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for instance this "prayer" from the column "Uni-Bibliothek" of the German magazine "Zeit" (originally in german):

Our [HZI-Library],
hallowed be your [reading room].
Your [service hours] come,
your [non-stop-opening] be done,
[on weekdays] as [on weekend].
Give us today our [book],
and forgive us our [overdues],
as we also have forgiven [your overdue notices].
And lead us not into [dark shelves],
but deliver us [your omniscience].
For the [media], the [kind library team], and the [nice atmosphere] are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

S. Sz... wrote to us:

"You are doing a great job. I am working here since 2009 and all my needs or requests were fully supported. Moreover, you are responding very quickly to the emails which is nice. Of course it is a very positive thing that you are still thinking about some improvements. I also really appreciate the introduction to SCOPUS that I personally find very useful. Thank You for Your work and all the best!"
Please comment here
Please comment on anything you want :) ... (see first discussion of us) You can also give us feedback via Mail or anonymously via our feedback box on the information desk
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