peer Review" - Dienstag, 29. September 2015


This week the first „Peer Review Week” takes place! You can join in Peer Review Week 2015 by tweeting (#peerrevwk15)

Peer review – in all its forms – is central to scholarly communications: From funding applications through journal submissions to hiring and promotion decisions and beyond – all rely on some form of peer review.

The changing needs of researchers – especially as a result of the move to digital and the globalization of scholarly research – are not just leading to new forms of publication, but also to new forms of peer review. Traditional publishers and startups alike are experimenting with open peer review, transferable peer review, peer review validation, and more. There is also increased awareness of how much time researchers are spending on peer review and the need for this to be recognized – and valued – by their institutions, resulting in new ways of enabling credit for this (see, for example, Publons).

Just four organizations – ORCID, ScienceOpen, Sense About Science, and Wiley – were involved in the initial planning of the Peer Review Week), the response has been encouraging – in the first two weeks there were 340 tweets from 180 twitter handles.  And the depth and breadth of organizations and people who are getting involved is encouraging; from major publishers like Elsevier, Oxford University Press, and Taylor & Francis to smaller organizations like ISMTE (the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors), Publons, and Open Scholar, it’s good to see so many positive responses.

You can attend to the free webinar “Trust and Transparency in Peer Review“ hosted by Wiley:

Trust and Transparency in Peer Review
Kent Anderson, AAAS; Verity Brown (StAndrews Uni); Alexander Grossman, (Scienceopen); Laura Haad (ORCID); Andrew Preston (Publons)
Oct 01 2015 5:00 pm | 60 mins

Peer review is at the heart of scholarly communication as a strong peer review helps to ensure quality. This webinar, hosted by Wiley, will explore the foundations of trust in peer review. Experts from academia and publishing will share different perspectives on issues around openness and transparency in the peer review process.

Use the link above to register for this webinar.

To get a list of the next upcoming events and past webinars that are recorded and can be replayed go to the Wiley's "Videos and Webinars"

As mentioned above please feel invited to join the "Peer Review Week 2015" by tweeting (#peerrevwk15). You can follow the updates at Twitter here.

Best regards

your library team



OpenAireFactsheets available for Researchers and Research Administrators - Freitag, 11. September 2015


OpenAire offers two factsheets explaining EC H2020 Open Scholarship policies and how OpenAIRE can help

Two factsheets give general advice for specific stakeholders:

thumbnail for researchersThe OpenAIRE Factsheet for Researchers includes advice on adhering to the EC Horizon 2020 Open Access mandate and Open Research Data Pilot, including where, when and how to deposit publications and data.

The OpenAIRE Factsheet for Research Administrators includes similar information for those coordinating research activities, as well as advice on how OpenAIRE can help generate project publication lists.


We, HZI Library, participate with HZI Open Repository in OpenAire (which institutions participate can be seen at www.openaire.eu/participate) and help, support and assist you regarding 

  • all aspects of publishing
  • providing your scientific work as OpenAccess (which increases the accessibility and outreach of your research)
  • what to consider and how to go on (see suggested approach)
  • => so feel free to contact us  


At  https://www.openaire.eu/factsheets/support/h2020 you will also find these  H2020 factsheets as well as other H2020 guides.


We would like to add that the HZI Open Repository is operated by HZI Library which relieves you much of the administrative work (registration, metadata entry, file check, upload, data management). All you need is the final manuscript which you send to us.

But before you submit a paper, please check according to our suggested approach if the journal in which you want to publish allows a second / postprint publication at SHERPA/RoMEO. - Details on the legal aspect can be found in the FAQs about the so-called Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht / ZVR (UrhG § 38 Abs. 4) published by the focus initiative "Digitale Informationen".


Best regards

your library team


HZI Open Repository is ranked as number 12 in OA Repository Ranking - Mittwoch, 9. September 2015


In Open Access Repository Ranking we succeeded in getting ranked higher: we were able to reposition HZI Open Repository from rank 69 to rank 12* – that means we won 57 ranks: a really huge step to the front! Among the Helmholtz repositories ours is the second best after Jülich (rank 6). Furthermore, if you look at the regional ranking for Lower Saxony we are ranked number 1 (together with Göttingen "GoeScholar")!

 *This year we signed up for actively taking part in the Open Access Repository Ranking: The metric 2015 and criteria details can be found here (learn more on “Census on Open Access Repositories in Germany, Austria and Switzerland” and the “OARR” in this german presentation).


When you click at our repository you get the most important facts:

As we described earlier (July, 31st) we increased the usability of the HZI Open Repository in order to meet quality standards of repositories and changed several things such as:

  • Policy: We specified the Policy, e.g. we separated the CC-licence for metadata from the repository’s content: The metadata in the HZI Open Repository is protected by Creative Commons license CC 0. The content, full texts as well as supplements, is protected by the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC 4.0 requesting a mention of the work’s primary creator and prohibits commercial use. This should allow the widest possible Re-use of all materials including the use in remixes and mashups.
  • Contacts: We specified the information on this page to refer to diversified needs and give now more information on the specific contact persons.
  • Furthermore, we integrated into the “Submit an item”-process a field for adding an ORCID identifier in order to increase the search functionality. – For those of you who never heard of ORCID before: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. More details you will find in our announcement “Are you as a researcher ready to get a researcher-ID from the 18th of March 2015.

 - Additionally, we are in the process of integrating ORCID identifiers for our institutional researchers (if available and we are informed about the specific ORCID identifier of the researcher).

How to get your research work into HZI Open Repository? Please find more details at OpenAccess and the Policy of HZI Open Repository or contact us.

We hope that you like HZI OpenRepository – if there is anything else you would like on HZI OpenRepository please let us know!

And now let’s enjoy rank 12!

Best regards,

your library team


Scopus Document Download Manager via Chrome - Donnerstag, 3. September 2015


This announcement is important for all those who want to download papers from Scopus via Chrome:


Chrome is currently the most-used browser (43% in August, see chart) among our users.

image 1: Browsers used (statistics from Aug. 2015)

So, we would like to inform you about Chrome (version 42 or higher) having problems with the Document Download Manager of Scopus. The Document Download Manager should open (see image 3) when you click at the button “Download” (see image 2) – make sure that the current java-version is installed (more information in Scopus Help here).

Since 1st of September, Google released version 45 of Google Chrome. Since Chrome version 42 (or higher), the “Netscape Plugin API” (NPAPI) in Chrome was disabled by default. As a Windows or Mac user you can enable it for Chrome 42-44 manually, as explained in this Scopus blog post here (on Android Javascript / NPAPI is disabled). With Chrome version 45 this NPAPI plugin will be permanently removed and thus users will not be able to manually enable this again.

If you wish to keep using the Document Download Manager we recommend the following:

Scopus is currently working on an update for the Scopus Document Download Manager that should be supported by Chrome version 45 (or future versions).

(To reach all Scopus visitors, Scopus added a banner at their landing page to inform all Chrome users)


More information:

original Scopus blogpost

Chrome 42-44 manual workaround
NPAPI deprecation: developer guide
Chrome Help


Best regards,

your library team


Help us in optimizing our pages/ services in order to meet your needs better - Freitag, 31. Juli 2015

- Various slight changes made - but there is always more to do


Dear colleagues,

perhaps you noticed that today, 31th of July, is the 16th System Administrator Appreciation Day :) http://sysadminday.com/ so let's celebrate! (gifts, words of gratitude etc. are also appreciated. :) just drop by to the IT-department and the library or mail/ phone us :) ).

There is even a System Administrator's Day song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE_p5N89XQI (have fun watching it)

In these manner we were really engaged the last weeks to make various changes on our pages that we would like to inform you about:

Library in Intranet (Intranet > Wissenschaft > Bibliothek):

At our entrance page the menu buttons (with its specific icons) “Elektronische Zeitschriften” and „Onlinekatalog/Webportal” redirect you to the specific pages of our library portal in the internet. If you need further explanations and additional tipps you can click there the upper sections “Zeitschriften” respectively “Katalog”.

The display of mirrored pages (integrated pages of different internet pages via iFrame) caused display errors in some browsers. That’s why we integrated a screenshot of the specific external webpage and linked from the screenshot to the external webpage. So, when you click on that screenshot a new tab opens with the specific webpage – namely, at the following intranet pages:


Library portal in WWW

We added a Website search where can search for words on our pages.

Some days ago I monitored current and older crawl errors (displayed by GoogleBot) that occurred due to changes in page-names/ URLs. – So, if something is not working as it should or something is confusing, please inform me (sch13, -1165).

(Some other things are in the pipeline – but we still have to solve some configuration problems.)

Addendum: The different search tools library catalogs, databases and search engines are explained at the page “Recherchetools” – if you think we should add some tools or change some explanations please let us know. (As information experts we sometimes tend to use our jargon without noticing it so help us to develop easy-to-use tools and explanations.)


HZI Open Repository

In order to meet quality standards of repositories and to increase the usability of the repository pages we specified and changed several things in HZI OpenRepository.

  • Policy: We specified the Policy, e.g. we separated the CC-licence for metadata from the repository’s content: The metadata in the HZI Open Repository is protected by Creative Commons license CC 0. The content, full texts as well as supplements, is protected by the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC 4.0 requesting a mention of the work’s primary creator and prohibits commercial use. This should allow the widest possible Re-use of all materials including the use in remixes and mashups.
  • Contacts: We specified the information on this page to refer to diversified needs and give now more information on the specific contact persons.
  • Furthermore, we integrated into the “Submit an item”-process a field for adding an ORCID identifier in order to increase the search functionality. – For those of you who never heard of ORCID before: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. More details you will find in our announcement “Are you as a researcher ready to get a researcher-ID from the 18th of March 2015.

 - Additionally, we are in the process of integrating ORCID identifiers for our institutional researchers (if available and we are informed about the specific ORCID identifier of the researcher).


Some of those changes will influence our position in the “Open Access Repository Ranking”/ OARR that is currently updated (learn more on “Census on Open Access Repositories in Germany, Austria and Switzerland” and the “OARR” in this german presentation). This year we signed up for actively taking part in it. We are looking forward to learn our new position in this ranking. :)


What is your personal opinion?

Are you satisfied with these changes? Is there something that we can make even better? ...

Just come around or contact us :)

(Of course, we love to hear positive feedback but we also want to have constructive criticism: if something is not working as it should, please inform me (sch13, -1165).

In case of our library portal you can express your opinion via clicking the specific information in the three questions of the survey.


Best regards,

your library team


Frontiers is now also one of HZI’s institutional payment partners - Montag, 27. Juli 2015


We are delighted to announce that also for Frontiers we have an institutional payment agreement (see the Institutional Membership’s list). To quote from Frontiers blog this means the following for you as an institutional member:

“As a participating member in the agreement between Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft and Frontiers, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH covers Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the institution who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal. An 8% pre-payment discount will be applied to the net price which would otherwise be payable for publication, after deduction of any other discounts (e.g. Research-Topic participation or editorial-board members).”


Like HZI also Frontiers supports OpenAccess: the whole content of all present and past journals at Frontiers is immediately and permanently accessible online free of charge and published under the CC-BY license, which permits us to integrate your paper in HZI Open Repository and readers are allowed to use, distribute and reproduce in any medium (provided the original authors and the source are credited).

- For more details on OpenAccess at Frontiers please visit their open access’ page.


The open access journals at Frontiers maintain high quality standards of publications in order to be competitive: Frontiers went through extra-lengths to ensure rigorous, yet also fair, constructive, efficient and transparent reviews by putting into place our trademark Collaborative Review. Frontiers’ review process (see details here) provides thorough and unbiased peer-reviews to all submitted manuscripts, and all articles are a landmark of high quality.


Frontiers is cooperating with libraries, funding agencies, and research consortia like Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft to find ways to support researchers directly. These relationships enable us to remove some or all of the responsibility for article publishing fees from individual authors. For more information on Article Publishing Fees at Frontiers, please click here.


If you would like to know more about this (or another issue) please contact us.


Best regards,

your library team


Mendeley for Android now available - Freitag, 24. Juli 2015

For all Mendeley users (or persons interested in Mendeley) who want to use Mendeley on an Android deivce we have good news: Mendeley for Android is now  also available for Android (announced in March, release  available since 16th of June). You can install Mendeley for Android via Google Play Store (which we tested on our Info-Terminal – the one that you can find between the Multitouch table and the library shelves). The features are similar to the Windows version:
  • Read and annotate PDFs
  • Sync the annotations you made as well as the documents across all your devices
  • Save PDFs to your Mendeley library from other apps or your web browser
  • Use Mendeley also offline, and sync when you have connection
  • Search function for searching your library for keywords in the Title, Authors, Publication or Abstract
  • Edit the details of your documents (Title, Authors, Publication details, etc…)
  • Download or remove PDFs on demand, to easily manage device storage space
  • All features are available on your Tablet or Phone
  • and it is Free


More details you can find in the interview with Mendeley’s Product Manager Steve Dennis

PS: Mendeley also announced in their current newsletter that since this release Mendeley has included an page indicator in the bottom left corner that shows which page you are on while scrolling through a PDF.
Furthermore, Mendeley is working on implementing a feature to download all PDF files during sync and including the ability to edit document notes. - For more information about which features will be improved visit Mendeley’s “Launch blog post”.

We would like to know what your experiences are with Mendeley either on Windows or Android – so share your experiences with us! :-)


Best regards and have a nice weekend.

Your library team


Enhanced Features in SciFinder’s Patent document viewer PatentPak - Freitag, 24. Juli 2015


Dear colleagues,
the patent document viewer PatentPak, which is offered within SciFinder for several months now (see the library’s announcement from March, the 3rd “SciFinder includes PatentPak”), offers several new features:

The interactive viewer provides an enhanced suite of useful features (see below) to foster exploration, innovation and research. For instance, direct links to key substances are now available:


Furthermore, structure diagrams (described in text and R group tables) as well as “Search SciFinder” are now included:



Want to learn more on the key features of PatentPak? [1]


[1] Following paragraph taken from SciFinder’s announcement, 24th of June 2015

Interactive Document Viewer

  • Presents searchable, full text of patents with interactive indexing and annotations that inform the user's research
  • Offers direct links to and from SciFinder that promote serendipitous searching and exploration
  • Saves researchers as much as half of their time

Key Substances Sidebar

  • CAS Analysts compile a list of key substances in each patent so researchers can quickly identify and navigate to substances and chemistry of interest
  • Direct links take researchers to the location of the substance in the patent, eliminating the need to read the patent page by page
  • Hard-to-find substances embedded in text and R group tables link directly to a visual representation of the structure
  • Each substance in the sidebar includes the authoritative CAS Registry Number® and a link to the substance's record in CAS REGISTRYSM, making interpretation of patent information easier than ever

Search in SciFinder

  • Explore known research on related compounds
  • Follow serendipitous search paths uncovered during research
  • Take advantage of the unparalleled content in CAS REGISTRY and one of the world's largest curated collections of chemical reactions with associated conditions and experimental procedures
  • Unearth otherwise unseen chemistry content and claims with exclusive Markush searching

PatentPak Toolbar

  • Export patent PDFs with or without the CAS analyst markup
  • Quickly jump to specific pages
  • Zoom in to better view structures or text

Never used PatentPak before or even heard of it? [2]


[2] Following paragraph adapted from: SciFinder: PatentPak - http://www.cas.org/products/scifinder/patentpak/index

PatentPak is a nice, new workflow solution for examining and working with patents available in SciFinder®. PatentPak was designed in order to reduce time that researchers spent acquiring and searching through multiple patents to find vital chemistry: PatentPak saves up to half of your time that you spend researching patents by providing instant access to hard-to-find chemistry in patents and patent families in languages you know.

Only PatentPak offers all of the following:

  • Instant access to searchable full-text patents from major patent offices around the world
  • Patent family coverage in multiple languages
  • Substance location mapping
  • Secure and confidential patent research
  • Daily updates
  • Interactive patent chemistry viewer with built-in SciFinder search functionality



Long wait until papers get published - Montag, 6. Juli 2015


Long wait for publication plagues many journals
Scientific publishing requires patience, even after a paper has been formally accepted.

Chris Wolston starts his commentary by mentioning the case of PhD-student Daniel Himmelstein who compiled the median for the time between acceptance and publication for 3476 different scientific journals and found that the wait ranged from 3 to more than 100 days.

For details also view the findings of Daniel Himmelstein, who examined the delay:


This is also observed by Ferreira et al. who found that the mean time to first decision for the journals they checked is 49 days but "timeframes could be much longer depending on the reliability and consistency of the reviewers".2


The geneticist Daniel MacArthur points out: "Publishers need to do better than the current glacial pace of distribution or they’ll be increasingly irrelevant to scientific discussion."2




1Wolston, Chris: Long wait for publication plagues many journals : Scientific publishing requires patience, even after a paper has been formally accepted. Nature 523 (2015) 131 - http://www.nature.com/news/long-wait-for-publication-plagues-many-journals-1.17901

2Ferreira, Catarina et al.: The evolution of peer review as a basis for scientific publication : directional selection towards a robust discipline? - In: Biological Reviews (2015). - p. 5



Elsevier’s strategy against Green way of Open Access is internationally criticized - Montag, 6. Juli 2015


Elsevier gerät einmal mehr in die Kritik - wie das Helmholtz Open Science-Koordinationsbüro beschreibt:

"Ende April hat der Elsevier-Verlag seine Open-Access-Regeln geändert. Das Herzstück dieser Veränderung ist die Einführung von Sperrfristen von 12 bis zu 48 Monaten Dauer bis zur Erlaubnis für die Zugänglichmachung der referierten Version (Postprint, nicht die Version im Verlagslayout) von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenartikeln im grünen Weg des Open Access.

Für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, die im Rahmen von EU-geförderten Projekten forschen, ergeben sich bereits Probleme. Die Open-Access-Bedingung von Horizon 2020 [S. 7 des Manual] verpflichtet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, ihre Veröffentlichungen aus geförderten Projekten innerhalb von 6 bzw. 12 Monaten (Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften) im Open Access zugänglich zu machen. Elsevier-Zeitschriften verwehren es nun den Autorinnen und Autoren aus den STM-Fächern, diese Bedingung über den grünen Weg in der vorgegebenen Frist zu erfüllen. Jetzt stehen die Autorinnen und Autoren in EU-Projekten mit Blick auf Elsevier-Zeitschriften vor der Wahl entweder nicht mehr in ihren bevorzugten Zeitschriften veröffentlichen zu können oder für Open-Access-Artikel in Subskriptionszeitschriften (hybrid) hohe Publikationsgebühren zu bezahlen. Mutmaßlich ist genau dies das Ziel von Elsevier. In Anlehnung an Regeln der DFG heißt es aber in den Helmholtz-Kriterien zum Betrieb von Open-Access-Publikationsfonds: „So genannte hybride Open-Access-Modelle (z. B. Springer Open Choice oder Elsevier Sponsored Articles) sollten nicht unterstützt werden, um eine Doppelfinanzierung zu vermeiden.“

Die neuen Regeln von Elsevier haben deshalb international Proteste ausgelöst, die das Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüro über seine Mitgliedschaft bei COAR mit unterstützt.

Das deutsche Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht (§ 38 Abs. 4 UrhG, s. die FAQ der Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen zum Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht) hilft den EU-geförderten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern im oben genannten Beispiel leider nicht weiter, weil es eine Zweitveröffentlichung unabhängig von Verlagsvorgaben, erst nach 12 Monaten erlaubt und damit im Bereich der STM-Fächer hinter den Anforderungen von Horizon 2020 zurückbleibt."

(zitiert aus dem Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter vom 23.06.2015)

Elsevier widerspricht vehement der Kritik von COAR und beschuldigt COAR mit deren Statement der Sinnestäuschung (knappe Zusammenfassung siehe http://www.researchinformation.info/news/news_story.php?news_id=1911). In der Zwischenzeit sind eine Vielzahl an wissenschaftlichen Institutionen, darunter Bibliotheken und Bibliotheksesellschaften, COAR beigetreten, um das COAR Statement zu unterstützen. COAR veröffentlichte nach Elsevier's harscher Replik ein neues Statement namens "Re-COAR-recting the record", um verschiedene Aspekte zu konkretisieren und folgende gezielte Forderungen an Elsevier zur Verbesserung ihrer Policy zu stellen:


  1. Elsevier should allow all authors to make their “author’s accepted manuscript” openly available immediately upon acceptance through an OA repository or other open access platform.
  2. Elsevier should allow authors to choose the type of open license (from CC-BY to other more restrictive licenses like the CC-BY-NC-ND) they want to attach to the content that they are depositing into an open access platform.
  3. Elsevier should not attempt to dictate author’s practices around individual sharing of articles. Individual sharing of journal articles is already a scholarly norm and is protected by fair use and other copyright exceptions. Elsevier cannot, and should not, dictate practices around individual sharing of articles.

We strongly encourage Elsevier to revise their policy in order to better align with the interests of the research community."

Im Juni betont COAR die wachsende Unterstützung aus der Wissenschaft, das COAR Statement hat derzeit über 2600 Unterzeichner.

COAR's Executive Director Kathleen Shearer betont: “There is a larger and extremely important issue at stake [...] and that is control of the scholarly communication system…. [I]t really should be the scholarly community that defines the values and practices around sharing, and up to Elsevier to develop its business model around that—not the opposite, whereby the scholarly community must abide by publishers’ restrictive conditions in order to protect their revenues.”


Elsevier came again under criticism - as “Helmholtz Open Science” explains:

At the end of April Elsevier has changed its open-access rules. The introduction of lock-up periods of 12 to 48 months duration to permit the disclosure of the peer-reviewed version (post-print, not the version of the publishing layout) of scientific journal articles in the green way of Open Access constitutes the core of this change.

For scientists of the Helmholtz Association, who research in the context of EU-funded projects, this already leads to problems:  According to the rules of Horizon 2020 [p. 7 of the Manual]  scientists from funded projects are obliged to make their publications from funded projects Open Access within 6 or 12 months (social sciences and humanities).  Elsevier’s journals currently stop the authors from the STM subjects to fulfil this via the green way in the given time limit. That means that authors in EU projects with respect to Elsevier’s journals have to choose either to no longer publish in their favorite journal or to pay high fees for publishing this article also as Open Access in already licensed journals (so that additional costs are paid for the Open Access option). Presumably this is exactly the aim of Elsevier. But based on the rules of the DFG the Helmholtz criteria for the operation of open-access publication funds points out: "So-called hybrid Open Access models (e.g. Springer Open Choice or Elsevier Sponsored Articles) should not be supported, in order to avoid double funding. "

The new rules of Elsevier have therefore triggered international protests that are supported by the Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office via its membership in COAR.

The German Second Publication Law (§ 38 para. 4 of the Copyright Act, s. The FAQ of the Alliance of Scientific Organizations for secondary publication rights) unfortunately does not help the scientists in the above-mentioned case, because it is a secondary publication, regardless of publisher specifications, that permits after 12 months and thus remains in the STM-compartments behind the requirements of Horizon 2020.

(cited from the Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter of 23.06.2015)

Elsevier rejected the criticism of COAR claiming misperceptions (for a summary see http://www.researchinformation.info/news/news_story.php?news_id=1911).

In the meantime several scientific instutions, among them several libraries and library associations (ACRL, ALA etc.) worldwide currently have joined COAR to support the COAR statement against Elsevier's sharing policy. COAR published a new statement "Re-COAR-recting the record" to specify several aspects and offer the following recommendations to Elsevier to improve its policy:


  1. Elsevier should allow all authors to make their “author’s accepted manuscript” openly available immediately upon acceptance through an OA repository or other open access platform.
  2. Elsevier should allow authors to choose the type of open license (from CC-BY to other more restrictive licenses like the CC-BY-NC-ND) they want to attach to the content that they are depositing into an open access platform.
  3. Elsevier should not attempt to dictate author’s practices around individual sharing of articles. Individual sharing of journal articles is already a scholarly norm and is protected by fair use and other copyright exceptions. Elsevier cannot, and should not, dictate practices around individual sharing of articles.

We strongly encourage Elsevier to revise their policy in order to better align with the interests of the research community."

In June COAR announces the growing support for statement against Elsevier policy, which is currently signed by more than 2600 institutions and individuals worldwide.

As COAR executive director Kathleen Shearer points out, “There is a larger and extremely important issue at stake [...] and that is control of the scholarly communication system…. [I]t really should be the scholarly community that defines the values and practices around sharing, and up to Elsevier to develop its business model around that—not the opposite, whereby the scholarly community must abide by publishers’ restrictive conditions in order to protect their revenues.”


Cover the costs for OpenAccess Publications of your finalized FP7-funded projects - Freitag, 5. Juni 2015

image under cc-licence hold by tax credits-----------------------------------------------

Publikationen zu abgeschlossenen FP7 Projekten werden seit Kurzem durch ein Pilotprojekt der Europäischen Kommission unter Koordination von OpenAIRE finanziell gefördert. Unter folgenden Bedingungen können Sie sich bewerben:



  • gefördert werden Open Access Publikationen von FP7 Projekten, die binnen der letzten zwei Jahre beendet wurden

  • gefördert werden diese nur, wenn sie in der FP7-Projektdatenbank enthalten sind – wenn es sich hierbei um EU-geförderte Projekte handelt, die nicht Teil dieser Projektdatenbank sind, wird deren Eignung separat durch die European Commission (DG CONNECT)geprüft

  • Pro Projekt können bis zu 3 Publikationen gefördert werden.

  • Maximal 2000,-€ Fördergelder werden für Open Access Kosten für Forschungsartikel, Buchkapitel und Konferenz-Proceedings vergeben. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Förderung gilt nur für volles OpenAccess, nicht für Hybridpublikationen (beispielsweise subskriptionspflichtige Zeitschriften, die zusätzlich Geld nehmen für das Freischalten eines Artikels im OpenAccess, auch „double dipping“ genannt)

  • Für die Veröffentlichung von Open Access Monographien werden bis zu 6000 € (aus einem Topf von 4 Millionen Euro) bereitgestellt.


    Diese und weitere Informationen zum FP7 Post-Grant Gold Pilot auf: https://www.openaire.eu/goldoa/fp7-post-grant/pilot


    Anträge können nach Registrierung auf der Website unter https://goldoa-pilot.openaire.eu/#home gestellt werden.


    Allgemeine Infos zum OpenAccess-Publizieren in Horizon2020 finden Sie in diesem Webinar: https://blogs.openaire.eu/?p=284

    (Folien auf: http://de.slideshare.net/OpenAIRE_eu/horizon-2020-open-access-mandate-webinar-by )


    Wir geben gern Auskunft und Support bezüglich OpenAccess. Bei Fragen zu Förderanträgen und Drittmittel wenden Sie sich bitte an das Team der Drittmittelstelle.




    Publications of completed FP7 projects are funded by a pilot project of the European Commission under the coordination of OpenAIRE.

    Under the following rules you can apply:

    • only Open Access publications of FP7 projects that have been completed within the last two years are funded and
    • only if they are included in the FP7 project database - if they are part of EU-funded projects that are not part in the FP7 project database, their eligibility will be examined by the European Commission (DG CONNECT)
    • up to 3 publications are funded per project.
    • 2000 € maximum will be assigned for Open Access research articles, book chapters and conference proceedings. Please note: Publications in hybrid journals (i.e. subscription-based journals offering the option of making individual articles Open Access upon payment of Article Processing Charges) will not be supported.
    • For the publication of Open Access monographs are provided up to 6000 € (from a pot of 4 million euros).


    More details regarding the FP7 Post-Grant Gold Pilot you can find at https://www.openaire.eu/goldoa/fp7-post-grant/pilot. You can apply for support after registering at  https://goldoa-pilot.openaire.eu/#home


    General information on Open Access to Publications in H2020 can be found at this OpenAIRE-webinar: https://blogs.openaire.eu/?p=284

    (slides only: http://de.slideshare.net/OpenAIRE_eu/horizon-2020-open-access-mandate-webinar-by )


    We happily provide information and support regarding Open Access. For questions about funding applications and third-party funds, please contact the team of third-party funding agency.

Best regards,

your library team


What we do to better our services for you - Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015


The information world including databases, linked data, publishing and search tools together with information and communication tools are constantly changing and therefore influence the work of scientists as well as the work of information scientists working in libraries.

fugure 1: Software/ tools used among PhD-students

Believe it or not, we also do research  smiley

We want to learn how you as a researcher and scientist work. For instance, we did a survey among PhD-students which tools (e.g. Endnote, Mendeley, Citavi) they use in which way to manage their literature, references and notes (fig . 1). The most common tool for this is Endnote, followed by Mendeley. The findings we got via the survey from May to Juli 2014 correspond with the results with a paper-based survey that we did in December 2014.


The findings of the surveys were used to develop a concept for a workshop on reference management software. The very first workshop “Introduction to Reference Management Software”  took place on the 20th of May (others will follow).

Based on the feedback of the participants the contents and methods will be optimized.


Let us get to know which information, tools and services you use in which way:

(there are many ways to interact and communicate with us wink )

Perhaps you want to know what services are offered by us before you tell us your experiences and opinion:

Our services comprises things from...

  • A like aquiring media - print and/ or online - such as journals, books databases --> to enable you to access the full text (in case of online material you usually see - when you are on campus - top right "Brought to you by Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research" or the HZI Logo which indicates that (parts of/ ) it are purchased by us)
  • B like "Books to go" (established in August 2014) for sharing novels and books among you
  • C like co-working spaces (e.g. reading lounge, carrels for scientific working and writing, the reservable meeting room W0.52)
  • D like document delivery in cases where you can't access the full text (more details at the intranet page "Fernleihe")

to things like...

  • Managing lab books
  • support in publishing ( e.g. OpenAccess, advice regarding different publisher's conditions, the deposit of your paper in our repository...)
  • ...

That was only a small selection of the services - more details at the page services - and if you need sth. else please let us know.


We also monitor the usage of our webpages (fig.  2): beside the statistic tool in the content management system of our library portal we also implemented GoogleAnalytics for getting to know the ways that users take through our pages.

figure 2: Sitelog of the library portal’s usage  in 2014

Furthermore, we do environmental scanning via reading news alerts and articles in scientific journals as well as attending at conferences. Last week Axel and me, Steffi, were at the Bibliothekartag2015 in Nuremberg (conference programme). This year the conference topic was “from beginning on: future” creating high expactations that were, for the most part, met:


We got new insights into

  • current projects of research data, its management and related tasks (fig. 3),
  • figure 3: different perspectives on research datasetting up and enriching repositories like our HZI OpenRepository (now harvested in OpenAIRE),
  • linked open data,
  • current developments in Science2.0 and OpenScience (which we also support, see details at the intranet page “OpenScience + Publishing”),
  • evaluating learning outcomes (e.g. the above-mentioned workshop),
  • innovative library services,
  • user-centered design (fig. 4) of websites, apps etc.

figure 4: methods in User-centered design

To sum it up: 

There are many things, we can further work on ;)

We are contineously working to make your library visit (both online and on site) a better more rewarding experience.
But we also need  your input/feedback about services you'd like to have and maybe also what we are doing right and therefore are perfect. smiley


Best regards,

your library team


Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery In The Digital Age - Montag, 18. Mai 2015


... aims to foster agreement about how to best enable access to facts, data and ideas for knowledge discovery in the Digital Age. By removing barriers to accessing and analysing the wealth of data produced by society, we can find answers to great challenges ..." (see official site)

Ein wichtiges Thema in der vergangenen Woche war die Haager Erklärung (“The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery In The Digital Age“). [...] Darin hat der Europäische Bund Wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken LIBER grundlegende Prinzipien festgeschrieben, die über alle Fachrichtungen und Sektoren hinweg, eine Einigkeit bezüglich des Nutzens und Nutzung von Text und Data Mining (TDM) ermöglichen soll. [...]
Interessant ist die Forderung des Wissenschaftsrates, von dem Heinz Pampel auf Wisspub.net berichtet. Der Wissenschaftsrat fordert u.a. Forschungsdaten offen zugänglich zu machen und auch negative Resultate zu veröffentlichen. Die Empfehlungen sind Ergebnis einer Bilanz, die der Wissenschaftsrat nach einer Fakultätenbefragung gezogen hat. Die „Empfehlungen zu wissenschaftlicher Integrität“ beschäftigten sich dabei nicht nur mit wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhalten, sondern benennen auch Grauzonen, deren Transparenz im Sinne einer interegeren Wissenschaft verbessert werden müssen.
Dörte Böhner auf bibliothekarisch.de

The Hague Declaration is already signed by more than 50 organizations worldwide - Organisations and individuals that wish to support the Declaration can sign it on the official website www.thehaguedeclaration.com. In doing so, they will officially recognise the huge potential for knowledge discovery while they also acknowledge that steps need to be taken to ensure that everyone can benefit from this potential.

Some of the benefits of OpenScience as a precondition to presuppose enhanced content mining are:

  • Exponentially increasing the speed and progress of science through new insights and greater efficiency of research
  • Increasing transparency of governments and their actions
  • Fostering innovation and collaboration and boosting the impact of open science
  • Creating tools for education and research
  • ...

(taken from the Hague declaration)

The key aspects are summarized in the infographic ""Big Data Can Reshape The World And Save Lives":

















So all in all, this declaration - which also includes a roadmap - is worth to read and sign.

Best regards,

your library team


The HZI Open Repository is now harvested for EU-funded research publication - Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015


Dear colleagues,

After a rather long process of adapting both systems to enable interaction we have good news for you:

The network Open Access infrastructure in Europe (OpenAIRE http://openaire.eu) is now text mining the HZI OpenRepository and lists our deposits e.g. from EU-funded research:

If you set OpenAIRE’s filter “Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung” you get more than 1300 documents – you can also limit those to a specific funder, e.g. European Commission

Moreover it is possible to browse all funded projects in which HZI was involved in and which resulted into a publication. Furthermore each project provides additional information such as a timeline that shows in which year the papers within the projects were published (e.g. RESISTOME, ERC-Reference no. 260276). Addendum (11th of June 2015): OpenAIRE is able to identify the output of research of any funder and initiative when program details are shareable -until now this comprises the Wellcome Trust, the European Grid Initiative, the major Portuguese National Science Funder, and the German Research Foundation. As Najla Rettberg and Birgit Schmidt point out in their current published article:

Repositories and their OA contents have huge potential for enhancing the scholarly communication landscape. Tools and services can be built to measure research impact, citation analysis, and usage. In particular, there is work ahead to promote quality metadata and the inclusion of funding information in the metadata records of institutional and disciplinary repositories. Libraries and institutions have an important role to play in this regard and their future engagement in this network to implement OA across Europe is vital.

(Rettberg, Naja; Schmidt, Birgit: OpenAIRE : Supporting a European Open Access mandate. 2015)















Please be aware that if your research was conducted with funding from the European research council (ERC) under the Seventh Research Framework Programme  (FP7) you ought to try the best effort to publish in Open Access by either choosing an Open Access journal (Gold Open Access) or depositing the manuscript in a freely accessible OpenAire-compliant repository (Green Open Access) such as our HZI OpenRepository. For more details and tips visit our page “OpenAccess” (important information regarding OpenScience and publishing can HZI members find at the intranet page “OpenScience + Publishing”).

Depending on the rules of your publisher the deposit of a manuscript may be limited to specific conditions. As these conditions may vary extremly from publisher to publisher or even journal to journal, please check Sherpa RoMEO under what terms your publisher allows the deposit of your paper. Generally, the deposit of a manuscript is allowed when generally permitted by the publisher or when a special agreement between the publisher and the ERC was arranged. We advise to check the conditions of your preferred journal before submitting a paper, see the suggested OA-approach.

If your research was funded through a Horizon2020 programme you are obliged to make your publication Open Access – in contrast to FP7 (see comparison in “Open access in Europe”, slide 17 – using the possibilities detailed above.

In case of questions or if you prefer to publish in your favoured journal rather than in a true Open Access journal you should contact either the head of the library, Axel Plähn, or his deputy, Roland Weller, to check under which conditions we can legally archive your manuscript in our repository.


Best regards,

your library team


When Data Sharing Gets Close to 100% - Donnerstag, 26. März 2015


In the recently published study, developed by Anagnostou et al., data sharing was analyzed regarding Y chromosomal, mitochondrial, and autosomal polymorphisms in a total of 162 papers (published between 1988 and 2013) on ancient human DNA.

The study highlights three important aspects:

  1. it was shown that researchers’ awareness of the importance of openness and transparency for scientific progress can complement stakeholders’ policies.
  2. data sharing does not necessarily have to be coincidential with a widespread use of practices that would increase data findability, data accessibility, useability and preservation.
  3. the case example of human paleogenetics indicates that the awareness of the importance of Open Science would be important to enable building reliable scientific practices.

Please find the paper including the figures and data sets here: J. Hawks: When Data Sharing Gets Close to 100%: What Human Paleogenetics Can Teach the Open Science Movement - In: PLOS ONE, Volume 10, Issue 3 (2015)

By the way: to publish figures and data in OpenAccess you can use CreativeCommons (see last announcement from Monday, 23rd of March 2015).

More and recently updated details regarding OpenAccess and OpenScience including benefits for authors you will find in OpenAccess and more details regarding publishing especially in the area of OpenScience you will find at the intranet page OpenScience + Publishing.

Best regards,

your library team



How to use CreativeCommons for your works (datasets, images, videos etc.) - Montag, 23. März 2015


To support OpenAccess you can put your works under a Creative Commons-licence.

But why give up specific Parts of your rights regarding Copyright?

The great benefit is that you can allow others to use your datasets, images, videos, tutorials etc. for free by determining what is allowed.

Before the CreativeCommons-licences existed you either had to give up your rights (even the right of being shown as creator) or you had toput your work under a strong Copyright that prohibited the free Usage.

You want to enable specific kinds of usage? For defining how your works should be used and what is prohibited, you have several options in the world of CreativeCommons:

The creator can choose one of the 6 different licences that contain one or more of the four licence elements (see box); three of these licences allow  commercial use, three of them don’t.

Jessica Coates[1] explains that 3 levels of “open” exist: accessibility (which means something is freely available only), technical aspect (the chosen format allows download and adaptation), legal aspect (the user gets the permission to use it)


For choosing one of the licences you can use a generator that helps to identify the licence which matches your needs: http://creativecommons.org/choose/

As a user of content you have to determine which licence(s) are possible. For example, if you put images on a website, you should use CC-BY for which only the creator and the licence has to be referenced. Furthermore, you should know if the specific usage of the chosen content is commercial or not. As “commercial” in the context of creativeCommons is not that clear pay some considerations on previous legal interpretations: Beside the use of content on commercial websites also the transfer of an image onto a publication is said to be a commercial usage.[2]  

For finding cc-licenced works you can either use the “advanced  search” on GoogleImages, Flickr etc. or you can use the cc-search engine after selecting the preferred portal:  http://search.creativecommons.org/


Further information on using CreativeCommons can be found in the recently published german article “Freigegeben : Creative-Commons-Lizenzen rechtssicher nutzen” (also in our journal display, details here) and at the homepage of CreativeCommons: http://creativecommons.org/.


Best regards,

your library team


[1] Coates, Jessica: CC and the Public Domain for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums. -2014 –URL: http://www.slideshare.net/Jessicacoates/open-access-glam-34793864, p. 6 

[2] Heidrich, Joerg: Freigegeben : Creative-Commons-Lizenzen rechtssicher nutzen. – In: c’t (2015), 4.


Are you as a researcher ready to get a researcher ID? (example: ORCID) - Mittwoch, 18. März 2015


Martin Fenner, member of the publisher PLOS, gave an introduction to ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

Fenner's presentation was part of the BiSON-conference (working committee Bibliotheksregion Südostniedersachsen) that was hosted this time by HZI Library and took place in X1.01 yesterday.

As more and more publishers insist on a researcher ID when submitting a paper we want to offer some information:

  1. What is ORCID?
    ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

  2. What are the benefits of ORCID?
    ORCID was developed in order to give scientists the opportunity to distinguish their research activities from those of others with similar names. To illustrate the mechanism Butler refers to barcodes that allow to distinguish between one object and another.1 You as a researcher need to be able to easily and uniquely attach your identity to research objects such as datasets,articles, citations, experiments, patents etc. Moreover, to enter such data manually over and over again can be time-consuming, and often frustrating. That are the reasons why ORCID connects researchers and research via embedding of ORCID identifiers in key workflows, such as research profile maintenance, manuscript submissions, grant applications, and patent applications (to get an impression of ORCID see Martin Fenner). Above all, you as a researcher decide which data will be visible.

  3. What are the core functions of ORCID? 
    a) the ORCID registry to obtain a unique identifier and manage a record of activities
    b) APIs that support system-to-system communication and authentication.
    One of the biggest advantages is: ORCID makes its code available under an open source license and everyone can search the ORCID registry for specific persons

  4. What does ORCID cost?
    The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who may obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the Registry. Institutions can also become members and pay a member fee to link their records to ORCID identifiers, to update ORCID records, to receive updates from ORCID, and to register their employees and students for ORCID identifiers - in that case, the institution are responsible for administering and update the data of its members.

  5. How do you get an ID at ORCID?
    a) RegisterGet your unique ORCID identifier (approx. 30 seconds)
    b) add your personal informationEnhance your ORCID record with your professional information and link to your other identifiers (such as Scopus or ResearcherID or LinkedIn).
    c) use your ORCID ID: Include your ORCID identifier on your Webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work

1 Butler, Declan:Scientists: your number is up : ORCID scheme will give researchers unique identifiers to improve tracking of publications. - In: Nature Vol. 485 (2012) 7400 - p. 564 - URL: http://www.nature.com/news/scientists-your-number-is-up-1.10740



Pubmed and other NCBL-pages are currently unavailable - Donnerstag, 12. März 2015


Dear colleagues,

Pubmed and other NCBL-Pages are working again. (Fr., 13.03.2015)

Yesterday, we just wanted to informed that Pubmed and other NCBL-Pages (including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB) are unavailable. If you want to search for papers etc. you can use alternatively SCOPUS or medpilot.de.

Via medpilot's "change preferences / Einstellungen ändern" you can choose to search MEDLINE (which comprises the collections of Pubmed) only.

Please note: Papers, Information or Data that are lying at the servers of NCBL are not accessible.


Hijacked Journals and Predatory Publishers - Mittwoch, 4. März 2015


pirate pic @ Pixabay http://pixabay.com/de/pirat-produktpiraterie-sch%C3%A4del-145887/ Dear colleagues,

Since a few years the scientific community is confronted with the topic of hijacked journals and predatory publishers: Hijackers steal the identities of journals and collect the APCs (article processing charges). There are also examples of print-only journals as Jalalian [1] points out. Even at HZI some research groups made some experience with weird situations (regarding review process, acceptance rate etc.) with publishers or apparent publishers. 

 That’s why we created a checklist to assist you in your journal publishing efforts

“Clues to quality of journals”


The most relevant aspect you should check is if the publisher is credible and well-known and the specific one publisher which the journal page wants you to believe in.


Regarding the second aspect `impact factor` we would like to add that the Journal’s Impact Factor does not show perfectly the scientific relevance (see The focus on bibliometrics makes papers less useful):

  • citations do not show if the specific publication is a noteworthy scientific achievement à thus publications often contain popular but rather unimpressive concepts or methods
  • selection of individuals for an academic job is mainly driven by citation statistics or papers in high-impact journals à the “tyranny of bibliometrics tightens its grip” according to Werner
  • when individuals are judged by rather naïve criteria persons tend to adapt and behave not that good but more focused on good and easy money[2]


Beside those weaknesses of bibliometrics there also exist journals that apply dishonest methods such as

  1. asking authors to cite the journal articles belonging to the own journal in order to boost its impact factor[3]
  2. payment of the author up front for a paper whereas peer review mentioned by the publisher does not exist (articles will be accepted without any changes)[4]
  3. using faked LinkedIn identities to attract submissions[5]
  4. So-called “special” issues of journals:  scientists are invited to act as a guest editor who usually invites colleagues to contribute papers for this special issue, and all of them have to pay author fees à thus the guest editor acts as the publisher’s agent whereas the publisher benefits from the guest editor’s professional relationships.[6]
  5. manipulation of citation statistics: a fictive author did upload a paper referencing all publications of a research group on an institutional website which then was indexed by GoogleScholar and those citations were added by GoogleMetrics that lead to a remarkable rise of citations[7]
  6. “free membership scheme” for institutions and using the name and reputation of the institution to attract others[8]

Beside the phenomenon of fraudulent journals examples of fraudulent conferences also exist: fraudulent conferences –holding a nearly similar name of a well-established event - take advantage of academics’ desire for recognition by offering the opportunity to hold a presentation or moderate a discussion after paying the fee[9]. To sum it up, the scientists’ desire for recognition is one of the weak points that could be used to undermine the quality of science itself.

Bowland points out that the self-regulating scientific integrity will be reached via peer review and publication standards. As an author please go for rigorous peer review because if this becomes not common practice “the rules of academic engagement are […] broken”[10]


We would be glad if you would share your opinion and experiences with us

  • Are there more aspects to add?
  • Which experiences with such methods have you made until now?


For informing about developments such as this and other topics related to publishing we created the intranet page OpenScience + Publishing”. This was done also in the light of HZI announcing Axel Plähn as representative for Helmholtz Working Committee OpenScience” (all members from the different Helmholtz institutions can be found here)


[1] Jalalian, Mehrdad, Mahboobi, Hamidreza: Hijacked Journals and Predatory Publishers: Is There a Need to Re-Think How to Assess the Quality of Academic Research? - In: Walailak Journal of Science and Technology - Vol. 11 (2014) 5 - p. 925

[2]Werner, Reinhard: The focus on bibliometrics makes papers less useful - In: Nature – Vol. 517 (2015) 7534, p. 245 – URL: http://www.nature.com/news/the-focus-on-bibliometrics-makes-papers-less-useful-1.16706

[3] Ferguson, Cat: Refreshing honesty? Journal asks authors to help game its impact factor – In: Retraction Watch – URL: http://retractionwatch.com/2015/02/09/refreshing-honesty-journal-asks-authors-help-game-impact-factor/

[4] Bowland, John D.: Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences – In: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (2014), 10. – p. 1 – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315198/pdf/ajpe7810176.pdf

[5] Beall, Jeffrey: Publisher Uses Fake LinkedIn Identities to Attract Submissions – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/10/publisher-uses-fake-linkedin-identities-to-attract-submissions/
[6] Beall, Jeffrey: So-Called “Special” Issues of Journals: Big Money for Gold OA Publishers – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/24/so-called-special-issues-of-journals-big-money-for-gold-oa-publishers/#more-5004

[7] Bowland, John D.: Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences – In: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (2014), 10. – p. 4 – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315198/pdf/ajpe7810176.pdf

[8] Beall, Jeffrey: So-Called “Special” Issues of Journals: Big Money for Gold OA Publishers – In: Scholarly Open Access – URL: http://scholarlyoa.com/2015/02/24/so-called-special-issues-of-journals-big-money-for-gold-oa-publishers/#more-5004

[9] Bowland, John D.: Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences – In: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 78 (2014), 10. – p. 4 – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315198/pdf/ajpe7810176.pdf

[10] ibid., p. 3

Pirate icon (CC0) is taken from http://pixabay.com/de/pirat-produktpiraterie-sch%C3%A4del-145887/


SciFinder includes PatentPak - Dienstag, 3. März 2015


PatentPak consists of the following features:

  1. Full-Text Patents - Access searchable, full-text patent documents directly and securely from 11 major patent offices around the world
  2. Patent Families - Directly connect to full-text patent family members in their original language
  3. Substance Page Numbers - Navigate directly to the page where indexed substances appear in the patent
  4. Interactive Document Viewer - Promote research and exploration with searchable, interactive patents that also let you directly launch new SciFinder searches (coming soon)


NEW Intranet page "Publishing + OpenScience" - Dienstag, 3. März 2015


Open science, the unrestricted access to scientific publications and cultural heritage, is an ongoing trend in the scientific landscape worldwide. To meet the challenges and to display the goals of Helmholtz Association regarding OpenScience better the Helmholtz Working Committee was renamed to "OpenScience" in November 2014 as it was also described in the 4th issue of InFact (p. 4).

To offer you a central point for information regarding relevant developments in OpenScience and Publishing we created the Intranet page "OpenScience + Publishing" (> Wissenschaft > Bibliothek). Furthermore, it should make transparent the efforts we as the HZI Library put into enabling OpenScience. For example, one important step was developing a policy for HZI OpenRepository that we published in July 2014.

This intranet page consists of

  • our tips and guides dealing with scientific writing and publishing (a collection of remarkable external sources can be found in the Links)
  • implemeted web page of the Helmholtz Working Committee "OpenScience" and
  • our previous announcements regarding publishing

If you would like to have additional information or aspects please let us know: Feel free to share your ideas and opinion with us. smiley


Best regards,

your library team


Python for Programming - Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2015


Dear colleagues,

Nature toolbox suggests Python for Programming and mentions several advantages:

  • simple and easy-to-use syntax,
  • combined with online resources,
  • toolkits that are focused on scientific needs
  • community aspect

"With the explosive growth of 'big data' in disciplines such as bioinformatics, neuroscience and astronomy, programming know-how is becoming ever more crucial. Researchers who can write code in Python can deftly manage their data sets, and work much more efficiently on a whole host of research-related tasks — from crunching numbers to cleaning up, analysing and visualizing data. Whereas some programming languages, such as MATLAB and R, focus on mathematical and statistical operations, Python is a general-purpose language, along the lines of C and C++ (the languages in which much commercial software and operating systems are written). As such, it is perhaps more complicated, Brown says, but also more capable: it is amenable to everything from automating small sets of instructions, to building websites, to fully fledged applications. "

For more details and links (toolkit and additional resources) visit http://www.nature.com/news/programming-pick-up-python-1.16833

If you want to read and learn more about how to use Python for your specific need, we can suggest those media from our collection:
Bioinformatics programming in Python (printed book in our book collection)
a practical course for beginners
Media group: Ausleihbestand
Year: 2008
Publisher: Weinheim, Wiley-VCH
Branch Locations Status Reservations Due date Barcode  
Hauptstelle MA-20 357 available 0   00188000  


Optimized for life scientists without previous experience in programming, this fun book teaches essential programming skills for those who want -- or need -- to write their own bioinformatics software tools, using the Python programming language freely available from the Web. Aus dem Inhalt Classification of Programming Languages Getting the Materials: Python program and documentation Variables, Data Types, Assignments Flow Control Worked Example #1 Functions and Procedures Worked Example #2 The Object-oriented World Worked Example #3 Top-down Versus Bottom-up Strategies Worked Example #4 Sorting and Searching Welcome to the Library Programming Exercise: Trimethizing a File Dealing with Errors Programming Exercise: Generating a Restriction Map Advanced Techniques in Python Programming Exercise: Python goes PCR



Methods in Medical Informatics : Fundamentals of Healthcare Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby (eBook in EBL)

Author: Berman, Jules J.

Too often, healthcare workers are led to believe that medical informatics is a complex field that can only be mastered by teams of professional programmers. This is simply not the case. With just a few dozen simple algorithms, easily implemented with open source programming languages, you can fully utilize the medical information contained in clinical and research datasets. The common computational tasks of medical informatics are accessible to anyone willing to learn the basics.

You can access the ebook using this link: http://hzi.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=589868

In Sciencedirect there are several books and articles (4,198 results found for pub-date > 2006 and (python program*)[All Sources(Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Chemical Engineering,Chemistry,Computer Science,Engineering,Immunology and Microbiology,Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science)].)

Also Wiley has various books and articles (1885 results for: python in All Fields AND program* in All Fields AND biolog* in All Fields between years 2007 and 2015)

If you cannot access a preferred item due to limited licences please let us know which one you need.


NEW @ HZI: Multitouch-table - Freitag, 23. Januar 2015


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

der neue Multitouch-Tisch in der Bibliothek im Eingangsbereich kann von Ihnen - als Einzelnen oder als Gruppe - als Informationspunkt genutzt werden. Darüber hinaus soll er zukünftige (Bibliotheks-)Führungen etc. unterstützen:


Sie finden hier neben den zentralen HZI-Webseiten auch Bilder, Videos und Präsentationen der Bibliothek sowie detaillierte Bestandsinformationen zu den verschiedenen Mediensammlungen. Außerdem gibt es spielerische Elemente wie Puzzle etc.

Kommen Sie vorbei und testen Sie das Gerät, damit wir es weiter verbessern können. Für Ihre Ideen und Rückmeldungen gibt es einen kurzen Voting-Zettel (an der Infotheke + am Multitouchtisch), den Sie dann in die Feedback-Box werfen dürfen. Für Ihre Anregungen sind wir jederzeit offen und dankbar.

Also: Seien Sie neugierig, kreativ und lassen Sie sich inspirieren! laugh

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.


Herzliche Grüße,

Ihre Bibliothek


Dear Colleagues,

- as individual or as a group - can use the new multi-touch table in  in the entrance area of the library. Furthermore, it should support future (library) guided tours etc.

Beside the main HZI websites and webservices the multitouch-table shows you pictures, videos and presentations of the library and detailed inventory information to various media collections. There are also interactive elements such as puzzles, etc.

Come and test the device so that we can improve it further. For your ideas and feedback there is a voting sheet (at the information desk + on the multi-touch table), that you can then throw in the feedback box. Your suggestions are always welcome and appreciated.
So: Be curious, creative and get inspired! laugh
We look forward to your visit.

Kind Regards,
your library


NEW at HZI : EBL (Ebook Library) - Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

We are happy to announce the introduction of our new Ebook Library EBL. We arranged an introductory presentation with EBL-provider Schweitzer Fachinformation Hamburg
on:  Wednesday, 14. January 2015
at: Forum X1.04 from 10:30 to 11:30.

Addendum: Thanks for those who were coming. You can read the summary here:

  • eBook-Price vs. Print-Price in EBL: usually 1:1 (price will be displayed with the next version)
  • current EBL-eBook-collection (more than 170.000 eBooks): approx. 25% of the eBooks belong to Natural Sciences and 10% Medicine
  • all eBooks will be shown (even those that are not purchased by the library until now à you can read them only 5 minutes, if you want use it further you can make a short-term loan or send an acquisition request to the library
  • several search functions
  • use the eBooks via Read Online or by Download*  (usable on Windows with the Add-on Adobe Digital editions – on Apple and Android with Bluefirereader (Authorization for each device is necessary)
  • * Download is only possible for the chosen time of the short-term loan or when the eBook is purchased by the library
  • EBL conditions for using an eBook: only a purchased book is printable up to 25% of its content, 5% can be used by copy& paste
  • add notes, searching the notes is possible (your notes are staying even after your short-term loan has ended)
  • Please note: The shown release date is the start of the provision and not the publication date of the printed original item
  • eBook-quality: the eBooks’ pages are often scanned as images to reduce the loading time (downloading quality will be better than displayed on screen) 
For more details and a preview please attend to our introductory presentation. This will be held mostly in English but also in German in parts.
For having a first look and registering (only from HZI intranet!) go to http://hzi.eblib.com/  and click on "Create new account"
Please note: The EBL library collection is still in the process of being established.                                                                                      
We are awaiting your acquisition requests: after 5-10 min. preview this pops up:
All event details and EBL information can also be found on our poster (only on HZI intranet)
We, the HZI library team, would be happy to meet you at our introductory presentation on Wednesday 14., 10:30 a.m. at X1.04.
Best regards,
your library team

MeSH updated (2015) : use MeSH for searching databases and catalogs - Montag, 5. Januar 2015


Dear colleages,

as PubMed announced the MeSH, the controlled vocabulary thesaurus of the National Library of Medicine, is updated (see new descriptors here and changed descriptors here). All details on MeSH you will find in the "Introduction to MeSH". As a helpful tool to find synonyms you can use the MeSH tree structure (see below) or the "MeSH on Demand"-Tool

Descriptors/ controlled terms can be very helpful. For instance, if you search our library catalog for "Zellkultur"(/ "cell culture") you get only 16 items - but if you use the controlled term "Zellkulturtechnik" (/"cell culture techniques") you get 150 hits in the library catalog. You can view the MeSH tree structure for this descriptor to find broader terms or synonyms.


Research Trends special issue on the last 10 years - Montag, 5. Januar 2015


As Scopus announced today Research Trends published a special issue on research trends of the recent 10 years mainly focusing on Scopus content. These are the topics of this issue of which we advise to have a look into the 2nd article “A decade’s trends in virology research”

Best regards and a happy and successful year 2015!

Your library team


We wish you happy christmas and a happy new year - Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014


Dear colleagues,

we wish you Happy Christmas and a happy new Year!

We will be there for you tomorrow (Friday, the 19th) and then from January, the 5th.


Scopus increases interoperability with SciVal and introduces new journal metric - Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014


Scopus released two new features yesterday:

1) The Scopus header has been redesigned to increase the interoperability with SciVal which is Elsevier’s benchmarking and analytics product.

2) Furthermore a new journal metric has been included: It is called Impact per Publication (IPP)  and allows researchers and librarians to better compare and evaluate journals. It aims on a better comparison of journal performances which can help to decide where to publish. For more information on IPP please visit http://www.journalmetrics.com

More information and screenshots of the recent changes you can find in the release notes.


(source: http://blog.scopus.com/posts/scopus-increases-interoperability-with-scival-and-introduces-new-journal-metric)

Best regards,

your library


Nature makes all articles free to view (as read-only) - Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014


As Nature announced today, all articles and research papers from Nature and further journals of the Nature Publishing Group (e.g. Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, Nature Physics) will be made free to read for 1 year as a start under the following conditions:

  • in a proprietary screen-view format of the software Readcube that can be annotated
  • sharing of links to the read-only/ screen-view format with colleagues possible (*conditions and risks below)
  • but cannot be copied, printed or downloaded
  • this will be done for 1 year and then Nature will evaluate the effects

If you are unsure what you are allowed to do with an NPG paper please have a look into the copyright of the paper: Therefore click on "Rights and Permissions" (Coperyright Clearance Center) below the paper's title and author(s) and select what you would like to do.

Nature and all of its sister journals already allow scientists and their institutions after a delay of six months to freely archive the peer-reviewed manuscripts of their papers on their web pages or institutional repository (green route of Open Access). According to Thomas, 38% of all NPG papers published in this year are immediately being made accessible under the conditions of ‘gold open-access’ in which publishers charge for each paper the authors or their funders, instead of the subscribers.

While choosing a journal please check if the journal in which you want to publish allows (under which conditions) a second publication at SHERPA/RoMEO. In case of questions you can contact us.

Below you will find the original Nature announcement

Addendum from 18.12.2014:

* Nature: Überwachung statt „dark sharing“

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler geben regelmäßig Kopien von Artikeln an Kollegen ohne entsprechenden Zugang weiter. Die Nature Publishing Group bewirbt seit Kurzem ihr Mittel gegen dieses „dark sharing“: „We know researchers are already sharing content, often in hidden corners of the Internet … we have the technology to provide a … legitimate alternative …“, sagte Timo Hannay, Managing Director of Digital Science. Angehörige von Institutionen mit Zugang zu den elektronischen Zeitschriften der Nature Publishing Group können diese Artikel ab jetzt Dritten mit Hilfe eines Links im Nur-Lese-Modus zugänglich machen. Die gleiche Option erhalten 100 Medien.

Die Nutzung dieses Angebotes ist jedoch mit dem gravierenden Nachteil verbunden, dass sie mit der Zustimmung zu einer umfassenden Überwachung des Nutzungsverhaltens einhergeht. Realisiert wird die Zugänglichmachung mit der Digital-Rights-Managementsoftware Read Cube, ein Produkt der Macmillan Publishing Group, zu der Nature gehört. Die Personen, die einen Link erzeugen wollen, der den Zugang ermöglicht, müssen sich bei Read Cube registrieren. Innerhalb von Read Cube ist es möglich, die Artikel mit Anmerkungen zu versehen. Über Read Cube kann Macmillan nachvollziehen, wer, auf wessen Empfehlung, wann und wie einen Artikel nutzt. Rechtemanagementsoftware wie Read Cube zeichnet detailliert alle Nutzungsdaten auf - Open Science sieht anders aus.

[via Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter: http://oa.helmholtz.de/bewusstsein-schaerfen/newsletter/archiv/newsletter-51-vom-16122014.html#c3780 ]

translated via Google Translate:

Scholars and scientists also provide copies of articles to colleagues without proper access further. Nature Publishing Group advertises more recently her remedy for the "dark sharing": "We know Researchers are already sharing content, oft in hidden corners of the internet ... we have the technology ... To provide a legitimate alternative ..." Timo Hannay said, Managing Director of Digital Science. Staff from institutions with access to electronic journals of the Nature Publishing Group can access using a link in read-only mode, this item now third parties. The same option will get 100 media.

Use of this program, however, has the serious disadvantage that it is accompanied by the approval of a comprehensive monitoring of user behavior. Is realized making available to the digital rights management software Read Cube, a product of Macmillan Publishing Group, part of the Nature. The people who want to create a link that enables access must register at read Cube. Within Read Cube, it is possible to provide the products with annotations. Read about Cube Macmillan can track who, on whose recommendation, when and how a product uses. Rights management software such as Read Cube detailed records on all usage data - Open Science is different.


ScienceOpen: Rethinking Scientific Publishing (21. Nov. at 1 p.m. in W0.52) - Donnerstag, 13. November 2014


Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce that the publisher ScienceOpen will give a presentation about “Rethinking Scientific Publishing”

What is it about?

Scholarly publishing is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a dialogue that is increasingly taking place in in the context of the internet. ScienceOpen provides high-quality Open Access publishing services with open, transparent post-publication peer review for its own and over 1.3 million aggregated Open Access publications. At the same time we redefine publishing as one element in a whole suite of networking and communication tools available to the researcher.

Where does it take place? ...at the HZI library, room W0.52

When?  ...on Friday, the 21st of November at 1 p.m. (/ 13 Uhr)

Please take part in this event, learn about their publishing services, their way of Open Access publishing that may lead to a promising and fruitful discussion about publishing aspects.

To give you a first impression I would like to suggest to visit the website of ScienceOpen: www.scienceopen.com/

Furthermore, I recommend to you this rather funny teaser-video of the speaker, Sebastian Alers: http://youtu.be/_DfkoPt7L58


We had a good laugh as the time of knocking of work is coming closer wink


Overview of printed journals and bulletins (journal display) available - Mittwoch, 12. November 2014


Dear colleagues,

we just want to let you know that the overview of our purchased printed journals and bulletins in our journal display is now available. It took some time but from now on you can check out what is available at our journal display. (We will display changes in subscriptions on our the web-page "Print-Zeitschriften"/ printed journals)

The list of printed journals and bulletins also shows which ones are available in OpenAccess.

All journals that we purchased are also referenced in our library catalog: You can find a specific journal by searching for the journal's title - if this journal is part of our collection. 

To benefit from the purchased printed journals and bulletins please visit the journal display regularly - it is not far away from the Cafeteria smiley

In case, you may not know: the most recent issue is in the front of the journal display, the older ones of the recent year are in the journal display's back.

You may

  • read the printed journals and bulletins in our lounge,
  • take one of it with you via short-term loan or
  • make some copies of interesting articles via our copier (scan2mail is also possible)

Best regards,

your library team


OpenVideoLectures des EU-Projekts “CoScience – Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz” - Montag, 10. November 2014


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

diesen Montag um 14 Uhr starten die OpenVideoLectures des Projekts “CoScience – Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz”

 – weitere Infos dazu und den Link zum Registrieren finden Sie auf http://blogs.tib.eu/wp/opensciencelab/open-video-lectures-coscience-gemeinsam-forschen-und-publizieren-mit-dem-netz/


Eine herzliche Einladung mit der Nennung einiger Themen finden Sie im Teaser (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lI5q6NikmWQ):


10.11.14, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Robert Jäschke (L3S, Hannover), Lambert Heller (TIB, Hannover)

Einführung in die Reihe/Online-Bibliographien kollaborativ erstellen und teilen

18.11.14, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Dorothea Lemke (UB der TU München), Astrid Teichert (UB der LMU München)

Arbeiten mit Literaturverwaltungsprogrammen

02.12.14, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Christian Heise (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)

Projektmanagement in vernetzten Forschungsprojekten

21.01.15, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann (Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen, HU Berlin), Dr. Jasmin Schmitz, Dr. Ursula Arning (ZB MED Köln)

Möglichkeiten des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens und Qualitätssicherungsverfahren

04.02.15, 11.00-12.00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters (ZBW Kiel), Caroline Leiß, Tina Hohmann (UB der TU München)

Soziale Netzwerke für Wissenschaftler und akademisches Identitätsmanagement

11.02.15, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Dr. Birgit Schmidt, Margo Bargheer (SUB Göttingen)

Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

18.02.15, 14.00-15.00 Uhr

Marco Tullney, Dr. Janna Neumann (TIB Hannover)

Open Access und Open Data


Die Online-Seminarreihe wird organisiert vom Open Science Lab der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) und gefördert durch das EU Projekt FOSTER (FACILITATE OPEN SCIENCE TRAINING FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH). Die TIB ist Mitbegründerin des Forschungsverbundes Science 2.0 der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.

Herzliche Grüße,

Ihr Bibliotheksteam                                        


Dear colleagues,


this Monday at 2 p.m. the OpenVideoLectures of the project “CoScience – Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz” start with an introduction into this series of lectures and the topic “developing and sharing bibliographies in collaboration”. I guess, these lectures will be in German only.


Further details and the link to register for the lectures you will find on http://blogs.tib.eu/wp/opensciencelab/open-video-lectures-coscience-gemeinsam-forschen-und-publizieren-mit-dem-netz/


There is a video-teaser with a warm invitation including some mentioned topics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lI5q6NikmWQ


These lectures are organized by the Open Science Lab of the TIB Hannover and are funded by the project FOSTER (FACILITATE OPEN SCIENCE TRAINING FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH).


Best regards,

your library team


SciFinder-Workshop (November 7, 2014) - please register - Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014


Dear SciFinder users,

we are pleased to announce the SciFinder training lectures at the HZI library, room W0.52, on Friday 07.11.2014. The training will be held by a representative of CAS (Germany).

Due to rail strike we will offer only one training training lecture at 10:00 a.m. (lasting only until 11.30 a.m.)

You can still register with an email to Mrs. Zimmermann. (If you cannot participate on 07.11. you can later view the recorded version of the training)

Here is the Invitation of the CAS representative including the workshop's topics:

"Dear scientists of Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung

My name is Karin and I am happy to be your local SciFinder Trainer in Germany.
As SciFinder keeps developing further constantly I am very happy to offer you a SciFinder Session on site.

If one, or more of the following topics is not familiar to you, you will benefit from a SciFinder Training for sure.

Structure information:

  • searching for compound fragments, similar compounds use substructre search besides of the exact structure search
  • starting you structure search via Property information
  • import large structures via smile/INCHI or directly start your search from Chembiodraw Ultra Version 14
  • check not only the example structures from patents but as well the generic structures in patents via markush

Reaction information:

  • Search full reactions and additional (half reactions) in one go
  • search the reactions precise, eliminate non wanted results by atom mapping and make/brake bonds (– what is the differens in between the two options?)
  • use non participating functional groups
  • get new ideas via looking for similar reactions
  • plan complex synthesis with the Sciplanner
  • use the largest collection of experimental procedures to shorten the time needed to read the experimental procedure found in the document/patent
  • search for catalysts in reactions
  • search for metal organics, sugars, stereochemistry (as well as product compound of a reaction)

Text information:

  • describe your text search in a way that it generates multiple answer sets, use of prepositions, use of operators if beneficial
  • get to the core of a large answer set: use the intellectual indexing of CAS data with the analyze and categorize – know about the benefits and risks doing that
  • use related information, not only documents cited/citing but as well substances described and reactions contained
  • evaluate the indexing before you start to enhance precision
  • stay current with keep me posteds and comine answer sets to exclude content (or compounds or reactions)
  • searching for organisms or proteins

The session will take your examples to look into the searching areas you select.

Please register for the training with Mrs. Birgit Zimmermann and let us know the block/s you are interested in.
If you miss a certain area, please let us know that by mail too.

We will design the SciFinder Training day on site at room W0.52 with individual sessions of 2 h length max and let you know when which topic will be dealt with.

Thank you very much for reading this mail to the very end ;-)

Looking forward to get to know you in person



Info: Differences between Sciencedirect's articles - Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014


Sciencedirect/ Elsevier (search, alerts, articles) unavailable until 21.10.2014 - Montag, 20. Oktober 2014


Info (21.10.2014, 9 a.m.): now everything in Sciencedirect/ Elsevier is working again

Dear Library user,

for those who are trying to use Sciencedirect in these days please note that Sciencedirect is unavailable until Tuesday, 21st of October due to maintainance work. Therefore the Search, your alerts/ RSS, URLs are not available (see Sciencedirect-Blogpost). If you try to use an URL directing to Sciencedirect you will get this response:

This will also affect searches via FATER or the access of articles that are published in Sciencedirect-Books/ Sciencedirect-Journals. We noticed that this applies also for Elsevier-Books/ Elsevier-Journals, see this Pubmed-result:

Searches in Pubmed and Scopus should be possible during this time.

If you have any further questions please contact us.


Best regards,

your library team


The Rise of Open Access - Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014


As next week the webinar “Science is open: an introduction to Open Access” for PhD students (for details [addendum on 03.11.2014: and slides] please visit the library page in the Intranet) will take place we once more want to focus on Open Access vs. traditional publishing.


Van Norden points out that the prices for journals rose more than the inflation in the past years[1]. Although nearly no publisher makes the profit margins fully available[2], “analysts estimate profit margins at 20-30%[3] which also we can confirm with our subscription fees of the recent years.


In addition, Michael Eisen, co-founder of PLoS, criticizes that the community of scientific experts performs peer review for free, but the publishers of subscription-journals charge several billion dollars per year.


In 2010 Alma Swan reviewed several studies on Open Access: The majority of the reviewed studies reveal that scientists are able to get better recognition when they publish in open access-journals (as these are made available for everyone) instead of otherwise unavailable articles.[4] Thus the open access-articles are better citable as well. Another advantage of open access is the fact that the earlier a paper is made available the more it may influence the citing of it.[5]


Cameron Neylon makes visible the increase of Open Access articles per publisher:



Abb. 1: Neylon, Cameron (2013): Scale of OA Publishing http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.650794

Bernd Mittermaier, librarian of Forschungszentrum Jülich, evaluated the shares of OA-articles related to all articles in Web of Science and also proves that the relevance of Open Access is rising:


Abb. 2: Mittermaier, Bernd (2014): (Gold) Open Access – eine disruptive Technologie? - Bibliothekartag 2014. http://www.opus-bayern.de/bib-info/volltexte//2014/1689/, page 11


How do the journal publishers get their money?

As the STM Report 2012 (STM = Science, Technology and Medicine) shows, the revenues of journal publishers come primarily from academic library subscriptions (68-75% of the total revenue), followed by subscriptions of profit organizations (15-17%), advertising (4%), personal subscriptions/ membership fees (3%), and various author-side payments (3%).[6]

Is such a business model the best one? Is it fair that non-profit organizations have to pay three times more than profit organizations?

Van Norden provokes with his rhetoric question: Would scientists’ appreciation for subscription journals hold up if costs were paid by authors rather than spread among subscribers?[7]


Obviously, there is no perfect solution that fits all. But we hope that we were able showing that all of us – you as our researchers and staff  members, libraries, funders and publishers – live in a complex, interdependent world. The business models of open access would be more suitable and provide greater opportunities for you as researcher. A rather simplistic equation of ‘open’ with ‘good’ and ‘closed’ with ‘bad’ is short-sighted as the degree of openness is determinate by definitions: If we use the concept of barrier we come to the result that barriers protect something as well as exclude specific groups.[8] The above-mentioned webinar is perfect to discuss the aspects of Open Access.


How can all of you contribute? The suggested approach can be found on http://www.bibliotheca-open.helmholtz-hzi.de/en-us/zeitschriften/openaccess/ihreoa-vorgehensweise.aspx

As more than 60 % of journals allow their authors the deposit of published articles into institutional repositories, only few do so - unless prompted by funder mandates. . Hopefully, this will change. Beside our publication database and HZIOpenRepository there exists BioRxiv (pendant of ArXiv, further details in our News from 22 April 2014) where as many articles can be published as you want (ArXiv’s operational costs per article: 10 $[9])


[2] see above

[3] see above

[4] Swan, Alma (2010) The Open Access citation advantage: Studies and results to date. http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/268516/2/Citation_advantage_paper.pdf

[5] see above, p.2

[6] Ware, Mark (2012): The STM report : an overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing

 http://www.stm-assoc.org/2012_12_11_STM_Report_2012.pdf , p.19

[8] De Grandis, Giovanni; Neuman, Yrsa (2014): Measuring Openness and Evaluating Digital Academic Publishing Models : not quite the Same Business – In: Journal of Electronic Publishing 17 (2014) 3 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jep/3336451.0017.302?view=text;rgn=main


Free OpenAccess-webinar for Helmholtz PhD-students - Dienstag, 16. September 2014


All Helmholtz PhD-students are invited to participate in the introductory web seminar on open access and ask their questions live. More details you will find on our library pages on the Intranet.

Best regards,

your library team


Scopus Interface Improvements - Mittwoch, 10. September 2014


Publish for Free in ChemistryOpen - Dienstag, 9. September 2014

ChemistryOpen celebrates its first Impact Factor of 2.938 (see Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report 2013) with a special offer for authors: 

Articles will be published free of charge until June 2015. This offer applies to Full Papers, Communications, and Thesis Summaries only, other contribution types (i.e. Cover Profiles) will be charged with 500 €.


Above all the articles will be publish in OpenAccess under the terms of the Creative Commons License. (Details regarding the advantages of publishing in OpenAccess can be found here, i.e. in the PhDcomics-video. Furthermore, other publisher-alternatives are also explained.)


Best regards,

your library team


Zwei Premieren in der Bibliothek / 2 premieres in the library - Donnerstag, 4. September 2014


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kolleginnen,

wir haben zwei Premieren in diesem und letzten Monat:

1) seit 1.9. bilden wir nun auch unseren 1. FAMI zum Fachangestellten für Medien- und Informationsdienste aus und können Marius Hentze zu unserem Team zählen. Wir wünschen Marius eine gute Zeit mit vielen neuen Eindrücken, guten Erfahrungen und schönen Herausforderungen.

Einen kleinen Blick in die internen Abläufe und Arbeitsbereiche einer Bibliothek können Sie, Marius und weitere interessierte FaMis und Schüler in diesem Video (via bibliothekarisch.de) der Uni Osnabrück erhalten:


2) seit August gibt es mit unserer Aktion "Books to go" auch Freizeitlektüre in unserer Bibliothek (siehe Mail vom 5.8.2014). PS: nein, wir kommen fast nie zum Lesen in unserem Job und sind froh, wenn wir es schaffen, uns mit Artikeln zu bibliothekarischen Themen auf dem Laufenden zu halten. ;) Die Büchertausch-Aktion "lebt" natürlich durch Ihre Mithilfe. Falls Sie noch nicht den Bücherwagen in unserer Leseecke inspiziert haben, können wir Ihnen schon einmal verraten, dass dieser eine interessante, breite Vielfalt bietet. yes Schon einmal vielen Dank (!) an alle, die bisher daran beteiligt waren. Die jetzigen vertretenden Bücher auf dem Bücherwagen möchten übrigens auch weiterhin gelesen werden.

Wir möchten Sie hiermit auch noch einmal auf unsere eReader-Ausleihe hinweisen: An unserer Informationstheke können Sie verschiedene eBook-Reader ausleihen. Details hierzu finden Sie im Intranet auf unserer "ebooks"-Seite.

Natürlich freuen wir uns auch weiterhin über Ihr Feedback zu unseren Aktionen, Neuerungen, Info-Meldungen, Service, Bibliotheksseiten etc. smiley


we have two firsts in this and the last month:

1) since 1.9.2014 we train our first FAMI as a specialist in media and information services and welcome Marius Hentze in our team. We wish Marius a good time with many new impressions, good experiences and great challenges.
- A good insight into the internal processes and work areas in a library gives you, Marius and other interested FAMIS and pupils the video above of the University of Osnabrück.

2) in August our campaign "Books to Go" started so that there are also books leisure reading in our library (see mail of 8/5/2014). PS: no, we almost never get down to read in our job and are happy when we manage to stay up-to-date via library-related articles ;) Of course, the book exchange campaign "lives"  from your assistance. If you have not inspected the book trolley in our reading area until now, we can already tell you that it consists of an interesting, wide variety. yes thanks (!) to all who already participated. By the way: The current representative books on the cart wants to be read.

We would like to also point out once again to our eReader-Lending: At our information desk you can borrow various eBook-reader. Details can be found on the intranet on our "ebooks" page.

Of course we continue to look forward to your feedback on our actions, improvements, alerts, services, library pages, etc.


Tipp: BASE für OpenAccess-Publikationen nutzen - Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014


Liebe Kolleg/-innen,

Sie sind auf der Suche nach OpenAccess-Publikationen? Nutzen Sie BASE / Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, um an OpenAccess-Dokumente institutioneller Repositories heran zu kommen. BASE verbessert gerade das Ranking  der Treffer (siehe Blogpost vom 29.7.2014):

„Das Ranking, also die Reihenfolge, in der die Treffer ausgegeben werden, richtet sich nach verschiedenen Kriterien, insbesondere nach der Position und Anzahl der gesuchten Wörter im Text. Kommt ein Wort im Titel vor, wird es entsprechend höher gewichtet, als wenn es z.B. nur im Abstract vorkommt. Auch die Länge von Titeln oder Abstracts hat Auswirkung auf das Ranking. Durch das Boosting werden nun mehr eindeutig gekennzeichnete Open-Access-Dokumente auf der ersten Trefferseite angezeigt.“ (BASE-Weblog, 29.7.2014)



Beispielsuche: infection OR Infektion*, Suchfilter DDC: Medizin und Gesundheit


(* von den ersten 10 Treffern sind nur 2 Treffer im Index von GoogleScholar enthalten)


Enhancements in SciFinder - Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014


The SciFinder (for which staff members need to register at the library) releases an Update in July which includes some enhancements to the Non-Java CAS Structure Editor (source: http://www.cas.org/products/scifinder/what-s-new-in-scifinder):


Get the recently published "The year in Immunology" - Freitag, 25. Juli 2014


Wiley offers the recently published volume "Annals of the year" with the title "The year in Immunology" for free. This volume is dealing with Myeloid Cells and Inflammation, The role of lymph node sinus macrophages in host defense and Regulation of immune responses by neutrophils etc. see TOC. (All the other volumes are purchased by us as well)


Brembs: Digtiale Steinzeit / Digital Stone Age (Laborjournal 2014 issue 7) - Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014


Liebe KollegInnen,

In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Laborjournal" (die wir sowohl online als auch in Print anbieten) beschreibt der Neurobiologie-Wissenschaftler Brembs die Hürden, die die Verlage im digitalen Zeitalter aufbauen. Er beschreibt hier sehr anschaulich, was den Prinzipien des OpenAccess in der Realität entgegensteht. 

=> Prädikat: sehr lesenswert!


Dear colleagues,

In the recently published issue of the Laborjournal (which we offer as an eJournal as well as in print) describes the neurobiology-scientist Brembs the barriers that are built up by the publishers nowadays. He describes vividly how the science with respect to the OA principles lack of an open digital infrastructure (see in english here, translated via GoogleTranslate) => rating: worth reading!


Best regards,

your library team




Altmetrics in allen Nature & Wiley-Zeitschriften/ Altmetrics integrated in all Nature Wiley-journals - Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014


Liebe KollegInnen,

am 9.Mai haben wir schon einmal das Thema "Impact-Factor & additional information“ angeschnitten (siehe unten). Nun zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass neben ImpactFaktoren auch weitere Methoden der Relevanzmessung immer wichtiger werden:

Nach einer 4-monatigen Testphase hat Wiley nun für alle Wiley-Zeitschriften die Altmetrics* integriert. - Der Anbieter Nature Publishing Group setzt Altmetrics seit Oktober 2012 ein.


Dear colleagues,

on 9th of May we already gave a short introduction regarding the topic "Impact factors & additional information" (see below). Now it becomes more and more clear that beside the Impact Factor additional methods will become more important for measuring the relevance:

After a test period of 3 month Wiley implemented Almetrics* for all Wiley-journals. - The provider Nature Publishing group implemented altmetrics since October 2012.

* Das System Altmetrics (oder "Alternative metrics") analysiert, wie häufig Publikationen in Social Media, Literaturverwaltungssystemen oder herkömmlichen Websites genannt werden. ./ Altmetrics (or "alternative metrics") analyses how often publications are mentioned in Social Media, Reference management systems or websites.


Über "see more details" erhalten Sie die Auflistung aller Nennungen. Vollständig enthalten sind bisher jedoch nur die Details des Dienstes twitter, die geografische Verteilung der Nennungen ("Demographics") und der Altmetrics-Score ("Score"). / By clicking "see more details" you get an overwiew of all mentions. Until now this overview contains only in-depth information of Twitter, the geographical distribution ("Demographics") and the Altmetrics-Score ("Score").



(Die Details für Mendeley und CiteUlike sind noch nicht vollständig eingebunden, werden aber zukünftig einmal sichtbar sein und die Nennung in weitere Diensten/ Portalen werden wahrscheinlich anschließend folgen. / The in-depth information for Mendeley and CiteUlike is missing until now but will be visible soon. Additional tools/ services/ portals will most likely follow.)

Vorteile der Altmetrics/ advantages of Altmetrics:

  • visualisieren die Verbreitung und Kommunikation über eine Publikation (mit der Entwicklung neuer DiscoveryTools werden neben der herkömmlichen Relevanzmessung auf Journalebene alternative Methoden nötig und schätzungsweise auch bei weiteren Anbietern implementiert). / visualizes the distribution and communication regarding a specific publication ( with the upcoming additional discovery tools additional tools are necessary beside measuring the relevance from the journal's level that will be implimented by other providers, too).
  • erlaubt Autoren und Leser einen direkten Zugang zur Kommunikation über bestimmte Publikationen, bestimmte Publikationstypen oder regionale Verteilung / allows authors and readers direct access to the communication itself about specific publications, specific publication types or geographical distribution.

weiterführende / additional Links:

current Nature-article "new chapter in scholarly impact":


Growing portal : new webpages to support your work - Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014


Dear colleagues,

we a) added new pages such as:      

  • the page "Raum für..." that informs about our facilities and different spaces as well as our technical stuff
  • the page "Recherchetools" (still under construction) describes the most important search instruments


... and b) updated some pages:

  • the page "Services" now comprises all our responsibilities and highlights our commitment to support your work
  • the "links" suggests some interesting pages regarding various topics such as Scientific Writing and Research funding etc. - if you miss important topics and/ or links to interesting/ helpful pages please let us know!
  • we offer our forms and manuals in the "downloads" (visible after login)
  • the page "Print-Zeitschriften" gives you an easy-to-use overview of our serials collection
  • Screenshot_serials

We would love to hear your feedback regarding these changes so please let us know! :)

For details regarding former improvements in the catalog and how to get the best out of it please watch the video in the intranet.

Best regards,

your library team


Webinar "Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry" (via ChemistryViews) - Montag, 23. Juni 2014


Liebe KollegInnen,

Sie können sich das Webinar "Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry" auf ChemistryViews ansehen, bei dem es um folgende Aspekte geht:

a) Challenges facing the industry: establishing the safety AND value of new drugs;

b) Issues facing the Industry on its reputation;

c) A prescription form restoring its reputation.

Dieses Webinar können nach vorheriger Registrierung kostenfrei ansehen.


Dear library users,

you can watch the recording of the Webinar "Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry", that includes the following aspects:

a) Challenges facing the industry: establishing the safety AND value of new drugs;

b) Issues facing the Industry on its reputation;

c) A prescription form restoring its reputation.

You can view this webinar for free after registration.


Best regards,

your library team


So finden Sie Fakten zur WM/ How to find facts regarding the World Cup - Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014


Brazil 2014, created by stux @PixabayHeute startet die WM in Brasilien mit dem Auftaktspiel Brasilien gegen Kroatien smiley Es gibt heiße Diskussionen, wer den Titel holt oder welcher Spieler Torschützenkönig wird. Bei unserem HZI-Tippspiel können Sie sich entweder vom a) Bauchgefühl oder b) Sympathien oder aber c) von statistischen Zahlen leiten lassen - für letzteres bieten wir Ihnen  Recherchinhos wink (abgeleitet vom Namen eines sehr bekannten Spielers) Recherchetipps zur WM 2014 :

Allgemeine statistische Informationen zu vergangenen Weltmeisterschaften erhalten Sie beispielsweise bei Planet World Cup. Dort können Sie unter anderem herausfinden, welche Nationalmannschaft wie oft im Finale stand.

(Diese Favoritenliste wird übrigens von Brasilien und Deutschland mit jeweils sieben Finalteilnahmen angeführt). Aber haben diese Statistiken wirklich eine Aussagekraft für zukünftige (Welt)Meisterschaften? Der aktuelle Weltmeister Spanien war bisher nur ein einziges Mal ins Finale gekommen.

Auch auf anderen Webseiten finden Sie zahlreiche Statistiken,beispielsweise auf MyFootballFacts.com oder auf WorldcupHistory.com.

Die Datenbank Statista enthält übrigens Statistiken zu zahlreichen Themen, zum Beispiel aus Marktstudien oder zu politischen und sozialen Themen, aber auch zum Fussball. Zur Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien wird Ihnen dort sogar ein Statista-Dossier zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 (nicht frei zugänglich) und der 2014 World Cup Preview - allerdings haben wir diese Datenbank nicht lizensiert. Außerdem sind die Quellenangaben bei Statistiken in statista meist recht dürftig.

Glaubwürdiger sind da wohl eher Statistiken des Statistischen Bundesamtes, beispielsweise gäbe es da einen ganz besonderen Ländervergleich nach Fußballkennzahlen der teilnehmenden Länder (Reiter "Fußball").

Auch sportmedizinische Themen sind beispielsweise in SCOPUS zu finden - ganz aktuell dieser Artikel "Physical activity during a prolonged congested period in a top-class European football team".


Nicht nur über Teams können Sie sich informieren, sondern auch über einzelne Fussballspieler. Am bekanntesten und vermutlich umfangreichsten ist Transfermarkt.de: Egal, ob Sie Informationen zu Spielern der deutschen Nationalmannschaft suchen, zu einem Bundesliga-Verein oder zu Brisbane Roar.


(Originalartikel auf "Biblioblog der Hochschule Hannover" und CreativeCommons1.0-Bild von Stux @pixabay)

Auch die Bibliothek wünscht Ihnen und uns viel Spaß bei der WM und beim HZI-Tippspiel.

Beste Grüße aus der Bibliothek.


Today the World Cup starts in Brazil with the opening match between Brazil and Croatia :) There are hot debates who will win the title or which player is top scorer. In our HZI World Cup betting game your bet can be derived by a)  feeling or b) sympathy or c) statistical numbers. For the latter we offer Recherchinhos (derived from the name of a very famous player) Search Tips for 2014 World Cup:

General statistical information about past World Championships you receive for example at Planet World Cup. There you can find out, which nation was in the final.

(This list is led by Brazil and Germany, each with seven finals). But are these statistics really meaningful for future (World) Championships? The current world champion Spain was only once in the final.

Also on other websites you will find a variety of statistics, e.g. on MyFootballFacts.com or WorldcupHistory.com.

The database Statista contains statistics on numerous topics, even regarding football. Regarding the World Cup in Brazil there exists a Statista-dossier for the Football World Cup 2014 and the 2014 World Cup Preview  (not in open access - statista is not licenced by us). In addition, the source information for statistics in statista are usually quite poor.

More credible are probably the statistics of the Federal Statistics Office, e.g. a country comparison regarding football (tab "football").

Even sports medicine's articles you can find in SCOPUS - a recently published article is this one: "Physical activity during a prolonged congested period in a top-class European football team".

Furthermore you can explore information regarding individual football players. Probably the best known and the most comprehensive is Transfermarkt.de: Whether you're looking for information on players from the German national team, a team of the 1. Bundesliga or Brisbane Roar.

(Original article on "Biblioblog of the University of Hanover" and
CreativeCommons1.0-image created by Stux @pixabay)

The library wishes you and us a lot of fun at the World Cup and at the
HZI World Cup betting game.

Best regards,

your library team


Neues zu den Elsevier-Zeitschriften - Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014


Liebe Bibliotheksnutzer,

es gibt Neuigkeiten bezüglich der Nutzung von Elsevier-Zeitschriften: auf unseren internen Seiten erfahren Sie mehr.


Dear library user,

there are news regarding the usage of Elsevier-journals: more details you will find in the intranet.


Best regards,

your library team


HZI now has an Institutional Participants Account with PLoS (Public Library of Science)! - Freitag, 23. Mai 2014


From now on when submitting manuscripts to PLoS please choose “Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research” as your institutional account via http://www.plos.org/get-involved/institutional-account-program/program-participants/

The invoice will be send to the HZI library as a monthly collective invoice. So, when submitting your paper to PLoS please send also a short note and your Kostenstelle/account to the library (apl@helmholtz-hzi.de). Otherwise we will ask you for it when receiving the collective invoice. Thank you.

At this time PLoS is not part of our Institutional Open Access Fund, which means that your PLoS articles are not paid from the library but from your account. During the first year or 1 ½ we will have a look at the number of publications and their costs. Then we can see if it’s possible to extend our Open Access Publications Fund.

Our Open Access Publications Fund allows you to publish your research without being charged for it and cooperates with the following publishers/Gold Open Access journals:

BioMed Central, SpringerOPEN, Wiley OPEN, Copernicus.

For more information regarding Open Access and the best publication procedure please have a look onto the page OpenAccess.

Best regards

The library team




Verbesserungen des Bibliothekskatalogs/ Improvements of the HZI-Library's catalog - Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014


Liebe Kolleginnen,

um Ihnen bessere Funktionen und eine intuitivere Suche zu ermöglichen, haben wir zusammen mit dem Softwareanbieter einige Neuerungen im Katalog eingeführt:

  • neues Layout (angepasst an die HZI-Seiten)
  • verbesserte Detailanzeige
  • Permalinks zur dauerhaften Nutzung
  • Versenden von Titelvorschlägen
  • persönliche Merkliste
  • semantische Verlinkung der Autoren, Schlagwörter etc. (Linked Data)
  • Feedbackformular

Im Intranet finden Sie dazu eine Präsentation mit Screenshots.

Nachtrag: Ab heute sind nun auch die Systematikgruppen (Sachgruppen der Systematik) der neuen Bibliothek W0.35 in die Detailansicht der einzelnen Medien implementiert: Wenn Sie auf "Standort" klicken, erhalten Sie im Raumplan (PDF) den markierten Regalbereich:

Standort grafisch im Raumplan/ the shelf's place in the room plan

Wie gefallen Ihnen diese Neuerungen? Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Feedback.


Dear collegues,

to offer you new and better functions and more intuitive ways of searching, together with the software provider we worked on several improvements of the catalog:

  • new layout (oriented on the HZI-website)
  • better detail view
  • Permalinks for permanent usage
  • sending of media suggestions
  • personal watchlist
  • linked data (authors, keywords etc.)
  • Feedback form

Further details (including screenshots) you will find in an video in the Intranet (accessible only for staff members).

Addendum: As of today, the system groups (functional groups of the classification) of the new library W0.35 are now implemented in the detailed view of the media item (see image above). If you click on "Standort" you get the highlithed place in the roomplan.

How do you like these improvements? We are looking forward to get your feedback.

Best regards,

your library team


Impact-Factor & additional information - Freitag, 9. Mai 2014


Sind Impact-Faktoren auch für Sie relevant? Wahrscheinlich sind Ihnen die Vor- und Nachteile der Impact-Faktoren bekannt?

Korrekte Angaben zum ImpactFaktor erhalten Sie eher bei Fachdatenbanken wie SCOPUS oder Web of Science>Journal Citation Report als bei Google. Auch aus diesem Grund haben wir diese beiden Datenbanken für Sie erworben.

Wollen Sie mehr speziell über den h-index erfahren?

"The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar." (Scopus-blog)

Im Scopus-Blog wird der h-Index näher vorgestellt:

http://blog.scopus.com/posts/the-scopus-h-index-what-s-it-all-about-part-i? (Teil 1)

http://blog.scopus.com/posts/the-scopus-h-index-whats-it-all-about-part-ii (Teil 2)

Wir beraten Sie gern auch zur allgemeinen Vorgehensweise beim Publizieren.

Derzeit werden beispielsweise auch für OpenAccess-Zeitschriften spezielle Verfahren zur Messung des Impact-Faktors entwickelt. Weitere alternative Verfahren (z.B. für Veröffentlichungen in social networks etc.) werden unter dem Begriff Altmetrics/ „Alternative metrics“ zusammengefasst.

näheres zum Thema

Ein schönes Wochenende und anschließend eine gute neue Woche wünscht

Ihr Bibliotheksteam


Are impact factors also relevant for you? Probably you know the pro's and con's of the impact factors? You get a valid impact factor via specialized databases such as SCOPUS or Web of Knowledge's Journal Citation Report more likely than from Google. That's one of the reasons why we purchased these two databases for you.

Do you want to get to know more about h-index? In the Scopus-blog the h-index is described in detail:

http://blog.scopus.com/posts/the-scopus-h-index-what-s-it-all-about-part-i? (Part 1)

http://blog.scopus.com/posts/the-scopus-h-index-whats-it-all-about-part-ii (Part 2)

We also assist you regarding the general procedure for publishing.

Currently specific methods for measurement of Open Access journals are been developed. Additional alternative methods (eg for publications in social networks , etc.) are summarized by the term Altmetrics / " alternative metrics ".

Have a nice week,

your library team

 weiter ...

Dissertationen-Regal /Final theses-shelf - Mittwoch, 30. April 2014


Liebe Bibliotheksnutzer,

wir haben mal wieder Platz im Dissertationen-Regal geschaffen und die Regelbereiche mit den Anfangsbuchstaben der Autoren beschriftet. (Das Dissertationen-Regal finden Sie am Ende der Bibliothek neben den Neuerwerbungen und im Regal selbst die Abschlussarbeiten von gegenwärtigen und früheren Mitarbeitern des HZI/ GBF, die Sie sich auch ausleihen können.)

Übrigens haben wir auch zwei Publikationen von Gott - zumindest laut Signaturschild ;) ...na ja, eigentlich ist diese Publikation von Frau Gottwales ;)

Sind Sie neugierig geworden? Schauen Sie sich doch einmal im Dissertationen-Regal um.


Dear library user,

we have once again created more space in the theses' shelf and labeled the areas with the initials of the authors. (The theses' shelf is located at the end of the library next to the new acquisitions and the shelf itself contains the theses of current and former employees of the HZI / GBF, which you can also borrow.)

Incidentally, we also have 2 publications from "Gott" (God) - at least according to the signature sign;) ... well, actually, this publication is written by Mrs. Gottwales;)

Got curious? Take a look around in the theses' shelf.


Preprint-archive bioRxiv for Live Sciences - Dienstag, 22. April 2014


(pronounced "bio-archive")  is a welcome addition to the disciplinary repositories (see ROAR). BioRxic is a pendant to arXiv (the preprint server for physics with nearly one million preprints) and has the following benefits:

• Preprint servers make research findings available quickly,
• get feedback on your paper before it is formally peer-reviewed
• revised versions of articles are possible;
• assigned articles get a digital object identifier (doi), so they become citable, and thus cannot be removed.
• read articles online for free
• Submission, storage, and access are free (the costs are paid by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)

If you intend to publish an article you also can upload your preprint to BioRxiv via the following steps:

1. Check on SHERPA/Romeo if your favoured publisher allows preprints (Color „Green“ or „Yellow“)
2. assign your article to one of the 23 life science subject areas and
3. categorize it as New Results, Confirmatory Results, or Contradictory Results.
4. your article will not be peer-reviewed, but it will be screened for relevant information (anybody can submit a paper, but not everything will be posted: A group of more than 40 "affiliate" scientists have agreed to screen submissions)

In November 2013 bioRxiv was launched by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), an online repository for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. The idea is not new ‘cos 14 years ago the former director of NIH Harold Varmos suggested to launch a preprint server for biology papers but critics shot it down – on the other hand this idea led to PubMed Central (NIH’s archive of published manuscripts).

More information about bioRxiv:

- About bioRxiv [bioRxiv]
- bioRxiv-Video [bioRxiv]
- Submission Guide [bioRxiv]

PS: Although bioRxiv does not cover medicine, PeerJ PrePrints does (along with all of the life, biological, biomedical and health sciences).

the library's easter event:  nests are hidden in  the library

the library's easter event: nests are hidden in the library - Montag, 14. April 2014

Liebe Mitarbeiter/-innen, die Bibliothek bietet Ihnen (analog zur Kantine) eine Oster-Aktion, damit Sie mal auf andere Gedanken kommen können  Wir haben für Sie Nester gefüllt – nicht nur mit Süßem, sondern auch einige Nester mit etwas ohne Zucker. Diese Nester haben wir in der Bibliothek versteckt: nicht nur zwischen den Regalen ;-) Außerdem enthalten die Nester jeweils einen Tipp von uns. Das Verstecken hat viel Spaß gemacht  Genauso wünschen wir viel Spaß beim Suchen! Für die, die alle Nester finden möchten: es sind insgesamt 7 Nester, die diese Woche und nächste Woche in einigen Ecken der Bibliothek versteckt sind Kommen Sie zahlreich : wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. Herzliche Grüße und bald eine schöne Osterzeit wünscht Ihnen Ihr Bibliotheksteam  

Online vs. Print - Dienstag, 8. April 2014


"Online did not yield any brave new world of knowledge and not more trash than there was before", says web expert Leonhard Dobusch in this interview:

http://derstandard.at/1395364466705/Leonhard-Dobusch-Es-existiert-nur-was-digital-gefunden-wird (german) respectively There is only what is digitally found (english via GoogleTranslator)




PubMed offers links to systematic reviews - Freitag, 4. April 2014


Mit diesem neuen Feature können Sie direkt von einer klinischen Studie zu dem(/den) Review(s) gelangen.

Diese Box ersetzt jedoch nicht das Feature "Related citations in Pubmed", welches Sie immer noch unter diesem neuen Feature "Cited by ... systematic reviews" finden.


With this new feature users can go straight from a clinical trial to systematic reviews which considered this clinical trial.

Please note that this new feature does not replace "Related citations in Pubmed" which you will still find below that box.

"One trial is rarely enough to provide definitive answers. The results of one trial can seem to be contradicted by another. Knowing it’s part of a systematic review is an important step in helping people look at evidence in context." (Pubmed-blog, 21st Feb 2014)

Best regards and a nice weekend.

Your library team


Postdoc-Special - Montag, 17. März 2014


Liebe Post-Docs,

auf den Bibliotheksseiten im Intranet unter "Aktuelles der Bibliothek" finden Sie ein besonderes Angebot, das Elsevier speziell für PostDocs seit einigen Jahren eingerichtet hat.


via Intranet > Wissenschaft > Bibliothek > Aktuelles der Bibliothek you will find a special offer, that Elsevier established especially for PostDocs.

Best regards,

your library team



Neue Art des gemeinsamen Publizierens/ new way of combined publishing: BookSprint - Freitag, 14. März 2014


Liebe HZI-Angehörigen,

in der Mailingliste Inetbib wurde auf eine neue Art des gemeinsamen Publizierens hingewiesen, was mit ePublishing2.0 umschrieben werden könnte:
Video [TIB - OpenScienceLab] über das Projekt, die Möglichkeiten des gemeinsamen Publizierens etc.

Da es auch für Sie interessant sein könnte möchten wir diese Meldung hier zitieren:

"Betreff: [InetBib] Book Sprint CoScience

Liebe KollegInnen,

im Kontext des Leibniz Forschungsverbundes Science 2.0 haben wir, als Open Science Lab der TIB, letzte Woche in Hannover eine interessante Premiere gehabt, einen Book Sprint für ein deutschsprachiges (!) Handbuch zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten.

12 eingeladene ExpertInnen haben daran mitgeschrieben. Unter http://handbuch.io sowie (noch bis Freitag) auf der CeBIT in Hannover ist das Ergebnis zu besichtigen. In einigen Blogs wurde bereits berichtet und diskutiert über diesen neuartigen Weg, eine "Open Educational Resource" im Themenbereich der (wenn man diesen Begriff denn verwenden mag) Informationskompetenz auf wissenschaftlichem Niveau zu entwickeln.

Besonders ans Herz legen möchte ich Ihnen natürlich meine eigenen "Lessons Learned", die in den Kommentaren des TIB-Blogs gerade von ausgewiesenen Expertinnen der Methode "Book Sprint" kommentiert und diskutiert werden:


Ein nettes kleines Video über den Book Sprint CoScience ist darin (sowie bei YouTube) übrigens auch zu finden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCm6rY2INs#t=73

Viele Grüße von der CeBIT,

Lambert Heller"


In the mailing list Inetbib a new way of combined publishing was announced that could be described as "ePublishing2.0": In the context of Leibniz Research Association Science 2.0 the OpenScience Lab of the TIB Hannover initiated a Book Sprint for a German-speaking (! ) Handbook for scientific work and it took place in Hannover last week.

12 invited experts helped writing it. At http://handbuch.io and ( until today ) at the CeBIT/ Hannover (hall 9, stand C28), the result can be seen. Some blogs have already been reported and discussed this novel way
to develop  an " Open Educational Resource ".

A nice little video about the Book Sprint CoScience describes pictorially how the Book sprint works:


W052 für HZI-Mitarbeiter buchbar/ W0.52 reservable (for HZI-staff members) - Dienstag, 11. März 2014


Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen,

der Raum W0.52, den Sie als Mitarbeiter über Intranet > Raumbuchung reservieren können, ist nun auch mit einem Flipchart ausgestattet. Darüber hinaus können Sie Ihren Laptop mittels HDMI mit dem Monitor als Präsentationsausgabegerät verbinden.


The room W0.52 that is (as staff member) reservable via Intranet > Raumbuchung, has now a flipchart. Furthermore you can link your laptop with the monitor via HDMI.

Best regards,

your library team.


Lesebestätigung bei Fernleihen/ Delivery confirmation of loan requests - Donnerstag, 6. März 2014


Liebe Nutzerinnen und Nutzer / dear library user,

Sie erhalten ab sofort eine Lesebestätigung, wenn wir Ihre Fernleihbestellung zur Bearbeitung öffnen.


  • Bitte nutzen Sie die Mailadresse mit dem Domainname "sharepoint", die Sie finden unter Intranet > Fernleihe. (Sollten Sie eine ältere Fernleih-Mailadresse bei Ihren Kontakten gespeichert haben, aktualisieren Sie diese bitte.)
  • Außerhalb des Campus nutzen Sie bitte OWA zum Senden Ihrer Fernleihbestellung, da andernfalls der Domainname nicht erkannt wird.


From now on you will get a delivery confirmation for your loan request.


  • Please use for loan requests the mail adress with the domain name "sharepoint" that you find in the Intranet > subito Fernleihe. (If you saved an older mail adress please update it.)
  • If you are not on campus please use OWA for sending your loan request (otherwise the domain name wouldn't be recognized.)


Zugang zu ASM journals funktioniert wieder/ Access to ASM Journals is working again - Freitag, 21. Februar 2014

der Zugriff auf die ASM Journals funktioniert wieder. Probieren Sie es doch bitte auch einmal.

Bitte informieren Sie alle diejenigen Ihrer Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die diese Journals nutzen. Sollte es zukünftig wieder ein Zugriffsproblem geben, informieren Sie uns bitte wieder schnellstmöglich, damit wir das klären können.

Viele Grüße und schönes Wochenende wünscht

Ihr Bibliotheksteam


the access to the ASM journals is working again, please try it. (Please also inform your co-workers which are using these journals.) In case of access problems please let us know so that we can identify the problem and solve it.

Best regards and a nice weekend

Your library team


Überarbeitung der (Revamping of) Katalog-Recherche - Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2014


Liebe Mitarbeiter,

die ausführliche Suchmaske der Katalog-Recherche ist nun wieder fehlerfrei nutzbar. Aufgrund eines Anzeigefehlers innerhalb der Katalog-Recherche nach Abschicken der Suchanfrage funktionierte die Suche mit dieser ausführlichen Suchmaske nicht. Sollte dieses Problem oder ein anderes Problem auftreten, geben Sie uns bitte Bescheid: bibliothek(at)helmholtz-hzi.de, Durchwahl: -1160/ 1165).


Dear colleagues,

the advanced search "Katalog-Recherche" is working now without technical problems. Because of an visualization mistake after sending an search request the search wasn't working properly. If there is any such problem in future, please let us know: bibliothek(at)helmholtz-hzi.de, direct dial: -1160/ 1165.


Carrels ( +LAN / WLAN) - Montag, 6. Januar 2014


Liebe HZI-Mitarbeiter,

Sie können nun auch unsere Carrels zum Arbeiten, Recherchieren und kurzen Besprechungen nutzen und diese auch bei uns reservieren. Die Carrels sind mit Schiebetüren aus Glas versehen und bieten Ihnen eine gute Arbeitsatmosphäre.



Auch das WLAN ist in den Carrels verfügbar und ein LAN-Kabel können Sie auch an Ihr eigenes Gerät anschließen. Ihr Gerät müssten Sie dafür natürlich mitbringen - oder sich alternativ an die stationären Arbeitsplätze an der Wand zum Speisesaal setzen.


you can use the carrels in the library for working, searching online, group work, discussion and short informal meetings. They have a glass door and offer a good working atmoshere. Furthermore you have access to the W-Lan and LAN via connecting with your own device - if you don't have a device taken with you, you can use the work stations directly at the opposite (wall to the dining room)



Neues Webportal der Bibliothek mit integriertem Katalog jetzt verfügbar! - Freitag, 7. Juni 2013



Seit Ende Mai steht nun unser neues WebPortal mit integriertem Katalog zur Verfügung

Noch sind nicht alle Seiten gefüllt, aber die wichtigsten Funktionen wie Katalogrecherche, Kontoanmeldung, Verlängerung von Büchern etc. sind bereits verfügbar. Wir werden dieses Portal jetzt sukzessive aufbauen und sind auf Ihre Vorschläge und Anregungen gespannt, die wir gerne noch integrieren können.

Durch externes Hosting steht dieser Katalog jetzt erstmals im Web zur Verfügung und ist somit auch von den Mitarbeitern von HIPS, Twincore und dem Studienzentrum in Hannover aus direkt nutzbar.

Um alle Seiten zu sehen müssen Sie sich mit Ihren Nutzerdaten einloggen. Das funktioniert wie bisher mit der ID (Nr. unter dem Barcode auf Ihrem Bibliotheksausweis) und dem Passwort (Standard: Geburtsdatum in vollständiger Form). Klicken Sie einfach oben rechts auf anmelden und die Anmeldeseite öffnet sich.

Axel Plähn, Juni 2013


Nature-Special: CRISPR - Freitag, 5. Juni 2015

Veranstaltungen der Bibliothek/ events of the library : aufgrund von Seitenfehlern derzeit entfernt bzw. nicht sichtbar
(due to page errors currently removed, will be added soon)
Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Fehler: Veranstaltungen der Bibliothek/ events of the library : aufgrund von Seitenfehlern derzeit entfernt bzw. nicht sichtbar ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar.
HZI-Library's News
All Posts Blog: Aktuelles der HZI-Bibliothek

Enhanced features in the News section

Jun 08 2015

Dear colleagues,

with the current CMS version you are now able to comment on our postings and to respond to other comments. You can also highlight the postings and comments you like. yes Moreover, you are now able to receive an RSS-alert via mail whenever a new announcement is published here.

Those features were really yearned by us - and we are looking forward to receive your comments smiley


Best regards,

your library team